| |
| # Copyright 2017-present Open Networking Foundation |
| # |
| # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); |
| # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. |
| # You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| # |
| # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| # |
| # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
| # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
| # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
| # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
| # limitations under the License. |
| |
| |
| #copyright 2016-present Ciena Corporation |
| # |
| # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); |
| # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. |
| # You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| # |
| # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| # |
| # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
| # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
| # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
| # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
| # limitations under the License. |
| # |
| import time |
| import os |
| import sys |
| import json |
| import requests |
| import random |
| from nose.tools import * |
| from scapy.all import * |
| from twisted.internet import defer |
| from nose.twistedtools import reactor, deferred |
| from CordTestUtils import * |
| from OltConfig import OltConfig |
| from onosclidriver import OnosCliDriver |
| from SSHTestAgent import SSHTestAgent |
| from Channels import Channels, IgmpChannel |
| from IGMP import * |
| from CordLogger import CordLogger |
| from VSGAccess import VSGAccess |
| from OnosFlowCtrl import OnosFlowCtrl |
| #imports for cord-subscriber module |
| from subscriberDb import SubscriberDB |
| from Stats import Stats |
| from threadPool import ThreadPool |
| import threading |
| from EapTLS import TLSAuthTest |
| from CordTestUtils import log_test as log |
| from CordTestConfig import setup_module, running_on_ciab |
| from OnosCtrl import OnosCtrl |
| from CordContainer import Onos |
| from CordSubscriberUtils import CordSubscriberUtils, XosUtils |
| from CordTestServer import cord_test_onos_restart, cord_test_quagga_restart, cord_test_shell, cord_test_radius_restart |
| from Scale import scale |
| log.setLevel('INFO') |
| |
| |
| class scale_exchange(CordLogger): |
| HOST = "" |
| USER = "vagrant" |
| PASS = "vagrant" |
| head_node = os.getenv('HEAD_NODE', 'prod') |
| HEAD_NODE = head_node + '.cord.lab' if len(head_node.split('.')) == 1 else head_node |
| test_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) |
| olt_conf_file = os.getenv('OLT_CONFIG_FILE', os.path.join(test_path, '..', 'setup/olt_config.json')) |
| restApiXos = None |
| cord_subscriber = None |
| subscriber_info = [] |
| volt_subscriber_info = [] |
| restore_methods = [] |
| TIMEOUT=120 |
| wan_intf_ip = '' |
| V_INF1 = 'veth0' |
| V_INF2 = 'veth1' |
| MGROUP1 = '' |
| MGROUP2 = '' |
| MMACGROUP1 = "01:00:5e:01:02:03" |
| MMACGROUP2 = "01:00:5e:02:02:03" |
| IGMP_DST_MAC = "01:00:5e:00:00:16" |
| IGMP_SRC_MAC = "5a:e1:ac:ec:4d:a1" |
| IP_SRC = '' |
| IP_DST = '' |
| igmp_eth = Ether(dst = IGMP_DST_MAC, type = ETH_P_IP) |
| igmp_ip = IP(dst = IP_DST) |
| igmp_app = 'org.opencord.igmp' |
| acl_app = 'org.onosproject.acl' |
| aaa_app = 'org.opencord.aaa' |
| app = 'org.onosproject.cli' |
| APP_NAME = 'org.ciena.xconnect' |
| INTF_TX_DEFAULT = 'veth2' |
| INTF_RX_DEFAULT = 'veth0' |
| default_port_map = { |
| } |
| vrouter_apps = ('org.onosproject.proxyarp', 'org.onosproject.hostprovider', 'org.onosproject.vrouter', 'org.onosproject.fwd') |
| MAX_PORTS = 100 |
| subscriber_apps = ('org.opencord.aaa', 'org.onosproject.dhcp') |
| olt_apps = () #'org.opencord.cordmcast') |
| vtn_app = 'org.opencord.vtn' |
| table_app = 'org.ciena.cordigmp' |
| aaa_loaded = False |
| table_app_file = os.path.join(test_path, '..', 'apps/ciena-cordigmp-multitable-2.0-SNAPSHOT.oar') |
| app_file = os.path.join(test_path, '..', 'apps/ciena-cordigmp-2.0-SNAPSHOT.oar') |
| olt_app_file = os.path.join(test_path, '..', 'apps/olt-app-1.2-SNAPSHOT.oar') |
| olt_app_name = 'org.onosproject.olt' |
| onos_config_path = os.path.join(test_path, '..', 'setup/onos-config') |
| cpqd_path = os.path.join(test_path, '..', 'setup') |
| ovs_path = cpqd_path |
| test_services = ('IGMP', 'TRAFFIC') |
| num_joins = 0 |
| num_subscribers = 0 |
| leave_flag = True |
| num_channels = 0 |
| recv_timeout = False |
| onos_restartable = bool(int(os.getenv('ONOS_RESTART', 0))) |
| device_id = 'of:' + get_mac() |
| |
| IEluYy4xHjAcBgkqhkiG9w0BCQEWD2FkbWluQGNpZW5hLmNvbTEmMCQGA1UEAxMd |
| hvcNAQkBFg51c2VyQGNpZW5hLmNvbTCBnzANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOBjQAwgYkC |
| gYEAwvXiSzb9LZ6c7uNziUfKvoHO7wu/uiFC5YUpXbmVGuGZizbVrny0xnR85Dfe |
| +9R4diansfDhIhzOUl1XjN3YDeSS9OeF5YWNNE8XDhlz2d3rVzaN6hIhdotBkUjg |
| rUewjTg5OFR31QEyG3v8xR3CLgiE9xQELjZbSA07pD79zuUCAwEAAaNPME0wEwYD |
| VR0lBAwwCgYIKwYBBQUHAwIwNgYDVR0fBC8wLTAroCmgJ4YlaHR0cDovL3d3dy5l |
| eGFtcGxlLmNvbS9leGFtcGxlX2NhLmNybDANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQUFAAOBgQDAjkrY |
| 6tDChmKbvr8w6Du/t8vHjTCoCIocHTN0qzWOeb1YsAGX89+TrWIuO1dFyYd+Z0KC |
| PDKB5j/ygml9Na+AklSYAVJIjvlzXKZrOaPmhZqDufi+rXWti/utVqY4VMW2+HKC |
| nXp37qWeuFLGyR1519Y1d6F/5XzqmvbwURuEug== |
| -----END CERTIFICATE-----""" |
| |
| IEluYy4xHjAcBgkqhkiG9w0BCQEWD2FkbWluQGNpZW5hLmNvbTEmMCQGA1UEAxMd |
| 5An0zEDMNzi51q7lnrYg1XyiE4S8FzMGAFr94RlGMQJUbRD9V/oqszMX4k++iAOK |
| tIA1gr3x7Zi+0tkjVSVzXTmgNnhChAamdMsjYUG5+CY9WAicXyy+VEV3zTphZZDR |
| OjcjEp4m/TSXVPYPgYDXI40YZKX5BdvqykWtT/tIgZb48RS1NPyN/XkCYzl3bv21 |
| qx7Mc0fcEbsJBIIRYTUkfxnsilcnmLxSYO+p+DZ9uBLBzcQt+4Rd5pLSfi21WM39 |
| 2Z2oOi3vs/OYAPAqgmi2JWOv3mePa/8CAwEAAaNPME0wEwYDVR0lBAwwCgYIKwYB |
| BQUHAwIwNgYDVR0fBC8wLTAroCmgJ4YlaHR0cDovL3d3dy5leGFtcGxlLmNvbS9l |
| MjOkyldAVhXWiQsTjaGQGJUUe1cmUJyZbUZEc13MygXMPOM4x7z6VpXGuq1c/Vxn |
| VzQ2fNnbJcIAHi/7G8W5/SQfPesIVDsHTEc4ZspPi5jlS/MVX3HOC+BDbOjdbwqP |
| RX0JEr+uOyhjO+lRxG8ilMRACoBUbw1eDuVDoEBgErSUC44pq5ioDw2xelc+Y6hQ |
| dmtYwfY0DbvwxHtA495frLyPcastDiT/zre7NL51MyUDPjjYjghNQEwvu66IKbQ3 |
| T1tJBrgI7/WI+dqhKBFolKGKTDWIHsZXQvZ1snGu/FRYzg1l+R/jT8cRB9BDwhUt |
| yg== |
| -----END CERTIFICATE-----''' |
| |
| @classmethod |
| def setUpCordApi(cls): |
| num_subscribers = max(cls.NUM_SUBSCRIBERS, 10) |
| cls.cord_subscriber = CordSubscriberUtils(num_subscribers, |
| account_num = cls.SUBSCRIBER_ACCOUNT_NUM, |
| s_tag = cls.SUBSCRIBER_S_TAG, |
| c_tag = cls.SUBSCRIBER_C_TAG, |
| subscribers_per_s_tag = cls.SUBSCRIBERS_PER_S_TAG) |
| cls.restApiXos = XosUtils.getRestApi() |
| |
| @classmethod |
| def setUpClass(cls): |
| log.info('in setUp class 00000000000000') |
| cls.controllers = get_controllers() |
| cls.controller = cls.controllers[0] |
| cls.cli = None |
| cls.on_pod = running_on_pod() |
| cls.on_ciab = running_on_ciab() |
| cls.olt = OltConfig(olt_conf_file = cls.olt_conf_file) |
| cls.vcpes = cls.olt.get_vcpes() |
| cls.vcpes_dhcp = cls.olt.get_vcpes_by_type('dhcp') |
| cls.vcpes_reserved = cls.olt.get_vcpes_by_type('reserved') |
| cls.dhcp_vcpes_reserved = [ 'vcpe{}.{}.{}'.format(i, cls.vcpes_reserved[i]['s_tag'], cls.vcpes_reserved[i]['c_tag']) |
| for i in xrange(len(cls.vcpes_reserved)) ] |
