blob: da28f8d0442f4d508b0bc3be61e1666d20a6e45b [file] [log] [blame]
#copyright 2016-present Ciena Corporation
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import time
import os
import sys
import json
from import *
from twisted.internet import defer
from nose.twistedtools import reactor, deferred
from CordTestUtils import *
from OltConfig import OltConfig
from onosclidriver import OnosCliDriver
from SSHTestAgent import SSHTestAgent
from CordLogger import CordLogger
from VSGAccess import VSGAccess
from CordTestUtils import log_test as log
from OnosCtrl import OnosCtrl
class vsg_exchange(CordLogger):
V_INF1 = 'veth0'
device_id = 'of:' + get_mac()
TEST_IP = ''
HOST = ""
USER = "vagrant"
PASS = "vagrant"
head_node = os.getenv('HEAD_NODE', 'prod')
HEAD_NODE = head_node + '.cord.lab' if len(head_node.split('.')) == 1 else head_node
test_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
olt_conf_file = os.path.join(test_path, '..', 'setup/olt_config.json')
restApiXos = None
subscriber_account_num = 200
subscriber_s_tag = 304
subscriber_c_tag = 304
subscribers_per_s_tag = 8
subscriber_map = {}
restore_methods = []
def getSubscriberCredentials(cls, subId):
"""Generate our own account num, s_tag and c_tags"""
if subId in cls.subscriber_map:
return cls.subscriber_map[subId]
account_num = cls.subscriber_account_num
cls.subscriber_account_num += 1
s_tag, c_tag = cls.subscriber_s_tag, cls.subscriber_c_tag
cls.subscriber_c_tag += 1
if cls.subscriber_c_tag % cls.subscribers_per_s_tag == 0:
cls.subscriber_s_tag += 1
cls.subscriber_map[subId] = account_num, s_tag, c_tag
return cls.subscriber_map[subId]
def getXosCredentials(cls):
onos_cfg = OnosCtrl.get_config()
if onos_cfg is None:
return None
if 'apps' in onos_cfg and \
'org.opencord.vtn' in onos_cfg['apps'] and \
'cordvtn' in onos_cfg['apps']['org.opencord.vtn'] and \
'xos' in onos_cfg['apps']['org.opencord.vtn']['cordvtn']:
xos_cfg = onos_cfg['apps']['org.opencord.vtn']['cordvtn']['xos']
endpoint = xos_cfg['endpoint']
user = xos_cfg['user']
password = xos_cfg['password']
xos_endpoints = endpoint.split(':')
xos_host = xos_endpoints[1][len('//'):]
xos_port = xos_endpoints[2][:-1]'xos_host: %s, port: %s, user: %s, password: %s' %(xos_host, xos_port, user, password))
return dict(host = xos_host, port = xos_port, user = user, password = password)
return None
def setUpCordApi(cls):
our_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
cord_api_path = os.path.join(our_path, '..', 'cord-api')
framework_path = os.path.join(cord_api_path, 'Framework')
utils_path = os.path.join(framework_path, 'utils')
data_path = os.path.join(cord_api_path, 'Tests', 'data')
subscriber_cfg = os.path.join(data_path, 'Subscriber.json')
volt_tenant_cfg = os.path.join(data_path, 'VoltTenant.json')
with open(subscriber_cfg) as f:
subscriber_data = json.load(f)
subscriber_info = subscriber_data['SubscriberInfo']
for i in xrange(len(subscriber_info)):
subscriber = subscriber_info[i]
account_num, _, _ = cls.getSubscriberCredentials('sub{}'.format(i))
subscriber['identity']['account_num'] = str(account_num)
cls.subscriber_info = subscriber_info
with open(volt_tenant_cfg) as f:
volt_tenant_data = json.load(f)
volt_subscriber_info = volt_tenant_data['voltSubscriberInfo']
assert_equal(len(volt_subscriber_info), len(cls.subscriber_info))
for i in xrange(len(volt_subscriber_info)):
volt_subscriber = volt_subscriber_info[i]
account_num, s_tag, c_tag = cls.getSubscriberCredentials('sub{}'.format(i))
volt_subscriber['account_num'] = account_num
volt_subscriber['voltTenant']['s_tag'] = str(s_tag)
volt_subscriber['voltTenant']['c_tag'] = str(c_tag)
cls.volt_subscriber_info = volt_subscriber_info
from restApi import restApi
restApiXos = restApi()
xos_credentials = cls.getXosCredentials()
if xos_credentials is None:
restApiXos.controllerIP = cls.HEAD_NODE
restApiXos.controllerPort = '9000'
restApiXos.controllerIP = xos_credentials['host']
restApiXos.controllerPort = xos_credentials['port']
restApiXos.user = xos_credentials['user']
restApiXos.password = xos_credentials['password']
cls.restApiXos = restApiXos
def setUpClass(cls):
cls.controllers = get_controllers()
cls.controller = cls.controllers[0]
cls.cli = None
cls.olt = OltConfig(olt_conf_file = cls.olt_conf_file)
cls.vcpes = cls.olt.get_vcpes()
cls.vcpes_dhcp = cls.olt.get_vcpes_by_type('dhcp')
vcpe_dhcp = None
vcpe_dhcp_stag = None
vcpe_container = None
cls.on_podd = running_on_podd()
#cache the first dhcp vcpe in the class for quick testing
if cls.vcpes_dhcp:
vcpe_container = 'vcpe-{}-{}'.format(cls.vcpes_dhcp[0]['s_tag'], cls.vcpes_dhcp[0]['c_tag'])
vcpe_dhcp = 'vcpe0.{}.{}'.format(cls.vcpes_dhcp[0]['s_tag'], cls.vcpes_dhcp[0]['c_tag'])
if cls.on_podd is False:
vcpe_dhcp = 'vcpe0'
vcpe_dhcp_stag = 'vcpe0.{}'.format(cls.vcpes_dhcp[0]['s_tag'])
cls.vcpe_container = vcpe_container
cls.vcpe_dhcp = vcpe_dhcp
cls.vcpe_dhcp_stag = vcpe_dhcp_stag
def tearDownClass(cls):
def cliEnter(self, controller = None):
retries = 0
while retries < 30:
self.cli = OnosCliDriver(controller = controller, connect = True)
if self.cli.handle:
retries += 1
def cliExit(self):
def onos_shutdown(self, controller = None):
status = True
self.cliEnter(controller = controller)
self.cli.shutdown(timeout = 10)
except:'Graceful shutdown of ONOS failed for controller: %s' %controller)
status = False
return status
def log_set(self, level = None, app = 'org.onosproject'):
CordLogger.logSet(level = level, app = app, controllers = self.controllers, forced = True)
def get_dhcp(cls, vcpe, mgmt = 'eth0'):
"""Get DHCP for vcpe interface saving management settings"""
def put_dhcp():
VSGAccess.restore_interface_config(mgmt, vcpe = vcpe)
vcpe_ip = VSGAccess.vcpe_get_dhcp(vcpe, mgmt = mgmt)
if vcpe_ip is not None:
return vcpe_ip
def config_restore(cls):
"""Restore the vsg test configuration on test case failures"""
for restore_method in cls.restore_methods:
def get_vsg_vcpe_pair(self):
vcpes = self.vcpes_dhcp
vcpe_containers = []
vsg_vcpe = {}
for vcp in vcpes:
vcpe_container = 'vcpe-{}-{}'.format(vcp['s_tag'], vcp['c_tag'])
vsg = VSGAccess.get_vcpe_vsg(vcpe_container)
return vsg_vcpe
def add_static_route_via_vcpe_interface(self, routes, vcpe=None):
if not vcpe:
vcpe = self.vcpe_dhcp
os.system('dhclient '+self.vcpe_dhcp)
cmds = []
for route in routes:'route is %s'%route)
cmd = 'ip route add ' + route + ' via '+ 'dev ' + vcpe
for cmd in cmds:
return True
def del_static_route_via_vcpe_interface(self,routes,vcpe=None):
if not vcpe:
vcpe = self.vcpe_dhcp
cmds = []
for route in routes:
cmd = 'ip route del ' + route + ' via ' + 'dev ' + vcpe
for cmd in cmds:
os.system('dhclient '+self.vcpe_dhcp+' -r')
return True
def restart_vcpe_container(self,vcpe=None):
vsg = VSGAccess.get_vcpe_vsg(self.vcpe_container)'restarting vcpe container')
vsg.run_cmd('sudo docker restart {}'.format(self.vcpe_container))
return True
def test_vsg_health(self):
1. Login to compute node VM
2. Get all vSGs
3. Ping to all vSGs
4. Verifying Ping success
status = True
if self.on_podd is True:
status = VSGAccess.health_check()
assert_equal(status, True)
def test_vsg_health_check(self, vsg_name='mysite_vsg-1', verify_status=True):
1. If vsg name not specified, Get vsg corresponding to vcpe
1. Login to compute mode VM
3. Ping to the vSG
4. Verifying Ping success
if self.on_podd is False:
if not vsg_name:
vcpe = self.vcpe_container
vsg = VSGAccess.get_vcpe_vsg(vcpe)
status = vsg.get_health()
assert_equal(status, verify_status)
vsgs = VSGAccess.get_vsgs()
status = None
for vsg in vsgs:
if == vsg_name:
status = vsg.get_health()'vsg health check status is %s'%status)
def test_vsg_for_vcpe(self):
1. Get list of all compute nodes created using Openstack
2. Login to compute mode VM
3. Get all vSGs
4. Verifying atleast one compute node and one vSG created
df = defer.Deferred()
def vsg_for_vcpe_df(df):
if self.on_podd is True:
vsgs = VSGAccess.get_vsgs()
compute_nodes = VSGAccess.get_compute_nodes()
assert_not_equal(len(vsgs), 0)
assert_not_equal(len(compute_nodes), 0)
return df
def test_vsg_for_login(self):
1. Login to compute node VM
2. Get all vSGs
3. Verifying login to vSG is success
if self.on_podd is False:
vsgs = VSGAccess.get_vsgs()
vsg_access_status = map(lambda vsg: vsg.check_access(), vsgs)
status = filter(lambda st: st == False, vsg_access_status)
assert_equal(len(status), 0)
def test_vsg_for_default_route_through_testclient(self):
1. Login to head node
2. Verifying for default route in lxc test client
if self.on_podd is False:
ssh_agent = SSHTestAgent(host = self.HEAD_NODE, user = self.USER, password = self.PASS)
cmd = "sudo lxc exec testclient -- route | grep default"
status, output = ssh_agent.run_cmd(cmd)
assert_equal(status, True)
def test_vsg_for_external_connectivity_through_testclient(self):
1. Login to head node
2. On head node, executing ping to from lxc test client
3. Verifying for the ping success
if self.on_podd is False:
ssh_agent = SSHTestAgent(host = self.HEAD_NODE, user = self.USER, password = self.PASS)
cmd = "lxc exec testclient -- ping -c 3"
status, output = ssh_agent.run_cmd(cmd)
assert_equal( status, True)
def test_vsg_for_external_connectivity(self):
1. Get dhcp IP to vcpe interface in cord-tester
2. Verifying vcpe interface gets dhcp IP
3. Ping to and Verifying ping should success
4. Restoring management interface configuration in cord-tester
