blob: 2e88fae4ed4ed043b6e139b50e8020ab6222fba2 [file] [log] [blame]
cord-tester/src/test/setup$ sudo ./ run -m manifest-ponsim.json -t voltha:voltha_exchange.test_5_subscriber_with_voltha_for_igmp_with_10_group_joins_verifying_traffic
# Host []:8101 found: line 3 type RSA
onoscli: eof exception found
onoscli: logout
Connection to closed.
result.ok, result.status_code are False and 409
ONOS app cord-config, version 2.0-SNAPSHOT installed
result.ok, result.status_code are False and 409
ONOS app aaa, version 2.0-SNAPSHOT installed
result.ok, result.status_code are False and 409
ONOS app igmp, version 2.0-SNAPSHOT installed
Controller IP [u''], Test type voltha:voltha_exchange.test_5_subscriber_with_voltha_for_igmp_with_10_group_joins_verifying_traffic
Installing cord tester ONOS app /home/ubuntu/cord-tester/src/test/apps/ciena-cordigmp-multitable-3.0-SNAPSHOT.oar
result.ok, result.status_code are False and 409
WARNING: The DOCKER_HOST_IP variable is not set. Defaulting to a blank string.
compose_fluentd_1 is up-to-date
compose_consul_1 is up-to-date
compose_zookeeper_1 is up-to-date
compose_registrator_1 is up-to-date
compose_kafka_1 is up-to-date
IP for service consul
IP for service kafka
IP for service zookeeper
IP for service registrator
IP for service fluentd
Chameleon voltha sevice is already running. Skipped start
VOLTHA core is already running. Skipped start
VOLTHA ofagent is already running. Skipped start
PONSIM already running. Skipped start
Radius server running with IP
Running ['voltha:voltha_exchange.test_5_subscriber_with_voltha_for_igmp_with_10_group_joins_verifying_traffic'] tests across 1 containers in parallel
Starting test container cord-tester1, image cordtest/nose, tag candidate
Provisioning the ports for the test container
Running PIPEWORK cmd: pipework pon1_128 -i veth0 -l l1 cord-tester1
Running PIPEWORK cmd: pipework ponmgmt -i veth2 -l l2 cord-tester1
Running PIPEWORK cmd: pipework pon1_129 -i veth4 -l l3 cord-tester1
Running PIPEWORK cmd: pipework pon1_130 -i veth6 -l l4 cord-tester1
Running PIPEWORK cmd: pipework pon1_131 -i veth8 -l l5 cord-tester1
Running PIPEWORK cmd: pipework pon1_132 -i veth10 -l l6 cord-tester1
Running PIPEWORK cmd: pipework pon1_133 -i veth12 -l l7 cord-tester1
Running PIPEWORK cmd: pipework pon1_134 -i veth14 -l l8 cord-tester1
Running PIPEWORK cmd: pipework pon1_135 -i veth16 -l l9 cord-tester1
Running PIPEWORK cmd: pipework pon1_136 -i veth18 -l l10 cord-tester1
Running PIPEWORK cmd: pipework pon1_137 -i veth20 -l l11 cord-tester1
Running PIPEWORK cmd: pipework pon1_128 -i veth22 -l l12 cord-tester1
Running PIPEWORK cmd: pipework pon1_129 -i veth24 -l l13 cord-tester1
Running PIPEWORK cmd: pipework pon1_130 -i veth26 -l l14 cord-tester1
Running PIPEWORK cmd: pipework pon1_131 -i veth28 -l l15 cord-tester1
Running PIPEWORK cmd: pipework pon1_132 -i veth30 -l l16 cord-tester1
Running PIPEWORK cmd: pipework pon1_133 -i veth32 -l l17 cord-tester1
Running PIPEWORK cmd: pipework pon1_134 -i veth34 -l l18 cord-tester1
Running PIPEWORK cmd: pipework pon1_135 -i veth36 -l l19 cord-tester1
Running PIPEWORK cmd: pipework pon1_136 -i veth38 -l l20 cord-tester1
Running PIPEWORK cmd: pipework pon1_137 -i veth40 -l l21 cord-tester1
Running PIPEWORK cmd: pipework pon1_138 -i veth42 -l l22 cord-tester1
Modifying scapy tool files before running a test: ['voltha:voltha_exchange.test_5_subscriber_with_voltha_for_igmp_with_10_group_joins_verifying_traffic']
Running tests: ['voltha:voltha_exchange.test_5_subscriber_with_voltha_for_igmp_with_10_group_joins_verifying_traffic']
WARNING: No route found for IPv6 destination :: (no default route?)
