| # |
| # Copyright 2016-present Ciena Corporation |
| # |
| # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); |
| # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. |
| # You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| # |
| # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| # |
| # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
| # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
| # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
| # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
| # limitations under the License. |
| # |
| import unittest |
| import time |
| import os |
| from nose.tools import * |
| from nose.twistedtools import reactor, deferred |
| from twisted.internet import defer |
| from EapTLS import TLSAuthTest |
| from OnosCtrl import OnosCtrl |
| from CordLogger import CordLogger |
| from CordTestUtils import log_test |
| from CordTestConfig import setup_module, teardown_module |
| from VolthaCtrl import VolthaCtrl |
| from scapy.all import * |
| from scapy_ssl_tls.ssl_tls import * |
| from scapy_ssl_tls.ssl_tls_crypto import * |
| log_test.setLevel('INFO') |
| |
| class eap_auth_exchange(CordLogger): |
| |
| app = 'org.opencord.aaa' |
| TLS_TIMEOUT = 20 |
| TEST_TIMEOUT = 3600 |
| VOLTHA_HOST = None |
| VOLTHA_ENABLED = bool(int(os.getenv('VOLTHA_ENABLED', 0))) |
| VOLTHA_OLT_TYPE = 'simulated_olt' |
| VOLTHA_OLT_MAC = '00:0c:e2:31:12:00' |
| VOLTHA_UPLINK_VLAN_MAP = { 'of:0000000000000001' : '222' } |
| #this is from ca.pem file |
| JAYDVQQDDB1FeGFtcGxlIENlcnRpZmljYXRlIEF1dGhvcml0eTAeFw0xNzAzMTEw |
| ggEBALYkVvncfeRel/apXy5iODla5H7sUpU7a+pwT7nephmjKDh0GPX/t5GUwgkB |
| 1zQAEj0IPoxZIfSAGSFP/mqTUK2sm7qerArih0E3kBRpnBKJZB/4r1OTZ04CsuRQ |
| QJOqcI0mZJWUKEcahN4yZvRyxeiCeFFoc0Nw787MQHhD9lZTqJUoAvautUe1GCjG |
| 46DS4MzpWNGkqn5/ZC8lQ198AceMwf2pJRuOQg5cPwp65+dKNLUMLiSUV7JpvmAo |
| of4MHtGaBxKHESZ2jPiNTT2uKI/7KxH3Pr/ctft3bcSX2d4q49B2tdEIRzC0ankm |
| CrxFcq9Cb3MGaNuwWAtk3fOGKusCAwEAAaOCASwwggEoMB0GA1UdDgQWBBRtf8rH |
| zJW7rliW1eZnbVbSb3obfDCBwAYDVR0jBIG4MIG1gBRtf8rHzJW7rliW1eZnbVbS |
| DAlTb21ld2hlcmUxEzARBgNVBAoMCkNpZW5hIEluYy4xHjAcBgkqhkiG9w0BCQEW |
| oCeGJWh0dHA6Ly93d3cuZXhhbXBsZS5jb20vZXhhbXBsZV9jYS5jcmwwDQYJKoZI |
| hvcNAQELBQADggEBAKWjORcBc1WK3r8mq88ipUC2UR1qvxdON4K/hd+rdAj0E/xA |
| QCJDORKno8f2MktqLfhU0amCVBvwdfmVFmVDtl38b1pu+mNFO+FDp04039Fd5ThM |
| iYmiQjnJ2IcAi/CILtrjURvJUPSOX9lviOtcla0HW94dgA9IDRs5frrWO9jkcxXR |
| +oz3LNMfVnXqhoHHQ1RtvqOozhEsUZZWY5MuUxRY25peeZ7m1vz+zDa/DbrV1wsP |
| dxOocmYdGFIAT9AiRnR4Jc/hqabBVNMZlGAA+2dELajpaHqb4yx5gBLVkT7VgHjI |
| 7cp7jLRL7T+i4orZiAXpeEpAeOrP8r0DYTJi/8A= |
| -----END CERTIFICATE-----''' |
| |
| invalid_cipher_suites = ['TLS_RSA_WITH_NULL_SHA256', |
| 'TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256', |
| 'TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA256', |
| 'TLS_DH_anon_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256', |
| 'TLS_DH_anon_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA256'] |
| |
| |
| def setUp(self): |
| super(eap_auth_exchange, self).setUp() |
| self.onos_ctrl = OnosCtrl(self.app) |
| self.onos_aaa_config() |
| |