| cls.untagged_dhcp_vcpes_reserved = [ 'vcpe{}'.format(i) for i in xrange(len(cls.vcpes_reserved)) ] |
| cls.container_vcpes_reserved = [ 'vcpe-{}-{}'.format(vcpe['s_tag'], vcpe['c_tag']) for vcpe in cls.vcpes_reserved ] |
| vcpe_dhcp_reserved = None |
| vcpe_container_reserved = None |
| if cls.vcpes_reserved: |
| vcpe_dhcp_reserved = cls.dhcp_vcpes_reserved[0] |
| if cls.on_pod is False: |
| vcpe_dhcp_reserved = cls.untagged_dhcp_vcpes_reserved[0] |
| vcpe_container_reserved = cls.container_vcpes_reserved[0] |
| |
| cls.vcpe_dhcp_reserved = vcpe_dhcp_reserved |
| cls.vcpe_container_reserved = vcpe_container_reserved |
| dhcp_vcpe_offset = len(cls.vcpes_reserved) |
| cls.dhcp_vcpes = [ 'vcpe{}.{}.{}'.format(i+dhcp_vcpe_offset, cls.vcpes_dhcp[i]['s_tag'], cls.vcpes_dhcp[i]['c_tag']) |
| for i in xrange(len(cls.vcpes_dhcp)) ] |
| cls.untagged_dhcp_vcpes = [ 'vcpe{}'.format(i+dhcp_vcpe_offset) for i in xrange(len(cls.vcpes_dhcp)) ] |
| cls.container_vcpes = [ 'vcpe-{}-{}'.format(vcpe['s_tag'], vcpe['c_tag']) for vcpe in cls.vcpes_dhcp ] |
| vcpe_dhcp = None |
| vcpe_container = None |
| #cache the first dhcp vcpe in the class for quick testing |
| if cls.vcpes_dhcp: |
| vcpe_container = cls.container_vcpes[0] |
| vcpe_dhcp = cls.dhcp_vcpes[0] |
| if cls.on_pod is False: |
| vcpe_dhcp = cls.untagged_dhcp_vcpes[0] |
| cls.vcpe_container = vcpe_container_reserved or vcpe_container |
| cls.vcpe_dhcp = vcpe_dhcp_reserved or vcpe_dhcp |
| VSGAccess.setUp() |
| cls.setUpCordApi() |
| if cls.on_pod is True: |
| cls.openVCPEAccess(cls.cord_subscriber.volt_subscriber_info) |
| |
| @classmethod |
| def tearDownClass(cls): |
| VSGAccess.tearDown() |
| if cls.on_pod is True: |
| cls.closeVCPEAccess(cls.cord_subscriber.volt_subscriber_info) |
| |
| def log_set(self, level = None, app = 'org.onosproject'): |
| CordLogger.logSet(level = level, app = app, controllers = self.controllers, forced = True) |
| ######################## vsg - vcpe utility functions ######################### |
| @classmethod |
| def closeVCPEAccess(cls, volt_subscriber_info): |
| OnosCtrl.uninstall_app(cls.APP_NAME, onos_ip = cls.HEAD_NODE) |
| |
| @classmethod |
| def openVCPEAccess(cls, volt_subscriber_info): |
| """ |
| This code is used to configure leaf switch for head node access to compute node over fabric. |
| Care is to be taken to avoid overwriting existing/default vcpe flows. |
| The access is opened for generated subscriber info which should not overlap. |
| We target the fabric onos instance on head node. |
| """ |
| version = Onos.getVersion(onos_ip = cls.HEAD_NODE) |
| app_version = '1.0-SNAPSHOT' |
| major = int(version.split('.')[0]) |
| minor = int(version.split('.')[1]) |
| if major > 1: |
| app_version = '2.0-SNAPSHOT' |
| elif major == 1 and minor > 10: |
| app_version = '2.0-SNAPSHOT' |
| cls.APP_FILE = os.path.join(cls.test_path, '..', 'apps/xconnect-{}.oar'.format(app_version)) |
| OnosCtrl.install_app(cls.APP_FILE, onos_ip = cls.HEAD_NODE) |
| time.sleep(2) |
| s_tags = map(lambda tenant: int(tenant['voltTenant']['s_tag']), volt_subscriber_info) |
| #only get unique vlan tags |
| s_tags = list(set(s_tags)) |
| devices = OnosCtrl.get_device_ids(controller = cls.HEAD_NODE) |
| if devices: |
| device_config = {} |
| for device in devices: |
| device_config[device] = [] |
| for s_tag in s_tags: |
| xconnect_config = {'vlan': s_tag, 'ports' : [ cls.FABRIC_PORT_HEAD_NODE, cls.FABRIC_PORT_COMPUTE_NODE ] } |
| device_config[device].append(xconnect_config) |
| |
| cfg = { 'apps' : { 'org.ciena.xconnect' : { 'xconnectTestConfig' : device_config } } } |
| OnosCtrl.config(cfg, controller = cls.HEAD_NODE) |
| |
| def get_system_cpu_usage(self): |
| """ Getting compute node CPU usage """ |
| ssh_agent = SSHTestAgent(host = self.HEAD_NODE, user = self.USER, password = self.PASS) |
| cmd = "top -b -n1 | grep 'Cpu(s)' | awk '{print $2 + $4}'" |
| status, output = ssh_agent.run_cmd(cmd) |
| assert_equal(status, True) |
| return float(output) |
| |
| def vsg_for_external_connectivity(self, subscriber_index, reserved = False): |
| if reserved is True: |
| if self.on_pod is True: |
| vcpe = self.dhcp_vcpes_reserved[subscriber_index] |
| else: |
| vcpe = self.untagged_dhcp_vcpes_reserved[subscriber_index] |
| else: |
| if self.on_pod is True: |
| vcpe = self.dhcp_vcpes[subscriber_index] |
| else: |
| vcpe = self.untagged_dhcp_vcpes[subscriber_index] |
| mgmt = 'eth0' |
| host = '' |
| self.success = False |
| assert_not_equal(vcpe, None) |
| vcpe_ip = VSGAccess.vcpe_get_dhcp(vcpe, mgmt = mgmt) |
| assert_not_equal(vcpe_ip, None) |
| log.info('Got DHCP IP %s for %s' %(vcpe_ip, vcpe)) |
| log.info('Sending icmp echo requests to external network') |
| st, _ = getstatusoutput('ping -c 3') |
| VSGAccess.restore_interface_config(mgmt, vcpe = vcpe) |
| assert_equal(st, 0) |
| |
| def vsg_xos_subscriber_create(self, index, subscriber_info = None, volt_subscriber_info = None): |
| if self.on_pod is False: |
| return '' |
| if subscriber_info is None: |
| subscriber_info = self.cord_subscriber.subscriber_info[index] |
| if volt_subscriber_info is None: |
| volt_subscriber_info = self.cord_subscriber.volt_subscriber_info[index] |
| s_tag = int(volt_subscriber_info['voltTenant']['s_tag']) |
| c_tag = int(volt_subscriber_info['voltTenant']['c_tag']) |
| vcpe = 'vcpe-{}-{}'.format(s_tag, c_tag) |
| subId = self.cord_subscriber.subscriberCreate(index, subscriber_info, volt_subscriber_info) |
| if subId: |
| #if the vsg instance was already instantiated, then reduce delay |
| if c_tag % self.SUBSCRIBERS_PER_S_TAG == 0: |
| delay = 350 |
| else: |
| delay = 90 |
| log.info('Delaying %d seconds for the VCPE to be provisioned' %(delay)) |
| time.sleep(delay) |
| #log.info('Testing for external connectivity to VCPE %s' %(vcpe)) |
| #self.vsg_for_external_connectivity(index) |
| |
| return subId |
| |
| def vsg_delete(self, num_subscribers): |
| if self.on_pod is False: |
| return |
| num_subscribers = min(num_subscribers, len(self.cord_subscriber.subscriber_info)) |
| for index in xrange(num_subscribers): |
| subId = self.vsg_xos_subscriber_id(index) |
| if subId and subId != '0': |
| self.vsg_xos_subscriber_delete(index, subId = subId) |
| |
| def vsg_xos_subscriber_delete(self, index, subId = '', voltId = '', subscriber_info = None, volt_subscriber_info = None): |
| if self.on_pod is False: |
| return |
| self.cord_subscriber.subscriberDelete(index, subId = subId, voltId = voltId, |
| subscriber_info = subscriber_info, |
| volt_subscriber_info = volt_subscriber_info) |
| |
| def vsg_xos_subscriber_id(self, index): |
| if self.on_pod is False: |
| return '' |
| return self.cord_subscriber.subscriberId(index) |
| |
| def vsg_xos_subscriber_create_reserved(self): |
| if self.on_pod is False: |
| return |
| tags_reserved = [ (int(vcpe['s_tag']), int(vcpe['c_tag'])) for vcpe in self.vcpes_reserved ] |
| volt_tenants = self.restApiXos.ApiGet('TENANT_VOLT') |
| subscribers = self.restApiXos.ApiGet('TENANT_SUBSCRIBER') |
| reserved_tenants = filter(lambda tenant: (int(tenant['s_tag']), int(tenant['c_tag'])) in tags_reserved, volt_tenants) |
| reserved_config = [] |
| for tenant in reserved_tenants: |
| for subscriber in subscribers: |
| if int(subscriber['id']) == int(tenant['subscriber']): |
| volt_subscriber_info = {} |
