blob: e876c67207ae0813551c5a21a2524f1a1af3ffad [file] [log] [blame]
import os
from SSHTestAgent import SSHTestAgent
class OnosLog(object):
CLI_USER = 'karaf'
CLI_PASSWD = 'karaf'
CLI_PORT = 8101
HOST = os.getenv('ONOS_CONTROLLER_IP', '')
last_snapshot_map = {}
def __init__(self, host = HOST):
self.ssh_agent = SSHTestAgent(host = host, user = self.CLI_USER,
password = self.CLI_PASSWD, port = self.CLI_PORT)
if not OnosLog.last_snapshot_map.has_key(host):
OnosLog.last_snapshot_map[host] = []
#should be the last function to call for tearing down the log session
def close(self):
def get_last_snapshot(cls, host):
if cls.last_snapshot_map.has_key(host):
return cls.last_snapshot_map[host]
return []
def update_last_snapshot(cls, host, res):
cls.last_snapshot_map[host] = res
def get_log(self, search_terms = None):
"""Run the command on the test host"""
cmd = 'cat /root/onos/apache-karaf-3.0.5/data/log/karaf.log'
st, output = self.ssh_agent.run_cmd(cmd)
if st is False:
return output
last_snapshot = self.get_last_snapshot(
lines = output.splitlines()
if search_terms:
if type(search_terms) is str:
terms = [ search_terms ]
terms = search_terms
match_lines = []
last_len = len(last_snapshot)
for i in xrange(0, len(lines)):
if i < last_len and lines[i] in last_snapshot:
##skip lines matching the last snapshot
for t in terms:
if lines[i].find(t) >= 0:
output = '\n'.join(match_lines)
#update the last snapshot
self.update_last_snapshot(, lines)
return st, output
if __name__ == '__main__':
onos = os.getenv('ONOS_CONTROLLER_IP', '')
onos_log = OnosLog(host = onos)
print('Checking for INFO')
st, output = onos_log.get_log('INFO')
print(st, output)
print('\n\nChecking for ERROR\n\n')
st, output = onos_log.get_log('ERROR')
print(st, output)
print('Checking for ERROR and INFO')
st, output = onos_log.get_log(('ERROR', 'INFO'))
print(st, output)