blob: 8b263bd7d2ca098b393a2b3b1e26fbe0884c88f8 [file] [log] [blame]
# -*- text -*-
# $Id: 1d3305ba45ec71336f55f8f1db05f183772e1b82 $
# Do server side ip pool management. Should be added in
# post-auth and accounting sections.
# The module also requires the existence of the Pool-Name
# attribute. That way the administrator can add the Pool-Name
# attribute in the user profiles and use different pools for
# different users. The Pool-Name attribute is a *check* item
# not a reply item.
# The Pool-Name should be set to the ippool module instance
# name or to DEFAULT to match any module.
# Example:
# radiusd.conf: ippool students { [...] }
# ippool teachers { [...] }
# users file : DEFAULT Group == students, Pool-Name := "students"
# DEFAULT Group == teachers, Pool-Name := "teachers"
# DEFAULT Group == other, Pool-Name := "DEFAULT"
# Note: If you change the range parameters you must then erase the
# db files.
ippool main_pool {
# The main db file used to allocate addresses.
filename = ${db_dir}/db.ippool
# The start and end ip addresses for this pool.
range_start =
range_stop =
# The network mask used for this pool.
netmask =
# The gdbm cache size for the db files. Should
# be equal to the number of ip's available in
# the ip pool
cache_size = 800
# Helper db index file used in multilink
ip_index = ${db_dir}/db.ipindex
# If set, the Framed-IP-Address already in the
# reply (if any) will be discarded, and replaced
# ith a Framed-IP-Address assigned here.
override = no
# Specifies the maximum time in seconds that an
# entry may be active. If set to zero, means
# "no timeout". The default value is 0
maximum_timeout = 0
# The key to use for the session database (which
# holds the allocated ip's) normally it should
# just be the nas ip/port (which is the default).
# If your NAS sends the same value of NAS-Port
# all requests, the key should be based on some
# other attribute that is in ALL requests, AND
# is unique to each machine needing an IP address.
# key = "%{NAS-IP-Address} %{NAS-Port}"