| volt_subscriber_info['voltTenant'] = dict(s_tag = tenant['s_tag'], |
| c_tag = tenant['c_tag'], |
| subscriber = tenant['subscriber']) |
| volt_subscriber_info['volt_id'] = tenant['id'] |
| volt_subscriber_info['account_num'] = subscriber['identity']['account_num'] |
| reserved_config.append( (subscriber, volt_subscriber_info) ) |
| break |
| else: |
| log.info('Subscriber not found for tenant %s, s_tag: %s, c_tag: %s' %(str(tenant['subscriber']), |
| str(tenant['s_tag']), |
| str(tenant['c_tag']))) |
| |
| for subscriber_info, volt_subscriber_info in reserved_config: |
| self.vsg_xos_subscriber_delete(0, |
| subId = str(subscriber_info['id']), |
| voltId = str(volt_subscriber_info['volt_id']), |
| subscriber_info = subscriber_info, |
| volt_subscriber_info = volt_subscriber_info) |
| subId = self.vsg_xos_subscriber_create(0, |
| subscriber_info = subscriber_info, |
| volt_subscriber_info = volt_subscriber_info) |
| log.info('Created reserved subscriber %s' %(subId)) |
| |
| @deferred(1800) |
| def test_scale_for_vsg_vm_creations(self): |
| try: |
| df = defer.Deferred() |
| def scale_vsg_vms(df): |
| for index in xrange(len(self.cord_subscriber.subscriber_info)): |
| #check if the index exists |
| subId = self.vsg_xos_subscriber_id(index) |
| log.info('test_vsg_xos_subscriber_creation - subId is %s'%subId) |
| if subId and subId != '0': |
| self.vsg_xos_subscriber_delete(index, subId = subId) |
| subId = self.vsg_xos_subscriber_create(index) |
| log.info('Created Subscriber %s' %(subId)) |
| df.callback(0) |
| reactor.callLater(0, scale_vsg_vms, df) |
| return df |
| finally: |
| pass |
| #self.vsg_delete(len(self.cord_subscriber.subscriber_info)) |
| self.vsg_xos_subscriber_create_reserved |
| |
| @deferred(1800) |
| def test_scale_for_vcpe_creations(self): |
| try: |
| df = defer.Deferred() |
| def scale_vcpe_instances(df): |
| for index in xrange(len(self.cord_subscriber.subscriber_info)): |
| #check if the index exists |
| subId = self.vsg_xos_subscriber_id(index) |
| log.info('test_vsg_xos_subscriber_creation') |
| if subId and subId != '0': |
| self.vsg_xos_subscriber_delete(index, subId = subId) |
| subId = self.vsg_xos_subscriber_create(index) |
| log.info('Created Subscriber %s' %(subId)) |
| df.callback(0) |
| reactor.callLater(0, scale_vcpe_instances, df) |
| return df |
| except: |
| self.vsg_delete(len(self.cord_subscriber.subscriber_info)) |
| self.vsg_xos_subscriber_create_reserved |
| |
| @deferred(1800) |
| def test_scale_of_subcriber_vcpe_creations_in_single_vsg_vm(self): |
| try: |
| df = defer.Deferred() |
| def scale_vcpe_instances(df): |
| subId = self.vsg_xos_subscriber_create(100) |
| if subId and subId != '0': |
| self.vsg_xos_subscriber_delete(100, subId) |
| df.callback(0) |
| reactor.callLater(0, scale_vsg_vms, df) |
| return df |
| except: |
| self.vsg_delete(len(self.cord_subscriber.subscriber_info)) |
| self.vsg_xos_subscriber_create_reserved |
| |
| @deferred(1800) |
| def test_scale_of_subcriber_vcpe_creations_in_multiple_vsg_vm(self): |
| try: |
| df = defer.Deferred() |
| def scale_vcpe_instances(df): |
| subId = self.vsg_xos_subscriber_create(100) |
| if subId and subId != '0': |
| self.vsg_xos_subscriber_delete(100, subId) |
| df.callback(0) |
| reactor.callLater(0, scale_vsg_vms, df) |
| return df |
| except: |
| self.vsg_delete(len(self.cord_subscriber.subscriber_info)) |
| self.vsg_xos_subscriber_create_reserved |
| |
| @deferred(1800) |
| def test_scale_of_subcriber_vcpe_creations_with_one_vcpe_in_one_vsg_vm(self): |
| try: |
| df = defer.Deferred() |
| def scale_vcpe_instances(df): |
| subId = self.vsg_xos_subscriber_create(100) |
| if subId and subId != '0': |
| self.vsg_xos_subscriber_delete(100, subId) |
| df.callback(0) |
| reactor.callLater(0, scale_vsg_vms, df) |
| return df |
| except: |
| self.vsg_delete(len(self.cord_subscriber.subscriber_info)) |
| self.vsg_xos_subscriber_create_reserved |
| |
| @deferred(1800) |
| def test_scale_for_cord_subscriber_creation_and_deletion(self): |
| try: |
| df = defer.Deferred() |
| def scale_vcpe_instances(df): |
| subId = self.vsg_xos_subscriber_create(100) |
| if subId and subId != '0': |
| self.vsg_xos_subscriber_delete(100, subId) |
| df.callback(0) |
| reactor.callLater(0, scale_vsg_vms, df) |
| return df |
| except: |
| self.vsg_delete(len(self.cord_subscriber.subscriber_info)) |
| self.vsg_xos_subscriber_create_reserved |
| |
| def test_cord_for_scale_of_subscriber_containers_per_compute_node(self): |
| pass |
| |
| @deferred(10) |
| def test_latency_of_cord_for_control_packets_using_icmp_packet(self): |
| """ |
| Test-Method: |
| 1. Ping from cord-tester to wan interface IP of CiaB setup |
| 2. Grep latency of ping packets |
| """ |
| df = defer.Deferred() |
| def scale_vcpe_instances(df): |
| cmd = "ping -c 4 {0} | tail -1| awk '{{print $4}}'".format(self.wan_intf_ip) |
| st, out = getstatusoutput(cmd) |
| if out != '': |
| out = out.split('/') |
| avg_rtt = out[1] |
| latency = float(avg_rtt)/float(2) |
| else: |
| latency = None |
| log.info('CORD setup latency calculated from icmp packet is = %s ms'%latency) |
| assert_not_equal(latency,None) |
| df.callback(0) |
| reactor.callLater(0, scale_vsg_vms, df) |
| return df |
| |
| @deferred(20) |
| def test_latency_of_cord_for_control_packets_using_increasing_sizes_of_icmp_packet(self): |
| """ |
| Test-Method: |
| 1. Ping from cord-tester to wan interface IP of CiaB setup |
| 2. Grep the latency of ping packet |
| 3. Repeat the process for varying sizes of ping packets |
| """ |
| df = defer.Deferred() |
| def scale_vcpe_instances(df): |
| pckt_sizes = [100,500,1000,1500] |
| for size in pckt_sizes: |
| cmd = "ping -c 4 -s {} {} | tail -1| awk '{{print $4}}'".format(size,self.wan_intf_ip) |
| st, out = getstatusoutput(cmd) |
| if out != '': |
| out = out.split('/') |
| avg_rtt = out[1] |
| latency = float(avg_rtt)/float(2) |
| else: |
| latency = None |
| log.info('CORD setup latency calculated from icmp packet with size %s bytes is = %s ms'%(size,latency)) |
| assert_not_equal(latency,None) |
| df.callback(0) |
| reactor.callLater(0, scale_vsg_vms, df) |
| return df |
| |
| @deferred(10) |
| def test_latency_of_cord_with_traceroute(self): |
| """ |
| Test-Method: |
| 1. Traceroute from cord-tester to wan interface IP of CiaB setup |
| 2. Grep the latency of ping packet |
| 3. Repeat the process for varying sizes of ping packets |
| """ |
| df = defer.Deferred() |
| def scale_vcpe_instances(df): |
| cmd = "traceroute -q1 {} | tail -1| awk '{{print $4}}'".format(self.wan_intf_ip) |
| avg_rtt = float(0) |
| latency = None |
| for index in [1,2,3]: |
| st, out = getstatusoutput(cmd) |
| if out != '': |
| avg_rtt += float(out) |
| latency = float(avg_rtt)/float(6) |
| log.info('CORD setup latency calculated from traceroute is = %s ms'%latency) |
| assert_not_equal(latency,0.0) |
| assert_not_equal(latency,None) |
| df.callback(0) |
| reactor.callLater(0, scale_vsg_vms, df) |
| return df |
| |
| #tested with 50 igmp joins on CiaB setup |
| @deferred(1000) |
| def test_scale_with_igmp_joins_for_multicast_groups_validating_cpu_usage(self, group_count=500): |
| """ |
| Test-Method: |
| 1. Register 500 (group count is number to test) igmp groups in onos |
| 2. Send igmp joins for registered groups |
