blob: d51e923f02712858c6fa719d6175d6a48bdf3a41 [file] [log] [blame]
*** Settings ***
Documentation Run Cord verification test cases for Cluster
Resource cord_resource.robot
Suite Setup Cord Cluster Setup
Suite Teardown Cord Teardown
*** Variables ***
${NODES} 3
*** Test Cases ***
Verify Onos Controllers Restart Functionality
[Documentation] Verify ONOS cluster by restarting controllers
${rc}= Run Cord Tester cluster:cluster_exchange.test_cluster_controller_restarts
Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
Verify Onos Controllers Graceful Restart Functionality
[Documentation] Verify ONOS cluster by restarting controllers gracefully
Cord Setup
${rc}= Run Cord Tester cluster:cluster_exchange.test_cluster_graceful_controller_restarts
Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
Verify Onos Single Controller Restart Functionality
[Documentation] Verify ONOS cluster by restarting the same controller
Cord Setup
${rc}= Run Cord Tester cluster:cluster_exchange.test_cluster_single_controller_restarts
Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
Verify Onos Cluster Restart Functionality
[Documentation] Verify ONOS cluster by restarting the entire cluster
Cord Setup
${rc}= Run Cord Tester cluster:cluster_exchange.test_cluster_restarts
Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
*** Keywords ***
Cord Cluster Setup
[Documentation] Configure a ${NODES} node ONOS cluster for cord tester
${output} Run sudo docker ps |grep cord-onos | tr -s ' ' | awk '{print $NF}' | xargs docker kill
Cord Setup