blob: 872b3506319efccfd55bea9cd5a03610d243badb [file] [log] [blame]
*** Settings ***
Documentation Test to Configure White List
Suite Setup Read InputFile
Test Template Configuring White List
Library Collections
Library String
Library OperatingSystem
Library XML
Library RequestsLibrary
Library ../Framework/utils/
Library ../Framework/
*** Variables ***
${PATHFILE} ${CURDIR}/data/AttWhiteList.json
*** Test Cases *** TYPE LISTINDEX
Test Create ONUWhiteList-1
Test Get ONUWhiteList-1
Test Service Instance States
Test ONU States
*** Keywords ***
Read InputFile
${AttWhiteListList}= utils.jsonToList ${PATHFILE} AttWhiteListInfo
Set Suite Variable ${slist} ${AttWhiteListList}
Set Global Variable ${AttWorkFlowDriver_Id} ${EMPTY}
Set Global Variable ${AttWhiteList_Id} ${EMPTY}
Set Global Variable ${onu_device} ALPHe3d1cfa7
Set Global Variable ${AttServiceInstance_Id} ${EMPTY}
Set Global Variable ${authentication_status} ${EMPTY}
Configuring White List
[Arguments] ${type} ${listIndex}
Run Keyword If "${type}" == "CREATE" Post White List ${listIndex}
Run Keyword If "${type}" == "RETRIEVE" Get White List ${listIndex}
Run Keyword If "${type}" == "STATUS_CHECK" Service Instance Status Check ${listIndex}
Run Keyword If "${type}" == "ONU_STATUS" ONU Status Check ${listIndex}
Post White List
[Arguments] ${listIndex}
${AttWhiteListList} = Get Variable Value ${slist}
${AttWhiteListDict}= utils.listToDict ${AttWhiteListList} ${listIndex}
${onu_device}= Get From Dictionary ${AttWhiteListDict} serial_number
Log ${onu_device}
# Retrieve ATT Service Driver Id
${api_getResult}= restApi.ApiGet ATT_SERVICE
${AttWorkFlowDriverList}= Get From Dictionary ${api_getResult} items
${AttWorkFlowDriverDict}= utils.getDictFromListOfDict ${AttWorkFlowDriverList} leaf_model_name AttWorkflowDriverService
${AttWorkFlowDriver_Id}= Get From Dictionary ${AttWorkFlowDriverDict} id
${AttWhiteListDict}= utils.setFieldValueInDict ${AttWhiteListDict} owner_id ${AttWorkFlowDriver_Id}
Log ${AttWhiteListDict}
${api_result_status} ${api_result_json}= restApi.ApiPostReturnJson ATT_WHITELIST ${AttWhiteListDict}
Should Be True ${api_result_status}
${AttWhiteList_Id}= Get From Dictionary ${api_result_json} id
Set Global Variable ${AttWhiteList_Id}
Set Global Variable ${onu_device}
Get White List
[Arguments] ${listIndex}
Log ${AttWhiteList_Id}
${json_result}= restApi.ApiChameleonGet ATT_WHITELIST ${AttWhiteList_Id}
Log ${json_result}
${AttWhiteListList} = Get Variable Value ${slist}
${AttWhiteListDict}= utils.listToDict ${AttWhiteListList} ${listIndex}
Log ${AttWhiteListDict}
${test_result}= utils.compare_dict ${AttWhiteListDict} ${json_result}
Should Be True ${test_result}
Service Instance Status Check
[Arguments] ${listIndex}
Set Global Variable ${AttServiceInstance_Id} ${EMPTY}
Log ${AttServiceInstance_Id}
${json_result}= restApi.ApiGet ATT_SERVICEINSTANTCES
Log ${json_result}
${json_result_list}= Get From dictionary ${json_result} items
${getJsonDict}= utils.getDictFromListOfDict ${json_result_list} serial_number ${onu_device}
${status}= Get From Dictionary ${getJsonDict} valid
${authentication_status}= Get From Dictionary ${getJsonDict} authentication_state
${AttServiceInstance_Id}= Get From Dictionary ${getJsonDict} id
Set Global Variable ${AttServiceInstance_Id}
Should Be Equal ${status} valid
Should Be Equal ${authentication_status} AWAITING
ONU Status Check
[Arguments] ${listIndex}
${json_result}= restApi.ApiGet ONU_DEVICE
Log ${json_result}
${json_result_list}= Get From dictionary ${json_result} items
${getJsonDict}= utils.getDictFromListOfDict ${json_result_list} serial_number ${onu_device}
${operational_status}= Get From Dictionary ${getJsonDict} oper_status
${admin_status}= Get From Dictionary ${getJsonDict} admin_state
Should Be Equal ${operational_status} ACTIVE
Should Be Equal ${admin_status} ENABLED