| 3. Send multicast traffic to all registered groups |
| 4. Verify traffic forwards properly |
| """ |
| df = defer.Deferred() |
| def scale_igmp_joins(df): |
| OnosCtrl(self.igmp_app).activate() |
| groups = scale().generate_random_multicast_ip_addresses(count = group_count) |
| sources = scale().generate_random_unicast_ip_addresses(count = group_count) |
| scale().onos_ssm_table_load(groups,src_list=sources,flag=True) |
| try: |
| for index in range(group_count): |
| scale().send_igmp_join(groups = [groups[index]], src_list = [sources[index]],record_type = IGMP_V3_GR_TYPE_INCLUDE, |
| iface = self.V_INF1) |
| status = scale().verify_igmp_data_traffic(groups[index],intf=self.V_INF1,source=sources[index]) |
| assert_equal(status, True) |
| log_test.info('data received for group %s from source %s - %d'%(groups[index],sources[index],index)) |
| except Exception as error: |
| log.info('Got unexpected error %s'%error) |
| raise |
| df.callback(0) |
| reactor.callLater(0, scale_igmp_joins, df) |
| return df |
| |
| #tested with 50 igmp joins on CiaB setup |
| @deferred(1000) |
| def test_scale_with_igmp_joins_for_multicast_groups_toggling_igmp_app(self, group_count=1000): |
| """ |
| Test-Method: |
| 1. Register 1000 (group_count is a number to test, can increase the number)igmp groups in onos |
| 2. Send igmp joins for registered groups |
| 3. Send multicast traffic to all registered groups |
| 4. Verify traffic forwards properly |
| 5. deactivate and activate igmp app in onos |
| 6. Verify multicast traffic do not forward after igmp app deactivated |
| """ |
| df = defer.Deferred() |
| def scale_igmp_joins(df): |
| OnosCtrl(self.igmp_app).activate() |
| groups = scale().generate_random_multicast_ip_addresses(count = group_count) |
| sources = scale().generate_random_unicast_ip_addresses(count = group_count) |
| scale().onos_ssm_table_load(groups,src_list=sources,flag=True) |
| try: |
| for index in range(group_count): |
| scale().send_igmp_join(groups = [groups[index]], src_list = [sources[index]],record_type = IGMP_V3_GR_TYPE_INCLUDE, |
| iface = self.V_INF1) |
| status = scale().verify_igmp_data_traffic(groups[index],intf=self.V_INF1,source=sources[index]) |
| assert_equal(status, True) |
| log_test.info('data received for group %s from source %s - %d'%(groups[index],sources[index],index)) |
| log_test.info('Deactivating igmp app in onos') |
| OnosCtrl(self.igmp_app).deactivate() |
| time.sleep(2) |
| for index in range(group_count): |
| status = scale().verify_igmp_data_traffic(groups[index],intf=self.V_INF1,source=sources[index]) |
| assert_equal(status, False) |
| log_test.info('data received for group %s from source %s - %d'%(groups[index],sources[index],index)) |
| OnosCtrl(self.igmp_app).activate() |
| except Exception as error: |
| log.info('Got unexpected error %s'%error) |
| OnosCtrl(self.igmp_app).activate() |
| raise |
| df.callback(0) |
| reactor.callLater(0, scale_igmp_joins, df) |
| return df |
| |
| #tested with 50 igmp joins on CiaB setup |
| @deferred(1800) |
| def test_scale_with_igmp_joins_for_multicast_groups_validating_cpu_usage(self, group_count=2000): |
| """ |
| Test-Method: |
| 1. Register (group count value to test) igmp groups in onos |
| 2. Send igmp joins for registered groups |
| 3. Send multicast traffic to all registered groups |
| 4. Verify traffic forwards properly |
| """ |
| df = defer.Deferred() |
| def scale_igmp_joins(df): |
| OnosCtrl(self.igmp_app).activate() |
| groups = scale().generate_random_multicast_ip_addresses(count = group_count) |
| sources = scale().generate_random_unicast_ip_addresses(count = group_count) |
| scale().onos_ssm_table_load(groups,src_list=sources,flag=True) |
| try: |
| for index in range(group_count): |
| scale().send_igmp_join(groups = [groups[index]], src_list = [sources[index]],record_type = IGMP_V3_GR_TYPE_INCLUDE, |
| iface = self.V_INF1) |
| status = scale().verify_igmp_data_traffic(groups[index],intf=self.V_INF1,source=sources[index]) |
| assert_equal(status, True) |
| log_test.info('data received for group %s from source %s - %d'%(groups[index],sources[index],index)) |
| if index % 50 == 0: |
| cpu_usage = scale().get_system_cpu_usage() |
| log.info('CPU usage is %s for multicast group entries %s'%(cpu_usage,index+1)) |
| except Exception as error: |
| log.info('Got unexpected error %s'%error) |
| raise |
| df.callback(0) |
| reactor.callLater(0, scale_igmp_joins, df) |
| return df |
| |
| #tested with 50 igmp joins on CiaB setup |
| @deferred(1000) |
| def test_scale_of_igmp_joins_for_multicast_groups_validating_cpu_usage_after_app_deactivation_and_activation(self,group_count=2000): |
| """ |
| Test-Method: |
| 1. Register 2000 (Number to test) igmp groups in onos |
| 2. Send igmp joins for registered groups |
| 3. Send multicast traffic to all registered groups |
| 4. Verify traffic forwards properly |
| """ |
| df = defer.Deferred() |
| def scale_igmp_joins(df): |
| cpu_usage1 = scale().get_system_cpu_usage() |
| OnosCtrl(self.igmp_app).activate() |
| groups = scale().generate_random_multicast_ip_addresses(count = group_count) |
| sources = scale().generate_random_unicast_ip_addresses(count = group_count) |
| scale().onos_ssm_table_load(groups,src_list=sources,flag=True) |
| try: |
| for index in range(group_count): |
| scale().send_igmp_join(groups = [groups[index]], src_list = [sources[index]],record_type = IGMP_V3_GR_TYPE_INCLUDE, |
| iface = self.V_INF1) |
| status = scale().verify_igmp_data_traffic(groups[index],intf=self.V_INF1,source=sources[index]) |
| assert_equal(status, True) |
| log_test.info('data received for group %s from source %s - %d'%(groups[index],sources[index],index)) |
| if index % 50 == 0: |
| cpu_usage = self.get_system_cpu_usage() |
| log.info('CPU usage is %s for multicast group entries %s'%(cpu_usage,index+1)) |
| cpu_usage2 = scale().get_system_cpu_usage() |
| OnosCtrl(self.igmp_app).deactivate() |
| time.sleep(2) |
| cpu_usage3 = scale().get_system_cpu_usage() |
| log.info('CPU usage before test start = %f after %d igmp entries registered in onos = %f and after the app deactivated = %f are'%(cpu_usage1,cpu_usage2,cpu_usage3)) |
| except Exception as error: |
| log.info('Got unexpected error %s'%error) |
| raise |
| df.callback(0) |
| reactor.callLater(0, scale_igmp_joins, df) |
| return df |
| |
| #tested with 100 flow entries on CiaB setup |
| @deferred(1000) |
| def test_scale_adding_large_number_of_flow_entries_for_tcp_ports(self,count=1000): |
| """ |
| Test-Method: |
| 1. Add 1000 (Large number to test) flow entries with varying tcp port number in onos |
| 2. Send data traffic for added tcp port numbers |
| 3. Verify onos forwards data traffic properly |
| """ |
| scale().flows_setup() |
| df = defer.Deferred() |
| def scale_flow_entries(df): |
| egress = 1 |
| ingress = 2 |
| egress_map = { 'ether': '00:00:00:00:00:03', 'ip': '', 'tcp_port': random.randint(1024,65535) } |
| ingress_map = { 'ether': '00:00:00:00:00:04', 'ip': '', 'tcp_port': random.randint(1024,65535) } |
| try: |
| for index in range(0,count): |
| ingress_map['tcp_port'] = random.randint(1024,65535) |
| egress_map['tcp_port'] = random.randint(1024,65535) |
| src_port = ingress_map['tcp_port'] |
| egr_port = egress_map['tcp_port'] |
| #log.info('ingress port is %d and egress port is %d'%(src_port,egr_port)) |
