blob: 85508a5a3906d114428aa04ad75031a7db5f9959 [file] [log] [blame]
import pexpect,os
import time
import json
import collections
import sys
import robot
import os.path
from os.path import expanduser
class utils(object):
def listToDict(alist, intListIndex):
dictInfo = alist[int(intListIndex)]
return dictInfo
def jsonToList(strFile, strListName):
data = json.loads(open(strFile).read())
#print "data...",data
dataList = data[strListName]
return dataList
@method compare_dict
@Description: validates if contents of dict1 exists in dict2
@params: dict1 = input_data entered through api
dict2 = retrieved data from GET method
returns True if contents of dict1 exists in dict2
def compare_dict(dict1, dict2):
print "input_data", dict1
print "get data", dict2
if dict1 == None or dict2 == None:
return False
if type(dict1) is not dict or type(dict2) is not dict:
return False
for key1,value1 in dict1.items():
if key1 in dict2:
for key2, value2 in value1.items():
if value2 != dict2[key1][key2]:
return False
print "Additional items"
return True
@method search_dictionary
@Description: Searches for a key in the provided nested dictionary
@params: input_dict = dictionary to be searched
search_key = name of the key to be searched for
returns two values: search_key value and status of the search.
True if found (False when not found)
def search_dictionary(self,input_dict, search_key):
input_keys = input_dict.keys()
key_value = ''
found = False
for key in input_keys:
if key == search_key:
key_value = input_dict[key]
found = True
elif type(input_dict[key]) == dict:
key_value, found = self.search_dictionary(input_dict[key],search_key)
if found == True:
elif type(input_dict[key]) == list:
if not input_dict[key]:
found = False
for item in input_dict[key]:
if isinstance(item, dict):
key_value, found = self.search_dictionary(item, search_key)
if found == True:
return key_value,found
@method getDictFromListOfDict
return key_value,found
@Description: Searches for the dictionary in the provided list of dictionaries
that matches the value of the key provided
@params : List of dictionaries(getResponse Data from the URL),
SearchKey - Key that needs to be searched for (ex: account_num)
searchKeyValue - Value of the searchKey (ex: 21)
@Returns: Dictionary returned when match found for searchKey with the corresponding
searchKeyValue provided
def getDictFromListOfDict(self, getJsonDataList, searchKey, searchKeyValue):
return_dict = {}
result = ''
for data in getJsonDataList:
return_dict = {}
found = False
input_keys = data.keys()
for key in input_keys:
if key == searchKey and str(data[key]) == str(searchKeyValue):
found = True
return_dict = data
elif type(data[key]) == dict:
result, found = self.search_dictionary(data[key],searchKey)
if found == True and str(result) == str(searchKeyValue):
return_dict = data
elif type(data[key]) == list:
for item in data[key]:
if isinstance(item, dict):
result, found = self.search_dictionary(data[key], searchKey)
if found == True and str(result) == str(searchKeyValue):
return_dict = data
if return_dict:
return return_dict
@method getFieldValueFromDict
@params : search_dict - Dictionary to be searched
field - Key to be searched for (ex: account_num)
@Returns: Returns the value of the Key that was provided
def getFieldValueFromDict(self,search_dict, field):
results = ''
found = False
input_keys = search_dict.keys()
for key in input_keys:
if key == field:
results = search_dict[key]
if not results:
found = True
elif type(search_dict[key]) == dict:
results, found = self.search_dictionary(search_dict[key],field)
if found == True:
elif type(search_dict[key]) == list:
if not search_dict[key]:
found = False
for item in search_dict[key]:
if isinstance(item, dict):
results, found = self.search_dictionary(item, field)
if found == True:
return results
test = utils()
#print test.jsonToList("Subscribers.json","SubscriberInfo")
#print "index 1...",test.listToDict(data,1)
#result = test.getDictFromListOfDict(dict_list,"email",21)
result = test.getFieldValueFromDict(dict_list,"id")
result = test.getDictFromListOfDict(dict_list,"account_num",21)
print "finalllllll result....", result