blob: a16fa1ea8034c979318bf12e7e6da28daefbbdab [file] [log] [blame]
# The following policies are for the Operator-Name
# configuration.
# The policies below can be called as just 'operator-name' (not
# operator-name.authorize etc..) from the various config sections.
# If you require that the Operator-Name be set
# for local clients then call the 'operator-name' policy
# in the authorize section of the virtual-server for your clients in clients.conf
# To inject an Operator-Name whilst proxying, call the
# 'operator-name' policy in the pre-proxy section of the virtual server
# No need to call this if you have already enabled this in
# the authorize section.
# We assume that clients can have the operator-name definition
# in the client.conf, e.g.
# client xxxx {
# ...
# Operator-Name = 1your.domain
# }
# If this parameter is found for a client, then we add
# an Operator-Name attribute
operator-name.authorize {
if ("%{client:Operator-Name}") {
update request {
Operator-Name = "%{client:Operator-Name}"
# Before proxing the client add an Operator-Name
# attribute identifying this site if the operator-name is found for this client
operator-name.pre-proxy {
if (("%{request:Packet-Type}" == 'Access-Request') && "%{client:Operator-Name}") {
update proxy-request {
Operator-Name := "%{client:Operator-Name}"