| def onos_aaa_config(self): |
| aaa_dict = {'apps' : { self.app : { 'AAA' : { 'radiusSecret': 'radius_password', |
| 'radiusIp': '' } } } } |
| radius_ip = os.getenv('ONOS_AAA_IP') or '' |
| aaa_dict['apps'][self.app]['AAA']['radiusIp'] = radius_ip |
| self.onos_ctrl.activate() |
| time.sleep(2) |
| self.onos_load_config(aaa_dict) |
| |
| def onos_load_config(self, config): |
| status, code = OnosCtrl.config(config) |
| if status is False: |
| log_test.info('Configure request for AAA returned status %d' %code) |
| assert_equal(status, True) |
| time.sleep(3) |
| |
| @deferred(TLS_TIMEOUT) |
| def test_eap_tls(self): |
| df = defer.Deferred() |
| def eap_tls_verify(df): |
| tls = TLSAuthTest() |
| tls.runTest() |
| df.callback(0) |
| reactor.callLater(0, eap_tls_verify, df) |
| return df |
| |
| @deferred(TLS_TIMEOUT) |
| def test_eap_tls_with_no_cert(self): |
| df = defer.Deferred() |
| def eap_tls_no_cert(df): |
| def tls_no_cert_cb(): |
| log_test.info('TLS authentication failed with no certificate') |
| tls = TLSAuthTest(fail_cb = tls_no_cert_cb, client_cert = '') |
| tls.runTest() |
| assert_equal(tls.failTest, True) |
| df.callback(0) |
| reactor.callLater(0, eap_tls_no_cert, df) |
| return df |
| |
| @deferred(TLS_TIMEOUT) |
| def test_eap_tls_with_invalid_cert(self): |
| df = defer.Deferred() |
| def eap_tls_invalid_cert(df): |
| def tls_invalid_cert_cb(): |
| log_test.info('TLS authentication failed with invalid certificate') |
| |
| tls = TLSAuthTest(fail_cb = tls_invalid_cert_cb, |
| client_cert = self.CLIENT_CERT_INVALID) |
| tls.runTest() |
| assert_equal(tls.failTest, True) |
| df.callback(0) |
| reactor.callLater(0, eap_tls_invalid_cert, df) |
| return df |
| |
| @deferred(TLS_TIMEOUT) |
| def test_eap_tls_Nusers_with_same_valid_cert(self): |
| df = defer.Deferred() |
| def eap_tls_Nusers_with_same_valid_cert(df): |
| num_users = 3 |
| for i in xrange(num_users): |
| tls = TLSAuthTest(intf = 'veth{}'.format(i*2)) |
| tls.runTest() |
| df.callback(0) |
| reactor.callLater(0, eap_tls_Nusers_with_same_valid_cert, df) |
| return df |
| |
| @deferred(TLS_TIMEOUT) |
| def test_eap_tls_with_invalid_session_id(self): |
| df = defer.Deferred() |
| def eap_tls_invalid_session_id(df): |
| def tls_invalid_session_id_cb(): |
| log_test.info('TLS authentication failed with invalid session id') |
| tls = TLSAuthTest(fail_cb = tls_invalid_session_id_cb,session_id = 12345, session_id_length = 1) |
| tls.runTest() |
| assert_equal(tls.failTest, True) |
| df.callback(0) |
| reactor.callLater(0, eap_tls_invalid_session_id, df) |
| return df |
| |
| @deferred(TLS_TIMEOUT) |
| def test_eap_tls_with_random_gmt_unix_time(self): |
| df = defer.Deferred() |
| def eap_tls_invalid_gmt_unix_time(df): |
| def eap_tls_invalid_gmt_unix_time_cb(): |
| log_test.info('TLS authentication failed with invalid gmt_unix_time in Client Hello Packet') |
| for i in [0,7265,98758,23627238]: |
| log_test.info("\nExecuting test case with gmt_unix_time value is set to %d"%i) |
| tls = TLSAuthTest(fail_cb = eap_tls_invalid_gmt_unix_time_cb, gmt_unix_time = i) |
| tls.runTest() |
| assert_equal(tls.failTest, True) |
