| --- |
| # verification jobs for 'voltha-openolt-adapter' repo |
| |
| - project: |
| name: voltha-openolt-adapter |
| project: '{name}' |
| |
| jobs: |
| - 'verify-voltha-openolt-adapter-jobs': |
| branch-regexp: '{all-branches-regexp}' |
| - 'verify-voltha-openolt-adapter-jobs-master': |
| branch-regexp: '^master$' |
| # - 'verify-voltha-openolt-adapter-jobs-voltha-2.12': |
| # name-extension: '-voltha-2.12' |
| # override-branch: 'voltha-2.12' |
| # branch-regexp: '^voltha-2.12$' |
| # - 'verify-voltha-openolt-adapter-jobs-voltha-2.11': |
| # name-extension: '-voltha-2.11' |
| # override-branch: 'voltha-2.11' |
| # branch-regexp: '^voltha-2.11$' |
| - 'publish-voltha-openolt-adapter-jobs': |
| branch-regexp: '{all-branches-regexp}' |
| |
| - job-group: |
| name: 'verify-voltha-openolt-adapter-jobs' |
| jobs: |
| - 'verify-licensed' |
| - 'tag-collision-reject': |
| dependency-jobs: 'verify_voltha-openolt-adapter_licensed' |
| - 'make-unit-test': |
| dest-gopath: "github.com/opencord" |
| name-extension: "-lint" |
| unit-test-targets: 'lint sca' |
| unit-test-keep-going: 'false' |
| junit-allow-empty-results: true |
| build-node: 'voltha-1804-micro' |
| # build-node: 'ubuntu18.04-basebuild-4c-8g' |
| - 'make-unit-test': |
| dest-gopath: "github.com/opencord" |
| name-extension: "-tests" |
| unit-test-targets: 'test' |
| unit-test-keep-going: 'false' |
| junit-allow-empty-results: true |
| # build-node: 'ubuntu18.04-basebuild-2c-4g' |
| build-node: 'voltha-1804-micro' |
| |
| - job-group: |
| name: 'verify-voltha-openolt-adapter-jobs-master' |
| jobs: |
| - 'voltha-patch-test': |
| extraHelmFlags: '--set global.image_tag=master --set onos-classic.image.tag=master' |
| |
| - job-group: |
| name: 'verify-voltha-openolt-adapter-jobs-voltha-2.12' |
| jobs: |
| - 'voltha-patch-test': |
| pipeline-script: 'voltha/bbsim-tests.groovy' |
| pipeline-branch: 'master' |
| # pipeline-script: 'voltha/bbsim-tests.groovy' |
| # pipeline-branch: 'voltha-2.12' |
| |
| # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| # Directory based branch test suites were removed when consultants moved |
| # all testing onto master and bulk disabled failing suites to try and |
| # get the job queue clean. |
| # |
| # Since release testing can no longer be initiated by parameterized |
| # cron jobs a new set of jobs that will checkout release branch and |
| # run testing to validate hotfixes will need to be created. |
| # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| #- job-group: |
| # name: 'verify-voltha-openolt-adapter-jobs-voltha-2.11' |
| # jobs: |
| # - 'voltha-patch-test': |
| # pipeline-script: 'voltha/voltha-2.11/bbsim-tests.groovy' |
| # pipeline-branch: 'voltha-2.11' |
| |
| - job-group: |
| name: 'publish-voltha-openolt-adapter-jobs' |
| jobs: |
| - 'docker-publish': |
| build-timeout: 30 |
| docker-repo: 'voltha' |
| dependency-jobs: 'version-tag_wildcard' |
| extraEnvironmentVars: BUILD_PROFILED=true |
| |
| # [EOF] |