blob: 9cd425cdd3ba154ec4db4f689a49a36c01f41303 [file] [log] [blame]
***settings ***
Documentation Run Cord verification test cases
Resource cord_resource.robot
Suite Setup Cord Setup
Suite Teardown Cord Teardown
*** Test Cases ***
Verify ONOS IGMPSNOOPING Functionality 1
[Documentation] Send IGMP join to ONOS and verify data traffic
${rc}= Run Cord Tester igmp:igmp_exchange.test_igmp_join_verify_traffic
Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
Verify ONOS IGMPSNOOPING Functionality 2
[Documentation] Verify igmp data traffic after sending leave packet
${rc}= Run Cord Tester igmp:igmp_exchange.test_igmp_leave_verify_traffic
Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
Verify ONOS IGMPSNOOPING Functionality 3
[Documentation] Send IGMP join and leave packets in a loop
${rc}= Run Cord Tester igmp:igmp_exchange.test_igmp_leave_join_loop
Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
Verify ONOS IGMPSNOOPING Functionality 4
[Documentation] Verify latency to send one igmp join packet to ONOS
${rc}= Run Cord Tester igmp:igmp_exchange.test_igmp_1group_join_latency
Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
Verify ONOS IGMPSNOOPING Functionality 5
[Documentation] Verify latency to send two igmp join packets to ONOS
${rc}= Run Cord Tester igmp:igmp_exchange.test_igmp_2group_join_latency
Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
Verify ONOS IGMPSNOOPING Functionality 6
[Documentation] Verify latency to send multiple igmp join packets to ONOS
${rc}= Run Cord Tester igmp:igmp_exchange.test_igmp_Ngroup_join_latency
Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
Verify ONOS IGMPSNOOPING Functionality 7
[Documentation] Send IGMP join to ONOS and verify data traffic
${rc}= Run Cord Tester igmp:igmp_exchange.test_igmp_join_rover_all
Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
Verify ONOS IGMPSNOOPING Functionality 8
[Documentation] Send IGMP join to ONOS and verify data traffic
${rc}= Run Cord Tester igmp:igmp_exchange.test_igmp_join_rover
Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
Verify ONOS IGMPSNOOPING Functionality 9
[Documentation] Verify igmp query packet from ONOS IGMPSNOOPING Application
${rc}= Run Cord Tester igmp:igmp_exchange.test_igmp_query
Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
Verify ONOS IGMPSNOOPING Functionality 10
[Documentation] Send 2 IGMP joins and 1 leave to ONOS
${rc}= Run Cord Tester igmp:igmp_exchange.test_igmp_2joins_1leave
Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
Verify ONOS IGMPSNOOPING Functionality 11
[Documentation] Send 2 IGMP joins 1 leave and again send 1 join after leave
${rc}= Run Cord Tester igmp:igmp_exchange.test_igmp_2joins_1leave_and_join_again
Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
Verify ONOS IGMPSNOOPING Functionality 12
[Documentation] Send IGMP join to ONOS and verify data traffic from source not in source list
${rc}= Run Cord Tester igmp:igmp_exchange.test_igmp_not_in_src_list
Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
Verify ONOS IGMPSNOOPING Functionality 13
[Documentation] Verify igmp change to exclude record type of ONOS IGMPSNOOPING Application
${rc}= Run Cord Tester igmp:igmp_exchange.test_igmp_change_to_exclude_src_list
Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
Verify ONOS IGMPSNOOPING Functionality 14
[Documentation] Verify igmp include to allow new sources record type of ONOS IGMPSNOOPING Application
${rc}= Run Cord Tester igmp:igmp_exchange.test_igmp_include_to_allow_src_list
Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
Verify ONOS IGMPSNOOPING Functionality 15
[Documentation] Verify igmp include to block old sources record type of ONOS IGMPSNOOPING Application
${rc}= Run Cord Tester igmp:igmp_exchange.test_igmp_include_to_block_src_list
Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
Verify ONOS IGMPSNOOPING Functionality 16
[Documentation] Verify igmp change to include record type of ONOS IGMPSNOOPING Application
${rc}= Run Cord Tester igmp:igmp_exchange.test_igmp_change_to_include_src_list
Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
Verify ONOS IGMPSNOOPING Functionality 17
[Documentation] Verify igmp exclude to allow new sources record type of ONOS IGMPSNOOPING Application
${rc}= Run Cord Tester igmp:igmp_exchange.test_igmp_exclude_to_allow_src_list
Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
Verify ONOS IGMPSNOOPING Functionality 18
[Documentation] Verify igmp exclude to block old sources record type of ONOS IGMPSNOOPING Application
${rc}= Run Cord Tester igmp:igmp_exchange.test_igmp_exclude_to_block_src_list
Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
Verify ONOS IGMPSNOOPING Functionality 19
[Documentation] Send IGMP join and send data traffic with new source IPs
${rc}= Run Cord Tester igmp:igmp_exchange.test_igmp_new_src_list
Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
Verify ONOS IGMPSNOOPING Functionality 20
[Documentation] Verify igmp block old source list record type of ONOS IGMPSNOOPING Application
${rc}= Run Cord Tester igmp:igmp_exchange.test_igmp_block_old_src_list
Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
Verify ONOS IGMPSNOOPING Functionality 21
[Documentation] Send IGMP join with empty source list and send data traffic
${rc}= Run Cord Tester igmp:igmp_exchange.test_igmp_include_empty_src_list
Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
Verify ONOS IGMPSNOOPING Functionality 22
[Documentation] Send IGMP join with exclude empty source list and send data traffic
${rc}= Run Cord Tester igmp:igmp_exchange.test_igmp_exclude_empty_src_list
Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
Verify ONOS IGMPSNOOPING Functionality 23
[Documentation] Send IGMP join to ONOS with source IP
${rc}= Run Cord Tester igmp:igmp_exchange.test_igmp_join_sourceip_0_0_0_0
Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
Verify ONOS IGMPSNOOPING Functionality 24
[Documentation] Send IGMP join to ONOS with invalid fields in join
${rc}= Run Cord Tester igmp:igmp_exchange.test_igmp_invalid_join_packet
Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
Verify ONOS IGMPSNOOPING Functionality 25
[Documentation] Send IGMP join to ONOS and verify data traffic while subscriber link toggles
${rc}= Run Cord Tester igmp:igmp_exchange.test_igmp_join_data_received_during_subscriber_link_toggle
Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
Verify ONOS IGMPSNOOPING Functionality 26
[Documentation] Send IGMP join to ONOS and verify data traffic while channel distributors link toggles
${rc}= Run Cord Tester igmp:igmp_exchange.test_igmp_join_data_received_during_channel_distributors_link_toggle
Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
Verify ONOS IGMPSNOOPING Functionality 27
[Documentation] Send IGMP join to ONOS with invalid class D ip for join
${rc}= Run Cord Tester igmp:igmp_exchange.test_igmp_invalid_class_d_ip_for_join_packet
Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
Verify ONOS IGMPSNOOPING Functionality 28
[Documentation] Send IGMP join to ONOS with class D invalid IP in source list
${rc}= Run Cord Tester igmp:igmp_exchange.test_igmp_invalid_class_d_ip_as_srclist_ip_for_join_packet
Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
Verify ONOS IGMPSNOOPING Functionality 29
[Documentation] Verify igmp data traffic received on interface general query sent
${rc}= Run Cord Tester igmp:igmp_exchange.test_igmp_general_query_received_traffic
Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
Verify ONOS IGMPSNOOPING Functionality 30
[Documentation] Verify igmp query received on join packet sending interface
${rc}= Run Cord Tester igmp:igmp_exchange.test_igmp_query_received_on_joining_interface
Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
Verify ONOS IGMPSNOOPING Functionality 31
[Documentation] Verify periodic queries received on igmp join sending interface
${rc}= Run Cord Tester igmp:igmp_exchange.test_igmp_for_periodic_query_received_on_joining_interface
Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
Verify ONOS IGMPSNOOPING Functionality 32