| flow = OnosFlowCtrl(deviceId = self.device_id, |
| egressPort = egress + scale().port_offset, |
| ingressPort = ingress + scale().port_offset, |
| tcpSrc = ingress_map['tcp_port'], |
| tcpDst = egress_map['tcp_port'] |
| ) |
| result = flow.addFlow() |
| assert_equal(result, True) |
| log_test.info("flow number = %d is added",index+1) |
| def mac_recv_task(): |
| def recv_cb(pkt): |
| log_test.info('Pkt seen with ingress TCP port %s, egress TCP port %s' %(pkt[TCP].sport, pkt[TCP].dport)) |
| result = True |
| sniff(count=2, timeout=5, |
| lfilter = lambda p: TCP in p and p[TCP].dport == egr_port and p[TCP].sport == src_port ,prn = recv_cb, iface = scale().port_map[egress]) |
| t = threading.Thread(target = mac_recv_task) |
| t.start() |
| L2 = Ether(src = ingress_map['ether'], dst = egress_map['ether']) |
| L3 = IP(src = ingress_map['ip'], dst = egress_map['ip']) |
| L4 = TCP(sport = src_port, dport = egr_port) |
| pkt = L2/L3/L4 |
| log_test.info('Sending packets to verify if flows are correct') |
| sendp(pkt, count=50, iface = scale().port_map[ingress]) |
| t.join() |
| except Exception as error: |
| log.info('Got unexpected error %s'%error) |
| raise |
| df.callback(0) |
| reactor.callLater(0,scale_flow_entries, df) |
| return df |
| |
| #tested with 100 flow entries on CiaB setup |
| @deferred(1000) |
| def test_scale_adding_ip_flow_entries_validating_cpu_usage(self,count=5000): |
| """ |
| Test-Method: |
| 1. Add 5000(Edit count as per test requirement) flow entries with varying source and destination IP |
| 2. Send data traffic matching flow entries |
| 3. Verify onos forwards data traffic properly |
| """ |
| scale().flows_setup() |
| df = defer.Deferred() |
| def scale_flow_entries(df): |
| cpu_usage1 = scale().get_system_cpu_usage() |
| egress = 1 |
| ingress = 2 |
| egress_map = { 'ether': '00:00:00:00:00:03', 'ip': '' } |
| ingress_map = { 'ether': '00:00:00:00:00:04', 'ip': '' } |
| try: |
| for index in range(0,count): |
| ingress_map['ip'] = scale().generate_random_unicast_ip_addresses()[0] #next_ip(ingress_map['ip']) |
| assert_not_equal(ingress_map['ip'], None) |
| egress_map['ip'] = scale().generate_random_unicast_ip_addresses()[0] #to_egress_ip(ingress_map['ip']) |
| flow = OnosFlowCtrl(deviceId = self.device_id, |
| egressPort = egress + scale().port_offset, |
| ingressPort = ingress + scale().port_offset, |
| ethType = '0x0800', |
| ipSrc = ('IPV4_SRC', ingress_map['ip']+'/8'), |
| ipDst = ('IPV4_DST', egress_map['ip']+'/8') |
| ) |
| if index % 50 == 0: |
| cpu_usage = scale().get_system_cpu_usage() |
| log.info('CPU usage is %s for flow number %d added'%(cpu_usage,index+1)) |
| time.sleep(1) |
| def mac_recv_task(): |
| def recv_cb(pkt): |
| log_test.info('Pkt seen with ingress source IP %s, destination IP %s' %(pkt[IP].src, pkt[IP].dst)) |
| result = True |
| sniff(count=2, timeout=5, |
| lfilter = lambda p: IP in p and p[IP].dst == egress_map['ip'] and p[IP].src == ingress_map['ip'] ,prn = recv_cb, iface = scale().port_map[egress]) |
| t = threading.Thread(target = mac_recv_task) |
| t.start() |
| L2 = Ether(src = ingress_map['ether'], dst = egress_map['ether']) |
| L3 = IP(src = ingress_map['ip'], dst = egress_map['ip']) |
| pkt = L2/L3 |
| log_test.info('Sending packets to verify if flows are correct') |
| sendp(pkt, count=50, iface = scale().port_map[ingress]) |
| t.join() |
| cpu_usage2 = scale().get_system_cpu_usage() |
| log.info('system cpu usage before flows added = %f and after %d flows added = %f'%(cpu_usage1,count,cpu_usage2)) |
| except Exception as error: |
| log.info('Got unexpected error %s'%error) |
| raise |
| df.callback(0) |
| reactor.callLater(0, scale_flow_entries, df) |
| return df |
| |
| #tested with 100 flow entries on CiaB setup |
| @deferred(1000) |
| def test_scale_adding_flow_entries_with_udp_ports(self,count=10000): |
| """ |
| Test-Method: |
| 1. Add 10000 (Number as per test requirement)flow entries with varying udp port number in onos |
| 2. Send data traffic matching flow entries |
| 3. Verify onos forwards data traffic properly |
| """ |
| scale().flows_setup() |
| df = defer.Deferred() |
| def scale_flow_entries(df): |
| egress = 1 |
| ingress = 2 |
| egress_map = { 'ether': '00:00:00:00:00:03', 'ip': '', 'udp_port': random.randint(1024,65535) } |
| ingress_map = { 'ether': '00:00:00:00:00:04', 'ip': '', 'udp_port': random.randint(1024,65535) } |
| try: |
| for index in range(0,count): |
| ingress_map['udp_port'] = random.randint(1024,65535) |
| egress_map['udp_port'] = random.randint(1024,65535) |
| src_port = ingress_map['udp_port'] |
| egr_port = egress_map['udp_port'] |
| #log.info('ingress port is %d and egress port is %d'%(src_port,egr_port)) |
| flow = OnosFlowCtrl(deviceId = self.device_id, |
| egressPort = egress + scale().port_offset, |
| ingressPort = ingress + scale().port_offset, |
| udpSrc = ingress_map['udp_port'], |
| udpDst = egress_map['udp_port'] |
| ) |
| result = flow.addFlow() |
| assert_equal(result, True) |
| log_test.info("flow number = %d is added",index+1) |
| def mac_recv_task(): |
| def recv_cb(pkt): |
| log_test.info('Pkt seen with ingress UDP port %s, egress UDP port %s' %(pkt[UDP].sport, pkt[UDP].dport)) |
| result = True |
| sniff(count=2, timeout=5, |
| lfilter = lambda p: UDP in p and p[UDP].dport == egr_port and p[UDP].sport == src_port ,prn = recv_cb, iface = scale().port_map[egress]) |
| t = threading.Thread(target = mac_recv_task) |
| t.start() |
| L2 = Ether(src = ingress_map['ether'], dst = egress_map['ether']) |
| L3 = IP(src = ingress_map['ip'], dst = egress_map['ip']) |
| L4 = UDP(sport = src_port, dport = egr_port) |
| pkt = L2/L3/L4 |
| log_test.info('Sending packets to verify if flows are correct') |
| sendp(pkt, count=50, iface = scale().port_map[ingress]) |
| t.join() |
| except Exception as error: |
| log.info('Got unexpected error %s'%error) |
| raise |
| df.callback(0) |
| reactor.callLater(0,scale_flow_entries, df) |
| return df |
| |
| #tested with 100 flow entries on CiaB setup |
| @deferred(1000) |
| def test_scale_adding_constant_destination_mac_flow_entries_validating_cpu_usage(self,count=100): |
| """ |
| Test-Method: |
| 1. Add 100(Change number as per requirement) flow entries with varying source mac |
| 2. Send data traffic matching flow entries |
| 3. Verify onos forwards data traffic properly |
| """ |
| scale().flows_setup() |
| df = defer.Deferred() |
| def scale_flow_entries(df): |
| cpu_usage1 = self.get_system_cpu_usage() |
| egress = 1 |
| ingress = 2 |
| egress_mac = '02:00:00:00:0:0' |
| ingress_mac = '03:00:00:00:00:00' |
| try: |
| for index in range(0,count): |
| result = False |
| ingress_mac = scale().next_mac(ingress_mac) |
| flow = OnosFlowCtrl(deviceId = self.device_id, |
| egressPort = egress + scale().port_offset, |
| ingressPort = ingress + scale().port_offset, |
| ethSrc = ingress_mac, |
| ethDst = egress_mac) |
| result = flow.addFlow() |
| assert_equal(result, True) |
| log.info("flow number = %d is added",index+1) |
| if index % 100 == 0: |
| cpu_usage = scale().get_system_cpu_usage() |
| log.info('CPU usage is %s for multicast group entries %s'%(cpu_usage,index+1)) |
| time.sleep(1) |
| def mac_recv_task(): |
| def recv_cb(pkt): |
| log_test.info('Pkt seen with ingress mac %s, egress mac %s' %(pkt.src , pkt.dst)) |
