blob: 8471c8d4894ec9749065431046b3d0716e72e421 [file] [log] [blame]
*** Settings ***
Documentation Test migration of a Service in the core
Library RequestsLibrary
Library HttpLibrary.HTTP
Library Collections
Library String
Library OperatingSystem
Library DateTime
Library ../../Framework/utils/
Resource ../../Framework/utils/utils.robot
Library ../../Framework/
Variables ../../Properties/
Suite Setup Setup
Suite Teardown Teardown
*** Variables ***
${timeout} 300s
*** Test Cases ***
Validate Service Version A
[Documentation] Validate fields from model in version A
[Tags] test1
${resp} = CORD Get /xosapi/v1/core/users
${jsondata} = To Json ${resp.content}
${length} = Get Length ${jsondata['items']}
: FOR ${INDEX} IN RANGE 0 ${length}
\ ${dict}= Get From List ${jsondata['items']} ${INDEX}
\ ${keys}= Get Dictionary Keys ${dict}
: FOR ${field} IN @{model_A_fields}
\ List Should Contain Value ${keys} ${field}
Upgrade Service
[Documentation] Upgrade the version of the service and wait for completion
[Tags] test2
Run helm upgrade --set imageTag=2.0.0 demosimpleexampleservice
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds ${timeout} 5s Validate Pod Running
Validate Service Version B
[Documentation] Validate fields from model in upgraded version B (2.0.0)
[Tags] test3
${resp} = CORD Get /xosapi/v1/core/users
${jsondata} = To Json ${resp.content}
${length} = Get Length ${jsondata['items']}
: FOR ${INDEX} IN RANGE 0 ${length}
\ ${dict}= Get From List ${jsondata['items']} ${INDEX}
\ ${keys}= Get Dictionary Keys ${dict}
: FOR ${field} IN @{model_B_fields}
\ List Should Contain Value ${keys} ${field}
*** Keywords ***
${auth} = Create List ${XOS_USER} ${XOS_PASSWD}
${HEADERS} Create Dictionary Content-Type=application/json allow_modify_feedback=True
Create Session ${server_ip} http://${server_ip}:${server_port} auth=${AUTH} headers=${HEADERS}
@{model_A_fields}= Create List firstname lastname timezone
@{model_B_fields}= Create List firstname lastname timezone newBfield
Set Suite Variable @{model_A_fields}
Set Suite Variable @{model_B_fields}
[Documentation] Delete all https sessions
Delete All Sessions
Validate Pod Running
${output}= Run kubectl get pods | grep demo-simpleexampleservice | grep -i running | grep 1/1 | wc -l
Should Be Equal As Integers ${output} 1