| df.callback(0) |
| reactor.callLater(0, eap_tls_invalid_gmt_unix_time, df) |
| return df |
| |
| @deferred(TLS_TIMEOUT) |
| def test_eap_tls_with_invalid_content_type(self,Positive_Test=True): |
| df = defer.Deferred() |
| def eap_tls_invalid_content_type(df): |
| def tls_invalid_content_type_cb(): |
| log_test.info('TLS authentication failed with invalid content type in TLSContentType packet') |
| tls = TLSAuthTest(fail_cb = tls_invalid_content_type_cb, invalid_content_type = 24) |
| tls.runTest() |
| assert_equal(tls.failTest, True) |
| df.callback(0) |
| reactor.callLater(0, eap_tls_invalid_content_type, df) |
| return df |
| |
| @deferred(TLS_TIMEOUT) |
| def test_eap_tls_with_invalid_record_fragment_length(self): |
| df = defer.Deferred() |
| def eap_tls_invalid_record_fragment_length(df): |
| def eap_tls_invalid_record_fragment_length_cb(): |
| log_test.info('TLS authentication failed with invalid fragment length field in TLSRecord packet') |
| tls = TLSAuthTest(fail_cb = eap_tls_invalid_record_fragment_length_cb, record_fragment_length = 17384) |
| tls.runTest() |
| assert_equal(tls.failTest, True) |
| df.callback(0) |
| reactor.callLater(0, eap_tls_invalid_record_fragment_length, df) |
| return df |
| |
| #invalid id field in identifier response packet |
| @deferred(TLS_TIMEOUT) |
| def test_eap_tls_with_invalid_id_in_identifier_response_packet(self): |
| df = defer.Deferred() |
| def eap_tls_with_invalid_id_in_identifier_response_packet(df): |
| def tls_with_invalid_id_in_identifier_response_packet_cb(): |
| log_test.info('TLS authentication failed with invalid id in identifier packet') |
| tls = TLSAuthTest(fail_cb = tls_with_invalid_id_in_identifier_response_packet_cb, |
| id_mismatch_in_identifier_response_packet = True) |
| tls.runTest() |
| assert_equal(tls.failTest, True) |
| df.callback(0) |
| reactor.callLater(0, eap_tls_with_invalid_id_in_identifier_response_packet, df) |
| return df |
| |
| #invalid id field in client hello packet |
| @deferred(TLS_TIMEOUT) |
| def test_eap_tls_with_invalid_id_in_client_hello_packet(self): |
| df = defer.Deferred() |
| def eap_tls_with_invalid_id_in_client_hello_packet(df): |
| def tls_with_invalid_id_in_client_hello_packet_cb(): |
| log_test.info('TLS authentication failed with invalid id in client hello packet') |
| tls = TLSAuthTest(fail_cb = tls_with_invalid_id_in_client_hello_packet_cb, |
| id_mismatch_in_client_hello_packet = True) |
| tls.runTest() |
| assert_equal(tls.failTest, True) |
| df.callback(0) |
| reactor.callLater(0, eap_tls_with_invalid_id_in_client_hello_packet, df) |
| return df |
| |
| @deferred(TLS_TIMEOUT) |
| def test_eap_tls_without_sending_client_hello(self): |
| df = defer.Deferred() |
| def eap_tls_without_sending_client_hello(df): |
| def tls_without_sending_client_hello_cb(): |
| log_test.info('TLS authentication failed with not sending client hello') |
| tls = TLSAuthTest(fail_cb = tls_without_sending_client_hello_cb, |
| dont_send_client_hello = True) |
| tls.runTest() |
| assert_equal(tls.failTest, True) |
| df.callback(0) |
| reactor.callLater(0, eap_tls_without_sending_client_hello, df) |