| result = True |
| sniff(count=2, timeout=5, |
| lfilter = lambda p: p.src == ingress_mac and p.dst == egress_mac ,prn = recv_cb, iface = scale().port_map[egress]) |
| t = threading.Thread(target = mac_recv_task) |
| t.start() |
| L2 = Ether(src = ingress_mac, dst = egress_mac) |
| pkt = L2/IP() |
| log_test.info('Sending packets to verify if flows are correct') |
| sendp(pkt, count=50, iface = scale().port_map[ingress]) |
| t.join() |
| assert_equal(result, True) |
| cpu_usage2 = self.get_system_cpu_usage() |
| log.info('system cpu usage before flows added = %f and after %d flows added = %f'%(cpu_usage1,count,cpu_usage2)) |
| except Exception as error: |
| log.info('Got unexpected error %s'%error) |
| raise |
| df.callback(0) |
| reactor.callLater(0,scale_flow_entries, df) |
| return df |
| |
| |
| @deferred(1000) |
| def test_scale_adding_acl_rules_to_deny_matching_destination_tcp_port_traffic(self,count=10000): |
| """ |
| Test-Method: |
| 1. Add 10000 (Adjust number as per test requirement)acl deny rules with varying tcp port number |
| 2. Send data traffic matching flow entries |
| 3. Verify onos drops data traffic properly |
| """ |
| df = defer.Deferred() |
| def scale_acl_rules(df): |
| acl_rule = ACLTest() |
| ingress = self.ingress_iface |
| egress = self.CURRENT_PORT_NUM |
| status, code, host_ip_mac = acl_rule.generate_onos_interface_config(iface_num= self.CURRENT_PORT_NUM, iface_name = 'b1',iface_count = 1, iface_ip = self.HOST_DST_IP) |
| self.CURRENT_PORT_NUM += 1 |
| time.sleep(5) |
| assert_equal(status, True) |
| srcMac = '00:00:00:00:00:11' |
| dstMac = host_ip_mac[0][1] |
| scale().acl_hosts_add(dstHostIpMac = host_ip_mac, egress_iface_count = 1, egress_iface_num = egress ) |
| try: |
| for index in range(0,count): |
| status,code,host_ip_mac = acl_rule.generate_onos_interface_config(iface_num= self.CURRENT_PORT_NUM, iface_name = 'b1',iface_count = 1, iface_ip = self.HOST_DST_IP) |
| self.CURRENT_PORT_NUM += 1 |
| src_ip = self.generate_random_unicast_ip_addresses(count=1)[0]+'/32' |
| dst_ip = self.generate_random_unicast_ip_addresses(count=1)[0]+'/32' |
| dst_port = random.randint(1024,65535) |
| log.info('adding acl rule = %d with src ip = %s, dst ip = %s and dst tcp port = %d'%(index+1, src_ip,dst_ip,dst_port)) |
| status,code = acl_rule.adding_acl_rule('v4', srcIp=src_ip, dstIp = dst_ip, ipProto ='TCP', dstTpPort =dst_port, action = 'deny') |
| assert_equal(status, True) |
| self.acl_rule_traffic_send_recv(srcMac = srcMac, dstMac = dstMac ,srcIp = src_ip, dstIp = dst_ip,ingress =ingress, egress = egress, ip_proto = 'TCP',positive_test = False) |
| scale().acl_hosts_remove(egress_iface_count = 1, egress_iface_num = egress) |
| except Exception as error: |
| log.info('Got unexpected error %s'%error) |
| self.acl_hosts_remove(egress_iface_count = 1, egress_iface_num = egress) |
| raise |
| df.callback(0) |
| reactor.callLater(0, scale_vsg_vms, df) |
| return df |
| |
| @deferred(1000) |
| def test_scale_adding_acl_rules_to_allow_src_and_dst_ip_matching_traffic_validating_cpu_usage(self,count=10000): |
| """ |
| Test-Method: |
| 1. Grep system usage before starting test case |
| 2. Configure 10000(As per test requirement) acl rules in onos |
| 3. Verify traffic test for all 10000 acl rules configured |
| 4. Grep system usage again now |
| """ |
| df = defer.Deferred() |
| def scale_acl_rules(df): |
| cpu_usage1 = self.get_system_cpu_usage() |
| ingress = self.ingress_iface |
| egress = self.CURRENT_PORT_NUM |
| status, code, host_ip_mac = acl_rule.generate_onos_interface_config(iface_num= self.CURRENT_PORT_NUM, iface_name = 'b1',iface_count = 1, iface_ip = self.HOST_DST_IP) |
| self.CURRENT_PORT_NUM += 1 |
| time.sleep(5) |
| assert_equal(status, True) |
| srcMac = '00:00:00:00:00:11' |
| dstMac = host_ip_mac[0][1] |
| self.acl_hosts_add(dstHostIpMac = host_ip_mac, egress_iface_count = 1, egress_iface_num = egress ) |
| acl_rule = ACLTest() |
| try: |
| for index in range(0,count): |
| status,code,host_ip_mac = acl_rule.generate_onos_interface_config(iface_num= self.CURRENT_PORT_NUM, iface_name = 'b1',iface_count = 1, iface_ip = self.HOST_DST_IP) |
| self.CURRENT_PORT_NUM += 1 |
| src_ip = self.generate_random_unicast_ip_addresses(count=1)[0]+'/32' |
| dst_ip = self.generate_random_unicast_ip_addresses(count=1)[0]+'/32' |
| dst_port = random.randint(1024,65535) |
| log.info('adding acl rule = %d with src ip = %s, dst ip = %s '%(index+1, src_ip,dst_ip)) |
| status,code = acl_rule.adding_acl_rule('v4', srcIp=src_ip, dstIp = dst_ip,action = 'allow') |
| assert_equal(status, True) |
| self.acl_rule_traffic_send_recv(srcMac = srcMac, dstMac = dstMac ,srcIp =self.ACL_SRC_IP, dstIp = self.ACL_DST_IP,ingress =ingress, egress = egress, ip_proto = 'UDP', dstPortNum = 456) |
| if index % 100 == 0: |
| cpu_usage = self.get_system_cpu_usage() |
| log.info('CPU usage is %s for acl rule number %s'%(cpu_usage,index+1)) |
| time.sleep(1) |
| self.acl_hosts_remove(egress_iface_count = 1, egress_iface_num = egress) |
| except Exception as error: |
| log.info('Got unexpected error %s'%error) |
| self.acl_hosts_remove(egress_iface_count = 1, egress_iface_num = egress) |
| raise |
| cpu_usage2 = self.get_system_cpu_usage() |
| log.info('system cpu usage before flows added = %f and after %d flows added = %f'%(cpu_usage1,count,cpu_usage2)) |
| df.callback(0) |
| reactor.callLater(0, scale_acl_rules, df) |
| return df |
| |
| @deferred(1000) |
| def test_scale_adding_and_deleting_acl_rules_to_allow_src_and_dst_ip_matching_traffic(self,count=10000): |
| """ |
| Test-Method: |
| 1. Add 10000 (Number as per requirement)acl rules to allow source and destinaiton IP matching traffic |
| 2. Send acl rules matching traffic |
| 3. Delete all the added acl rules |
| """ |
| df = defer.Deferred() |
| def scale_acl_rules(df): |
| ingress = self.ingress_iface |
| egress = self.CURRENT_PORT_NUM |
| status, code, host_ip_mac = acl_rule.generate_onos_interface_config(iface_num= self.CURRENT_PORT_NUM, iface_name = 'b1',iface_count = 1, iface_ip = self.HOST_DST_IP) |
| self.CURRENT_PORT_NUM += 1 |
| time.sleep(5) |
| assert_equal(status, True) |
| srcMac = '00:00:00:00:00:11' |
| dstMac = host_ip_mac[0][1] |
| self.acl_hosts_add(dstHostIpMac = host_ip_mac, egress_iface_count = 1, egress_iface_num = egress ) |
| acl_rule = ACLTest() |
| try: |
| for index in range(0,count): |
| status,code,host_ip_mac = acl_rule.generate_onos_interface_config(iface_num= self.CURRENT_PORT_NUM, iface_name = 'b1',iface_count = 1, iface_ip = self.HOST_DST_IP) |
| self.CURRENT_PORT_NUM += 1 |
| src_ip = self.generate_random_unicast_ip_addresses(count=1)[0]+'/32' |
| dst_ip = self.generate_random_unicast_ip_addresses(count=1)[0]+'/32' |
| dst_port = random.randint(1024,65535) |
| log.info('adding acl rule = %d with src ip = %s, dst ip = %s '%(index+1, src_ip,dst_ip)) |
| status,code = acl_rule.adding_acl_rule('v4', srcIp=src_ip, dstIp = dst_ip,action = 'allow') |
| assert_equal(status, True) |
| self.acl_rule_traffic_send_recv(srcMac = srcMac, dstMac = dstMac ,srcIp =self.ACL_SRC_IP, dstIp = self.ACL_DST_IP,ingress =ingress, egress = egress, ip_proto = 'UDP', dstPortNum = 456) |
| result = acl_rule.get_acl_rules() |
| result = result.json()['aclRules'] |
| for acl in result: |
