blob: 9c94a19b31db2a595f6d9ad878f5f55c17d4cd6e [file] [log] [blame]
*** Settings ***
Documentation Test suite for checking default services
Suite Setup Read InputFile
Test Template Verify Service Sanity
Library Collections
Library String
Library OperatingSystem
Library XML
Library RequestsLibrary
Library ../Framework/utils/
Library ../Framework/
Resource ../Framework/utils/utils.robot
*** Variables ***
${USER} admin
${PASSWORD} admin
${PROFILE} mock-rcord
${PROFILE_FILE} ${CURDIR}/../../../../../../orchestration/profiles/${PROFILE}/${PROFILE}.yml
*** Test Cases *** TYPE
Test Service Sanity
*** Keywords ***
Read InputFile
${status} ${dynamicServiceList}= Run Keyword And Ignore Error utils.get_dynamic_resources ${PROFILE_FILE} xos_services
Run Keyword If '${status}' == 'FAIL' Fail No Services in given profile manifest
Set Suite Variable ${dynamicServiceList}
##need to remove openstack and onos from xos_services list in each manifest as these services arent treated as typical xos synchronizers
utils.Remove Value From List ${dynamicServiceList} openstack
utils.Remove Value From List ${dynamicServiceList} onos
utils.Remove Value From List ${dynamicServiceList} exampleservice
Log ${dynamicServiceList}
Verify Service Sanity
[Arguments] ${type}
Run Keyword If "${type}" == "SANITY" Test Service Sanity
Test Service Sanity
${json_result}= restApi.ApiGet CH_CORE_SERVICES
${json_result_list}= Get From Dictionary ${json_result} items
Log ${json_result_list}
${dList}= Get Variable Value ${dynamicServiceList}
${test_result}= utils.compare_list_of_dicts ${dList} ${json_result_list}
Should Be True ${test_result}