| return df |
| |
| @deferred(TLS_TIMEOUT) |
| def test_eap_tls_with_aaa_app_deactivation(self): |
| df = defer.Deferred() |
| def eap_tls_aaa_app_deactivate(df): |
| def tls_aaa_app_deactivate_cb(): |
| log_test.info('TLS authentication failed with aaa app deactivated in ONOS') |
| tls = TLSAuthTest(fail_cb = tls_aaa_app_deactivate_cb) |
| self.onos_ctrl.deactivate() |
| tls.runTest() |
| assert_equal(tls.failTest, True) |
| self.onos_ctrl.activate() |
| df.callback(0) |
| reactor.callLater(0, eap_tls_aaa_app_deactivate, df) |
| return df |
| |
| #keeping cipher suite length as zero but including cipher suite key which is more than zero length in client hello packet |
| @deferred(TLS_TIMEOUT) |
| def test_eap_tls_with_incorrect_cipher_suite_length_field(self): |
| df = defer.Deferred() |
| def eap_tls_incorrect_cipher_suite_length_field(df): |
| def tls_incorrect_cipher_suite_length_field_cb(): |
| log_test.info('TLS authentication failed with incorrect cipher suite length field in client hello packet') |
| tls = TLSAuthTest(fail_cb = tls_incorrect_cipher_suite_length_field_cb, cipher_suites_length = 0) |
| tls.runTest() |
| assert_equal(tls.failTest, True) |
| df.callback(0) |
| reactor.callLater(0, eap_tls_incorrect_cipher_suite_length_field, df) |
| return df |
| |
| #keeping compression methods length to zero but sending compression method of more than 0 zero length in client hello packet |
| @deferred(TLS_TIMEOUT) |
| def test_eap_tls_with_incorrect_compression_methods_length_field(self): |
| df = defer.Deferred() |
| def eap_tls_incorrect_compression_methods_length_field(df): |
| def tls_incorrect_compression_methods_length_field_cb(): |
| log_test.info('TLS authentication failed with incorrect compression methods length field in client hello packet') |
| tls = TLSAuthTest(fail_cb = tls_incorrect_compression_methods_length_field_cb, compression_methods_length=1,compression_methods=TLSCompressionMethod.LZS) |
| tls.runTest() |
| assert_equal(tls.failTest, True) |
| df.callback(0) |
| reactor.callLater(0, eap_tls_incorrect_compression_methods_length_field, df) |
| return df |
| |
| #checking with broadcast source mac of EAPOL packet |
| @deferred(TLS_TIMEOUT) |
| def test_eap_tls_with_invalid_source_mac_broadcast(self): |
| df = defer.Deferred() |
| def eap_tls_invalid_source_mac_broadcast(df): |
| def tls_invalid_source_mac_broadcast_cb(): |
| log_test.info('TLS authentication failed with invalid source mac as broadcast in EAPOL packet') |
| tls = TLSAuthTest(fail_cb = tls_invalid_source_mac_broadcast_cb, src_mac='bcast') |
| tls.runTest() |
| assert_equal(tls.failTest, True) |
| df.callback(0) |
| reactor.callLater(0, eap_tls_invalid_source_mac_broadcast, df) |
| return df |
| |
| #checking with multicast source mac of EAPOL packet |
| @deferred(TLS_TIMEOUT) |
| def test_eap_tls_with_invalid_source_mac_multicast(self): |
| df = defer.Deferred() |
| def eap_tls_invalid_source_mac_multicast(df): |
| def tls_invalid_source_mac_multicast_cb(): |
| log_test.info('TLS authentication failed with invalid source mac as multicast in EAPOL packet') |
