blob: 220c4b458bbd48d1e5a48f2483d6b1b6f5e2a6aa [file] [log] [blame]
# XOS Core Test
# This test will validate the xos-core's sync steps and model policies using the TestService
*** Settings ***
Documentation Test migration of a Service in the core
Library RequestsLibrary
Library HttpLibrary.HTTP
Library Collections
Library String
Library OperatingSystem
Library DateTime
Library ../../Framework/utils/
Resource ../../Framework/utils/utils.robot
Library ../../Framework/
Variables ../../Properties/
Suite Setup Setup
Suite Teardown Teardown
*** Variables ***
${testservice_api} /xosapi/v1/testservice/testserviceservices
${testservice_si} /xosapi/v1/testservice/testserviceserviceinstances
${testservice_duplicate_si} /xosapi/v1/testservice/testserviceduplicateserviceinstances
*** Test Cases ***
Create Test Model with No Duplicate
[Documentation] Create a testservice service instance with no duplicate
[Tags] create
${model_name}= Generate Random Value string
${data}= Create Dictionary name=${model_name} create_duplicate=${false}
${resp}= CORD Post ${testservice_si} ${data}
${json_content}= To Json ${resp.content}
${test_serviceinstance_id}= Get From Dictionary ${json_content} id
${default_float}= Get From Dictionary ${json_content} optional_float_with_default
${default_string}= Get From Dictionary ${json_content} optional_string_with_default
${default_int}= Get From Dictionary ${json_content} optional_int_with_default
Set Suite Variable ${test_serviceinstance_id}
Set Suite Variable ${model_name}
Set Suite Variable ${default_float}
Set Suite Variable ${default_string}
Set Suite Variable ${default_int}
Repeat Keyword 10s Validate Duplicate Model false
Replicate Model with Duplicate
[Tags] replicate
CORD Put ${testservice_si} {'create_duplicate': ${true}} ${test_serviceinstance_id}
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 15s 2s Validate Duplicate Model true
Update Model Values and Validate on Duplicate
[Tags] update
##create optional strings
@{choices}= Create List one two
${optional_string}= Generate Random Value string max_length=50
${optional_string_choice}= Evaluate random.choice($choices) random
${optional_string_max_length}= Generate Random Value string max_length=32
${optional_string_date}= Get Current Date result_format=%m-%d-%Y
${optional_string_ip}= Generate Random Value ip_address
##create optional ints
@{choices}= Create List one two
${optional_integer_min}= Generate Random Value int32 min_int=100
${optional_integer_max}= Generate Random Value int32 max_int=199
${optional_string_choice}= Evaluate random.choice($choices) random
${optional_string_max_length}= Generate Random Value string max_length=32
#${optional_string_max}= Get Substring ${optional_string_max_length} 0 32
${optional_string_date}= Get Current Date result_format=%m-%d-%Y
${optional_string_ip}= Generate Random Value ip_address
##create optional float
${optional_float}= Generate Random Value float
Set Suite Variable ${optional_string}
Set Suite Variable ${optional_string_choice}
Set Suite Variable ${optional_string_max_length}
Set Suite Variable ${optional_string_date}
Set Suite Variable ${optional_string_ip}
Set Suite Variable ${optional_integer_min}
Set Suite Variable ${optional_integer_max}
Set Suite Variable ${optional_float}
${data}= Create Dictionary optional_string=${optional_string}
Set To Dictionary ${data} optional_string_with_choices=${optional_string_choice}
Set To Dictionary ${data} optional_string_max_length=${optional_string_max_length}
#Set To Dictionary ${data} optional_string_date=${optional_string_date}
Set To Dictionary ${data} optional_string_ip=${optional_string_ip}
Set To Dictionary ${data} optional_int_with_min=${optional_integer_min}
Set To Dictionary ${data} optional_int_with_max=${optional_integer_max}
Set To Dictionary ${data} optional_float=${optional_float}
CORD Put ${testservice_si} ${data} ${test_serviceinstance_id}
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 60s 2s Validate Duplicate Model with Updates
Revert Model
[Tags] revert
CORD Put ${testservice_si} {'create_duplicate': ${false}} ${test_serviceinstance_id}
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 60s 2s Validate Duplicate Model false
*** Keywords ***
${auth} = Create List ${XOS_USER} ${XOS_PASSWD}
${HEADERS} Create Dictionary Content-Type=application/json allow_modify_feedback=True
Create Session ${server_ip} http://${server_ip}:${server_port} auth=${AUTH} headers=${HEADERS}
# create test-service
${data}= Create Dictionary name=xos-core-test-service-test
${resp}= CORD Post ${testservice_api} ${data}
[Documentation] Delete all https sessions
Clean Up Objects ${testservice_si}
Clean Up Objects ${testservice_duplicate_si}
Clean Up Objects ${testservice_api}
Delete All Sessions
Validate Duplicate Model
[Documentation] Checks if 'testserviceduplicateserviceinstances' was created or not
[Arguments] ${exists}=false
${resp}= Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 60s 2s CORD Get ${testservice_duplicate_si}
${jsondata}= To Json ${resp.content}
Run Keyword If '${exists}' == 'false' Should Be Empty ${jsondata['items']} ELSE Verify Exists ${jsondata}
Verify Exists
[Arguments] ${data}
${dict}= Get From List ${data['items']} 0
Should Be Equal As Strings ${dict['name']} ${model_name}
Should Be Equal As Strings ${dict['optional_float_with_default']} ${default_float}
Should Be Equal As Strings ${dict['optional_string_with_default']} ${default_string}
Should Be Equal As Strings ${dict['optional_int_with_default']} ${default_int}
Validate Duplicate Model with Updates
${resp}= CORD Get ${testservice_duplicate_si}
${jsondata}= To Json ${resp.content}
${dict}= Get From List ${jsondata['items']} 0
Should Be Equal As Strings ${dict['name']} ${model_name}
Should Be Equal As Strings ${dict['optional_float_with_default']} ${default_float}
Should Be Equal As Strings ${dict['optional_string_with_default']} ${default_string}
Should Be Equal As Strings ${dict['optional_int_with_default']} ${default_int}
Should Be Equal As Strings ${dict['optional_string']} ${optional_string}
Should Be Equal As Strings ${dict['optional_string_with_choices']} ${optional_string_choice}
Should Be Equal As Strings ${dict['optional_string_max_length']} ${optional_string_max_length}
Should Be Equal As Strings ${dict['optional_string_ip']} ${optional_string_ip}
Should Be Equal As Strings ${dict['optional_int_with_min']} ${optional_integer_min}
Should Be Equal As Strings ${dict['optional_int_with_max']} ${optional_integer_max}
${float_diff}= Evaluate abs(${optional_float} - ${dict['optional_float']})
Should Be True ${float_diff} < .0005