blob: 09c04db89109b4151bba2e9a33a409cf39605d9f [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python
from argparse import ArgumentParser
import os,sys,time
import io
import yaml
from pyroute2 import IPRoute
from itertools import chain
from nsenter import Namespace
from docker import Client
from shutil import copy
utils_dir = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(sys.argv[0])), '../utils')
from OnosCtrl import OnosCtrl
from OltConfig import OltConfig
class docker_netns(object):
dckr = Client()
def __init__(self, name):
pid = int(self.dckr.inspect_container(name)['State']['Pid'])
if pid == 0:
raise Exception('no container named {0}'.format(name)) = pid
def __enter__(self):
pid =
if not os.path.exists('/var/run/netns'):
os.symlink('/proc/{0}/ns/net'.format(pid), '/var/run/netns/{0}'.format(pid))
return str(pid)
def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):
pid =
flatten = lambda l: chain.from_iterable(l)
class Container(object):
dckr = Client()
def __init__(self, name, image, tag = 'latest', command = 'bash', quagga_config = None): = name
self.image = image
self.tag = tag
self.image_name = image + ':' + tag = None
self.command = command
if quagga_config is not None:
self.bridge = quagga_config['bridge']
self.ipaddress = quagga_config['ip']
self.mask = quagga_config['mask']
self.bridge = None
self.ipaddress = None
self.mask = None
def build_image(cls, dockerfile, tag, force=True, nocache=False):
f = io.BytesIO(dockerfile.encode('utf-8'))
if force or not cls.image_exists(tag):
print('Build {0}...'.format(tag))
for line in, rm=True, tag=tag, decode=True, nocache=nocache):
if 'stream' in line:
def image_exists(cls, name):
return name in [ctn['RepoTags'][0] for ctn in cls.dckr.images()]
def create_host_config(cls, port_list = None, host_guest_map = None, privileged = False):
port_bindings = None
binds = None
if port_list:
port_bindings = {}
for p in port_list:
port_bindings[str(p)] = str(p)
if host_guest_map:
binds = []
for h, g in host_guest_map:
binds.append('{0}:{1}'.format(h, g))
return cls.dckr.create_host_config(binds = binds, port_bindings = port_bindings, privileged = privileged)
def cleanup(cls, image):
cnt_list = filter(lambda c: c['Image'] == image, cls.dckr.containers())
for cnt in cnt_list:
print('Cleaning container %s' %cnt['Id'])
cls.dckr.remove_container(cnt['Id'], force=True)
def remove_container(cls, name, force=True):
cls.dckr.remove_container(name, force = force)
except: pass
def exists(self):
return '/{0}'.format( in list(flatten(n['Names'] for n in self.dckr.containers()))
def img_exists(self):
return self.image_name in [ctn['RepoTags'][0] for ctn in self.dckr.images()]
def ip(self):
cnt_list = filter(lambda c: c['Image'] == self.image_name, self.dckr.containers())
cnt_settings = cnt_list.pop()
return cnt_settings['NetworkSettings']['Networks']['bridge']['IPAddress']
def kill(self, remove = True):
self.dckr.remove_container(, force=True)
def start(self, rm = True, ports = None, volumes = None, host_config = None,
environment = None, tty = False, stdin_open = True):
if rm and self.exists():
print('Removing container:',
self.dckr.remove_container(, force=True)
ctn = self.dckr.create_container(image=self.image_name, ports = ports, command=self.command,
environment = environment,
volumes = volumes,
host_config = host_config, stdin_open=stdin_open, tty = tty)
if self.bridge:
self.connect_to_br() = ctn['Id']
return ctn
def connect_to_br(self):
with docker_netns( as pid:
ip = IPRoute()
br = ip.link_lookup(ifname=self.bridge)
if len(br) == 0:
ip.link_create(ifname=self.bridge, kind='bridge')
br = ip.link_lookup(ifname=self.bridge)
br = br[0]'set', index=br, state='up')
ifs = ip.link_lookup(
if len(ifs) > 0:
ip.link_create(, kind='veth', peer=pid)
host = ip.link_lookup([0]'set', index=host, master=br)'set', index=host, state='up')
guest = ip.link_lookup(ifname=pid)[0]'set', index=guest, net_ns_fd=pid)
with Namespace(pid, 'net'):
ip = IPRoute()'set', index=guest, ifname='eth1')
ip.addr('add', index=guest, address=self.ipaddress, mask=self.mask)'set', index=guest, state='up')
def execute(self, cmd, tty = True, stream = False, shell = False):
res = 0
if type(cmd) == str:
cmds = (cmd,)
cmds = cmd
if shell:
for c in cmds:
res += os.system('docker exec {0} {1}'.format(, c))
return res
for c in cmds:
