blob: 34223c67999e06c55ae0b663d3ad83f72eca8ef5 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2017-present Open Networking Foundation
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
*** Settings ***
Documentation Test successful ping from end-end
Suite Setup Read InputFile
Suite Teardown Teardown
Library Collections
Library String
Library OperatingSystem
Library XML
Library RequestsLibrary
Library ../../Framework/utils/
Resource ../../Framework/utils/utils.robot
Library ../../Framework/
Resource ../../Framework/Subscriber.robot
Resource ../../Framework/ATTWorkFlowDriver.robot
Resource ../../Framework/ONU.robot
Resource ../../Framework/DHCP.robot
Variables ../../Properties/
*** Variables ***
${SUBSCRIBER_PATHFILE} ${CURDIR}/data/ATTSubscriber.json
${src_ip} X.X.X.X
${src_gateway} X.X.X.X
${src_user} user
${src_pass} pass
${src_iface} eth0
${dst_ip} X.X.X.X
${dst_dp_iface} eth0
${dst_dp_ip} X.X.X.X
${dst_user} user
${dst_pass} pass
${dst_gateway} X.X.X.X
*** Test Cases ***
Validate ONU States
[Documentation] Validate status field in ONU List
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 60s 2s Validate ONU States ACTIVE ENABLED
Validate states in ATT WorkFlowDriver Service Instances
[Documentation] Validates necessary states for entries in workflow driver service instance list
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 60s 2s Validate ATT Workflow Driver SI valid AWAITING
Validate Subscriber State
[Documentation] Validate subscriber status in the rcordsubscriber list
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 60s 2s Validate Subscriber Status AWAITING-AUTH
Send Subscriber Authentication
[Documentation] Sends a successful 802.1x EAPOL message from the subscriber
Send EAPOL Message ${src_ip} ${src_user} ${src_pass} ${src_iface} wpa_supplicant.conf
Validate states in ATT WorkFlowDriver instances after subscriber authentication
[Documentation] Validate proper states on the service instances after authentication
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 60s 2s Validate ATT Workflow Driver SI valid APPROVED
Re-Validate Subscriber State
[Documentation] Validate subscriber status in the rcordsubscriber list
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 60s 2s Validate Subscriber Status ENABLED
Configure QinQ Interface on Dest Server
[Documentation] Configure a QinQ (802.11q) interface to pass double tagged traffic from RG
Add Double Vlan Interface on Host ${dst_ip} ${dst_user} ${dst_pass} ${dst_dp_iface} ${s_tag} ${c_tag}
Add IP Address on Interface on Host ${dst_ip} ${dst_user} ${dst_pass} ${dst_dp_ip}/24 ${dst_dp_iface}.${stag}.${c_tag}
Add Route to Remote Host ${dst_ip} ${dst_user} ${dst_pass} ${dst_dp_ip} ${src_gateway} ${dst_dp_iface}.${stag}.${c_tag}
Start DHCP Server on QinQ Interface
[Documentation] Start dhcpd on the previously configured interface on the destination server
Start DHCP Server on Remote Host ${dst_ip} ${dst_user} ${dst_pass} ${dst_dp_iface}.${stag}.${ctag}
Execute Dhclient on RG
[Documentation] Run dhclient on the dataplane interface on the RG
Send Dhclient Request ${src_ip} ${src_user} ${src_pass} ${src_iface}
Test E2E Connectivity
[Documentation] Test pings after subscriber has been authenticated + enabled
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 60s 5s Test Ping PASS ${src_ip} ${src_user} ${src_pass} ${dst_dp_ip}
*** Keywords ***
Read InputFile
${AttWhiteListList}= utils.jsonToList ${WHITELIST_PATHFILE} AttWhiteListInfo
Set Suite Variable ${alist} ${AttWhiteListList}
${AttWhiteListList} = Get Variable Value ${alist}
${AttWhiteListDict}= utils.listToDict ${AttWhiteListList} 0
${onu_device}= Get From Dictionary ${AttWhiteListDict} serial_number
Log ${onu_device}
Set Global Variable ${onu_device}
${SubscriberList}= utils.jsonToList ${SUBSCRIBER_PATHFILE} SubscriberInfo
Set Global Variable ${slist} ${SubscriberList}
${SubscriberList} = Get Variable Value ${slist}
${SubscriberDict}= utils.listToDict ${SubscriberList} 0
${s_tag}= utils.getFieldValueFromDict ${SubscriberDict} s_tag
${c_tag}= utils.getFieldValueFromDict ${SubscriberDict} c_tag
Set Suite Variable ${s_tag}
Set Suite Variable ${c_tag}
[Documentation] Delete xos objects and kill process on src host
Run Keyword And Ignore Error Kill Linux Process ${src_ip} ${src_user} ${src_pass} [w]pa_supplicant
Run Keyword And Ignore Error Kill Linux Process ${src_ip} ${src_user} ${src_pass} [d]hclient
Run Keyword And Ignore Error Kill Linux Process ${dst_ip} ${dst_user} ${dst_pass} [d]hcpd
Delete IP Addresses from Interface on Remote Host ${src_ip} ${src_user} ${src_pass} ${src_iface}
Delete Interface on Remote Host ${dst_ip} ${dst_user} ${dst_pass} ${dst_dp_iface}.${stag}
#Clean Up Objects ${VOLT_SUBSCRIBER}
#Clean Up Objects ${VOLT_DEVICE}
#Clean Up Objects ${ATT_WHITELIST}
Validate ONU States
[Arguments] ${expected_op_status} ${expected_admin_status}
${operational_status} ${admin_status} ONU Status Check ${onu_device}
Should Be Equal ${operational_status} ${expected_op_status}
Should Be Equal ${admin_status} ${expected_admin_status}
Validate ATT Workflow Driver SI
[Arguments] ${expected_status} ${expected_auth_status}
${status} ${authentication_status} Service Instance Status Check ${onu_device}
Should Be Equal ${status} ${expected_status}
Should Be Equal ${authentication_status} ${expected_auth_status}
Validate Subscriber Status
[Arguments] ${exepected_status}
${status} Subscriber Status Check ${onu_device}
Should Be Equal ${status} ${exepected_status}