vcpe = self.vcpe_dhcp
mgmt = 'eth0'
host = ''
self.success = False
assert_not_equal(vcpe, None)
vcpe_ip = VSGAccess.vcpe_get_dhcp(vcpe, mgmt = mgmt)
assert_not_equal(vcpe_ip, None)'Got DHCP IP %s for %s' %(vcpe_ip, vcpe))'Sending icmp echo requests to external network')
st, _ = getstatusoutput('ping -c 3')
VSGAccess.restore_interface_config(mgmt, vcpe = vcpe)
assert_equal(st, 0)
def test_vsg_for_external_connectivity_to_google(self):
1. Get dhcp IP to vcpe interface in cord-tester
2. Verifying vcpe interface gets dhcp IP
3. Ping to and Verifying ping should success
4. Restoring management interface configuration in cord-tester
host = ''
vcpe = self.vcpe_dhcp
mgmt = 'eth0'
assert_not_equal(vcpe, None)
vcpe_ip = VSGAccess.vcpe_get_dhcp(vcpe, mgmt = mgmt)
assert_not_equal(vcpe_ip, None)'Got DHCP IP %s for %s' %(vcpe_ip, vcpe))'Sending icmp ping requests to %s' %host)
st, _ = getstatusoutput('ping -c 1 {}'.format(host))
VSGAccess.restore_interface_config(mgmt, vcpe = vcpe)
assert_equal(st, 0)
def test_vsg_for_external_connectivity_to_invalid_host(self):
1. Get dhcp IP to vcpe interface in cord-tester
2. Verifying vcpe interface gets dhcp IP
3. Ping to and Verifying ping should not success
4. Restoring management interface configuration in cord-tester
host = ''
vcpe = self.vcpe_dhcp
mgmt = 'eth0'
assert_not_equal(vcpe, None)
vcpe_ip = VSGAccess.vcpe_get_dhcp(vcpe, mgmt = mgmt)
assert_not_equal(vcpe_ip, None)'Got DHCP IP %s for %s' %(vcpe_ip, vcpe))'Sending icmp ping requests to non existent host %s' %host)
st, _ = getstatusoutput('ping -c 1 {}'.format(host))
VSGAccess.restore_interface_config(mgmt, vcpe = vcpe)
assert_not_equal(st, 0)
def test_vsg_for_external_connectivity_with_ttl_1(self):
1. Get dhcp IP to vcpe interface in cord-tester
2. Verifying vcpe interface gets dhcp IP
3. Ping to with ttl set to 1
4. Verifying ping should not success
5. Restoring management interface configuration in cord-tester
host = ''
vcpe = self.vcpe_dhcp
mgmt = 'eth0'
assert_not_equal(vcpe, None)
vcpe_ip = VSGAccess.vcpe_get_dhcp(vcpe, mgmt = mgmt)
assert_not_equal(vcpe_ip, None)'Got DHCP IP %s for %s' %(vcpe_ip, vcpe))'Sending icmp ping requests to host %s with ttl 1' %host)
st, _ = getstatusoutput('ping -c 1 -t 1 {}'.format(host))
VSGAccess.restore_interface_config(mgmt, vcpe = vcpe)
assert_not_equal(st, 0)
def test_vsg_for_external_connectivity_with_wan_interface_toggle_in_vcpe(self):
1. Get dhcp IP to vcpe interface in cord-tester
2. Verifying vcpe interface gets dhcp IP
3. Ping to and Verifying ping succeeds
4. Now down the WAN interface of vcpe
5. Ping to and Verifying ping fails
6. Now Up the WAN interface of vcpe
7. Ping to and Verifying ping succeeds
8. Restoring management interface configuration in cord-tester
if self.on_podd is False:
host = ''
mgmt = 'eth0'
vcpe = self.vcpe_container
assert_not_equal(vcpe, None)
assert_not_equal(self.vcpe_dhcp, None)
#first get dhcp on the vcpe interface
vcpe_ip = VSGAccess.vcpe_get_dhcp(self.vcpe_dhcp, mgmt = mgmt)
assert_not_equal(vcpe_ip, None)'Got DHCP IP %s for %s' %(vcpe_ip, self.vcpe_dhcp))'Sending ICMP pings to host %s' %(host))
st, _ = getstatusoutput('ping -c 1 {}'.format(host))
if st != 0:
VSGAccess.restore_interface_config(mgmt, vcpe = self.vcpe_dhcp)
assert_equal(st, 0)
#bring down the wan interface and check again
st = VSGAccess.vcpe_wan_down(vcpe)
if st is False:
VSGAccess.restore_interface_config(mgmt, vcpe = self.vcpe_dhcp)
assert_equal(st, True)
st, _ = getstatusoutput('ping -c 1 {}'.format(host))
if st == 0:
VSGAccess.restore_interface_config(mgmt, vcpe = self.vcpe_dhcp)
assert_not_equal(st, 0)
st = VSGAccess.vcpe_wan_up(vcpe)
if st is False:
VSGAccess.restore_interface_config(mgmt, vcpe = self.vcpe_dhcp)
assert_equal(st, True)
st, _ = getstatusoutput('ping -c 1 {}'.format(host))
VSGAccess.restore_interface_config(mgmt, vcpe = self.vcpe_dhcp)
assert_equal(st, 0)
def test_vsg_for_external_connectivity_with_lan_interface_toggle_in_vcpe(self):
1. Get dhcp IP to vcpe interface in cord-tester
2. Verifying vcpe interface gets dhcp IP
3. Ping to and Verifying ping should success
4. Now down the LAN interface of vcpe
5. Ping to and Verifying ping should not success
6. Now Up the LAN interface of vcpe
7. Ping to and Verifying ping should success
8. Restoring management interface configuration in cord-tester
if self.on_podd is False:
host = ''
mgmt = 'eth0'
vcpe = self.vcpe_container
assert_not_equal(vcpe, None)
assert_not_equal(self.vcpe_dhcp, None)
#first get dhcp on the vcpe interface
vcpe_ip = VSGAccess.vcpe_get_dhcp(self.vcpe_dhcp, mgmt = mgmt)
assert_not_equal(vcpe_ip, None)'Got DHCP IP %s for %s' %(vcpe_ip, self.vcpe_dhcp))'Sending ICMP pings to host %s' %(host))
st, _ = getstatusoutput('ping -c 1 {}'.format(host))
if st != 0:
VSGAccess.restore_interface_config(mgmt, vcpe = self.vcpe_dhcp)
assert_equal(st, 0)
#bring down the lan interface and check again
st = VSGAccess.vcpe_lan_down(vcpe)
if st is False:
VSGAccess.restore_interface_config(mgmt, vcpe = self.vcpe_dhcp)
assert_equal(st, True)
st, _ = getstatusoutput('ping -c 1 {}'.format(host))
if st == 0:
VSGAccess.restore_interface_config(mgmt, vcpe = self.vcpe_dhcp)
assert_not_equal(st, 0)
st = VSGAccess.vcpe_lan_up(vcpe)
if st is False:
VSGAccess.restore_interface_config(mgmt, vcpe = self.vcpe_dhcp)
assert_equal(st, True)
st, _ = getstatusoutput('ping -c 1 {}'.format(host))
VSGAccess.restore_interface_config(mgmt, vcpe = self.vcpe_dhcp)
assert_equal(st, 0)
def test_vsg_for_external_connectivity_with_vcpe_container_paused(self,vcpe_name=None,vcpe_intf=None):
1. Get vSG corresponding to vcpe
2. Get dhcp ip to vcpe interface
3. Add static route to destination route in test container
4. From test container ping to destination route and verify ping success
5. Login to compute node and execute command to pause vcpe container
6. From test container ping to destination route and verify ping success
if not vcpe_name:
vcpe_name = self.vcpe_container
if not vcpe_intf:
vcpe_intf = self.vcpe_dhcp
df = defer.Deferred()
def vcpe_firewall(df):
if self.on_podd is False:
host = ''
vsg = VSGAccess.get_vcpe_vsg(vcpe_name)
st, _ = getstatusoutput('ping -c 1 {}'.format(host))
assert_equal(st, False)
st, _ = vsg.run_cmd('sudo docker pause {}'.format(vcpe_name))
st, _ = getstatusoutput('ping -c 1 {}'.format(host))
assert_equal(st, False)
vsg.run_cmd('sudo docker unpause'.format(vcpe_name))
reactor.callLater(0, vcpe_firewall, df)
return df
def test_vsg_firewall_with_deny_destination_ip(self, vcpe_name=None, vcpe_intf=None):
1. Get vSG corresponding to vcpe
2. Login to compute node
3. Execute iptable command on vcpe from compute node to deny a destination IP
4. From cord-tester ping to the denied IP address
5. Verifying that ping should not be successful
if not vcpe_name:
vcpe_name = self.vcpe_container
if not vcpe_intf:
vcpe_intf = self.vcpe_dhcp
df = defer.Deferred()
def vcpe_firewall(df):
if self.on_podd is False:
host = ''
vsg = VSGAccess.get_vcpe_vsg(vcpe_name)
st, _ = getstatusoutput('ping -c 1 {}'.format(host))
assert_equal(st, False)
st, _ = vsg.run_cmd('sudo docker exec {} iptables -I FORWARD -d {} -j DROP'.format(vcpe_name,host))
st, _ = getstatusoutput('ping -c 1 {}'.format(host))
assert_equal(st, True)
vsg.run_cmd('sudo docker exec {} iptables -D FORWARD -d {} -j DROP'.format(vcpe_name,host))
vsg.run_cmd('sudo docker restart {}'.format(vcpe_name))
reactor.callLater(0, vcpe_firewall, df)
return df
def test_vsg_firewall_with_rule_add_and_delete_dest_ip(self,vcpe_name=None,vcpe_intf=None):
1. Get vSG corresponding to vcpe
2. Login to compute node
3. Execute iptable command on vcpe from compute node to deny a destination IP
4. From cord-tester ping to the denied IP address
5. Verifying that ping should not be successful
6. Delete the iptable rule in vcpe
7. From cord-tester ping to the denied IP address
8. Verifying the ping should success
if not vcpe_name:
vcpe_name = self.vcpe_container
if not vcpe_intf:
vcpe_intf = self.vcpe_dhcp
df = defer.Deferred()
def vcpe_firewall(df):
if self.on_podd is False:
host = ''
vsg = VSGAccess.get_vcpe_vsg(vcpe_name)
st, _ = getstatusoutput('ping -c 1 {}'.format(host))
assert_equal(st, False)
st, _ = vsg.run_cmd('sudo docker exec {} iptables -I FORWARD -d {} -j DROP'.format(vcpe_name,host))
st, _ = getstatusoutput('ping -c 1 {}'.format(host))
assert_equal(st, True)
st,_ = vsg.run_cmd('sudo docker exec {} iptables -D FORWARD -d {} -j DROP'.format(vcpe_name,host))
st, _ = getstatusoutput('ping -c 1 {}'.format(host))
assert_equal(st, False)
vsg.run_cmd('sudo docker exec {} iptables -D FORWARD -d {} -j DROP'.format(vcpe_name,host))
vsg.run_cmd('sudo docker restart {}'.format(vcpe_name))
reactor.callLater(0, vcpe_firewall, df)
return df
def test_vsg_firewall_verifying_reachability_for_non_blocked_dest_ip(self,vcpe_name=None,vcpe_intf=None):
1. Get vSG corresponding to vcpe
2. Login to compute node
3. Execute iptable command on vcpe from compute node to deny a destination IP
4. From cord-tester ping to the denied IP address
5. Verifying that ping should not be successful
6. From cord-tester ping to the denied IP address other than the denied one
7. Verifying the ping should success
if not vcpe_name:
vcpe_name = self.vcpe_container
if not vcpe_intf:
vcpe_intf = self.vcpe_dhcp
df = defer.Deferred()
def vcpe_firewall(df):
if self.on_podd is False:
