blob: f2aa631c491013ed73e4b7ff8846b30539ccccfc [file] [log] [blame]
# -*- text -*-
# $Id: 2170df13dbb884fde5d596eba68056781ba3160c $
# Microsoft CHAP authentication
# This module supports MS-CHAP and MS-CHAPv2 authentication.
# It also enforces the SMB-Account-Ctrl attribute.
mschap {
# If you are using /etc/smbpasswd, see the 'passwd'
# module for an example of how to use /etc/smbpasswd
# if use_mppe is not set to no mschap will
# add MS-CHAP-MPPE-Keys for MS-CHAPv1 and
# MS-MPPE-Recv-Key/MS-MPPE-Send-Key for MS-CHAPv2
# use_mppe = no
# if mppe is enabled require_encryption makes
# encryption moderate
# require_encryption = yes
# require_strong always requires 128 bit key
# encryption
# require_strong = yes
# The module can perform authentication itself, OR
# use a Windows Domain Controller. This configuration
# directive tells the module to call the ntlm_auth
# program, which will do the authentication, and return
# the NT-Key. Note that you MUST have "winbindd" and
# "nmbd" running on the local machine for ntlm_auth
# to work. See the ntlm_auth program documentation
# for details.
# If ntlm_auth is configured below, then the mschap
# module will call ntlm_auth for every MS-CHAP
# authentication request. If there is a cleartext
# or NT hashed password available, you can set
# "MS-CHAP-Use-NTLM-Auth := No" in the control items,
# and the mschap module will do the authentication itself,
# without calling ntlm_auth.
# Be VERY careful when editing the following line!
# You can also try setting the user name as:
# ... --username=%{mschap:User-Name} ...
# In that case, the mschap module will look at the User-Name
# attribute, and do prefix/suffix checks in order to obtain
# the "best" user name for the request.
# ntlm_auth = "/path/to/ntlm_auth --request-nt-key --username=%{%{Stripped-User-Name}:-%{%{User-Name}:-None}} --challenge=%{%{mschap:Challenge}:-00} --nt-response=%{%{mschap:NT-Response}:-00}"
# The default is to wait 10 seconds for ntlm_auth to
# complete. This is a long time, and if it's taking that
# long then you likely have other problems in your domain.
# The length of time can be decreased with the following
# option, which can save clients waiting if your ntlm_auth
# usually finishes quicker. Range 1 to 10 seconds.
# ntlm_auth_timeout = 10
passchange {
# This support MS-CHAPv2 (not v1) password change
# requests. See doc/mschap.rst for more IMPORTANT
# information.
# Samba/ntlm_auth - if you are using ntlm_auth to
# validate passwords, you will need to use ntlm_auth
# to change passwords. Uncomment the three lines
# below, and change the path to ntlm_auth.
# ntlm_auth = "/usr/bin/ntlm_auth --helper-protocol=ntlm-change-password-1"
# ntlm_auth_username = "username: %{mschap:User-Name}"
# ntlm_auth_domain = "nt-domain: %{mschap:NT-Domain}"
# To implement a local password change, you need to
# supply a string which is then expanded, so that the
# password can be placed somewhere. e.g. passed to a
# script (exec), or written to SQL (UPDATE/INSERT).
# We give both examples here, but only one will be
# used.
# local_cpw = "%{exec:/path/to/script %{mschap:User-Name} %{MS-CHAP-New-Cleartext-Password}}"
# local_cpw = "%{sql:UPDATE radcheck set value='%{MS-CHAP-New-NT-Password}' where username='%{SQL-User-Name}' and attribute='NT-Password'}"
# For Apple Server, when running on the same machine as
# Open Directory. It has no effect on other systems.
# use_open_directory = yes
# On failure, set (or not) the MS-CHAP error code saying
# "retries allowed".
# allow_retry = yes
# An optional retry message.
# retry_msg = "Re-enter (or reset) the password"