blob: d21c1362a005aac3aebb977d693de36e5b6fbdfe [file] [log] [blame]
# This module decrypts and validates Yubikey static and dynamic
# OTP tokens.
yubikey {
# The length (number of ASCII bytes) of the Public-ID portion
# of the OTP string.
# Yubikey defaults to a 6 byte ID (2 * 6 = 12)
# id_length = 12
# If true, the authorize method of rlm_yubikey will attempt to split the
# value of User-Password, into the user's password, and the OTP token.
# If enabled and successful, the value of User-Password will be truncated
# and request:Yubikey-OTP will be added.
# split = yes
# Decrypt mode - Tokens will be decrypted and processed locally
# The module itself does not provide persistent storage as this
# would be duplicative of functionality already in the server.
# Yubikey authentication needs two control attributes
# retrieved from persistent storage:
# * Yubikey-Key - The AES key used to decrypt the OTP data.
# The Yubikey-Public-Id and/or User-Name
# attributes may be used to retrieve the key.
# * Yubikey-Counter - This is compared with the counter in the OTP
# data and used to prevent replay attacks.
# This attribute will also be available in
# the request list after successful
# decryption.
# Yubikey-Counter isn't strictly required, but the server will
# generate warnings if it's not present when yubikey.authenticate
# is called.
# These attributes are available after authorization:
# * Yubikey-Public-ID - The public portion of the OTP string
# These attributes are available after authentication (if successful):
# * Yubikey-Private-ID - The encrypted ID included in OTP data,
# must be verified if tokens share keys.
# * Yubikey-Counter - The last counter value (should be recorded).
# * Yubikey-Timestamp - Token's internal clock (mainly useful for debugging).
# * Yubikey-Random - Randomly generated value from the token.
decrypt = no
# Validation mode - Tokens will be validated against a Yubicloud server
validate = no
# Settings for validation mode.
validation {
# URL of validation server, multiple URL config items may be used
# to list multiple servers.
# - %d is a placeholder for public ID of the token
# - %s is a placeholder for the token string itself
# If no URLs are listed, will default to the default URLs in the
# ykclient library, which point to the yubico validation servers.
servers {
# uri = ''
# uri = ''
# API Client ID
# Must be set to your client id for the validation server.
# client_id = 00000
# API Secret key (Base64 encoded)
# Must be set to your API key for the validation server.
# api_key = '000000000000000000000000'
# Connection pool parameters
pool {
# Number of connections to start
start = 5
# Minimum number of connections to keep open
min = 4
# Maximum number of connections
# If these connections are all in use and a new one
# is requested, the request will NOT get a connection.
max = 10
# Spare connections to be left idle
# NOTE: Idle connections WILL be closed if "idle_timeout"
# is set.
spare = 3
# Number of uses before the connection is closed
# 0 means "infinite"
uses = 0
# The lifetime (in seconds) of the connection
lifetime = 0
# idle timeout (in seconds). A connection which is
# unused for this length of time will be closed.
idle_timeout = 60
# Cycle over all connections in a pool instead of concentrating
# connection use on a few connections.
spread = yes
# NOTE: All configuration settings are enforced. If a
# connection is closed because of "idle_timeout",
# "uses", or "lifetime", then the total number of
# connections MAY fall below "min". When that
# happens, it will open a new connection. It will
# also log a WARNING message.
# The solution is to either lower the "min" connections,
# or increase lifetime/idle_timeout.