| acl_rule.remove_acl_rule(acl['id']) |
| log.info('removed acl with Id --> %s'%acl['id']) |
| self.acl_hosts_remove(egress_iface_count = 1, egress_iface_num = egress) |
| except Exception as error: |
| log.info('Got unexpected error %s'%error) |
| self.acl_hosts_remove(egress_iface_count = 1, egress_iface_num = egress) |
| raise |
| df.callback(0) |
| reactor.callLater(0, scale_acl_rules, df) |
| return df |
| |
| @deferred(1000) |
| def test_scale_adding_acl_rules_to_deny_src_and_dst_ip_matching_traffic_toggling_acl_app(self,count=20000): |
| """ |
| Test-Method: |
| 1. Add 20000 (Number as test requirement)acl rules to allow source and destinaiton IP matching traffic |
| 2. Send acl rules matching traffic |
| 3. Verify onos drops the traffic as the rule is deny type |
| 4. Deactivate the acl app in onos |
| 4. Verify now onos forwards the traffic |
| """ |
| df = defer.Deferred() |
| def scale_acl_rules(df): |
| ingress = self.ingress_iface |
| egress = self.CURRENT_PORT_NUM |
| status, code, host_ip_mac = acl_rule.generate_onos_interface_config(iface_num= self.CURRENT_PORT_NUM, iface_name = 'b1',iface_count = 1, iface_ip = self.HOST_DST_IP) |
| self.CURRENT_PORT_NUM += 1 |
| time.sleep(5) |
| assert_equal(status, True) |
| srcMac = '00:00:00:00:00:11' |
| dstMac = host_ip_mac[0][1] |
| self.acl_hosts_add(dstHostIpMac = host_ip_mac, egress_iface_count = 1, egress_iface_num = egress ) |
| acl_rule = ACLTest() |
| try: |
| for index in range(0,count): |
| status,code,host_ip_mac = acl_rule.generate_onos_interface_config(iface_num= self.CURRENT_PORT_NUM, iface_name = 'b1',iface_count = 1, iface_ip = self.HOST_DST_IP) |
| self.CURRENT_PORT_NUM += 1 |
| src_ip = self.generate_random_unicast_ip_addresses(count=1)[0]+'/32' |
| dst_ip = self.generate_random_unicast_ip_addresses(count=1)[0]+'/32' |
| dst_port = random.randint(1024,65535) |
| log.info('adding acl rule = %d with src ip = %s, dst ip = %s '%(index+1, src_ip,dst_ip)) |
| status,code = acl_rule.adding_acl_rule('v4', srcIp=src_ip, dstIp = dst_ip,action = 'deny') |
| assert_equal(status, True) |
| self.acl_rule_traffic_send_recv(srcMac = srcMac, dstMac = dstMac ,srcIp =self.ACL_SRC_IP, dstIp = self.ACL_DST_IP,ingress =ingress, egress = egress, ip_proto = 'UDP', dstPortNum = 456) |
| OnosCtrl(cls.acl_app).deactivate() |
| time.sleep(3) |
| except Exception as error: |
| log.info('Got unexpected error %s'%error) |
| raise |
| df.callback(0) |
| reactor.callLater(0, scale_acl_rules, df) |
| return df |
| |
| @deferred(1000) |
| def test_scale_adding_igmp_and_acl_with_flow_entries_and_check_cpu_usage(self,igmp_groups=1300, flows_count=10000): |
| """ |
| Test-Method: |
| 1. Add igmp and flow entries in onos |
| 2. Send igmp joins for corresponding igmp entries |
| 3. Send multicast data traffic to registered igmp groups |
| 3. Verify onos forwards the traffic |
| 4. Send traffic matching the flow entries |
| 4. Verify onos forwards the traffic |
| """ |
| df = defer.Deferred() |
| def scale_igmp_acl_flows(df): |
| cpu_usage1 = self.get_system_cpu_usage() |
| egress = 1 |
| ingress = 2 |
| egress_mac = '00:00:00:00:01:01' |
| ingress_mac = '02:00:00:00:00:00' |
| acl_rule = ACLTest() |
| OnosCtrl(self.igmp_app).activate() |
| groups = self.generate_random_multicast_ip_addresses(count = igmp_groups) |
| sources = self.generate_random_unicast_ip_addresses(count = igmp_groups) |
| self.onos_ssm_table_load(groups,src_list=sources,flag=True) |
| for index in range(igmp_groups): |
| self.send_igmp_join(groups = [groups[index]], src_list = [sources[index]],record_type = IGMP_V3_GR_TYPE_INCLUDE, |
| iface = self.V_INF1) |
| status = self.verify_igmp_data_traffic(groups[index],intf=self.V_INF1,source=sources[index]) |
| assert_equal(status, True) |
| log_test.info('data received for group %s from source %s - %d'%(groups[index],sources[index],index)) |
| for index in range(flows_count): |
| src_ip = self.generate_random_unicast_ip_addresses(count=1)[0]+'/32' |
| dst_ip = self.generate_random_unicast_ip_addresses(count=1)[0]+'/32' |
| log.info('adding acl rule = %d with src ip = %s, dst ip = %s '%(index+1, src_ip,dst_ip)) |
| status,code = acl_rule.adding_acl_rule('v4', srcIp=src_ip, dstIp = dst_ip,action = 'allow') |
| assert_equal(status, True) |
| ingress_mac = self.next_mac(ingress_mac) |
| flow = OnosFlowCtrl(deviceId = self.device_id, |
| egressPort = egress + self.port_offset, |
| ingressPort = ingress + self.port_offset, |
| ethSrc = ingress_mac, |
| ethDst = egress_mac) |
| result = flow.addFlow() |
| assert_equal(result, True) |
| log.info("flow number = %d is added",index+1) |
| if index % 200 == 0: |
| cpu_usage = self.get_system_cpu_usage() |
| log.info('CPU usage is %s for acl rule number %s'%(cpu_usage,index+1)) |
| time.sleep(1) |
| cpu_usage2 = self.get_system_cpu_usage() |
| log.info('system cpu usage before flows added = %f, after %d flows added = %f'%(cpu_usage1,count,cpu_usage2)) |
| df.callback(0) |
| reactor.callLater(0, scale_igmp_acl_flows, df) |
| return df |
| |
| @deferred(1000) |
| def test_scale_adding_igmp_acl_and_flow_entries_and_simultaneously_toggling_app(self,igmp_groups=1300, flows_count=10000): |
| """ |
| Test-Method: |
| 1. Add igmp, acl and flow entries in onos |
| 2. Send igmp joins for corresponding igmp entries |
| 3. Send multicast data traffic to registered igmp groups |
| 3. Verify onos forwards the traffic |
| 4. Send traffic matching the flow entries |
| 4. Verify onos forwards the traffic |
| 5. Send traffic matching acl rules |
| 6. Verify onos forwards the traffic |
| """ |
| df = defer.Deferred() |
| def scale_igmp_acl_flows(df): |
| cpu_usage1 = self.get_system_cpu_usage() |
| def adding_igmp_entries(): |
| OnosCtrl(self.igmp_app).activate() |
| groups = self.generate_random_multicast_ip_addresses(count = igmp_groups) |
| sources = self.generate_random_unicast_ip_addresses(count = igmp_groups) |
| self.onos_ssm_table_load(groups,src_list=sources,flag=True) |
| for index in range(igmp_groups): |
| self.send_igmp_join(groups = [groups[index]], src_list = [sources[index]],record_type = IGMP_V3_GR_TYPE_INCLUDE, |
| iface = self.V_INF1) |
| status = self.verify_igmp_data_traffic(groups[index],intf=self.V_INF1,source=sources[index]) |
| assert_equal(status, True) |
| log_test.info('data received for group %s from source %s - %d'%(groups[index],sources[index],index)) |
| def adding_flow_entries(): |
| egress = 1 |
| ingress = 2 |
| egress_mac = '00:00:00:00:01:01' |
| ingress_mac = '02:00:00:00:00:00' |
| for index in range(flows_count): |
| ingress_mac = self.next_mac(ingress_mac) |
| flow = OnosFlowCtrl(deviceId = self.device_id, |
| egressPort = egress + self.port_offset, |
| ingressPort = ingress + self.port_offset, |
| ethSrc = ingress_mac, |
| ethDst = egress_mac) |
| result = flow.addFlow() |
| assert_equal(result, True) |
| log.info("flow number = %d is added",index+1) |
| def adding_acl_entries(): |
| OnosCtrl(self.acl_app).activate() |
| for index in range(flows_count): |
| src_ip = self.generate_random_unicast_ip_addresses(count=1)[0]+'/32' |
| dst_ip = self.generate_random_unicast_ip_addresses(count=1)[0]+'/32' |
| dst_port = random.randint(1024,65535) |
| log.info('adding acl rule = %d with src ip = %s, dst ip = %s and dst tcp port = %d'%(index+1, src_ip,dst_ip,dst_port)) |
