blob: 575fb20bda13255fff21d46a9d6778d6dbfa771c [file] [log] [blame]
import sys, os
cord_root = os.getenv('CORD_TEST_ROOT') or './'
sys.path.append(cord_root + CORD_TEST_FSM)
from EapolAAA import *
from enum import *
import noseTlsAuthHolder as tlsAuthHolder
from scapy_ssl_tls.ssl_tls import *
from socket import *
from struct import *
import scapy
from import *
from CordTestBase import CordTester
class TLSAuthTest(EapolPacket, CordTester):
tlsStateTable = Enumeration("TLSStateTable", ("ST_EAP_SETUP",
tlsEventTable = Enumeration("TLSEventTable", ("EVT_EAP_SETUP",
def __init__(self, intf = 'veth0'):
self.fsmTable = tlsAuthHolder.initTlsAuthHolderFsmTable(self, self.tlsStateTable, self.tlsEventTable)
EapolPacket.__init__(self, intf)
CordTester.__init__(self, self.fsmTable, self.tlsStateTable.ST_EAP_TLS_DONE)
#self.tlsStateTable, self.tlsEventTable)
self.currentState = self.tlsStateTable.ST_EAP_SETUP
self.currentEvent = self.tlsEventTable.EVT_EAP_SETUP
self.nextState = None
self.nextEvent = None
def _eapSetup(self):
print 'Inside EAP Setup'
self.nextEvent = self.tlsEventTable.EVT_EAP_START
def _eapStart(self):
print 'Inside EAP Start'
self.nextEvent = self.tlsEventTable.EVT_EAP_ID_REQ
def _eapIdReq(self):
print 'Inside EAP ID Req'
p = self.eapol_recv()
code, pkt_id, eaplen = unpack("!BBH", p[0:4])
print "Code %d, id %d, len %d" %(code, pkt_id, eaplen)
assert_equal(code, EAP_REQUEST)
reqtype = unpack("!B", p[4:5])[0]
reqdata = p[5:4+eaplen]
assert_equal(reqtype, EAP_TYPE_ID)
print "<====== Send EAP Response with identity = %s ================>" % USER
self.eapol_id_req(pkt_id, USER)
self.nextEvent = self.tlsEventTable.EVT_EAP_TLS_HELLO_REQ
def _eapTlsHelloReq(self):
print 'Inside EAP TLS Hello Req'
p = self.eapol_recv()
code, pkt_id, eaplen = unpack("!BBH", p[0:4])
print "Code %d, id %d, len %d" %(code, pkt_id, eaplen)
assert_equal(code, EAP_REQUEST)
reqtype = unpack("!B", p[4:5])[0]
assert_equal(reqtype, EAP_TYPE_TLS)
reqdata = TLSRecord(version="TLS_1_0")/TLSHandshake()/TLSClientHello(version="TLS_1_0",
random_bytes="A" * 28,
print "------> Sending Client Hello TLS payload of len %d ----------->" %len(reqdata)
eap_payload = self.eapTLS(EAP_RESPONSE, pkt_id, TLS_LENGTH_INCLUDED, str(reqdata))
self.eapol_send(EAPOL_EAPPACKET, eap_payload)
self.nextEvent = self.tlsEventTable.EVT_EAP_TLS_CERT_REQ
def _eapTlsCertReq(self):
print 'Inside EAP TLS Cert Req'
p = self.eapol_recv()
print 'Got TLS Cert Req with payload len: %d' %len(p)
self.nextEvent = None