| --- |
| # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Open Networking Foundation <info@opennetworking.org> |
| # SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-ONF-Member-Only-1.0 |
| |
| - name: "Provision Packages for Jenkins image" |
| hosts: default |
| become: true |
| |
| tasks: |
| - name: Add Java Amazon Corretto Jdk repo GPG key |
| apt_key: |
| url: https://apt.corretto.aws/corretto.key |
| state: present |
| |
| - name: Add Java Amazon Corretto Jdk repo |
| apt_repository: |
| repo: deb https://apt.corretto.aws stable main |
| state: present |
| |
| - name: Install apt packages |
| apt: |
| name: |
| - "facter" |
| - "libxml2-utils" |
| - "bzip2" |
| - "curl" |
| - "ebtables" |
| - "enchant" |
| - "ethtool" |
| - "git" |
| - "graphviz" |
| - "jq" |
| - "kafkacat" |
| - "less" |
| - "libpcap-dev" |
| - "libxml2-utils" |
| - "maven" |
| - "ruby" |
| - "screen" |
| - "socat" |
| - "ssh" |
| - "sshpass" |
| - "zip" |
| # below four packages are required by npm |
| - "nodejs" |
| - "libssl1.0-dev" |
| - "nodejs-dev" |
| - "node-gyp" |
| - "npm" |
| - "java-1.8.0-amazon-corretto-jdk" |
| - "java-11-amazon-corretto-jdk" |
| state: "present" |
| update_cache: true |
| cache_valid_time: 3600 |
| |
| - name: Download repo launcher |
| get_url: |
| url: "https://gerrit.googlesource.com/git-repo/+/refs/tags/v2.12.2/repo?format=TEXT" |
| checksum: "sha256:f5afffcc9afae128efd2b325ff19544a0b78acceb33a2edf368ce2de94e8c33e" |
| dest: /tmp/repo.b64 |
| |
| - name: Decode and make repo launcher executable |
| shell: |
| cmd: | |
| base64 --decode /tmp/repo.b64 > /usr/local/bin/repo; |
| chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/repo |
| creates: /usr/local/bin/repo |
| |
| - name: Download helm archive |
| get_url: |
| url: "https://get.helm.sh/helm-v3.5.2-linux-amd64.tar.gz" |
| checksum: "sha256:01b317c506f8b6ad60b11b1dc3f093276bb703281cb1ae01132752253ec706a2" |
| dest: "/tmp/helm.tgz" |
| |
| - name: Unarchive helm |
| unarchive: |
| src: "/tmp/helm.tgz" |
| dest: "/tmp" |
| remote_src: yes |
| |
| - name: Install helm binary |
| copy: |
| src: /tmp/linux-amd64/helm |
| dest: /usr/local/bin/helm |
| mode: "0755" |
| remote_src: yes |
| |
| - name: Download/install kubectl binary |
| get_url: |
| url: "https://storage.googleapis.com/kubernetes-release/release/v1.18.15/bin/linux/amd64/kubectl" |
| checksum: "sha256:eb5a5dd0a72795942ab81d1e4331625e80a90002c8bb39b2cb15aa707a3812c6" |
| dest: /usr/local/bin/kubectl |
| mode: "0755" |
| |
| - name: load /etc/docker/daemon.json from file |
| slurp: |
| src: /etc/docker/daemon.json |
| register: imported_var |
| |
| - name: append more key/values |
| set_fact: |
| imported_var: "{{ imported_var.content|b64decode|from_json | default([]) | combine({ 'registry-mirrors': ['https://mirror.registry.opennetworking.org'] }) }}" |
| |
| - name: write var to file |
| copy: |
| content: "{{ imported_var | to_nice_json }}" |
| dest: /etc/docker/daemon.json |
| |
| - name: restart Docker service |
| systemd: |
| name: docker |
| state: restarted |
| daemon_reload: true |
| |
| - name: Install multi python3 packages with version specifiers |
| pip: |
| name: |
| - ansible |
| - ansible-lint |
| - docker |
| - docker-compose |
| - git-review |
| - httpie |
| - netaddr |
| - pylint |
| - tox |
| - twine |
| - virtualenv |
| - yamllint |
| executable: pip3 |
| - name: Install multi python2 packages with version specifiers |
| pip: |
| name: |
| - Jinja2 |
| - coverage |
| - certifi |
| - cryptography |