i = self.dckr.exec_create(, cmd=c, tty = tty, privileged = True)
self.dckr.exec_start(i['Id'], stream = stream, detach=True)
result = self.dckr.exec_inspect(i['Id'])
res += 0 if result['ExitCode'] == None else result['ExitCode']
return res
class Onos(Container):
quagga_config = { 'bridge' : 'quagga-br', 'ip': '', 'mask' : 16 }
env = { 'ONOS_APPS' : 'drivers,openflow,proxyarp,aaa,igmp,vrouter' }
ports = [ 8181, 8101, 9876, 6653, 6633, 2000, 2620 ]
def __init__(self, name = 'cord-onos', image = 'onosproject/onos', tag = 'latest', boot_delay = 60):
super(Onos, self).__init__(name, image, tag = tag, quagga_config = self.quagga_config)
if not self.exists():
self.remove_container(name, force=True)
host_config = self.create_host_config(port_list = self.ports)
print('Starting ONOS container %s'
self.start(ports = self.ports, environment = self.env,
host_config = host_config, tty = True)
print('Waiting %d seconds for ONOS to boot' %(boot_delay))
class Radius(Container):
ports = [ 1812, 1813 ]
env = {'TIMEZONE':'America/Los_Angeles',
'DEBUG': 'true', 'cert_password':'whatever', 'primary_shared_secret':'radius_password'
host_db_dir = os.path.join(os.getenv('HOME'), 'services', 'radius', 'data', 'db')
guest_db_dir = os.path.join(os.path.sep, 'opt', 'db')
host_config_dir = os.path.join(os.getenv('HOME'), 'services', 'radius', 'freeradius')
guest_config_dir = os.path.join(os.path.sep, 'etc', 'freeradius')
start_command = '/root/'
host_guest_map = ( (host_db_dir, guest_db_dir),
(host_config_dir, guest_config_dir)
def __init__(self, name = 'cord-radius', image = 'freeradius', tag = 'podd'):
super(Radius, self).__init__(name, image, tag = tag, command = self.start_command)
if not self.exists():
self.remove_container(name, force=True)
host_config = self.create_host_config(port_list = self.ports,
host_guest_map = self.host_guest_map)
volumes = []
for _,g in self.host_guest_map:
self.start(ports = self.ports, environment = self.env,
volumes = volumes,
host_config = host_config, tty = True)
class CordTester(Container):
sandbox = '/root/test'
sandbox_setup = '/root/test/src/test/setup'
tester_base = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(sys.argv[0]))
tester_paths = os.path.realpath(sys.argv[0]).split(os.path.sep)
tester_path_index = tester_paths.index('cord-tester')
sandbox_host = os.path.sep.join(tester_paths[:tester_path_index+1])
host_guest_map = ( (sandbox_host, sandbox),
('/lib/modules', '/lib/modules'),
('/var/run/docker.sock', '/var/run/docker.sock')
basename = 'cord-tester'
def __init__(self, ctlr_ip = None, image = 'cord-test/nose', tag = 'latest',
env = None, rm = False, update = False):
self.ctlr_ip = ctlr_ip
self.rm = rm = self.get_name()
super(CordTester, self).__init__(, image = image, tag = tag)
host_config = self.create_host_config(host_guest_map = self.host_guest_map, privileged = True)
volumes = []
for _, g in self.host_guest_map:
if update is True or not self.img_exists():
##Remove test container if any
self.remove_container(, force=True)
if env is not None and env.has_key('OLT_CONFIG'):
self.olt = True
olt_conf_file = os.path.join(self.tester_base, 'olt_config.json')
olt_config = OltConfig(olt_conf_file)
self.port_map = olt_config.olt_port_map()
self.olt = False
self.port_map = None
print('Starting test container %s, image %s, tag %s' %(, self.image, self.tag))
self.start(rm = False, volumes = volumes, environment = env,
host_config = host_config, tty = True)
def execute_switch(self, cmd, shell = False):
if self.olt:
return os.system(cmd)
return self.execute(cmd, shell = shell)
def start_switch(self, bridge = 'ovsbr0', boot_delay = 2):
"""Start OVS"""
##Determine if OVS has to be started locally or not
s_file,s_sandbox = ('',self.tester_base) if self.olt else ('',self.sandbox_setup)
ovs_cmd = os.path.join(s_sandbox, '{0}'.format(s_file)) + ' {0}'.format(bridge)
if self.olt:
ovs_cmd += ' {0}'.format(self.ctlr_ip)
print('Starting OVS on the host')
print('Starting OVS on test container %s'
status = 1
## Wait for the LLDP flows to be added to the switch
tries = 0
while status != 0 and tries < 100:
cmd = 'sudo ovs-ofctl dump-flows {0} | grep \"type=0x8942\"'.format(bridge)
status = self.execute_switch(cmd, shell = True)
tries += 1
if tries % 10 == 0:
print('Waiting for test switch to be connected to ONOS controller ...')
if status != 0:
print('Test Switch not connected to ONOS container.'