| tls = TLSAuthTest(fail_cb = tls_invalid_source_mac_multicast_cb, src_mac='mcast') |
| tls.runTest() |
| assert_equal(tls.failTest, True) |
| df.callback(0) |
| reactor.callLater(0, eap_tls_invalid_source_mac_multicast, df) |
| return df |
| |
| #checking with zero source mac of EAPOL packet |
| @deferred(TLS_TIMEOUT) |
| def test_eap_tls_with_invalid_source_mac_zero(self): |
| df = defer.Deferred() |
| def eap_tls_invalid_source_mac_zero(df): |
| def tls_invalid_source_mac_zero_cb(): |
| log_test.info('TLS authentication failed with invalid source mac as zero in EAPOL packet') |
| tls = TLSAuthTest(fail_cb = tls_invalid_source_mac_zero_cb, src_mac='zeros') |
| tls.runTest() |
| assert_equal(tls.failTest, True) |
| df.callback(0) |
| reactor.callLater(0, eap_tls_invalid_source_mac_zero, df) |
| return df |
| |
| #Restarting Radius server after sending client hello |
| @deferred(TLS_TIMEOUT) |
| def test_eap_tls_with_restart_of_radius_server(self): |
| df = defer.Deferred() |
| def eap_tls_restart_radius_server(df): |
| def tls_restart_radius_server_cb(): |
| log_test.info('TLS authentication failed with radius server down in middle of authentication process') |
| tls = TLSAuthTest(fail_cb = tls_restart_radius_server_cb, restart_radius=True) |
| tls.runTest() |
| assert_equal(tls.failTest, True) |
| df.callback(0) |
| reactor.callLater(0, eap_tls_restart_radius_server, df) |
| return df |
| |
| @deferred(TLS_TIMEOUT) |
| def test_eap_tls_with_incorrect_handshake_type_client_hello(self): |
| df = defer.Deferred() |
| def eap_tls_incorrect_handshake_type_client_hello(df): |
| def tls_incorrect_handshake_type_client_hello_cb(): |
| log_test.info('TLS authentication failed with incorrect handshake type in client hello packet') |
| tls = TLSAuthTest(fail_cb = tls_incorrect_handshake_type_client_hello_cb, invalid_client_hello_handshake_type=True) |
| tls.runTest() |
| assert_equal(tls.failTest, True) |
| df.callback(0) |
| reactor.callLater(0, eap_tls_incorrect_handshake_type_client_hello, df) |
| return df |
| |
| #Sending certificate request type of handhsake instead of certificate verify in client certificate request message |
| @deferred(TLS_TIMEOUT) |
| def test_eap_tls_with_incorrect_handshake_type_certificate_request(self): |
| df = defer.Deferred() |
| def eap_tls_incorrect_handshake_type_certificate_request(df): |
| def tls_incorrect_handshake_type_certificate_request_cb(): |
| log_test.info('TLS authentication failed with incorrect handshake type in client certificate request packet') |
| tls = TLSAuthTest(fail_cb = tls_incorrect_handshake_type_certificate_request_cb, invalid_cert_req_handshake=True) |
| tls.runTest() |
| assert_equal(tls.failTest, True) |
| df.callback(0) |
| reactor.callLater(0, eap_tls_incorrect_handshake_type_certificate_request, df) |
| return df |
| |
| #Sending tls record content type as 'ALERT' instead of 'HANDSHAKE' in certificate request packet |
| @deferred(TLS_TIMEOUT) |
| def test_eap_tls_with_incorrect_tlsrecord_certificate_request(self): |
| df = defer.Deferred() |
| def eap_tls_incorrect_tlsrecord_certificate_request(df): |
| def tls_incorrect_tlsrecord_certificate_request_cb(): |