host1 = ''
host2 = ''
vsg = VSGAccess.get_vcpe_vsg(vcpe_name)
st, _ = getstatusoutput('ping -c 1 {}'.format(host1))
assert_equal(st, False)
st, _ = vsg.run_cmd('sudo docker exec {} iptables -I FORWARD -d {} -j DROP'.format(vcpe_name,host1))
st, _ = getstatusoutput('ping -c 1 {}'.format(host1))
assert_equal(st, True)
st, _ = getstatusoutput('ping -c 1 {}'.format(host2))
vsg.run_cmd('sudo docker exec {} iptables -D FORWARD -d {} -j DROP'.format(vcpe_name,host1))
vsg.run_cmd('sudo docker restart {}'.format(vcpe_name))
reactor.callLater(0, vcpe_firewall, df)
return df
def test_vsg_firewall_appending_rules_with_deny_dest_ip(self,vcpe_name=None,vcpe_intf=None):
1. Get vSG corresponding to vcpe
2. Login to compute node
3. Execute iptable command on vcpe from compute node to deny a destination IP1
4. From cord-tester ping to the denied IP address IP1
5. Verifying that ping should not be successful
6. Execute iptable command on vcpe from compute node to deny a destination IP2
6. From cord-tester ping to the denied IP address IP2
7. Verifying that ping should not be successful
if not vcpe_name:
vcpe_name = self.vcpe_container
if not vcpe_intf:
vcpe_intf = self.vcpe_dhcp
df = defer.Deferred()
def vcpe_firewall(df):
if self.on_podd is False:
host1 = ''
host2 = ''
vsg = VSGAccess.get_vcpe_vsg(vcpe_name)
st, _ = getstatusoutput('ping -c 1 {}'.format(host1))
assert_equal(st, False)
st,_ = vsg.run_cmd('sudo docker exec {} iptables -F FORWARD'.format(vcpe_name))
st,_ = vsg.run_cmd('sudo docker exec {} iptables -I FORWARD -d {} -j DROP'.format(vcpe_name,host1))
st, _ = getstatusoutput('ping -c 1 {}'.format(host1))
assert_equal(st, True)
st, out = getstatusoutput('ping -c 1 {}'.format(host2))'host2 ping output is %s'%out)
assert_equal(st, False)
st, _ = vsg.run_cmd('sudo docker exec {} iptables -A FORWARD -d {} -j DROP'.format(vcpe_name,host2))
st, _ = getstatusoutput('ping -c 1 {}'.format(host2))
vsg.run_cmd('sudo docker exec {} iptables -D FORWARD -d {} -j DROP'.format(vcpe_name,host1))
vsg.run_cmd('sudo docker exec {} iptables -D FORWARD -d {} -j DROP'.format(vcpe_name,host2))
vsg.run_cmd('sudo docker restart {}'.format(vcpe_name))
reactor.callLater(0, vcpe_firewall, df)
return df
def test_vsg_firewall_removing_one_rule_denying_dest_ip(self,vcpe_name=None,vcpe_intf=None):
1. Get vSG corresponding to vcpe
2. Login to compute node
3. Execute iptable command on vcpe from compute node to deny a destination IP1
4. Execute iptable command on vcpe from compute node to deny a destination IP2
5. From cord-tester ping to the denied IP address IP1
6. Verifying that ping should not be successful
7. From cord-tester ping to the denied IP address IP2
8. Verifying that ping should not be successful
9. Execute iptable command on vcpe from compute node to remove deny a destination IP2 rule
10. From cord-tester ping to the denied IP address IP2
11. Verifying the ping should success
if not vcpe_name:
vcpe_name = self.vcpe_container
if not vcpe_intf:
vcpe_intf = self.vcpe_dhcp
df = defer.Deferred()
def vcpe_firewall(df):
if self.on_podd is False:
host1 = ''
host2 = ''
vsg = VSGAccess.get_vcpe_vsg(vcpe_name)
st, _ = getstatusoutput('ping -c 1 {}'.format(host1))
assert_equal(st, False)
st,output = vsg.run_cmd('sudo docker exec {} iptables -I FORWARD -d {} -j DROP'.format(vcpe_name,host1))
st,output = vsg.run_cmd('sudo docker exec {} iptables -I FORWARD -d {} -j DROP'.format(vcpe_name,host2))
st, _ = getstatusoutput('ping -c 1 {}'.format(host1))
assert_equal(st, True)
st, _ = getstatusoutput('ping -c 1 {}'.format(host2))
st,output = vsg.run_cmd('sudo docker exec {} iptables -D FORWARD -d {} -j DROP'.format(vcpe_name,host2))
st, _ = getstatusoutput('ping -c 1 {}'.format(host2))
vsg.run_cmd('sudo docker exec {} iptables -D FORWARD -d {} -j DROP'.format(vcpe_name,host1))
vsg.run_cmd('sudo docker exec {} iptables -D FORWARD -d {} -j DROP'.format(vcpe_name,host2))
self.del_static_route_via_vcpe_interface([host1,host2],vcpe=vcpe_intf)'restarting vcpe container')
vsg.run_cmd('sudo docker restart {}'.format(vcpe_name))
reactor.callLater(0, vcpe_firewall, df)
return df
def test_vsg_firewall_changing_rule_id_deny_dest_ip(self,vcpe_name=None,vcpe_intf=None):
1. Get vSG corresponding to vcpe
2. Login to compute node
3. Execute iptable command on vcpe from compute node to deny a destination IP
5. From cord-tester ping to the denied IP address IP1
6. Verifying that ping should not be successful
9. Execute iptable command on vcpe from compute node to change the rule ID to 2 to deny the same destination IP
10. From cord-tester ping to the denied IP address IP
11. Verifying that ping should not be successful
if not vcpe_name:
vcpe_name = self.vcpe_container
if not vcpe_intf:
vcpe_intf = self.vcpe_dhcp
df = defer.Deferred()
def vcpe_firewall(df):
if self.on_podd is False:
host = ''
vsg = VSGAccess.get_vcpe_vsg(vcpe_name)
st, _ = getstatusoutput('ping -c 1 {}'.format(host))
assert_equal(st, False)
st,output = vsg.run_cmd('sudo docker exec {} iptables -I FORWARD -d {} -j DROP'.format(vcpe_name,host))
st, _ = getstatusoutput('ping -c 1 {}'.format(host))
assert_equal(st, True)
st,output = vsg.run_cmd('sudo docker exec {} iptables -I FORWARD 2 -d {} -j DROP '.format(vcpe_name,host))
st, _ = getstatusoutput('ping -c 1 {}'.format(host))
vsg.run_cmd('sudo docker exec {} iptables -D FORWARD -d {} -j DROP'.format(vcpe_name,host))
vsg.run_cmd('sudo docker restart {}'.format(vcpe_name))
reactor.callLater(0, vcpe_firewall, df)
return df
def test_vsg_firewall_changing_deny_rule_to_accept_dest_ip(self,vcpe_name=None,vcpe_intf=None):
1. Get vSG corresponding to vcpe
2. Login to compute node
3. Execute iptable command on vcpe from compute node to deny a destination IP
5. From cord-tester ping to the denied IP address IP1
6. Verifying that ping should not be successful
9. Execute iptable command on vcpe from compute node to accept the same destination IP
10. From cord-tester ping to the accepted IP
11. Verifying the ping should success
if not vcpe_name:
vcpe_name = self.vcpe_container
if not vcpe_intf:
vcpe_intf = self.vcpe_dhcp
df = defer.Deferred()
def vcpe_firewall(df):
if self.on_podd is False:
host = ''
vsg = VSGAccess.get_vcpe_vsg(vcpe_name)
st, _ = getstatusoutput('ping -c 1 {}'.format(host))
assert_equal(st, False)
st,output = vsg.run_cmd('sudo docker exec {} iptables -I FORWARD -d {} -j DROP'.format(vcpe_name,host))
st, _ = getstatusoutput('ping -c 1 {}'.format(host))
assert_equal(st, True)
st, _ = vsg.run_cmd('sudo docker exec {} iptables -R FORWARD 1 -d {} -j ACCEPT'.format(vcpe_name,host))
st, _ = getstatusoutput('ping -c 1 {}'.format(host))
vsg.run_cmd('sudo docker exec {} iptables -D FORWARD -d {} -j DROP'.format(vcpe_name,host))
vsg.run_cmd('sudo docker exec {} iptables -D FORWARD -d {} -j ACCEPT'.format(vcpe_name,host))
vsg.run_cmd('sudo docker restart {}'.format(vcpe_name))
reactor.callLater(0, vcpe_firewall, df)
return df
@deferred(TIMEOUT) #Fail
def test_vsg_firewall_denying_destination_network(self,vcpe_name=None,vcpe_intf=None):
1. Get vSG corresponding to vcpe
2. Login to compute node
3. Execute iptable command on vcpe from compute node to deny a destination IP subnet
4. From cord-tester ping to the denied IP address IP1 in the denied subnet
5. Verifying that ping should not be successful
6. From cord-tester ping to the denied IP address IP2 in the denied subnet
7. Verifying that ping should not be successful
if not vcpe_name:
vcpe_name = self.vcpe_container
if not vcpe_intf:
vcpe_intf = self.vcpe_dhcp
df = defer.Deferred()
def vcpe_firewall(df):
if self.on_podd is False:
network = ''
host1 = ''
host2 = ''
vsg = VSGAccess.get_vcpe_vsg(vcpe_name)
st, _ = getstatusoutput('ping -c 1 {}'.format(host1))
assert_equal(st, False)
st,output = vsg.run_cmd('sudo docker exec {} iptables -I FORWARD -d {} -j DROP'.format(vcpe_name,network))
st, _ = getstatusoutput('ping -c 1 {}'.format(host1))
assert_equal(st, True)
st, _ = getstatusoutput('ping -c 1 {}'.format(host2))
vsg.run_cmd('sudo docker exec {} iptables -D FORWARD -d {} -j DROP'.format(vcpe_name,network))
vsg.run_cmd('sudo docker restart {}'.format(vcpe_name))
reactor.callLater(0, vcpe_firewall, df)
return df
def test_vsg_firewall_denying_destination_network_subnet_modification(self,vcpe_name=None,vcpe_intf=None):
1. Get vSG corresponding to vcpe
2. Login to compute node
3. Execute iptable command on vcpe from compute node to deny a destination IP subnet
4. From cord-tester ping to the denied IP address IP1 in the denied subnet
5. Verifying that ping should not be successful
6. From cord-tester ping to the denied IP address IP2 in the denied subnet
7. Verifying that ping should not be successful
if not vcpe_name:
vcpe_name = self.vcpe_container
if not vcpe_intf:
vcpe_intf = self.vcpe_dhcp
df = defer.Deferred()
def vcpe_firewall(df):
if self.on_podd is False:
network1 = ''
network2 = ''
host1 = ''
host2 = ''
host3 = ''
vsg = VSGAccess.get_vcpe_vsg(vcpe_name)
st, _ = getstatusoutput('ping -c 1 {}'.format(host1))
assert_equal(st, False)
st,output = vsg.run_cmd('sudo docker exec {} iptables -I FORWARD -d {} -j DROP'.format(vcpe_name,network1))
st, _ = getstatusoutput('ping -c 1 {}'.format(host1))
assert_equal(st, True)
st, _ = getstatusoutput('ping -c 1 {}'.format(host2))
st,output = vsg.run_cmd('sudo docker exec {} iptables -I FORWARD 2 -d {} -j DROP'.format(vcpe_name,network2))