| - git+https://github.com/linkchecker/linkchecker.git@v9.4.0 |
| - graphviz |
| - isort |
| - more-itertools==5.0.0 |
| - mock>2.0.0<2.1.0 |
| - ndg-httpsclient |
| - nose2>0.9.0<0.10.0 |
| - pyopenssl |
| - pexpect |
| - pyyaml>3.10.0<3.11.0 |
| - requests>2.14.0<2.15.0 |
| - robotframework |
| - robotframework-httplibrary |
| - robotframework-kafkalibrary |
| - robotframework-lint |
| - robotframework-requests |
| - robotframework-sshlibrary |
| - six |
| - urllib3 |
| |
| - name: Install multi ruby packages with version specifiers |
| gem: |
| name: mdl |
| version: 0.5.0 |
| |
| - name: Install gitbook-cli npm package with version specifiers |
| npm: |
| name: gitbook-cli |
| global: true |
| |
| - name: Install markdownlint npm package with version specifiers |
| npm: |
| name: markdownlint |
| global: true |
| |
| - name: Install typings npm package with version specifiers |
| npm: |
| name: typings |
| global: true |
| |
| - name: Download minikube |
| get_url: |
| url: "https://storage.googleapis.com/minikube/releases/latest/minikube_1.18.0-0_amd64.deb" |
| checksum: "sha256:6e3918b601704014f3d0b0a09e3116f1ea528ac255525743a800b5f0b5856622" |
| dest: /tmp/minikube.deb |
| |
| - name: Install minikube deb |
| apt: |
| deb: /tmp/minikube.deb |
| |
| - name: Download protobuf |
| get_url: |
| url: "https://github.com/google/protobuf/releases/download/v3.7.0/protoc-3.7.0-linux-x86_64.zip" |
| checksum: "sha256:a1b8ed22d6dc53c5b8680a6f1760a305b33ef471bece482e92728f00ba2a2969" |
| dest: /tmp/protobuf.zip |
| |
| - name: Unarchive protobuf |
| unarchive: |
| src: "/tmp/protobuf.zip" |
| dest: "/usr/local" |
| remote_src: yes |
| |
| - name: Download pandoc |
| get_url: |
| url: "https://github.com/jgm/pandoc/releases/download/2.10.1/pandoc-2.10.1-1-amd64.deb" |
| checksum: "sha256:4515d6fe2bf8b82765d8dfa1e1b63ccb0ff3332d60389f948672eaa37932e936" |
| dest: /tmp/pandoc.deb |
| |
| - name: Install pandoc deb |
| apt: |
| deb: /tmp/pandoc.deb |
| |
| - name: Download yq |
| get_url: |
| url: "https://github.com/mikefarah/yq/releases/download/3.4.0/yq_linux_amd64" |
| checksum: "sha256:f6bd1536a743ab170b35c94ed4c7c4479763356bd543af5d391122f4af852460" |
| dest: /usr/local/bin/yq |
| |
| - name: Change yq Permission |
| file: |
| path: /usr/local/bin/yq |
| mode: 0755 |
| |
| - name: Download hadolint |
| get_url: |
| url: "https://github.com/hadolint/hadolint/releases/download/v1.18.0/hadolint-Linux-x86_64" |
| checksum: "sha256:f9bc9de12438b463ca84e77fde70b07b155d4da07ca21bc3f4354a62c6199db4" |
| dest: /usr/local/bin/hadolint |
| |
| - name: Change hadolint Permission |
| file: |
| path: /usr/local/bin/hadolint |
| mode: 0755 |
| |
| - name: Download github-release |
| get_url: |
| url: "https://github.com/github-release/github-release/releases/download/v0.10.0/linux-amd64-github-release.bz2" |
| checksum: "sha256:b360af98188c5988314d672bb604efd1e99daae3abfb64d04051ee17c77f84b6" |
| dest: /tmp/github-release.bz2 |
| |
| |
| # Unarchive target doesn't support the bz2 format |
| - name: Unarchive github-release |
| shell: |
| cmd: | |
| bzip2 -d /tmp/github-release.bz2 |
| |
| - name: Install github-release binary |
| copy: |
| src: /tmp/github-release |
| dest: /usr/local/bin/github-release |
| mode: "0755" |
| remote_src: yes |
| |
| - name: Recursively remove download files and folders |
| file: |
| path: "{{ item }}" |
| state: absent |
| with_items: |
| - /tmp/linux-amd64 |
| - /tmp/helm.tgz |
| - /tmp/minikube.deb |
| - /tmp/protobuf.zip |
| - /tmp/pandoc.deb |
| - /tmp/repo.b64 |