| log_test.info('TLS authentication failed with incorrect tlsrecord type in certificate request packet') |
| tls = TLSAuthTest(fail_cb = tls_incorrect_tlsrecord_certificate_request_cb, incorrect_tlsrecord_type_cert_req=True) |
| tls.runTest() |
| assert_equal(tls.failTest, True) |
| df.callback(0) |
| reactor.callLater(0, eap_tls_incorrect_tlsrecord_certificate_request, df) |
| return df |
| |
| #Sending client hello with zero lenght field in Handshake protocol |
| @deferred(TLS_TIMEOUT) |
| def test_eap_tls_with_invalid_handshake_length_client_hello(self): |
| df = defer.Deferred() |
| def eap_tls_invalid_handshake_length_client_hello(df): |
| def tls_invalid_handshake_length_client_hello_cb(): |
| log_test.info('TLS authentication failed with invalid handshake length in client hello packet') |
| tls = TLSAuthTest(fail_cb = tls_invalid_handshake_length_client_hello_cb, invalid_client_hello_handshake_length=True) |
| tls.runTest() |
| assert_equal(tls.failTest, True) |
| df.callback(0) |
| reactor.callLater(0, eap_tls_invalid_handshake_length_client_hello, df) |
| return df |
| |
| @deferred(TLS_TIMEOUT) |
| def test_eap_tls_clientkeyex_replace_with_serverkeyex(self): |
| df = defer.Deferred() |
| def eap_tls_clientkeyex_replace_with_serverkeyex(df): |
| def tls_clientkeyex_replace_with_serverkeyex_cb(): |
| log_test.info('TLS authentication failed with client key exchange replaced with server key exchange') |
| tls = TLSAuthTest(fail_cb = tls_clientkeyex_replace_with_serverkeyex_cb,clientkeyex_replace_with_serverkeyex=True) |
| tls.runTest() |
| assert_equal(tls.failTest, True) |
| df.callback(0) |
| reactor.callLater(0, eap_tls_clientkeyex_replace_with_serverkeyex, df) |
| return df |
| |
| #simulating authentication for multiple users, 1K in this test case |
| @deferred(TEST_TIMEOUT) |
| def test_eap_tls_1k_sessions_with_diff_mac(self): |
| df = defer.Deferred() |
| def eap_tls_1k_with_diff_mac(df): |
| for i in xrange(1000): |
| tls = TLSAuthTest(src_mac = 'random') |
| tls.runTest() |
| log_test.info('Authentication successfull for user %d'%i) |
| df.callback(0) |
| reactor.callLater(0, eap_tls_1k_with_diff_mac, df) |
| return df |
| |
| #simulating authentication for multiple users, 5K in this test case |
| @deferred(TEST_TIMEOUT+1800) |
| def test_eap_tls_5k_sessions_with_diff_mac(self): |
| df = defer.Deferred() |
| def eap_tls_5k_with_diff_mac(df): |
| for i in xrange(5000): |
| tls = TLSAuthTest(src_mac = 'random') |
| tls.runTest() |
| log_test.info('Authentication successfull for user %d'%i) |
| df.callback(0) |
| reactor.callLater(0, eap_tls_5k_with_diff_mac, df) |
| return df |
| |
| def tls_scale(self, num_sessions): |
| '''Called from scale test''' |
| def tls_session_fail_cb(): |
| pass |
| for i in xrange(num_sessions): |
| tls = TLSAuthTest(src_mac = 'random', fail_cb = tls_session_fail_cb) |
| tls.runTest() |
| if tls.failTest is False: |
| log_test.info('Authentication successful for user %d'%i) |
| else: |
| log_test.info('Authentication failed for user %d' %i) |
| |
| if __name__ == '__main__': |
| t = TLSAuthTest() |
| t.runTest() |