st, _ = getstatusoutput('ping -c 1 {}'.format(host1))
assert_equal(st, True)
st, _ = getstatusoutput('ping -c 1 {}'.format(host2))
assert_equal(st, True)
st, _ = getstatusoutput('ping -c 1 {}'.format(host3))
assert_equal(st, False)
vsg.run_cmd('sudo docker exec {} iptables -D FORWARD -d {} -j DROP'.format(vcpe_name,network1))
vsg.run_cmd('sudo docker exec {} iptables -D FORWARD -d {} -j DROP'.format(vcpe_name,network2))
vsg.run_cmd('sudo docker restart {}'.format(vcpe_name))
reactor.callLater(0, vcpe_firewall, df)
return df
def test_vsg_firewall_with_deny_source_ip(self,vcpe_name=None,vcpe_intf=None):
1. Get vSG corresponding to vcpe
2. Login to compute node
3. Execute iptable command on vcpe from compute node to deny a source IP
4. From cord-tester ping to from the denied IP
5. Verifying that ping should not be successful
if not vcpe_name:
vcpe_name = self.vcpe_container
if not vcpe_intf:
vcpe_intf = self.vcpe_dhcp
df = defer.Deferred()
def vcpe_firewall(df):
if self.on_podd is False:
host = ''
#source_ip = get_ip(self.vcpe_dhcp)
vsg = VSGAccess.get_vcpe_vsg(vcpe_name)
source_ip = get_ip(self.vcpe_dhcp)
st, _ = getstatusoutput('ping -c 1 {}'.format(host))
assert_equal(st, False)
st, _ = vsg.run_cmd('sudo docker exec {} iptables -I FORWARD -s {} -j DROP'.format(vcpe_name,source_ip))
st, _ = getstatusoutput('ping -c 1 {}'.format(host))
assert_equal(st, True)
vsg.run_cmd('sudo docker exec {} iptables -D FORWARD -s {} -j DROP'.format(vcpe_name,source_ip))
vsg.run_cmd('sudo docker restart {}'.format(vcpe_name))
reactor.callLater(0, vcpe_firewall, df)
return df
def test_vsg_firewall_rule_with_add_and_delete_deny_source_ip(self,vcpe_name=None,vcpe_intf=None):
1. Get vSG corresponding to vcpe
2. Login to compute node
3. Execute iptable command on vcpe from compute node to deny a source IP
4. From cord-tester ping to from the denied IP
5. Verifying that ping should not be successful
6. Delete the iptable rule in vcpe
7. From cord-tester ping to from the denied IP
8. Verifying the ping should success
if not vcpe_name:
vcpe_name = self.vcpe_container
if not vcpe_intf:
vcpe_intf = self.vcpe_dhcp
df = defer.Deferred()
def vcpe_firewall(df):
if self.on_podd is False:
host = ''
source_ip = get_ip(self.vcpe_dhcp)
vsg = VSGAccess.get_vcpe_vsg(vcpe_name)
source_ip = get_ip(self.vcpe_dhcp)
st, _ = getstatusoutput('ping -c 1 {}'.format(host))
assert_equal(st, False)
st, _ = vsg.run_cmd('sudo docker exec {} iptables -I FORWARD -s {} -j DROP'.format(vcpe_name,source_ip))
st, _ = getstatusoutput('ping -c 1 {}'.format(host))
assert_equal(st, True)
st, _ = vsg.run_cmd('sudo docker exec {} iptables -D FORWARD -s {} -j DROP'.format(vcpe_name,source_ip))
st, _ = getstatusoutput('ping -c 1 {}'.format(host))
assert_equal(st, False)
vsg.run_cmd('sudo docker exec {} iptables -D FORWARD -s {} -j DROP'.format(vcpe_name,source_ip))
vsg.run_cmd('sudo docker restart {}'.format(vcpe_name))
reactor.callLater(0, vcpe_firewall, df)
return df
def test_vsg_firewall_rule_with_deny_icmp_protocol_echo_requests_type(self,vcpe_name=None,vcpe_intf=None):
1. Get vSG corresponding to vcpe
2. Login to compute node
3. Execute iptable command on vcpe from compute node to deny icmp echo-requests type protocol packets
4. From cord-tester ping to
5. Verifying that ping should not be successful
6. Delete the iptable rule
7. From cord-tester ping to
8. Verifying the ping should success
if not vcpe_name:
vcpe_name = self.vcpe_container
if not vcpe_intf:
vcpe_intf = self.vcpe_dhcp
df = defer.Deferred()
def vcpe_firewall(df):
if self.on_podd is False:
host = ''
vsg = VSGAccess.get_vcpe_vsg(vcpe_name)
st, _ = getstatusoutput('ping -c 1 {}'.format(host))
assert_equal(st, False)
st, _ = vsg.run_cmd('sudo docker exec {} iptables -I FORWARD -p icmp --icmp-type echo-request -j DROP'.format(vcpe_name))
st, _ = getstatusoutput('ping -c 1 {}'.format(host))
assert_equal(st, True)
st, _ = vsg.run_cmd('sudo docker exec {} iptables -D FORWARD -p icmp --icmp-type echo-request -j DROP'.format(vcpe_name))
st, _ = getstatusoutput('ping -c 1 {}'.format(host))
assert_equal(st, False)
vsg.run_cmd('sudo docker exec {} iptables -D FORWARD -p icmp --icmp-type echo-request -j DROP'.format(vcpe_name))
vsg.run_cmd('sudo docker restart {}'.format(vcpe_name))
reactor.callLater(0, vcpe_firewall, df)
return df
def test_vsg_firewall_rule_with_deny_icmp_protocol_echo_reply_type(self,vcpe_name=None,vcpe_intf=None):
1. Get vSG corresponding to vcpe
2. Login to compute node
3. Execute iptable command on vcpe from compute node to deny icmp echo-reply type protocol packets
4. From cord-tester ping to
5. Verifying that ping should not be successful
6. Delete the iptable rule
7. From cord-tester ping to
8. Verifying the ping should success
if not vcpe_name:
vcpe_name = self.vcpe_container
if not vcpe_intf:
vcpe_intf = self.vcpe_dhcp
df = defer.Deferred()
def vcpe_firewall(df):
if self.on_podd is False:
host = ''
vsg = VSGAccess.get_vcpe_vsg(vcpe_name)
st, _ = getstatusoutput('ping -c 1 {}'.format(''))
assert_equal(st, False)
st,output = vsg.run_cmd('sudo docker exec {} iptables -I FORWARD -p icmp --icmp-type echo-reply -j DROP'.format(vcpe_name))
st, _ = getstatusoutput('ping -c 1 {}'.format(host))
assert_equal(st, True)
st,output = vsg.run_cmd('sudo docker exec {} iptables -D FORWARD -p icmp --icmp-type echo-reply -j DROP'.format(vcpe_name))
st, _ = getstatusoutput('ping -c 1 {}'.format(host))
vsg.run_cmd('sudo docker exec {} iptables -D FORWARD -p icmp --icmp-type echo-reply -j DROP'.format(vcpe_name))
vsg.run_cmd('sudo docker restart {}'.format(vcpe_name))
reactor.callLater(0, vcpe_firewall, df)
return df
def test_vsg_firewall_changing_deny_rule_to_accept_rule_with_icmp_protocol_echo_requests_type(self,vcpe_name=None,vcpe_intf=None):
1. Get vSG corresponding to vcpe
2. Login to compute node
3. Execute iptable command on vcpe from compute node to deny icmp echo-requests type protocol packets
4. From cord-tester ping to
5. Verifying that ping should not be successful
6. Insert another rule to accept the icmp-echo requests protocol packets
7. From cord-tester ping to
8. Verifying the ping should success
if not vcpe_name:
vcpe_name = self.vcpe_container
if not vcpe_intf:
vcpe_intf = self.vcpe_dhcp
df = defer.Deferred()
def vcpe_firewall(df):
if self.on_podd is False:
host = ''
vsg = VSGAccess.get_vcpe_vsg(vcpe_name)
st, _ = getstatusoutput('ping -c 1 {}'.format(host))
assert_equal(st, False)
st, _ = vsg.run_cmd('sudo docker exec {} iptables -I FORWARD -p icmp --icmp-type echo-request -j DROP'.format(vcpe_name))
st, _ = getstatusoutput('ping -c 1 {}'.format(host))
assert_equal(st, True)
st, _ = vsg.run_cmd('sudo docker exec {} iptables -R FORWARD 1 -p icmp --icmp-type echo-request -j ACCEPT'.format(vcpe_name))
st, _ = getstatusoutput('ping -c 1 {}'.format(host))
vsg.run_cmd('sudo docker exec {} iptables -D FORWARD -p icmp --icmp-type echo-request -j DROP'.format(vcpe_name))
vsg.run_cmd('sudo docker exec {} iptables -D FORWARD -p icmp --icmp-type echo-request -j ACCEPT'.format(vcpe_name))
vsg.run_cmd('sudo docker restart {}'.format(vcpe_name))
reactor.callLater(0, vcpe_firewall, df)
return df
def test_vsg_firewall_changing_deny_rule_to_accept_rule_with_icmp_protocol_echo_reply_type(self,vcpe_name=None,vcpe_intf=None):
1. Get vSG corresponding to vcpe
2. Login to compute node
3. Execute iptable command on vcpe from compute node to deny icmp echo-reply type protocol packets
4. From cord-tester ping to
5. Verifying the ping should not success
6. Insert another rule to accept the icmp-echo requests protocol packets
7. From cord-tester ping to
8. Verifying the ping should success
if not vcpe_name:
vcpe_name = self.vcpe_container
if not vcpe_intf:
vcpe_intf = self.vcpe_dhcp
df = defer.Deferred()
def vcpe_firewall(df):
if self.on_podd is False:
host = ''
vsg = VSGAccess.get_vcpe_vsg(vcpe_name)
st, _ = getstatusoutput('ping -c 1 {}'.format(host))
assert_equal(st, False)
st,output = vsg.run_cmd('sudo docker exec {} iptables -I FORWARD -p icmp --icmp-type echo-reply -j DROP'.format(vcpe_name))
st,_ = getstatusoutput('ping -c 1 {}'.format(host))
assert_equal(st, True)
st,output = vsg.run_cmd('sudo docker exec {} iptables -R FORWARD 1 -p icmp --icmp-type echo-reply -j ACCEPT'.format(vcpe_name))
st, _ = getstatusoutput('ping -c 1 {}'.format(host))
vsg.run_cmd('sudo docker exec {} iptables -D FORWARD -p icmp --icmp-type echo-reply -j DROP'.format(vcpe_name))
vsg.run_cmd('sudo docker exec {} iptables -D FORWARD -p icmp --icmp-type echo-reply -j ACCEPT'.format(vcpe_name))
vsg.run_cmd('sudo docker restart {}'.format(vcpe_name))
reactor.callLater(0, vcpe_firewall, df)
return df
def test_vsg_firewall_for_deny_icmp_protocol(self,vcpe_name=None,vcpe_intf=None):
1. Get vSG corresponding to vcpe
2. Login to compute node
3. Execute iptable command on vcpe from compute node to deny icmp protocol packets
4. From cord-tester ping to
5. Verifying that ping should not be successful
6. Delete the iptable rule
7. From cord-tester ping to
8. Verifying the ping should success
if not vcpe_name:
vcpe_name = self.vcpe_container
if not vcpe_intf:
vcpe_intf = self.vcpe_dhcp
df = defer.Deferred()
def vcpe_firewall(df):
if self.on_podd is False:
host = ''
vsg = VSGAccess.get_vcpe_vsg(vcpe_name)
st, _ = getstatusoutput('ping -c 1 {}'.format(host))
