blob: 58b0cd4c6881f2d42d45084e44d701bb2cd003dd [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2017-present Open Networking Foundation
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
*** Settings ***
Documentation Test various data plane failure scenarios with ATT workflow
Suite Setup Setup Suite
Suite Teardown Teardown Suite
Test Setup Setup Test
Test Teardown Teardown Test
Library Collections
Library String
Library OperatingSystem
Library XML
Library RequestsLibrary
Library ../../Framework/utils/
Resource ../../Framework/utils/utils.robot
Library ../../Framework/
Resource ../../Framework/Subscriber.robot
Resource ../../Framework/ATTWorkFlowDriver.robot
Resource ../../Framework/Kubernetes.robot
Resource ../../Framework/ONU.robot
Resource ../../Framework/OLT.robot
Resource ../../Framework/DHCP.robot
Variables ../../Properties/
*** Variables ***
${POD_NAME} flex-pod1-olt
${KUBERNETES_CONFIGS_DIR} ~/pod-configs/kubernetes-configs
${HELM_CHARTS_DIR} ~/helm-charts
*** Test Cases ***
OLT Reboot
[Documentation] Validates E2E Ping Connectivity and object states for the given scenario:
... Configure whitelist with correct ONU location
... Validate successful authentication/DHCP/E2E ping
... Reboots OLT
... Validate that pings fail
... Validate successful authentication/DHCP/E2E ping after OLT comes back up
[Tags] olt1
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 300s 15s Validate ONU States ACTIVE ENABLED ${onu_device}
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 60s 2s Validate ATT Workflow Driver SI ENABLED AWAITING ${onu_device}
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 60s 2s Validate Subscriber Status awaiting-auth ${onu_device}
Validate Authentication True ${src_iface} wpa_supplicant.conf ${src_ip} ${src_user} ${src_pass} ${src_container_type} ${src_container_name}
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 60s 2s Validate ATT Workflow Driver SI ENABLED APPROVED ${onu_device}
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 60s 2s Validate Subscriber Status enabled ${onu_device}
Validate DHCP and Ping True True ${src_iface} ${s_tag} ${c_tag} ${dst_dp_ip} ${src_ip} ${src_user} ${src_pass} ${src_container_type} ${src_container_name} ${dst_dp_iface} ${dst_ip} ${dst_user} ${dst_pass} ${dst_container_type} ${dst_container_name}
# Reboot OLT
Login And Run Command On Remote System sudo reboot ${olt_ip} ${olt_user} ${olt_pass} prompt=#
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 120s 10s Check Remote System Reachability False ${olt_ip}
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 60s 2s Check Ping False ${dst_dp_ip} ${src_iface} ${src_ip} ${src_user} ${src_pass}
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 120s 10s Check Remote System Reachability True ${olt_ip}
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 120s 10s Openolt is Up ${olt_ip} ${olt_user} ${olt_pass}
# Validate successful pings since the OLT is Up
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 60s 2s Validate ATT Workflow Driver SI ENABLED APPROVED ${onu_device}
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 60s 2s Validate Subscriber Status enabled ${onu_device}
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 60s 2s Check Ping True ${dst_dp_ip} ${src_iface} ${src_ip} ${src_user} ${src_pass}
Fabric Switch Reboot
[Documentation] Validates E2E Ping Connectivity and object states for the given scenario:
... Configure whitelist with correct ONU location
... Validate successful authentication/DHCP/E2E ping
... Reboots Fabric Switch
... Validate that pings fail
... Validate successful authentication/DHCP/E2E ping after OLT comes back up
#[Setup] None
[Teardown] None
[Tags] fabric1
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 300s 15s Validate ONU States ACTIVE ENABLED ${onu_device}
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 60s 2s Validate ATT Workflow Driver SI ENABLED AWAITING ${onu_device}
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 60s 2s Validate Subscriber Status awaiting-auth ${onu_device}
Validate Authentication True ${src_iface} wpa_supplicant.conf ${src_ip} ${src_user} ${src_pass} ${src_container_type} ${src_container_name}
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 60s 2s Validate ATT Workflow Driver SI ENABLED APPROVED ${onu_device}
