blob: 3676c39161d9a727ff710b4b77b810f63a4e8802 [file] [log] [blame]
*** Settings ***
Documentation Test suite for Deletion of Subscribers and voltTenants - Chameleon APIs
Suite Setup Read InputFile
Test Template Verify Deletion of Subscriber and volt Tenant functionality
Library Collections
Library String
Library OperatingSystem
Library XML
Library RequestsLibrary
Library ../Framework/utils/
Library ../Framework/
*** Variables ***
${USER} admin
${PASSWORD} admin
${PATHFILE} ${CURDIR}/data/Ch_VoltTenant.json
*** Test Cases *** TYPE LISTINDEX
Test Delete Subscriber and volt_tenant-1
Test Delete Subscriber and volt_tenant-2
Test Delete Subscriber and volt_tenant-3
*** Keywords ***
Read InputFile
${voltList} = utils.jsonToList ${PATHFILE} voltSubscriberInfo
Set Suite Variable ${vlist} ${voltList}
Verify Deletion of Subscriber and volt Tenant functionality
[Arguments] ${type} ${listIndex}
Run Keyword If "${type}" == "DELETE" Test Delete Subscriber and voltTenant ${listIndex}
Test Delete Subscriber and voltTenant
[Arguments] ${listIndex}
${getSubscriber_result}= restApi.ApiGet VOLT_SUBSCRIBER
${getSubscriber_result_list}= Get From Dictionary ${getSubscriber_result} items
${getVoltTenant_result}= restApi.ApiGet VOLT_TENANT
${getVoltTenant_result_list}= Get From Dictionary ${getVoltTenant_result} items
${voltList}= Get Variable Value ${vlist}
${voltTenantDict}= utils.listToDict ${voltList} ${listIndex}
${voltDict}= Get From Dictionary ${voltTenantDict} voltTenant
${servicespecific_id}= Get From Dictionary ${voltTenantDict} service_specific_id
${subscriberDict}= utils.getDictFromListofDict ${getSubscriber_result_list} service_specific_id ${servicespecific_id}
Log ${subscriberDict}
${subscriberId}= utils.getFieldValueFromDict ${subscriberDict} id
Log ${subscriberId}
# Deletion of volt Tenants
${getVoltDict}= utils.getDictFromListOfDict ${getVoltTenant_result_list} subscriber_root_id ${subscriberId}
${voltID}= utils.getFieldValueFromDict ${getVoltDict} id
${volt_delete_result}= restApi.ApiChameleonDelete VOLT_TENANT ${voltID}
Should Be True ${volt_delete_result}
#Deletion of Subscribers
${subscriber_delete_result}= restApi.ApiChameleonDelete VOLT_SUBSCRIBER ${subscriberId}
Should Be True ${subscriber_delete_result}