assert_equal(st, False)
st,output = vsg.run_cmd('sudo docker exec {} iptables -I FORWARD -p icmp -j DROP'.format(vcpe_name))
st,_ = getstatusoutput('ping -c 1 {}'.format(host))
assert_equal(st, True)
st, _ = vsg.run_cmd('sudo docker exec {} iptables -D FORWARD -p icmp -j DROP'.format(vcpe_name))
st, _ = getstatusoutput('ping -c 1 {}'.format(host))
vsg.run_cmd('sudo docker exec {} iptables -D FORWARD -p icmp -j DROP'.format(vcpe_name))
vsg.run_cmd('sudo docker restart {}'.format(vcpe_name))
reactor.callLater(0, vcpe_firewall, df)
return df
def test_vsg_firewall_rule_deny_icmp_protocol_and_destination_ip(self,vcpe_name=None,vcpe_intf=None):
1. Get vSG corresponding to vcpe
2. Login to compute node
3. Execute iptable command on vcpe from compute node to deny a destination IP
4. From cord-tester ping to
5. Verifying that ping should not be successful
6. Execute iptable command on vcpe from compute node to deny icmp protocol packets
7. From cord-tester ping to
8. Verifying the ping should success
9. Delete the rule added in step 3
10. From cord-tester ping to
11. Verifying that ping should not be successful
12. Delete the rule added in step 6
13. From cord-tester ping to
14. Verifying the ping should success
if not vcpe_name:
vcpe_name = self.vcpe_container
if not vcpe_intf:
vcpe_intf = self.vcpe_dhcp
df = defer.Deferred()
def vcpe_firewall(df):
if self.on_podd is False:
host = ''
vsg = VSGAccess.get_vcpe_vsg(vcpe_name)
st, _ = getstatusoutput('ping -c 1 {}'.format(host))
assert_equal(st, False)
st,output = vsg.run_cmd('sudo docker exec {} iptables -I FORWARD -d {} -j DROP'.format(vcpe_name,host))
st,_ = getstatusoutput('ping -c 1 {}'.format(host))
assert_equal(st, True)
st,output = vsg.run_cmd('sudo docker exec {} iptables -I FORWARD -p icmp -j DROP'.format(vcpe_name))
st,_ = getstatusoutput('ping -c 1 {}'.format(host))
assert_equal(st, True)
st,output = vsg.run_cmd('sudo docker exec {} iptables -D FORWARD -d {} -j DROP'.format(vcpe_name,host))
st,_ = getstatusoutput('ping -c 1 {}'.format(host))
assert_equal(st, True)
st,output = vsg.run_cmd('sudo docker exec {} iptables -D FORWARD -p icmp -j DROP'.format(vcpe_name))
st, _ = getstatusoutput('ping -c 1 {}'.format(host))
vsg.run_cmd('sudo docker exec {} iptables -D FORWARD -d {} -j DROP'.format(vcpe_name,host))
vsg.run_cmd('sudo docker exec {} iptables -D FORWARD -p icmp -j DROP'.format(vcpe_name))
vsg.run_cmd('sudo docker restart {}'.format(vcpe_name))
reactor.callLater(0, vcpe_firewall, df)
return df
@deferred(TIMEOUT) #Fail
def test_vsg_firewall_flushing_all_configured_rules(self,vcpe_name=None,vcpe_intf=None):
1. Get vSG corresponding to vcpe
2. Login to compute node
3. Execute iptable command on vcpe from compute node to deny a destination IP
4. From cord-tester ping to
5. Verifying that ping should not be successful
6. Execute iptable command on vcpe from compute node to deny icmp protocol packets
7. From cord-tester ping to
8. Verifying the ping should success
9. Flush all the iptable rules configuraed in vcpe
10. Delete the rule added in step 6
11. From cord-tester ping to
12. Verifying the ping should success
if not vcpe_name:
vcpe_name = self.vcpe_container
if not vcpe_intf:
vcpe_intf = self.vcpe_dhcp
df = defer.Deferred()
def vcpe_firewall(df):
if self.on_podd is False:
host = ''
vsg = VSGAccess.get_vcpe_vsg(vcpe_name)
st, _ = getstatusoutput('ping -c 1 {}'.format(host))
assert_equal(st, False)
st,output = vsg.run_cmd('sudo docker exec {} iptables -I FORWARD -d {} -j DROP'.format(vcpe_name,host))
st,_ = getstatusoutput('ping -c 1 {}'.format(host))
assert_equal(st, True)
st,output = vsg.run_cmd('sudo docker exec {} iptables -I FORWARD -p icmp -j DROP'.format(vcpe_name))
st,_ = getstatusoutput('ping -c 1 {}'.format(host))
assert_equal(st, True)
st,output = vsg.run_cmd('sudo docker exec {} iptables -F FORWARD'.format(vcpe_name))
st,_ = getstatusoutput('ping -c 1 {}'.format(host))
assert_equal(st, False)
vsg.run_cmd('sudo docker exec {} iptables -D FORWARD -d {} -j DROP'.format(vcpe_name,host))
vsg.run_cmd('sudo docker restart {}'.format(vcpe_name))
reactor.callLater(0, vcpe_firewall, df)
return df
def test_vsg_firewall_deny_all_ipv4_traffic(self,vcpe_name=None,vcpe_intf=None):
1. Get vSG corresponding to vcpe
2. Login to compute node
3. Execute iptable command on vcpe from compute node to deny all ipv4 Traffic
4. From cord-tester ping to
5. Verifying that ping should not be successful
6. Delete the iptable rule added
7. From cord-tester ping to
8. Verifying the ping should success
if not vcpe_name:
vcpe_name = self.vcpe_container
if not vcpe_intf:
vcpe_intf = self.vcpe_dhcp
df = defer.Deferred()
def vcpe_firewall(df):
if self.on_podd is False:
host = ''
vsg = VSGAccess.get_vcpe_vsg(vcpe_name)
st, _ = getstatusoutput('ping -c 1 {}'.format(host))
assert_equal(st, False)
st,output = vsg.run_cmd('sudo docker exec {} iptables -I FORWARD -4 -j DROP'.format(vcpe_name))
st,_ = getstatusoutput('ping -c 1 {}'.format(host))
assert_equal(st, True)
st,output = vsg.run_cmd('sudo docker exec {} iptables -D FORWARD -4 -j DROP'.format(vcpe_name))
st,_ = getstatusoutput('ping -c 1 {}'.format(host))
assert_equal(st, False)
vsg.run_cmd('sudo docker exec {} iptables -D FORWARD -4 -j DROP'.format(vcpe_name))
vsg.run_cmd('sudo docker restart {}'.format(vcpe_name))
reactor.callLater(0, vcpe_firewall, df)
return df
def test_vsg_firewall_replacing_deny_rule_to_accept_rule_ipv4_traffic(self,vcpe_name=None,vcpe_intf=None):
1. Get vSG corresponding to vcpe
2. Login to compute node
3. Execute iptable command on vcpe from compute node to deny all ipv4 Traffic
4. From cord-tester ping to
5. Verifying that ping should not be successful
6. Replace the deny rule added in step 3 with accept rule
7. From cord-tester ping to
8. Verifying the ping should success
if not vcpe_name:
vcpe_name = self.vcpe_container
if not vcpe_intf:
vcpe_intf = self.vcpe_dhcp
df = defer.Deferred()
def vcpe_firewall(df):
if self.on_podd is False:
host = ''
vsg = VSGAccess.get_vcpe_vsg(vcpe_name)
st, _ = getstatusoutput('ping -c 1 {}'.format(host))
assert_equal(st, False)
st,output = vsg.run_cmd('sudo docker exec {} iptables -I FORWARD -4 -j DROP'.format(vcpe_name))
st,_ = getstatusoutput('ping -c 1 {}'.format(host))
assert_equal(st, True)
st,output = vsg.run_cmd('sudo docker exec {} iptables -R FORWARD 1 -4 -j ACCEPT'.format(vcpe_name))
st,_ = getstatusoutput('ping -c 1 {}'.format(host))
assert_equal(st, False)
vsg.run_cmd('sudo docker exec {} iptables -D FORWARD -4 -j DROP'.format(vcpe_name))
vsg.run_cmd('sudo docker restart {}'.format(vcpe_name))
reactor.callLater(0, vcpe_firewall, df)
return df
def test_vsg_firewall_deny_all_traffic_coming_on_lan_interface_in_vcpe(self,vcpe_name=None,vcpe_intf=None):
1. Get vSG corresponding to vcpe
2. Login to compute node
3. Execute iptable command on vcpe from compute node to deny all the traffic coming on lan interface inside vcpe container
4. From cord-tester ping to
5. Verifying the ping should not success
6. Delete the iptable rule added
7. From cord-tester ping to
8. Verifying the ping should success
if not vcpe_name:
vcpe_name = self.vcpe_container
if not vcpe_intf:
vcpe_intf = self.vcpe_dhcp
df = defer.Deferred()
def vcpe_firewall(df):
if self.on_podd is False:
host = ''
vsg = VSGAccess.get_vcpe_vsg(vcpe_name)
st, _ = getstatusoutput('ping -c 1 {}'.format(host))
assert_equal(st, False)
st,output = vsg.run_cmd('sudo docker exec {} iptables -I FORWARD -i eth1 -j DROP'.format(vcpe_name))
st,_ = getstatusoutput('ping -c 1 {}'.format(host))
assert_equal(st, True)
st,output = vsg.run_cmd('sudo docker exec {} iptables -D FORWARD -i eth1 -j DROP'.format(vcpe_name))
st,_ = getstatusoutput('ping -c 1 {}'.format(host))
assert_equal(st, False)
vsg.run_cmd('sudo docker exec {} iptables -D FORWARD -i eth1 -j DROP'.format(vcpe_name))
vsg.run_cmd('sudo docker restart {}'.format(vcpe_name))
reactor.callLater(0, vcpe_firewall, df)
return df
def test_vsg_firewall_deny_all_traffic_going_out_of_wan_interface_in_vcpe(self,vcpe_name=None,vcpe_intf=None):
1. Get vSG corresponding to vcpe
2. Login to compute node
3. Execute iptable command on vcpe from compute node to deny all the traffic going out of wan interface inside vcpe container
4. From cord-tester ping to
5. Verifying the ping should not success
6. Delete the iptable rule added
7. From cord-tester ping to
8. Verifying the ping should success
if not vcpe_name:
vcpe_name = self.vcpe_container
if not vcpe_intf:
vcpe_intf = self.vcpe_dhcp
df = defer.Deferred()
def vcpe_firewall(df):
if self.on_podd is False:
host = ''
vsg = VSGAccess.get_vcpe_vsg(vcpe_name)
st, _ = getstatusoutput('ping -c 1 {}'.format(host))
assert_equal(st, False)
st,output = vsg.run_cmd('sudo docker exec {} iptables -I FORWARD -o eth0 -j DROP'.format(vcpe_name))
st,_ = getstatusoutput('ping -c 1 {}'.format(host))
assert_equal(st, True)
st,output = vsg.run_cmd('sudo docker exec {} iptables -D FORWARD -o eth0 -j DROP'.format(vcpe_name))
st,_ = getstatusoutput('ping -c 1 {}'.format(host))
assert_equal(st, False)
vsg.run_cmd('sudo docker exec {} iptables -D FORWARD -o eth0 -j DROP'.format(vcpe_name))
vsg.run_cmd('sudo docker restart {}'.format(vcpe_name))
reactor.callLater(0, vcpe_firewall, df)
return df
def test_vsg_firewall_deny_all_traffic_from_lan_to_wan_in_vcpe(self,vcpe_name=None,vcpe_intf=None):