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 60s 2s Validate Subscriber Status enabled ${onu_device}
Validate DHCP and Ping True True ${src_iface} ${s_tag} ${c_tag} ${dst_dp_ip} ${src_ip} ${src_user} ${src_pass} ${src_container_type} ${src_container_name} ${dst_dp_iface} ${dst_ip} ${dst_user} ${dst_pass} ${dst_container_type} ${dst_container_name}
# Reboot Fabric Switch
Login And Run Command On Remote System sudo reboot ${fabric_ip} ${fabric_user} ${fabric_pass} prompt=#
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 120s 10s Check Remote System Reachability False ${fabric_ip}
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 60s 2s Check Ping False ${dst_dp_ip} ${src_iface} ${src_ip} ${src_user} ${src_pass}
#Validate DHCP and Ping False False ${src_iface} ${s_tag} ${c_tag} ${dst_dp_ip} ${src_ip} ${src_user} ${src_pass} ${src_container_type} ${src_container_name} ${dst_dp_iface} ${dst_ip} ${dst_user} ${dst_pass} ${dst_container_type} ${dst_container_name}
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 120s 10s Check Remote System Reachability True ${fabric_ip}
# Validate successful pings since Fabric Switch is Up
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 60s 2s Validate ATT Workflow Driver SI ENABLED APPROVED ${onu_device}
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 60s 2s Validate Subscriber Status enabled ${onu_device}
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 60s 2s Check Ping True ${dst_dp_ip} ${src_iface} ${src_ip} ${src_user} ${src_pass}
*** Keywords ***
Setup Suite
${auth} = Create List ${XOS_USER} ${XOS_PASSWD}
${HEADERS} Create Dictionary Content-Type=application/json
Create Session ${server_ip} http://${server_ip}:${server_port} auth=${AUTH} headers=${HEADERS}
${att_workflow_service_id}= Get Service Owner Id ${ATT_SERVICE}
${volt_service_id}= Get Service Owner Id ${VOLT_SERVICE}
${AttWhiteListList}= utils.jsonToList ${WHITELIST_PATHFILE} AttWhiteListInfo
Set Suite Variable ${AttWhiteListList}
${AttWhiteListDict}= utils.listToDict ${AttWhiteListList} 0
${AttWhiteListDict}= utils.setFieldValueInDict ${AttWhiteListDict} owner_id ${att_workflow_service_id}
${onu_device}= Get From Dictionary ${AttWhiteListDict} serial_number
Set Global Variable ${onu_device}
${onu_location}= Get From Dictionary ${AttWhiteListDict} pon_port_id
Set Global Variable ${onu_location}
${SubscriberList}= utils.jsonToList ${SUBSCRIBER_PATHFILE} SubscriberInfo
Set Global Variable ${SubscriberList}
${SubscriberDict}= utils.listToDict ${SubscriberList} 0
${s_tag}= utils.getFieldValueFromDict ${SubscriberDict} s_tag
${c_tag}= utils.getFieldValueFromDict ${SubscriberDict} c_tag
${VoltDeviceList}= utils.jsonToList ${VOLT_DEVICE_PATHFILE} VOLTDeviceInfo
Set Global Variable ${VoltDeviceList}
Set Suite Variable ${s_tag}
Set Suite Variable ${c_tag}
Set Global Variable ${export_kubeconfig} export KUBECONFIG=${KUBERNETES_CONF}
# Read variables from yaml file
${src_ip}= Evaluate ${hosts}.get("src").get("ip")
${src_user}= Evaluate ${hosts}.get("src").get("user")
${src_pass}= Evaluate ${hosts}.get("src").get("pass")
${src_container_type}= Evaluate ${hosts}.get("src").get("container_type")
${src_container_name}= Evaluate ${hosts}.get("src").get("container_name")
${src_iface}= Evaluate ${hosts}.get("src").get("dp_iface_name")
${dst_ip}= Evaluate ${hosts}.get("dst").get("ip")
${dst_user} = Evaluate ${hosts}.get("dst").get("user")
${dst_pass}= Evaluate ${hosts}.get("dst").get("pass")
${dst_container_type}= Evaluate ${hosts}.get("dst").get("container_type")
${dst_container_name}= Evaluate ${hosts}.get("dst").get("container_name")
${dst_dp_iface}= Evaluate ${hosts}.get("dst").get("dp_iface_name")
${dst_dp_ip}= Evaluate ${hosts}.get("dst").get("dp_iface_ip_qinq")
${olt_ip}= Evaluate ${olts}[0].get("ip")
${olt_user}= Evaluate ${olts}[0].get("user")
${olt_pass}= Evaluate ${olts}[0].get("pass")
${fabric_ip}= Evaluate ${fabric_switches}[0].get("ip")
${fabric_user}= Evaluate ${fabric_switches}[0].get("user")
${fabric_pass}= Evaluate ${fabric_switches}[0].get("pass")
${k8s_node_ip}= Evaluate ${nodes}[0].get("ip")
${k8s_node_user}= Evaluate ${nodes}[0].get("user")
${k8s_node_pass}= Evaluate ${nodes}[0].get("pass")
Set Suite Variable ${src_ip}
Set Suite Variable ${src_user}
Set Suite Variable ${src_pass}
Set Suite Variable ${src_container_type}
Set Suite Variable ${src_container_name}
Set Suite Variable ${src_iface}
