blob: 19e246cd86ebf82303be133a6ed86530cf8db9be [file] [log] [blame]
import requests
import json
import time
import os
import signal
from CordTestUtils import log_test as log, getstatusoutput
from CordContainer import Container
class VolthaService(object):
services = ('consul', 'kafka', 'zookeeper', 'registrator', 'fluentd')
compose_file = 'docker-compose-system-test.yml'
service_map = {}
def __init__(self, voltha_loc, controller, interface = 'eth0'):
if not os.access(voltha_loc, os.F_OK):
raise Exception('Voltha location %s not found' %voltha_loc)
compose_file_loc = os.path.join(voltha_loc, 'compose', self.compose_file)
if not os.access(compose_file_loc, os.F_OK):
raise Exception('Voltha compose file %s not found' %compose_file_loc)
self.voltha_loc = voltha_loc
self.controller = controller
self.interface = interface
self.compose_file_loc = compose_file_loc
def start(self):
start_cmd = 'docker-compose -f {} up -d {} {} {} {} {}'.format(self.compose_file_loc,
ret = os.system(start_cmd)
if ret != 0:
raise Exception('Failed to start voltha services. Failed with code %d' %ret)
for service in
name = 'compose_{}_1'.format(service)
network = 'compose_default'
cnt = Container(name, name)
ip = cnt.ip(network = network)
if not ip:
raise Exception('IP not found for container %s' %name)
print('IP %s for service %s' %(ip, service))
self.service_map[service] = dict(name = name, network = network, ip = ip)
#first start chameleon
chameleon_start_cmd = "cd {} && sh -c '. ./ && \
nohup python chameleon/ -v --consul=localhost:8500 \
--fluentd={}:24224 --grpc-endpoint=localhost:50555 \
>/tmp/chameleon.log 2>&1 &'".format(self.voltha_loc,
ret = os.system(chameleon_start_cmd)
if ret != 0:
raise Exception('VOLTHA chameleon service not started. Failed with return code %d' %ret)
#now start voltha and ofagent
voltha_start_cmd = "cd {} && sh -c '. ./ && \
nohup python voltha/ -v --consul=localhost:8500 --kafka={}:9092 -I {} \
--fluentd={}:24224 --rest-port=8880 --grpc-port=50555 \
>/tmp/voltha.log 2>&1 &'".format(self.voltha_loc,
ret = os.system(voltha_start_cmd)
if ret != 0:
raise Exception('Failed to start VOLTHA. Return code %d' %ret)
ofagent_start_cmd = "cd {} && sh -c '. ./ && \
nohup python ofagent/ -v --consul=localhost:8500 \
--fluentd={}:24224 --controller={}:6653 --grpc-endpoint=localhost:50555 \
>/tmp/ofagent.log 2>&1 &'".format(self.voltha_loc,
ret = os.system(ofagent_start_cmd)
if ret != 0:
raise Exception('VOLTHA ofagent not started. Failed with return code %d' %ret)
def kill_service(self, pattern):
st, output = getstatusoutput('pgrep -f "{}"'.format(pattern))
if st == 0 and output:
pids = output.strip().splitlines()
for pid in pids:
os.kill(int(pid), signal.SIGKILL)
def stop(self):
self.kill_service('python voltha/')
self.kill_service('python ofagent/')
self.kill_service('python chameleon/')
service_stop_cmd = 'docker-compose -f {} down'.format(self.compose_file_loc)
class VolthaCtrl(object):
def __init__(self, host, rest_port = 8881): = host
self.rest_port = rest_port
self.rest_url = 'http://{}:{}/api/v1'.format(host, rest_port)
def get_devices(self):
url = '{}/local/devices'.format(self.rest_url)
resp = requests.get(url)
if resp.ok is not True or resp.status_code != 200:
return None
return resp.json()
def enable_device(self, olt_type, olt_mac):
url = '{}/local/devices'.format(self.rest_url)
device_config = { 'type' : olt_type, 'mac_address' : olt_mac }
#pre-provision'Pre-provisioning %s with mac %s' %(olt_type, olt_mac))
resp =, data = json.dumps(device_config))
if resp.ok is not True or resp.status_code != 200:
return False
device_id = resp.json()['id']'Enabling device %s' %(device_id))
enable_url = '{}/{}/enable'.format(url, device_id)
resp =
if resp.ok is not True or resp.status_code != 200:
return False
#get operational status
time.sleep(5)'Checking operational status for device %s' %(device_id))
resp = requests.get('{}/{}'.format(url, device_id))
if resp.ok is not True or resp.status_code != 200:
return False
device_info = resp.json()
if device_info['oper_status'] != 'ACTIVE' or \
device_info['admin_state'] != 'ENABLED' or \
device_info['connect_status'] != 'REACHABLE':
return False
return True
def get_operational_status(self, device_id):
url = '{}/local/devices'.format(self.rest_url)'Checking operational status for device %s' %(device_id))
resp = requests.get('{}/{}'.format(url, device_id))
if resp.ok is not True or resp.status_code != 200:
return False
device_info = resp.json()
if device_info['oper_status'] != 'ACTIVE' or \
device_info['admin_state'] != 'ENABLED' or \
device_info['connect_status'] != 'REACHABLE':
return False
return True
def check_preprovision_status(self, device_id):
url = '{}/local/devices'.format(self.rest_url)'Check if device %s is in Preprovisioning state'%(device_id))
resp = requests.get('{}/{}'.format(url, device_id))
if resp.ok is not True or resp.status_code != 200:
return False
device_info = resp.json()
if device_info['admin_status'] == 'PREPROVISIONED':
return True
return False