'Please remove ONOS container and restart the test')
if self.rm:
if boot_delay:
def setup_intfs(self):
if not self.olt:
return 0
tester_intf_subnet = '192.168.100'
res = 0
port_num = 0
host_intf = self.port_map['host']
start_vlan = self.port_map['start_vlan']
for port in self.port_map['ports']:
guest_if = port
local_if = guest_if
guest_ip = '{0}.{1}/24'.format(tester_intf_subnet, str(port_num+1))
##Use pipeworks to configure container interfaces on host/bridge interfaces
pipework_cmd = 'pipework {0} -i {1} -l {2} {3} {4}'.format(host_intf, guest_if, local_if,, guest_ip)
if start_vlan != 0:
pipework_cmd += ' @{}'.format(str(start_vlan + port_num))
res += os.system(pipework_cmd)
port_num += 1
return res
def get_name(cls):
cnt_name = '/{0}'.format(cls.basename)
cnt_name_len = len(cnt_name)
names = list(flatten(n['Names'] for n in cls.dckr.containers(all=True)))
test_names = filter(lambda n: n.startswith(cnt_name), names)
last_cnt_number = 0
if test_names:
last_cnt_name = reduce(lambda n1, n2: n1 if int(n1[cnt_name_len:]) > \
int(n2[cnt_name_len:]) else n2,
last_cnt_number = int(last_cnt_name[cnt_name_len:])
test_cnt_name = cls.basename + str(last_cnt_number+1)
return test_cnt_name
def build_image(cls, image):
print('Building test container docker image %s' %image)
dockerfile = '''
FROM ubuntu:14.04
RUN apt-get update
RUN apt-get -y install git python python-pip python-setuptools python-scapy tcpdump doxygen doxypy wget
RUN easy_install nose
RUN apt-get -y install openvswitch-common openvswitch-switch
RUN mkdir -p /root/ovs
RUN wget -O /root/ovs/openvswitch-2.4.0.tar.gz && \
(cd /root/ovs && tar zxpvf openvswitch-2.4.0.tar.gz && \
cd openvswitch-2.4.0 && \
./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc --localstatedir=/var --disable-ssl && make && make install)
RUN service openvswitch-switch restart || /bin/true
RUN apt-get -y install python-twisted python-sqlite sqlite3 python-pexpect telnet
RUN pip install scapy-ssl_tls
RUN pip install -U scapy
RUN pip install monotonic
RUN pip install configObj
RUN pip install -U docker-py
RUN pip install -U pyyaml
RUN pip install -U nsenter
RUN pip install -U pyroute2
RUN pip install -U netaddr
RUN mv /usr/sbin/tcpdump /sbin/
RUN ln -sf /sbin/tcpdump /usr/sbin/tcpdump
CMD ["/bin/bash"]
super(CordTester, cls).build_image(dockerfile, image)
print('Done building docker image %s' %image)
def run_tests(self, tests):
'''Run the list of tests'''
for t in tests:
test = t.split(':')[0]
if test == 'tls':
test_file = test + ''
test_file = test + ''
if t.find(':') >= 0:
test_case = test_file + ':' + t.split(':')[1]
test_case = test_file
cmd = 'nosetests -v {0}/src/test/{1}/{2}'.format(self.sandbox, test, test_case)
status = self.execute(cmd, shell = True)
print('Test %s %s' %(test_case, 'Success' if status == 0 else 'Failure'))
print('Done running tests')
if self.rm:
print('Removing test container %s'
class Quagga(Container):
quagga_config = { 'bridge' : 'quagga-br', 'ip': '', 'mask' : 16 }
ports = [ 179, 2601, 2602, 2603, 2604, 2605, 2606 ]
host_quagga_config = os.path.join(CordTester.tester_base, 'quagga-config')
guest_quagga_config = '/root/config'
host_guest_map = ( (host_quagga_config, guest_quagga_config), )
def __init__(self, name = 'cord-quagga', image = 'cord-test/quagga', tag = 'latest', boot_delay = 60):
super(Quagga, self).__init__(name, image, tag = tag, quagga_config = self.quagga_config)
if not self.img_exists():
if not self.exists():
self.remove_container(name, force=True)
host_config = self.create_host_config(port_list = self.ports,
host_guest_map = self.host_guest_map,
privileged = True)
volumes = []
for _,g in self.host_guest_map:
self.start(ports = self.ports,
host_config = host_config,
volumes = volumes, tty = True)
print('Starting Quagga on container %s'
def build_image(cls, image):
onos_quagga_ip = Onos.quagga_config['ip']
print('Building Quagga image %s' %image)
dockerfile = '''
FROM ubuntu:latest
RUN useradd -M quagga
RUN mkdir /var/log/quagga && chown quagga:quagga /var/log/quagga
RUN mkdir /var/run/quagga && chown quagga:quagga /var/run/quagga