Set Suite Variable ${dst_ip}
Set Suite Variable ${dst_user}
Set Suite Variable ${dst_pass}
Set Suite Variable ${dst_container_type}
Set Suite Variable ${dst_container_name}
Set Suite Variable ${dst_dp_iface}
Set Suite Variable ${dst_dp_ip}
Set Suite Variable ${olt_ip}
Set Suite Variable ${olt_user}
Set Suite Variable ${olt_pass}
Set Suite Variable ${fabric_ip}
Set Suite Variable ${fabric_user}
Set Suite Variable ${fabric_pass}
Set Suite Variable ${k8s_node_ip}
Set Suite Variable ${k8s_node_user}
Set Suite Variable ${k8s_node_pass}
@{container_list}= Create List
Append To List ${container_list} att-workflow-att-workflow-driver
Append To List ${container_list} att-workflow-volt
Append To List ${container_list} onos
Append To List ${container_list} xos-core
Append To List ${container_list} vcore
Set Suite Variable ${container_list}
${datetime}= Get Current Datetime On Kubernetes Node ${k8s_node_ip} ${k8s_node_user} ${k8s_node_pass}
Set Suite Variable ${datetime}
Teardown Suite
[Documentation] Performs any additional cleanup required
Log Suite Teardown cleanup
Delete All Sessions
Setup Test
[Documentation] Re-create Subscriber, whitelist, and olt-device models to test
Log Re-creating objects
${datetime}= Get Current Datetime On Kubernetes Node ${k8s_node_ip} ${k8s_node_user} ${k8s_node_pass}
Create Whitelist
Create Subscriber
Create VOLT
Teardown Test
[Documentation] Delete xos objects, kills processes and cleans up interfaces on src+dst servers
Clean Up Linux
Clean Up XOS
Log Kubernetes Containers Logs Since Time ${datetime} ${container_list}
Clean Up Linux
[Documentation] Kill processes and clean up interfaces on src+dst servers
Run Keyword And Ignore Error Kill Linux Process [w]pa_supplicant ${src_ip} ${src_user} ${src_pass} ${src_container_type} ${src_container_name}
Run Keyword And Ignore Error Kill Linux Process [d]hclient ${src_ip} ${src_user} ${src_pass} ${src_container_type} ${src_container_name}
Run Keyword If '${dst_ip}' != '${None}' Run Keyword And Ignore Error Kill Linux Process [d]hcpd ${dst_ip} ${dst_user} ${dst_pass} ${dst_container_type} ${dst_container_name}
Delete IP Addresses from Interface on Remote Host ${src_iface} ${src_ip} ${src_user} ${src_pass} ${src_container_type} ${src_container_name}
Run Keyword If '${dst_ip}' != '${None}' Delete Interface on Remote Host ${dst_dp_iface}.${s_tag} ${dst_ip} ${dst_user} ${dst_pass} ${dst_container_type} ${dst_container_name}
Clean Up XOS
[Documentation] Clean up all XOS objects and reinstall voltha after OLT reboots
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 60s 2s Clean Up Objects ${VOLT_SUBSCRIBER}
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 60s 2s Clean Up Objects ${ATT_WHITELIST}
Sleep 20s
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 30s 2s Validate Subscriber Count 0
Sleep 10s
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 60s 2s Clean Up Objects ${VOLT_DEVICE}
Sleep 20s
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 60s 2s Clean Up Objects ${ATT_SERVICEINSTANCES}
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 120s 10s Check Remote System Reachability False ${olt_ip}
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 120s 10s Check Remote System Reachability True ${olt_ip}
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 120s 10s Openolt is Up ${olt_ip} ${olt_user} ${olt_pass}
Sleep 15s
Create Whitelist
${AttWhiteListDict}= utils.listToDict ${AttWhiteListList} 0
CORD Post ${ATT_WHITELIST} ${AttWhiteListDict}
Remove Whitelist
${whitelist_id}= Retrieve Whitelist Entry ${onu_device}
CORD Delete ${ATT_WHITELIST} ${whitelist_id}
Update Whitelist with Wrong Location
${whitelist_id}= Retrieve Whitelist Entry ${onu_device}
CORD Put ${ATT_WHITELIST} {"pon_port_id": 55 } ${whitelist_id}
Update Whitelist with Correct Location
${whitelist_id}= Retrieve Whitelist Entry ${onu_device}
CORD Put ${ATT_WHITELIST} {"pon_port_id": ${onu_location} } ${whitelist_id}
Create Subscriber
${SubscriberDict}= utils.listToDict ${SubscriberList} 0
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 120s 15s CORD Post ${VOLT_SUBSCRIBER} ${SubscriberDict}
Remove Subscriber
${subscriber_id}= Retrieve Subscriber ${c_tag}
CORD Delete ${VOLT_SUBSCRIBER} ${subscriber_id}
Create VOLT
${VoltDeviceDict}= utils.listToDict ${VoltDeviceList} 0
CORD Post ${VOLT_DEVICE} ${VoltDeviceDict}