blob: ada12ae39d135578554726ae428f827befb5f341 [file] [log] [blame]
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Intent: An example script showing how to source common libraries
## and produce a stack trace on script error/exit
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
declare -g fatal=1 # assign to view stack trace
echo "$0: ENTER"
echo "$0: Source library shell includes"
declare -g pgmdir="${0%/*}" # dirname($script)
declare -a common_args=()
# common_args+=('--traputils')
# common_args+=('--stacktrace')
# common_args+=('--tempdir')
source "${pgmdir}/" "${common_args[@]}"
echo "$0: define foo(), bar() & tans()"
function foo()
echo "${FUNCNAME}: hello - stack_frame[1]"
function bar()
echo "${FUNCNAME}: hello - stack_frame[2]"
function tans()
declare -g fatal
echo "${FUNCNAME}: early exit for stacktrace"
[[ $fatal -eq 1 ]] && exit 1
echo "$0: calling foo() for a stack trace"
echo "$0: ENTER"
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# % ./
# ./ ENTER
# ./ Source library shell includes
# ./ define foo(), bar() & tans()
# ./ calling foo() for a stack trace
# foo: hello - stack_frame[1]
# bar: hello - stack_frame[2]
# tans: early exit for stacktrace
# ERROR: 'exit 1' exited with status 1
# Call tree:
# 1: ./ tans(...)
# 2: ./ bar(...)
# 3: ./ foo(...)
# Exiting with status 1
# [EOF]