blob: 9ce59e7802e1cc3041be76db10563a98662102f8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020-present Open Networking Foundation
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// omec-postmerge.groovy
// Combines docker-publish, deploy and test pipelines into one job that can be triggered by a GitHub PR merge
pipeline {
agent {
label "${params.buildNode}"
stages {
stage('Build and Publish') {
steps {
script {
build_job_name = "docker-publish-github_$repoName"
if ("${repoName}" == "spgw"){
build_job_name = "aether-member-only-jobs/" + build_job_name
abbreviated_commit_hash = commitHash.substring(0, 7)
tags_to_build = [ "${branchName}-latest",
"${branchName}-${abbreviated_commit_hash}" ]
env_vars = [ "", "" ]
if ("${repoName}" == "upf-epc"){
tags_to_build += [ "${branchName}-latest-ivybridge",
"${branchName}-${abbreviated_commit_hash}-ivybridge" ]
env_vars = [ "CPU=haswell", "CPU=haswell", "CPU=ivybridge", "CPU=ivybridge" ]
def builds = [:]
for(i = 0; i < tags_to_build.size(); i += 1) {
def tag_to_build = tags_to_build[i]
def env_var = env_vars[i]
builds["${build_job_name}${i}"] = {
build job: "${build_job_name}", parameters: [
string(name: 'gitUrl', value: "${repoUrl}"),
string(name: 'gitRef', value: "${branchName}"),
string(name: 'branchName', value: tag_to_build),
string(name: 'projectName', value: "${repoName}"),
string(name: 'extraEnvironmentVars', value: env_var),
parallel builds
stage ("Get Image Tags"){
steps {
script {
hssdb_tag = sh returnStdout: true, script: """curl -s '' | jq '.results[] | select(.name | test("${c3poBranchName}-[0-9a-z]{7}\$")).name' | head -1 | tr -d \\\""""
hss_tag = sh returnStdout: true, script: """curl -s '' | jq '.results[] | select(.name | test("${c3poBranchName}-[0-9a-z]{7}\$")).name' | head -1 | tr -d \\\""""
mme_tag = sh returnStdout: true, script: """curl -s '' | jq '.results[] | select(.name | test("${nucleusBranchName}-[0-9a-z]{7}\$")).name' | head -1 | tr -d \\\""""
spgwc_tag = sh returnStdout: true, script: """curl -s '' | jq '.results[] | select(.name | test("${spgwBranchName}-[0-9a-z]{7}\$")).name' | head -1 | tr -d \\\""""
bess_tag = sh returnStdout: true, script: """curl -s '' | jq '.results[] | select(.name | test("${upfBranchName}-[0-9a-z]{7}\$")).name' | head -1 | tr -d \\\""""
zmqiface_tag = sh returnStdout: true, script: """curl -s '' | jq '.results[] | select(.name | test("${upfBranchName}-[0-9a-z]{7}\$")).name' | head -1 | tr -d \\\""""
pfcpiface_tag = sh returnStdout: true, script: """curl -s '' | jq '.results[] | select(.name | test("${upfBranchName}-[0-9a-z]{7}\$")).name' | head -1 | tr -d \\\""""
hssdb_image = "omecproject/c3po-hssdb:"+hssdb_tag
hss_image = "omecproject/c3po-hss:"+hss_tag
mme_image = "omecproject/nucleus:"+mme_tag
spgwc_image = "omecproject/spgw:"+spgwc_tag
bess_image = "omecproject/upf-epc-bess:"+bess_tag
zmqiface_image = "omecproject/upf-epc-cpiface:"+zmqiface_tag
pfcpiface_image = "omecproject/upf-epc-pfcpiface:"+pfcpiface_tag
updatedImages = ""
switch("${params.repoName}") {
case "c3po":
hssdb_image = "${params.registry}/c3po-hssdb:${branchName}-${abbreviated_commit_hash}"
hss_image = "${params.registry}/c3po-hss:${branchName}-${abbreviated_commit_hash}"
updatedImages += hssdb_image + ","
updatedImages += hss_image
case "spgw":
spgwc_image = "${params.registry}/spgw:${branchName}-${abbreviated_commit_hash}"
updatedImages += spgwc_image
case "Nucleus":
mme_image = "${params.registry}/nucleus:${branchName}-${abbreviated_commit_hash}"
updatedImages += mme_image
case "upf-epc":
bess_image = "${params.registry}/upf-epc-bess:${branchName}-${abbreviated_commit_hash}"
zmqiface_image = "${params.registry}/upf-epc-cpiface:${branchName}-${abbreviated_commit_hash}"
pfcpiface_image = "${params.registry}/upf-epc-pfcpiface:${branchName}-${abbreviated_commit_hash}"
updatedImages += bess_image + ","
updatedImages += zmqiface_image + ","
updatedImages += pfcpiface_image + ","
updatedImages += bess_image + "-ivybridge,"
updatedImages += zmqiface_image + "-ivybridge,"
updatedImages += pfcpiface_image + "-ivybridge"
stage ("Update aether-pod-configs"){
steps {
build job: "aether-member-only-jobs/aether-postmerge", parameters: [
string(name: 'repoName', value: "${repoName}"),
string(name: 'images', value: "${updatedImages}"),
stage ("Deploy and Test"){
options {
lock(resource: 'aether-dev-cluster')
stages {
stage ("Deploy OMEC"){
steps {
echo "Using hssdb image: ${hssdb_image}"
echo "Using hss image: ${hss_image}"
echo "Using mme image: ${mme_image}"
echo "Using spgwc image: ${spgwc_image}"
echo "Using bess image: ${bess_image}"
echo "Using zmqiface image: ${zmqiface_image}"
echo "Using pfcpiface image: ${pfcpiface_image}"
build job: "omec_deploy_dev", parameters: [
string(name: 'hssdbImage', value: "${hssdb_image.trim()}"),
string(name: 'hssImage', value: "${hss_image.trim()}"),
string(name: 'mmeImage', value: "${mme_image.trim()}"),
string(name: 'spgwcImage', value: "${spgwc_image.trim()}"),
string(name: 'bessImage', value: "${bess_image.trim()}"),
string(name: 'zmqifaceImage', value: "${zmqiface_image.trim()}"),
string(name: 'pfcpifaceImage', value: "${pfcpiface_image.trim()}"),
stage ("Run NG40 Tests"){
steps {
build job: "omec_ng40-test_dev"
post {
failure {
step([$class: 'Mailer', notifyEveryUnstableBuild: true, recipients: "${params.maintainers}", sendToIndividuals: false])