blob: 6aea41b660d2de5177224d29d79e43e53a80e5e9 [file] [log] [blame]
# -*- text -*-
# $Id: f58b72f560ba067991d67295b546691bcd992d44 $
# "passwd" configuration, for the /etc/group file. Adds a Etc-Group-Name
# attribute for every group that the user is member of.
# You will have to define the Etc-Group-Name in the 'dictionary' file
# as a 'string' type.
# The Group and Group-Name attributes are automatically created by
# the Unix module, and do checking against /etc/group automatically.
# This means that you CANNOT use Group or Group-Name to do any other
# kind of grouping in the server. You MUST define a new group
# attribute.
# i.e. this module should NOT be used as-is, but should be edited to
# point to a different group file.
passwd etc_group {
filename = /etc/group
format = "=Etc-Group-Name:::*,User-Name"
hash_size = 50
ignore_nislike = yes
allow_multiple_keys = yes
delimiter = ":"