[Documentation] Verify periodic queries received on join sent interface and the entry deleted in ONOS
${rc}= Run Cord Tester igmp:igmp_exchange.test_igmp_for_periodic_query_received_and_checking_entry_deleted
Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
Verify ONOS IGMPSNOOPING Functionality 33
[Documentation] Verify igmp query interval and expiry for group in ONOS
${rc}= Run Cord Tester igmp:igmp_exchange.test_igmp_member_query_interval_and_expiry_for_rejoining_interface
Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
Verify ONOS IGMPSNOOPING Functionality 34
[Documentation] Verify for igmp group specific query received on leave packet sent interface
${rc}= Run Cord Tester igmp:igmp_exchange.test_igmp_leave_received_group_and_source_specific_query
Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
Verify ONOS IGMPSNOOPING for Functionality 35
[Documentation] Verify igmp group sepcific query on change to exclude source list mode
${rc}= Run Cord Tester igmp:igmp_exchange.test_igmp_change_to_exclude_src_list_and_check_for_group_source_specific_query
Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
Verify ONOS IGMPSNOOPING Functionality 36
[Documentation] Verify for igmp general when record type change to chnage to include source list
${rc}= Run Cord Tester igmp:igmp_exchange.test_igmp_change_to_include_src_list_and_check_for_general_query
Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
Verify ONOS IGMPSNOOPING Functionality 37
[Documentation] Verify for igmp general query when record type changed to allow new sources
${rc}= Run Cord Tester igmp:igmp_exchange.test_igmp_allow_new_src_list_and_check_for_general_query
Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
Verify ONOS IGMPSNOOPING Functionality 38
[Documentation] Verify for igmp group specific query when record type changed to block old source list
${rc}= Run Cord Tester igmp:igmp_exchange.test_igmp_block_old_src_list_and_check_for_group_source_specific_query
Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
Verify ONOS IGMPSNOOPING Functionality 39
[Documentation] Verify for igmp general query when record type changed to include to allow new source list
${rc}= Run Cord Tester igmp:igmp_exchange.test_igmp_include_to_allow_src_list_and_check_for_general_query
Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
Verify ONOS IGMPSNOOPING Functionality 40
[Documentation] Verify for igmp group specific query when record type changed to include to block old source list
${rc}= Run Cord Tester igmp:igmp_exchange.test_igmp_include_to_block_src_list_and_check_for_group_source_specific_query
Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
Verify ONOS IGMPSNOOPING Functionality 41
[Documentation] Verify for igmp general query when record type changed to exclude to allow new source list
${rc}= Run Cord Tester igmp:igmp_exchange.test_igmp_exclude_to_allow_src_list_and_check_for_general_query
Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
Verify ONOS IGMPSNOOPING Functionality 42
[Documentation] Verify for igmp group specific query when record type changed to exclude to block old source list
${rc}= Run Cord Tester igmp:igmp_exchange.test_igmp_exclude_to_block_src_list_and_check_for_group_source_specific_query
Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
Verify ONOS IGMPSNOOPING Functionality 43
[Documentation] Verify igmp include and exclude modes
${rc}= Run Cord Tester igmp:igmp_exchange.test_igmp_include_exclude_modes
Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
Verify ONOS IGMPSNOOPING Functionality 44
[Documentation] Verify igmp allow new source list record type
${rc}= Run Cord Tester igmp:igmp_exchange.test_igmp_allow_new_source_mode
Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
Verify ONOS IGMPSNOOPING Functionality 45
[Documentation] Verify changing igmp include to exclude record type
${rc}= Run Cord Tester igmp:igmp_exchange.test_igmp_include_to_exclude_mode_change
Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
Verify ONOS IGMPSNOOPING Functionality 46