| status,code = acl_rule.adding_acl_rule('v4', srcIp=src_ip, dstIp = dst_ip, ipProto ='TCP', dstTpPort =dst_port, action = 'deny') |
| assert_equal(status, True) |
| igmp_thread = threading.Thread(target = adding_igmp_entries) |
| flows_thread = threading.Thread(target = adding_flow_entries) |
| acl_thread = threading.Thread(target = adding_acl_entries) |
| igmp_thread.start() |
| flows_thread.start() |
| acl_thread.start() |
| time.sleep(1) |
| igmp_thread.join() |
| flows_thread.join() |
| acl_thread.join() |
| cpu_usage2 = self.get_system_cpu_usage() |
| OnosCtrl(self.igmp_app).deactivate() |
| OnosCtrl(self.acl_app).deactivate() |
| cpu_usage3 = self.get_system_cpu_usage() |
| log.info('cpu usage before test start = %f, after igmp,flow and acl entries loaded = %f and after the apps deactivated = %f'%(cpu_usage1,cpu_usage2,cpu_usage3)) |
| OnosCtrl(self.igmp_app).activate() |
| OnosCtrl(self.acl_app).activate() |
| df.callback(0) |
| reactor.callLater(0, scale_igmp_acl_flows, df) |
| return df |
| |
| #tested with 100 routes on CiaB |
| @deferred(1000) |
| def test_scale_for_vrouter_with_large_number_of_routes_and_peers(self): |
| """ |
| Test-Method: |
| 1. Add 100000 routes with 100 pairs in quagga(Change scale test number as per test requirement) |
| 2. Verify routes pushed to onos from quagga |
| 3. Send traffic destined the routes added |
| 3. Verify onos forwards the traffic |
| """ |
| scale().vrouter_setup() |
| df = defer.Deferred() |
| def scale_vrouter_routes(df): |
| try: |
| res = scale().vrouter_network_verify(10000, peers = 100) |
| assert_equal(res, True) |
| except Exception as error: |
| log.info('Got Unexpected error %s'%error) |
| raise |
| df.callback(0) |
| reactor.callLater(0, scale_vrouter_routes, df) |
| return df |
| |
| #tested with 100 subscribers on CiaB |
| @deferred(1800) |
| def test_scale_of_eap_tls_with_huge_number_of_sessions_using_diff_mac(self): |
| """ |
| Test-Method: |
| 1. Simulate eap authentication requests for 5000 users(Adjust user number as per requirement) |
| 2. Verify authentication is succes for all 5000 users |
| """ |
| OnosCtrl('org.opencord.aaa').activate() |
| df = defer.Deferred() |
| def eap_tls_5k_with_diff_mac(df): |
| try: |
| for i in xrange(5000): |
| tls = TLSAuthTest(src_mac = 'random') |
| tls.runTest() |
| log_test.info('Authentication successfull for user %d'%i) |
| except Exception as error: |
| log.info('Got Unexpected error %s'%error) |
| raise |
| df.callback(0) |
| reactor.callLater(0, eap_tls_5k_with_diff_mac, df) |
| return df |
| |
| #tested with 100 subscribers on CiaB |
| @deferred(1800) |
| def test_scale_of_eap_tls_with_huge_number_of_sessions_using_diff_mac_with_aaa_app_deactivation_and_activation(self): |
| """ |
| Test-Method: |
| 1. Simulate eap authentication requests for 5000 users(Adjust user number as per requirement) |
| 2. Verify authentication is succes for all 5000 users |
| 3. Deactivate and activate the aaa app in onos |
| 4. Simulate eap authentication requests for 5000 users |
| 5. Verify authentication is succes for all 5000 users |
| """ |
| OnosCtrl('org.opencord.aaa').activate() |
| df = defer.Deferred() |
| def eap_tls_5k_with_diff_mac(df): |
| try: |
| for i in xrange(5000): |
| tls = TLSAuthTest(src_mac = 'random') |
| tls.runTest() |
| log_test.info('Authentication successfull for user %d'%i) |
| OnosCtrl('org.opencord.aaa').deactivate() |
| time.sleep(2) |
| OnosCtrl('org.opencord.aaa').activate() |
| for i in xrange(100): |
| tls = TLSAuthTest(src_mac = 'random') |
| tls.runTest() |
| log_test.info('Authentication successfull for user %d'%i) |
| OnosCtrl('org.opencord.aaa').activate() |
| except Exception as error: |
| log.info('Got Unexpected error %s'%error) |
| OnosCtrl('org.opencord.aaa').activate() |
| raise |
| df.callback(0) |
| reactor.callLater(0, eap_tls_5k_with_diff_mac, df) |
| return df |
| |
| #tested with 10 subscribers on CiaB |
| @deferred(1800) |
| def test_scale_for_cord_subscribers_authentication_with_valid_and_invalid_certificates_and_channel_surfing(self): |
| """ |
| Test-Method: |
| 1. Simulate 5000 subscribers to get authentication access(Adjust cord subscribers according to test) |
| 2. Send igmp joins from all the subcribers |
| 3. Verify multicast traffic received to all 5000 subscribers |
| """ |
| scale().subscriber_setup() |
| df = defer.Deferred() |
| def cordsub_auth_invalid_cert(df): |
| num_subscribers = 2 |
| num_channels = 1 |
| try: |
| test_status = scale().subscriber_join_verify(num_subscribers = num_subscribers, |
| num_channels = num_channels, |
| cbs = (scale().tls_invalid_cert, scale().dhcp_verify, scale().igmp_verify), |
| port_list = scale().generate_port_list(num_subscribers, num_channels), negative_subscriber_auth = 'half') |
| assert_equal(test_status, True) |
| except Exception as error: |
| log.info('Got Unexpected error %s'%error) |
| raise |
| finally: |
| scale().subscriber_teardown() |
| df.callback(0) |
| reactor.callLater(0, cordsub_auth_invalid_cert, df) |
| return df |
| |
| #tested with 10 subscribers on CiaB |
| @deferred(1800) |
| def test_scale_for_cord_subscribers_with_igmp_join_and_jump_for_multiple_channels(self): |
| """ |
| Test-Method: |
| 1. Simulate 5000 subscribers(Adjust number as per test) |
| 2. Send igmp joins from all the subcribers |
| 3. Verify multicast traffic received to all 5000 subscribers |
| """ |
| scale().subscriber_setup() |
| df = defer.Deferred() |
| def cordsub_igmp_join_jump(df): |
| num_subscribers = 5000 |
| num_channels = 1500 |
| try: |
| test_status = scale().subscriber_join_verify(num_subscribers = num_subscribers, |
| num_channels = num_channels, |
| cbs = (scale().tls_verify, scale().dhcp_jump_verify, scale().igmp_jump_verify), |
| port_list = scale().generate_port_list(num_subscribers, num_channels), |
| negative_subscriber_auth = 'all') |
| assert_equal(test_status, True) |
| except Exception as error: |
| log.info('Got Unexpected error %s'%error) |
| raise |
| finally: |
| scale().subscriber_teardown() |
| df.callback(0) |
| reactor.callLater(0, cordsub_igmp_join_jump, df) |
| return df |
| |
| #tested with 10 subscribers on CiaB |
| @deferred(1800) |
| def test_scale_for_cord_subscribers_authentication_with_valid_and_non_ca_authorized_certificates_and_channel_surfing(self): |
| """ |
| Test-Method: |
| 1. Simulate 10000 subscribers to get authentication access(Adjust number as per test) |
| 2. Send igmp joins from all the subcribers |
| 3. Verify multicast traffic received to all 10000 subscribers |
| """ |
| scale().subscriber_setup() |
| df = defer.Deferred() |
| def cordsub_auth_valid_cert(df): |
| num_subscribers = 10000 |
| num_channels = 1 |
| try: |
| test_status = scale().subscriber_join_verify(num_subscribers = num_subscribers, |
| num_channels = num_channels, |
| cbs = (scale().tls_non_ca_authrized_cert, scale().dhcp_verify, scale().igmp_verify), |
| port_list = scale().generate_port_list(num_subscribers, num_channels), |
| negative_subscriber_auth = 'onethird') |
| assert_equal(test_status, True) |
| except Exception as error: |
| log.info('Got Unexpected error %s'%error) |
| raise |
| finally: |
| scale().subscriber_teardown() |
| df.callback(0) |
| reactor.callLater(0, cordsub_auth_valid_cert, df) |
| return df |