1. Get vSG corresponding to vcpe
2. Login to compute node
3. Execute iptable command on vcpe from compute node to deny all the traffic from lan to wan interface in vcpe
4. From cord-tester ping to
5. Verifying that ping should not be successful
6. Delete the iptable rule added
7. From cord-tester ping to
8. Verifying the ping should success
if not vcpe_name:
vcpe_name = self.vcpe_container
if not vcpe_intf:
vcpe_intf = self.vcpe_dhcp
df = defer.Deferred()
def vcpe_firewall(df):
if self.on_podd is False:
host = ''
vsg = VSGAccess.get_vcpe_vsg(vcpe_name)
st, _ = getstatusoutput('ping -c 1 {}'.format(host))
assert_equal(st, False)
st,output = vsg.run_cmd('sudo docker exec {} iptables -I FORWARD -i eth1 -o eth0 -j DROP'.format(vcpe_name))
st,_ = getstatusoutput('ping -c 1 {}'.format(host))
assert_equal(st, True)
st,output = vsg.run_cmd('sudo docker exec {} iptables -D FORWARD -i eth1 -o eth0 -j DROP'.format(vcpe_name))
st,_ = getstatusoutput('ping -c 1 {}'.format(host))
assert_equal(st, False)
vsg.run_cmd('sudo docker exec {} iptables -D FORWARD -i eth1 -o eth0 -j DROP'.format(vcpe_name))
vsg.run_cmd('sudo docker restart {}'.format(vcpe_name))
reactor.callLater(0, vcpe_firewall, df)
return df
#this test case needs modification.default route should be vcpe interface to run this test case
def test_vsg_firewall_deny_all_dns_traffic(self,vcpe_name=None,vcpe_intf=None):
1. Get vSG corresponding to vcpe
2. Login to compute node
3. Execute iptable command on vcpe from compute node to deny all dns Traffic
4. From cord-tester ping to
5. Verifying the ping should not success
6. Delete the iptable rule added
7. From cord-tester ping to
8. Verifying the ping should success
if not vcpe_name:
vcpe_name = self.vcpe_container
if not vcpe_intf:
vcpe_intf = self.vcpe_dhcp
df = defer.Deferred()
def vcpe_firewall(df):
if self.on_podd is False:
host = ''
host_ip = ''
vsg = VSGAccess.get_vcpe_vsg(vcpe_name)
st, _ = getstatusoutput('ping -c 1 {}'.format(host))
assert_equal(st, False)
st,output = vsg.run_cmd('sudo docker exec {} iptables -I FORWARD -p udp --dport 53 -j DROP'.format(vcpe_name))
st,_ = getstatusoutput('ping -c 1 {}'.format(host))
assert_equal(st, True)
st,output = vsg.run_cmd('sudo docker exec {} iptables -R FORWARD 1 -p udp --dport 53 -j ACCEPT'.format(vcpe_name))
st,_ = getstatusoutput('ping -c 1 {}'.format(host))
assert_equal(st, False)
vsg.run_cmd('sudo docker exec {} iptables -D FORWARD -p udp --dport 53 -j DROP'.format(vcpe_name))
vsg.run_cmd('sudo docker restart {}'.format(vcpe_name))
reactor.callLater(0, vcpe_firewall, df)
return df
def test_vsg_firewall_deny_all_ipv4_traffic_vcpe_container_restart(self,vcpe_name=None,vcpe_intf=None):
1. Get vSG corresponding to vcpe
2. Login to compute node
3. Execute iptable command on vcpe from compute node to deny all dns Traffic
4. From cord-tester ping to
5. Verifying that ping should not be successful
6. Delete the iptable rule added
7. From cord-tester ping to
8. Verifying the ping should success
if not vcpe_name:
vcpe_name = self.vcpe_container
if not vcpe_intf:
vcpe_intf = self.vcpe_dhcp
df = defer.Deferred()
def vcpe_firewall(df):
if self.on_podd is False:
host = ''
vsg = VSGAccess.get_vcpe_vsg(vcpe_name)
st, _ = getstatusoutput('ping -c 1 {}'.format(host))
assert_equal(st, False)
st,output = vsg.run_cmd('sudo docker exec {} iptables -I FORWARD -4 -j DROP'.format(vcpe_name))
st,_ = getstatusoutput('ping -c 1 {}'.format(host))
assert_equal(st, True)
st,output = vsg.run_cmd('sudo docker restart {}'.format(vcpe_name))
st,_ = getstatusoutput('ping -c 1 {}'.format(host))
assert_equal(st, False)
vsg.run_cmd('sudo docker exec {} iptables -D FORWARD -4 -j DROP'.format(vcpe_name))
vsg.run_cmd('sudo docker restart {}'.format(vcpe_name))
reactor.callLater(0, vcpe_firewall, df)
return df
def test_vsg_xos_subscriber(self):
if self.on_podd is False:
subscriber_info = self.subscriber_info[0]
volt_subscriber_info = self.volt_subscriber_info[0]
result = self.restApiXos.ApiPost('TENANT_SUBSCRIBER', subscriber_info)
assert_equal(result, True)
result = self.restApiXos.ApiGet('TENANT_SUBSCRIBER')
assert_not_equal(result, None)
subId = self.restApiXos.getSubscriberId(result, volt_subscriber_info['account_num'])
assert_not_equal(subId, '0')'Subscriber ID for account num %d = %s' %(volt_subscriber_info['account_num'], subId))
volt_tenant = volt_subscriber_info['voltTenant']
#update the subscriber id in the tenant info before making the rest
volt_tenant['subscriber'] = subId
result = self.restApiXos.ApiPost('TENANT_VOLT', volt_tenant)
assert_equal(result, True)
def test_vsg_for_dns_service(self):
1. Create a test client in Prod VM
2. Create a vCPE container in vSG VM inside compute Node
3. Ensure vSG VM and vCPE container created properly
4. Enable dns service in vCPE ( if not by default )
5. Send ping request from test client to valid domain address say, ''com
6. Verify that dns should resolve ping should success
7. Now send ping request to invalid domain address say 'www.invalidaddress'.com'
8. Verify that dns resolve should fail and hence ping
def test_vsg_for_10_subscribers_for_same_service(self):
1.Create a vSG VM in compute node
2.Create 10 vCPE containers for 10 subscribers, in vSG VM
3.Ensure vSG VM and vCPE container created properly
4.From each of the subscriber, with same s-tag and different c-tag, send a ping to valid external public IP
5.Verify that ping success for all 10 subscribers
def test_vsg_for_10_subscribers_for_same_service_ping_invalid_ip(self):
1.Create a vSG VM in compute Node
2.Create 10 vCPE containers for 10 subscribers, in vSG VM
3.Ensure vSG VM and vCPE container created properly
4.From each of the subscriber, with same s-tag and different c-tag, send a ping to invalid IP
5.Verify that ping fails for all 10 subscribers
def test_vsg_for_10_subscribers_for_same_service_ping_valid_and_invalid_ip(self):
1.Create a vSG VM in VM
2.Create 10 vCPE containers for 10 subscribers, in vSG VM
3.Ensure vSG VM and vCPE container created properly
4.From first 5 subscribers, with same s-tag and different c-tag, send a ping to valid IP
5.Verify that ping success for all 5 subscribers
6.From next 5 subscribers, with same s-tag and different c-tag, send a ping to invalid IP
7.Verify that ping fails for all 5 subscribers
def test_vsg_for_100_subscribers_for_same_service(self):
1.Create a vSG VM in compute node
2.Create 100 vCPE containers for 100 subscribers, in vSG VM
3.Ensure vSG VM and vCPE container created properly
4.From each of the subscriber, with same s-tag and different c-tag, send a ping to valid external public IP
5.Verify that ping success for all 100 subscribers
def test_vsg_for_100_subscribers_for_same_service_ping_invalid_ip(self):
1.Create a vSG VM in compute Node
2.Create 10 vCPE containers for 100 subscribers, in vSG VM
3.Ensure vSG VM and vCPE container created properly
4.From each of the subscriber, with same s-tag and different c-tag, send a ping to invalid IP
5.Verify that ping fails for all 100 subscribers
def test_vsg_for_100_subscribers_for_same_service_ping_valid_and_invalid_ip(self):
1.Create a vSG VM in VM
2.Create 10 vCPE containers for 100 subscribers, in vSG VM
3.Ensure vSG VM and vCPE container created properly
4.From first 5 subscribers, with same s-tag and different c-tag, send a ping to valid IP
5.Verify that ping success for all 5 subscribers
6.From next 5 subscribers, with same s-tag and different c-tag, send a ping to invalid IP
7.Verify that ping fails for all 5 subscribers
def test_vsg_for_packet_received_with_invalid_ip_fields(self):
1.Create a vSG VM in compute node
2.Create a vCPE container in vSG VM
3.Ensure vSG VM and vCPE container created properly
4.From subscriber, send a ping packet with invalid ip fields
5.Verify that vSG drops the packet
6.Verify ping fails
def test_vsg_for_packet_received_with_invalid_mac_fields(self):
1.Create a vSG VM in compute node
2.Create a vCPE container in vSG VM
3.Ensure vSG VM and vCPE container created properly
4.From subscriber, send a ping packet with invalid mac fields
5.Verify that vSG drops the packet
6.Verify ping fails
def test_vsg_for_vlan_id_mismatch_in_stag(self):
1.Create a vSG VM in compute Node
2.Create a vCPE container in vSG VM
3.Ensure vSG VM and vCPE container created properly
4.Send a ping request to external valid IP from subscriber, with incorrect vlan id in s-tag and valid c-tag
5.Verify that ping fails as the packet drops at VM entry
6.Repeat step 4 with correct s-tag
7.Verify that ping success
def test_vsg_for_vlan_id_mismatch_in_ctag(self):
1.Create a vSG VM in compute node
2.Create a vCPE container in vSG VM
3.Ensure vSG VM and vCPE container created properly
4.Send a ping request to external valid IP from subscriber, with valid s-tag and incorrect vlan id in c-tag
5.Verify that ping fails as the packet drops at vCPE container entry
6.Repeat step 4 with valid s-tag and c-tag
7.Verify that ping success
def test_vsg_for_matching_and_mismatching_vlan_id_in_stag(self):
1.Create two vSG VMs in compute node
2.Create a vCPE container in each vSG VM
3.Ensure vSG VM and vCPE container created properly
4.From subscriber one, send ping request with valid s and c tags
5.From subscriber two, send ping request with vlan id mismatch in s-tag and valid c tags
6.Verify that ping success for only subscriber one and fails for two.
