| #!/bin/bash |
| # Ubuntu base build |
| |
| # vim: ts=4 sw=4 sts=4 et tw=72 : |
| |
| # force any errors to cause the script and job to end in failure |
| set -xeu -o pipefail |
| |
| rh_systems() { |
| echo 'No changes to apply' |
| } |
| |
| ubuntu_install_java_setup() { |
| |
| echo "debconf shared/accepted-oracle-license-v1-1 select true" | debconf-set-selections |
| |
| apt-key adv --keyserver hkp://keyserver.ubuntu.com:80 --recv-keys EEA14886 |
| |
| DISTRO=$(lsb_release -cs) |
| |
| apt-add-repository \ |
| "deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/webupd8team/java/ubuntu $DISTRO main" |
| } |
| |
| ubuntu_systems() { |
| apt-get clean |
| |
| # get prereqs for PPA and apt-over-HTTPS support |
| apt-get update |
| apt-get install -y apt-transport-https software-properties-common |
| |
| # install java (not needed as SonarQube includes this) |
| # ubuntu_install_java_setup |
| # apt-get update |
| # apt-get install -y oracle-java8-installer |
| |
| # set up ansible repo |
| apt-add-repository -y ppa:ansible/ansible |
| |
| # set up docker repo |
| apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv 0EBFCD88 |
| add-apt-repository \ |
| "deb [arch=amd64] https://download.docker.com/linux/ubuntu \ |
| $(lsb_release -cs) \ |
| stable" |
| |
| apt-get update |
| |
| # install basic sofware requirements |
| apt-get install -y \ |
| "docker-ce=17.06*" \ |
| ansible \ |
| build-essential \ |
| bzip2 \ |
| curl \ |
| git \ |
| less \ |
| libxml2-utils \ |
| maven \ |
| nodejs \ |
| npm \ |
| python \ |
| python-certifi \ |
| python-cryptography \ |
| python-dev \ |
| python-idna \ |
| python-netaddr \ |
| python-openssl \ |
| python-pip \ |
| python-urllib3 \ |
| ruby \ |
| ssh \ |
| sshpass \ |
| zip |
| # end of apt-get install list |
| |
| # install python modules |
| pip install \ |
| Jinja2 \ |
| ansible-lint \ |
| astroid \ |
| docker-compose==1.20.1 \ |
| docker==3.2.1 \ |
| gitpython \ |
| graphviz \ |
| isort \ |
| linkchecker \ |
| pexpect \ |
| pylint \ |
| pyyaml \ |
| robotframework \ |
| robotframework-httplibrary \ |
| robotframework-requests \ |
| robotframework-sshlibrary \ |
| virtualenv |
| # end of pip install list |
| |
| # install ruby gems |
| gem install \ |
| mdl |
| # end of gem install list |
| |
| # install npm modules |
| npm install -g \ |
| gitbook-cli \ |
| markdownlint \ |
| typings |
| # end of npm install list |
| |
| # ubuntu 16.04 installs the node binary as /usr/bin/nodejs, which breaks |
| # tools that expect it to be named just `node`. Symlink it to fix |
| ln -s /usr/bin/nodejs /usr/local/bin/node |
| |
| # install repo |
| REPO_SHA256SUM="394d93ac7261d59db58afa49bb5f88386fea8518792491ee3db8baab49c3ecda" |
| curl -o /tmp/repo 'https://gerrit.opencord.org/gitweb?p=repo.git;a=blob_plain;f=repo;hb=refs/heads/stable' |
| echo "$REPO_SHA256SUM /tmp/repo" | sha256sum -c - |
| mv /tmp/repo /usr/local/bin/repo |
| chmod a+x /usr/local/bin/repo |
| |
| # install sonarqube scanner |
| SONAR_SCANNER_CLI_SHA256SUM="efbe7d1a274bbed220846eccc5b36db853a6bab3ee576aebf93ddc604a89ced4" |
| curl -L -o /tmp/sonarscanner.zip https://sonarsource.bintray.com/Distribution/sonar-scanner-cli/sonar-scanner-cli-${SONAR_SCANNER_CLI_VERSION}-linux.zip |
| echo "$SONAR_SCANNER_CLI_SHA256SUM /tmp/sonarscanner.zip" | sha256sum -c - |
| pushd /opt |
| unzip /tmp/sonarscanner.zip |
| mv sonar-scanner-${SONAR_SCANNER_CLI_VERSION}-linux sonar-scanner |
| popd |
| |
| # install helm (for lint) |
| HELM_VERSION="2.8.2" |
| HELM_SHA256SUM="614b5ac79de4336b37c9b26d528c6f2b94ee6ccacb94b0f4b8d9583a8dd122d3" |
| HELM_PLATFORM="linux-amd64" |
| curl -L -o /tmp/helm.tgz https://storage.googleapis.com/kubernetes-helm/helm-v${HELM_VERSION}-${HELM_PLATFORM}.tar.gz |
| echo "$HELM_SHA256SUM /tmp/helm.tgz" | sha256sum -c - |
| pushd /tmp |
| tar -xzvf helm.tgz |
| mv ${HELM_PLATFORM}/helm /usr/local/bin/helm |
| chmod a+x /usr/local/bin/helm |
| popd |
| |
| # clean up |
| apt-get clean |
| apt-get purge -y |
| apt-get autoremove -y |
| rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* |
| rm -rf /var/cache/oracle-jdk8-installer |
| rm -rf /tmp/sonarscanner.zip |
| rm -rf /tmp/helm.tgz |
| } |
| |
| all_systems() { |
| echo 'No common distribution configuration to perform' |
| } |
| |
| echo "---> Detecting OS" |
| ORIGIN=$(facter operatingsystem | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]') |
| |
| case "${ORIGIN}" in |
| fedora|centos|redhat) |
| echo "---> RH type system detected" |
| rh_systems |
| ;; |
| ubuntu) |
| echo "---> Ubuntu system detected" |
| ubuntu_systems |
| ;; |
| *) |
| echo "---> Unknown operating system" |
| ;; |
| esac |
| |
| # execute steps for all systems |
| all_systems |