blob: 6d163810d7c418eded4f8b0afdc62e873ccafc7b [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2017-present Open Networking Foundation
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
*** Settings ***
Documentation Library of functions related to OLT
Library SSHLibrary
Library Collections
Library String
Library OperatingSystem
Library RequestsLibrary
Library utils/
*** Keywords ***
Openolt is Up
[Arguments] ${ip} ${user} ${pass} ${prompt}=~#
[Documentation] Verify that openolt process is started and ready to connect to voltha
Check Remote File Contents True /var/log/openolt.log oper_state: up ${ip} ${user} ${pass} prompt=${prompt}
OLT Status Check
[Arguments] ${olt_device}
[Documentation] Returns "operational_status" and "admin_status" of a particular OLT device from "olt device list"
${json_result}= restApi.ApiGet VOLT_DEVICE
Log ${json_result}
${json_result_list}= Get From dictionary ${json_result} items
${getJsonDict}= utils.getDictFromListOfDict ${json_result_list} host ${olt_device}
${operational_status}= Get From Dictionary ${getJsonDict} oper_status
${admin_status}= Get From Dictionary ${getJsonDict} admin_state
[Return] ${operational_status} ${admin_status}
Validate OLT States
[Arguments] ${expected_op_status} ${expected_admin_status} ${olt_device}
${operational_status} ${admin_status} OLT Status Check ${olt_device}
Should Be Equal ${operational_status} ${expected_op_status}
Should Be Equal ${admin_status} ${expected_admin_status}
Get VOLTHA Status
${resp}= CORD Get ${VOLT_DEVICE}
${jsondata}= To Json ${resp.content}
Log ${jsondata}
${length}= Get Length ${jsondata['items']}
: FOR ${INDEX} IN RANGE 0 ${length}
\ ${value}= Get From List ${jsondata['items']} ${INDEX}
\ ${olt_device_id}= Get From Dictionary ${value} device_id
\ ${logical_device_id}= Get From Dictionary ${value} of_id
Set Suite Variable ${olt_device_id}
Set Suite Variable ${logical_device_id}
testCaseUtils.send_command_to_voltha_cli /tmp voltha_devices.log devices host=${server_ip}
testCaseUtils.send_command_to_voltha_cli /tmp logical_devices.log logical_device ${logical_device_id} voltha_logical_ports.log ports voltha_logical_flows.log flow host=${server_ip}
testCaseUtils.send_command_to_voltha_cli /tmp devices.log device ${olt_device_id} voltha_olt_ports.log ports voltha_olt_flows.log flows host=${server_ip}
${voltha_devices_log}= Get Binary File /tmp/voltha_devices.log
${devices_flows}= Get Binary File /tmp/voltha_olt_flows.log
${device_ports}= Get Binary File /tmp/voltha_olt_ports.log
${logical_devices}= Get Binary File /tmp/voltha_logical_flows.log
${l_device_ports}= Get Binary File /tmp/voltha_logical_ports.log
Log ${voltha_devices_log}
Log ${devices_flows}
Log ${device_ports}
Log ${logical_devices}
Log ${l_device_ports}
Get ONOS Status
[Arguments] ${server_ip}=${None}
testCaseUtils.send_command_to_onos_cli /tmp onos_apps.log apps -a -s host=${server_ip}
${onos_apps} Get Binary File /tmp/onos_apps.log
testCaseUtils.send_command_to_onos_cli /tmp onos_devices.log devices host=${server_ip}
${onos_devices} Get Binary File /tmp/onos_devices.log
testCaseUtils.send_command_to_onos_cli /tmp onos_ports.log ports host=${server_ip}
${onos_ports} Get Binary File /tmp/onos_ports.log
testCaseUtils.send_command_to_onos_cli /tmp onos_flows.log flows -s host=${server_ip}
${onos_flows} Get Binary File /tmp/onos_flows.log
testCaseUtils.send_command_to_onos_cli /tmp onos_meters.log meters host=${server_ip}
${onos_meters} Get Binary File /tmp/onos_meters.log
testCaseUtils.send_command_to_onos_cli /tmp onos_volt_prog_subscribers.log volt-programmed-subscribers host=${server_ip}
${onos_volt_prog_subscribers} Get Binary File /tmp/onos_volt_prog_subscribers.log
testCaseUtils.send_command_to_onos_cli /tmp onos_volt_prog_meters.log volt-programmed-meters host=${server_ip}
${onos_volt_prog_meters} Get Binary File /tmp/onos_volt_prog_meters.log
testCaseUtils.send_command_to_onos_cli /tmp onos_volt_bp_meters.log volt-bpmeter-mappings host=${server_ip}
${onos_volt_bp_meters} Get Binary File /tmp/onos_volt_bp_meters.log
testCaseUtils.send_command_to_onos_cli /tmp onos_dhcpl2.log dhcpl2relay-allocations host=${server_ip}
${onos_dhcpl2} Get Binary File /tmp/onos_dhcpl2.log
testCaseUtils.send_command_to_onos_cli /tmp onos_aaa_users.log aaa-users host=${server_ip}
${onos_aaa_users} Get Binary File /tmp/onos_aaa_users.log
testCaseUtils.send_command_to_onos_cli /tmp onos_netcfg.log netcfg host=${server_ip}
${onos_netcfg} Get Binary File /tmp/onos_netcfg.log
testCaseUtils.send_command_to_onos_cli /tmp onos_groups.log groups host=${server_ip}
${onos_groups} Get Binary File /tmp/onos_groups.log
testCaseUtils.send_command_to_onos_cli /tmp onos_hosts.log hosts host=${server_ip}
${onos_hosts} Get Binary File /tmp/onos_hosts.log
testCaseUtils.send_command_to_onos_cli /tmp onos_links.log links host=${server_ip}
${onos_links} Get Binary File /tmp/onos_links.log
Log ${onos_apps}
Log ${onos_devices}
Log ${onos_ports}
Log ${onos_flows}
Log ${onos_meters}
Log ${onos_aaa_users}
Log ${onos_volt_prog_subscribers}
Log ${onos_volt_prog_meters}
Log ${onos_volt_bp_meters}
Log ${onos_hosts}
Log ${onos_dhcpl2}
Log ${onos_netcfg}
Log ${onos_groups}
Log ${onos_links}