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -qy git autoconf libtool gawk make telnet libreadline6-dev
RUN git clone git:// quagga && \
(cd quagga && git checkout HEAD && ./ && \
sed -i -r 's,htonl.*?\(INADDR_LOOPBACK\),inet_addr\("{0}"\),g' zebra/zebra_fpm.c && \
./configure --enable-fpm --disable-doc --localstatedir=/var/run/quagga && make && make install)
RUN ldconfig
super(Quagga, cls).build_image(dockerfile, image)
print('Done building image %s' %image)
##default onos/radius/test container images and names
onos_app_version = '1.0-SNAPSHOT'
cord_tester_base = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(sys.argv[0]))
onos_app_file = os.path.abspath('{0}/../apps/ciena-cordigmp-'.format(cord_tester_base) + onos_app_version + '.oar')
def runTest(args):
onos_cnt = {'tag':'latest'}
radius_cnt = {'tag':'latest'}
nose_cnt = {'image': 'cord-test/nose','tag': 'latest'}
radius_ip = None
quagga_ip = None
#print('Test type %s, onos %s, radius %s, app %s, olt %s, cleanup %s, kill flag %s, build image %s'
# %(args.test_type, args.onos, args.radius,, args.olt, args.cleanup, args.kill,
if args.cleanup:
cleanup_container = args.cleanup
if cleanup_container.find(':') < 0:
cleanup_container += ':latest'
print('Cleaning up containers %s' %cleanup_container)
#don't spawn onos if the user has specified external test controller with test interface config
if args.test_controller:
ips = args.test_controller.split('/')
onos_ip = ips[0]
if len(ips) > 1:
radius_ip = ips[1]
radius_ip = None
onos_cnt['image'] = args.onos.split(':')[0]
if args.onos.find(':') >= 0:
onos_cnt['tag'] = args.onos.split(':')[1]
onos = Onos(image = onos_cnt['image'], tag = onos_cnt['tag'], boot_delay = 60)
onos_ip = onos.ip()
##Start Radius container if specified
if args.radius:
radius_cnt['image'] = args.radius.split(':')[0]
if args.radius.find(':') >= 0:
radius_cnt['tag'] = args.radius.split(':')[1]
radius = Radius(image = radius_cnt['image'], tag = radius_cnt['tag'])
radius_ip = radius.ip()
print('Started Radius server with IP %s' %radius_ip)
radius_ip = None
print('Onos IP %s, Test type %s' %(onos_ip, args.test_type))
print('Installing ONOS app %s' %onos_app_file)
OnosCtrl.install_app(, onos_ip = onos_ip)
if args.quagga == True:
#Start quagga. Builds container if required
quagga = Quagga()
quagga_ip = quagga.ip()
test_cnt_env = { 'ONOS_CONTROLLER_IP' : onos_ip,
'ONOS_AAA_IP' : radius_ip if radius_ip is not None else '',
'QUAGGA_IP': quagga_ip if quagga_ip is not None else '',
if args.olt:
olt_conf_test_loc = os.path.join(CordTester.sandbox_setup, 'olt_config.json')
test_cnt_env['OLT_CONFIG'] = olt_conf_test_loc
test_cnt = CordTester(ctlr_ip = onos_ip, image = nose_cnt['image'], tag = nose_cnt['tag'],
env = test_cnt_env,
rm = args.kill,
update = args.update)
if args.start_switch or not args.olt:
tests = args.test_type.split('-')
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = ArgumentParser(description='Cord Tester for ONOS')
parser.add_argument('-t', '--test-type', default=test_type_default, type=str)
parser.add_argument('-o', '--onos', default=onos_image_default, type=str, help='ONOS container image')
parser.add_argument('-r', '--radius',default='',type=str, help='Radius container image')
parser.add_argument('-q', '--quagga',action='store_true',help='Provision quagga container for vrouter')
parser.add_argument('-a', '--app', default=onos_app_file, type=str, help='Cord ONOS app filename')
parser.add_argument('-l', '--olt', action='store_true', help='Use OLT config')
parser.add_argument('-e', '--test-controller', default='', type=str, help='External test controller ip for Onos and/or radius server.'
'Eg: to specify ONOS and Radius ip to connect')
parser.add_argument('-c', '--cleanup', default='', type=str, help='Cleanup test containers')
parser.add_argument('-k', '--kill', action='store_true', help='Remove test container after tests')
parser.add_argument('-s', '--start-switch', action='store_true', help='Start OVS')
parser.add_argument('-u', '--update', action='store_true', help='Update test container image')
args = parser.parse_args()