def test_vsg_for_matching_and_mismatching_vlan_id_in_ctag(self):
1.Create a vSG VM in compute node
2.Create two vCPE containers in vSG VM
3.Ensure vSG VM and vCPE container created properly
4.From subscriber one, send ping request with valid s and c tags
5.From subscriber two, send ping request with valid s-tag and vlan id mismatch in c-tag
6.Verify that ping success for only subscriber one and fails for two
def test_vsg_for_out_of_range_vlanid_in_ctag(self):
1.Create a vSG VM in compute node
2.Create a vCPE container in vSG VM
3.Ensure vSG VM and vCPE container created properly
4.From subscriber, send ping request with valid stag and vlan id in c-tag is an out of range value ( like 0,4097 )
4.Verify that ping fails as the ping packets drops at vCPE container entry
def test_vsg_for_out_of_range_vlanid_in_stag(self):
1.Create a vSG VM in compute node
2.Create a vCPE container in vSG VM
3.Ensure vSG VM and vCPE container created properly
2.From subscriber, send ping request with vlan id in s-tag is an out of range value ( like 0,4097 ), with valid c-tag
4.Verify that ping fails as the ping packets drops at vSG VM entry
def test_vsg_without_creating_vcpe_instance(self):
1.Create a vSG VM in compute Node
2.Ensure vSG VM created properly
3.Do not create vCPE container inside vSG VM
4.From a subscriber, send ping to external valid IP
5.Verify that ping fails as the ping packet drops at vSG VM entry itself.
def test_vsg_for_remove_vcpe_instance(self):
1.Create a vSG VM in compute node
2.Create a vCPE container in vSG VM
3.Ensure vSG VM and vCPE container created properly
4.From subscriber, send ping request with valid s-tag and c-tag
5.Verify that ping success
6.Verify ping success flows in OvS switch in compute node
7.Now remove the vCPE container in vSG VM
8.Ensure that the container removed properly
9.Repeat step 4
10.Verify that now, ping fails
def test_vsg_for_restart_vcpe_instance(self):
1.Create a vSG VM in compute node
2.Create a vCPE container in vSG VM
3.Ensure vSG VM and vCPE container created properly
4.From subscriber, send ping request with valid s-tag and c-tag
5.Verify that ping success
6.Verify ping success flows in OvS switch in compute node
7.Now restart the vCPE container in vSG VM
8.Ensure that the container came up after restart
9.Repeat step 4
10.Verify that now,ping gets success and flows added in OvS
def test_vsg_for_restart_vsg_vm(self):
1.Create a vSG VM in compute node
2.Create a vCPE container in vSG VM
3.Ensure vSG VM and vCPE container created properly
4.From subscriber, send ping request with valid s-tag and c-tag
5.Verify that ping success
6.Verify ping success flows in OvS switch in compute node
7.Now restart the vSG VM
8.Ensure that the vSG comes up properly after restart
9.Verify that vCPE container comes up after vSG restart
10.Repeat step 4
11.Verify that now,ping gets success and flows added in OvS
def test_vsg_for_pause_vcpe_instance(self):
1.Create a vSG VM in compute node
2.Create a vCPE container in vSG VM
3.Ensure vSG VM and vCPE container created properly
4.From subscriber, send ping request with valid s-tag and c-tag
5.Verify that ping success
6.Verify ping success flows in OvS switch in compute node
7.Now pause vCPE container in vSG VM for a while
8.Ensure that the container state is pause
9.Repeat step 4
10.Verify that now,ping fails now and verify flows in OvS
11.Now resume the container
12.Now repeat step 4 again
13.Verify that now, ping gets success
14.Verify ping success flows in OvS
def test_vsg_for_extract_all_compute_stats_from_all_vcpe_containers(self):
1.Create a vSG VM in compute node
2.Create 10 vCPE containers in VM
3.Ensure vSG VM and vCPE containers created properly
4.Login to all vCPE containers
4.Get all compute stats from all vCPE containers
5.Verify the stats # verification method need to add
def test_vsg_for_extract_dns_stats_from_all_vcpe_containers(self):
1.Create a vSG VM in compute node
2.Create 10 vCPE containers in VM
3.Ensure vSG VM and vCPE containers created properly
4.From 10 subscribers, send ping to valid and invalid dns hosts
5.Verify dns resolves and ping success for valid dns hosts
6.Verify ping fails for invalid dns hosts
7.Verify dns host name resolve flows in OvS
8.Login to all 10 vCPE containers
9.Extract all dns stats
10.Verify dns stats for queries sent, queries received for dns host resolve success and failed scenarios
def test_vsg_for_subscriber_access_two_vsg_services(self):
# Intention is to verify if subscriber can reach internet via two vSG VMs
1.Create two vSG VMs for two services in compute node
2.Create one vCPE container in each VM for one subscriber
3.Ensure VMs and containers created properly
4.From subscriber end, send ping to public IP with stag corresponds to vSG-1 VM and ctag
5.Verify ping gets success
6.Verify ping success flows in OvS
7.Now repeat step 4 with stag corresponds to vSG-2 VM
8.Verify that ping again success
9.Verify ping success flows in OvS
def test_vsg_for_subscriber_access_service2_if_service1_goes_down(self):
# Intention is to verify if subscriber can reach internet via vSG2 if vSG1 goes down
1.Create two vSG VMs for two services in compute node
2.Create one vCPE container in each VM for one subscriber
3.Ensure VMs and containers created properly
4.From subscriber end, send ping to public IP with stag corresponds to vSG-1 VM and ctag
5.Verify ping gets success
6.Verify ping success flows in OvS
7.Down the vSG-1 VM
8.Now repeat step 4
9.Verify that ping fails as vSG-1 is down
10.Repeat step 4 with stag corresponding to vSG-2
9.Verify ping success and flows added in OvS
def test_vsg_for_subscriber_access_service2_if_service1_goes_restart(self):
# Intention is to verify if subscriber can reach internet via vSG2 if vSG1 restarts
1.Create two vSG VMs for two services in compute node
2.Create one vCPE container in each VM for one subscriber
3.Ensure VMs and containers created properly
4.From subscriber end, send ping to public IP with stag corresponds to vSG-1 VM and ctag
5.Verify ping gets success
6.Verify ping success flows added in OvS
7.Now restart vSG-1 VM
8.Now repeat step 4 while vSG-1 VM restarts
9.Verify that ping fails as vSG-1 is restarting
10.Repeat step 4 with stag corresponding to vSG-2 while vSG-1 VM restarts
11.Verify ping success and flows added in OvS
def test_vsg_for_multiple_vcpes_in_vsg_vm_with_one_vcpe_goes_down(self):
# Intention is to verify if subscriber can reach internet via vSG2 if vSG1 goes down
1.Create a vSG VM in compute node
2.Create two vCPE containers corresponds to two subscribers in vSG VM
3.Ensure VM and containers created properly
4.From subscriber-1 end, send ping to public IP with ctag corresponds to vCPE-1 and stag
5.Verify ping gets success
6.Verify ping success flows added in OvS
7.Now stop vCPE-1 container
8.Now repeat step 4
9.Verify that ping fails as vCPE-1 container is down
10.Repeat step 4 with ctag corresponding to vCPE-2 container
11.Verify ping success and flows added in OvS
def test_vsg_for_multiple_vcpes_in_vsg_vm_with_one_vcpe_restart(self):
# Intention is to verify if subscriber can reach internet via vSG2 if vSG1 restarts
1.Create a vSG VM in compute node
2.Create two vCPE containers corresponds to two subscribers in vSG VM
3.Ensure VM and containers created properly
4.From subscriber-1 end, send ping to public IP with ctag corresponds to vCPE-1 and stag
5.Verify ping gets success
6.Verify ping success flows added in OvS
7.Now restart vCPE-1 container
8.Now repeat step 4 while vCPE-1 restarts
9.Verify that ping fails as vCPE-1 container is restarts
10.Repeat step 4 with ctag corresponding to vCPE-2 container while vCPE-1 restarts
11..Verify ping success and flows added in OvS
def test_vsg_for_multiple_vcpes_in_vsg_vm_with_one_vcpe_pause(self):
# Intention is to verify if subscriber can reach internet via vSG2 if vSG1 paused
1.Create a vSG VM in compute node
2.Create two vCPE containers corresponds to two subscribers in vSG VM
3.Ensure VM and containers created properly
4.From subscriber-1 end, send ping to public IP with ctag corresponds to vCPE-1 and stag
5.Verify ping gets success
6.Verify ping success flows added in OvS
7.Now pause vCPE-1 container
8.Now repeat step 4 while vCPE-1 in pause state
9.Verify that ping fails as vCPE-1 container in pause state
10.Repeat step 4 with ctag corresponding to vCPE-2 container while vCPE-1 in pause state
11.Verify ping success and flows added in OvS
def test_vsg_for_multiple_vcpes_in_vsg_vm_with_one_vcpe_removed(self):
# Intention is to verify if subscriber can reach internet via vSG2 if vSG1 removed
1.Create a vSG VM in compute node
2.Create two vCPE containers corresponds to two subscribers in vSG VM
3.Ensure VM and containers created properly
4.From subscriber-1 end, send ping to public IP with ctag corresponds to vCPE-1 and stag
5.Verify ping gets success
6.Verify ping success flows added in OvS
7.Now remove vCPE-1 container
8.Now repeat step 4
9.Verify that ping fails as vCPE-1 container removed
10.Repeat step 4 with ctag corresponding to vCPE-2 container
11.Verify ping success and flows added in OvS