[Documentation] Verify changing igmp exclude to include record type
${rc}= Run Cord Tester igmp:igmp_exchange.test_igmp_exclude_to_include_mode_change
Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
Verify ONOS IGMPSNOOPING Functionality 47
[Documentation] Verify igmp To_Include mode with null source list
${rc}= Run Cord Tester igmp:igmp_exchange.test_igmp_to_include_mode_with_null_source
Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
Verify ONOS IGMPSNOOPING Functionality 48
[Documentation] Verify igmp To_Include mode record type
${rc}= Run Cord Tester igmp:igmp_exchange.test_igmp_to_include_mode
Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
Verify ONOS IGMPSNOOPING Functionality 49
[Documentation] Verify igmp block old source list record type
${rc}= Run Cord Tester igmp:igmp_exchange.test_igmp_blocking_old_source_mode
Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
Verify ONOS IGMPSNOOPING Functionality 50
[Documentation] Verify igmp join and data for 100 groups
${rc}= Run Cord Tester igmp:igmp_exchange.test_igmp_multiple_joins_and_data_verification_with_100_groups
Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
Verify ONOS IGMPSNOOPING Functionality 51
[Documentation] Verify igmp join data followed by leave for 100 groups
${rc}= Run Cord Tester igmp:igmp_exchange.test_igmp_multiple_joins_with_data_verification_and_leaving_100_groups
Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
Verify ONOS IGMPSNOOPING Functionality 52
[Documentation] Load ONOS ssmTranslate table with 1000 igmp group-source pair
${rc}= Run Cord Tester igmp:igmp_exchange.test_igmp_group_source_for_only_config_with_1000_entries
Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
Verify ONOS IGMPSNOOPING Functionality 53
[Documentation] Verify igmp exclude to include mode change for 100 groups
${rc}= Run Cord Tester igmp:igmp_exchange.test_igmp_from_exclude_to_include_mode_with_100_groups
Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
Verify ONOS IGMPSNOOPING Functionality 54
[Documentation] Verify igmp join and data for 1000 groups
${rc}= Run Cord Tester igmp:igmp_exchange.test_igmp_with_multiple_joins_and_data_verify_with_1000_groups
Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
Verify ONOS IGMPSNOOPING Functionality 55
[Documentation] Verify igmp join and data for 5000 groups
${rc}= Run Cord Tester igmp:igmp_exchange.test_igmp_with_multiple_joins_and_data_verify_with_5000_groups
Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
Verify ONOS IGMPSNOOPING Functionality 56
[Documentation] Verify sending data traffic to non-registered igmp group
${rc}= Run Cord Tester igmp:igmp_exchange.test_igmp_send_data_to_non_registered_group
Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
Verify ONOS IGMPSNOOPING Functionality 57
[Documentation] Verify igmp data traffic to a registed in ONOS group but join not sent to the group
${rc}= Run Cord Tester igmp:igmp_exchange.test_igmp_traffic_verification_for_registered_group_with_no_join_sent
Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
Verify ONOS IGMPSNOOPING Functionality 58
[Documentation] Send IGMP functionality with app deactivate and re-activate
${rc}= Run Cord Tester igmp:igmp_exchange.test_igmp_toggling_app_activation
Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
Verify ONOS IGMPSNOOPING Functionality 59
[Documentation] Verify igmp data traffic with dest MAC and dest IP mismatch
${rc}= Run Cord Tester igmp:igmp_exchange.test_igmp_with_mismatch_for_dst_ip_and_mac_in_data_packets
Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
Verify ONOS IGMPSNOOPING Functionality 60
[Documentation] Verify igmp join to ONOS with invalid group address
${rc}= Run Cord Tester igmp:igmp_exchange.test_igmp_registering_invalid_group
Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
Verify ONOS IGMPSNOOPING Functionality 61
[Documentation] Verify igmp join to ONOS with invalis source address
${rc}= Run Cord Tester igmp:igmp_exchange.test_igmp_registering_invalid_source
Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0