def test_vsg_for_vcpe_instance_removed_and_added_again(self):
1.Create a vSG VM in compute node
2.Create a vCPE container in vSG VM
3.Ensure VM and containers created properly
4.From subscriber end, send ping to public IP
5.Verify ping gets success
6.Verify ping success flows added in OvS
7.Now remove vCPE container in vSG VM
8.Now repeat step 4
9.Verify that ping fails as vCPE container removed
10.Create the vCPE container again for the same subscriber
11.Ensure that vCPE created now
12.Now repeat step 4
13.Verify ping success and flows added in OvS
def test_vsg_for_vsg_vm_removed_and_added_again(self):
1.Create a vSG VM in compute node
2.Create a vCPE container in vSG VM
3.Ensure VM and containers created properly
4.From subscriber end, send ping to public IP
5.Verify ping gets success
6.Verify ping success flows added in OvS
7.Now remove vSG VM
8.Now repeat step 4
9.Verify that ping fails as vSG VM not exists
10.Create the vSG VM and vCPE container in VM again
11.Ensure that vSG and vCPE created
12.Now repeat step 4
13.Verify ping success and flows added in OvS
#Test vSG - Subscriber Configuration
def test_vsg_for_configuring_new_subscriber_in_vcpe(self):
1.Create a vSG VM in compute node
2.Create a vCPE container in vSG VM
3.Ensure VM and containers created properly
4.Configure a subscriber in XOS and assign a service id
5.Set the admin privileges to the subscriber
6.Verify subscriber configuration is success
def test_vsg_for_adding_subscriber_devices_in_vcpe(self):
1.Create a vSG VM in compute node
2.Create a vCPE container in vSG VM
3.Ensure VM and containers created properly
4.Configure a subscriber in XOS and assign a service id
5.Verify subscriber successfully configured in vCPE
6.Now add devices( Mac addresses ) under the subscriber admin group
7.Verify all devices ( Macs ) added successfully
def test_vsg_for_removing_subscriber_devices_in_vcpe(self):
1.Create a vSG VM in compute node
2.Create a vCPE container in vSG VM
3.Ensure VM and containers created properly
4.Configure a subscriber in XOS and assign a service id
5.Verify subscriber successfully configured
6.Now add devices( Mac addresses ) under the subscriber admin group
7.Verify all devices ( Macs ) added successfully
8.Now remove All the added devices in XOS
9.Verify all the devices removed
def test_vsg_for_modify_subscriber_devices_in_vcpe(self):
1.Create a vSG VM in compute node
2.Create a vCPE container in vSG VM
3.Ensure VM and containers created properly
4.Configure a user in XOS and assign a service id
5.Verify subscriber successfully configured in vCPE.
6.Now add devices( Mac addresses ) under the subscriber admin group
7.Verify all devices ( Macs ) added successfully
8.Now remove few devices in XOS
9.Verify devices removed successfully
10.Now add few additional devices in XOS under the same subscriber admin group
11.Verify newly added devices successfully added
def test_vsg_for_vcpe_login_fails_with_incorrect_subscriber_credentials(self):
1.Create a vSG VM in compute node
2.Create a vCPE container in vSG VM
3.Ensure VM and containers created properly
4.Configure a subscriber in XOS and assign a service id
5.Verify subscriber successfully configured
6.Now add devices( Mac addresses ) under the subscriber admin group
7.Verify all devices ( Macs ) added successfully
8.Login vCPE with credentials with which subscriber configured
9.Verify subscriber successfully logged in
10.Logout and login again with incorrect credentials ( either user name or password )
11.Verify login attempt to vCPE fails wtih incorrect credentials
def test_vsg_for_subscriber_configuration_in_vcpe_retain_after_vcpe_restart(self):
1.Create a vSG VM in compute node
2.Create a vCPE container in vSG VM
3.Ensure VM and containers created properly
4.Configure a subscriber in XOS and assign a service id
5.Verify subscriber successfully configured
6.Now add devices( Mac addresses ) under the subscriber admin group
7.Verify all devices ( Macs ) added successfully
8.Restart vCPE ( locate backup config path while restart )
9.Verify subscriber details in vCPE after restart should be same as before the restart
def test_vsg_for_create_multiple_vcpe_instances_and_configure_subscriber_in_each_instance(self):
1.Create a vSG VM in compute node
2.Create 2 vCPE containers in vSG VM
3.Ensure VM and containers created properly
4.Configure a subscriber in XOS for each vCPE instance and assign a service id
5.Verify subscribers successfully configured
6.Now login vCPE-2 with subscriber-1 credentials
7.Verify login fails
8.Now login vCPE-1 with subscriber-2 credentials
9.Verify login fails
10.Now login vCPE-1 with subscriber-1 and vCPE-2 with subscriber-2 credentials
11.Verify that both the subscribers able to login to their respective vCPE containers
def test_vsg_for_same_subscriber_can_be_configured_for_multiple_services(self):
1.Create 2 vSG VMs in compute node
2.Create a vCPE container in each vSG VM
3.Ensure VMs and containers created properly
4.Configure same subscriber in XOS for each vCPE instance and assign a service id
5.Verify subscriber successfully configured
6.Now login vCPE-1 with subscriber credentials
7.Verify login success
8.Now login vCPE-2 with the same subscriber credentials
9.Verify login success
#Test Example Service
def test_vsg_for_subcriber_avail_example_service_running_in_apache_server(self):
1.Create a vSG VM in compute node
2.Create a vCPE container in each vSG VM
3.Ensure VM and container created properly
4.Configure a subscriber in XOS for the vCPE instance and assign a service id
5.On-board an example service into cord pod
6.Create a VM in compute node and run the example service ( Apache server )
7.Configure the example service with service specific and subscriber specific messages
8.Verify example service on-boarded successfully
9.Verify example service running in VM
10.Run a curl command from subscriber to reach example service
11.Verify subscriber can successfully reach example service via vSG
12.Verify that service specific and subscriber specific messages
def test_vsg_for_subcriber_avail_example_service_running_in_apache_server_after_service_restart(self):
1.Create a vSG VM in compute node
2.Create a vCPE container in each vSG VM
3.Ensure VM and container created properly
4.Configure a subscriber in XOS for the vCPE instance and assign a service id
5.On-board an example service into cord pod
6.Create a VM in compute node and run the example service ( Apache server )
7.Configure the example service with service specific and subscriber specific messages
8.Verify example service on-boarded successfully
9.Verify example service running in VM
10.Run a curl command from subscriber to reach example service
11.Verify subscriber can successfully reach example service via vSG
12.Verify that service specific and subscriber specific messages
13.Restart example service running in VM
14.Repeat step 10
15.Verify the same results as mentioned in steps 11, 12
#vCPE Firewall Functionality
def test_vsg_firewall_for_creating_acl_rule_based_on_source_ip(self):
1.Create a vSG VM in compute node
2.Create vCPE container in the VM
3.Ensure vSG VM and vCPE container created properly
4.Configure ac acl rule in vCPE to deny IP traffic from a source IP
5.Bound the acl rule to WAN interface of vCPE
6.Verify configuration in vCPE is success
8.Verify flows added in OvS
def test_vsg_firewall_for_creating_acl_rule_based_on_destination_ip(self):
1.Create a vSG VM in compute node
2.Create vCPE container in the VM
3.Ensure vSG VM and vCPE container created properly
4.Configure ac acl rule in vCPE to deny IP traffic to a destination ip
5.Bound the acl rule to WAN interface of vCPE
6.Verify configuration in vCPE is success
8.Verify flows added in OvS
def test_vsg_firewall_for_acl_deny_rule_based_on_source_ip_traffic(self):
1.Create a vSG VM in compute node
2.Create vCPE container in the VM
3.Ensure vSG VM and vCPE container created properly
4.Configure ac acl rule in vCPE to deny IP traffic from a source IP
5.Bound the acl rule to WAN interface of vCPE
6.From subscriber, send ping to the denied IP address
7.Verify that ping fails as vCPE denies ping response
8.Verify flows added in OvS
def test_vsg_firewall_for_acl_deny_rule_based_on_destination_ip_traffic(self):
1.Create a vSG VM in compute node
2.Create vCPE container in the VM
3.Ensure vSG VM and vCPE container created properly
4.Configure ac acl rule in vCPE to deny IP traffic to a destination IP
5.Bound the acl rule to WAN interface of vCPE
6.From subscriber, send ping to the denied IP address
7.Verify that ping fails as vCPE drops the ping request at WAN interface
8.Verify flows added in OvS
def test_vsg_dnsmasq(self):
def test_vsg_with_external_parental_control_family_shield_for_filter(self):
def test_vsg_with_external_parental_control_with_answerx(self):
def test_vsg_for_subscriber_upstream_bandwidth(self):
def test_vsg_for_subscriber_downstream_bandwidth(self):
def test_vsg_for_diagnostic_run_of_traceroute(self):
def test_vsg_for_diagnostic_run_of_tcpdump(self):
def test_vsg_for_iptable_rules(self):
def test_vsg_for_iptables_with_neutron(self):