Connecting to controller at
onoscli: Trying to connect to
Spawning pexpect for ip
ssh connection asked for password, gave password
Command 'summary -j' sent to onoscli.
onoscli: eof exception found
onoscli: logout
Connection to closed.
Installing the multi table app /root/test/src/test/voltha/../apps/ciena-cordigmp-multitable-3.0-SNAPSHOT.oar for subscriber test
Test Method: ... Enabling ponsim olt
Pre-provisioning ponsim_olt with address
Enabling device 250ca5560fe5
Checking operational status for device 250ca5560fe5
Installing OLT app
Adding subscribers through OLT app - - [01/Aug/2017 11:15:10] "POST /RPC2 HTTP/1.1" 200 -
Adding group
Adding group
Adding group
Adding group
Adding group
Adding group
Adding group
Adding group
Adding group
Adding group
Adding group
Adding group
Adding group
Adding group
Adding group
Adding group
Adding group
Adding group
Adding group
Adding group
Adding group
Adding group
Adding group
Adding group
Adding group
Adding group
Adding group
Adding group
Adding group
Adding group
Adding group
Adding group
Adding group
Adding group
Adding group
Adding group
Adding group
Adding group
Adding group
Adding group
Adding group
Adding group
Adding group
Adding group
Adding group
Adding group
Adding group
Adding group
Adding group
Adding group
All subscribers have joined the channel
Subscriber on port veth10 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 0
All subscribers have joined the channel
All subscribers have joined the channel
All subscribers have joined the channel
All subscribers have joined the channel
Subscriber on port veth0 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 0
Subscriber on port veth4 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 0
Subscriber on port veth6 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 0
Subscriber on port veth8 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 0
Subscriber on port veth10 timed out
Subscriber on port veth0 timed out
Subscriber on port veth6 timed out
Subscriber on port veth4 timed out
Subscriber on port veth8 timed out
Joining channel 0 for subscriber port veth10
All subscribers have joined the channel
Subscriber on port veth10 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 1
Joining channel 0 for subscriber port veth0
Joining channel 0 for subscriber port veth4
Joining channel 0 for subscriber port veth6
Joining channel 0 for subscriber port veth8
All subscribers have joined the channel
All subscribers have joined the channel
All subscribers have joined the channel
All subscribers have joined the channel
Subscriber on port veth0 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 1
Subscriber on port veth6 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 1
Subscriber on port veth8 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 1
Subscriber on port veth4 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 1
Packet received for group, subscriber, port veth0 and from source ip showing full packet <bound method of <Ether dst=01:00:5e:00:01:01 src=02:88:b4:e4:90:77 type=0x800 |<IP version=4L ihl=5L tos=0x0 len=36 id=1 flags= frag=0L ttl=64 proto=hopopt chksum=0x95d1 src= dst= options=[] |<Raw load='368644.708114096' |>>>>
Packet received in 2800560.029 usecs for group after join
Subscriber on port veth10 timed out
Packet received for group, subscriber, port veth4 and from source ip showing full packet <bound method of <Ether dst=01:00:5e:00:01:01 src=02:88:b4:e4:90:77 type=0x800 |<IP version=4L ihl=5L tos=0x0 len=36 id=1 flags= frag=0L ttl=64 proto=hopopt chksum=0x95d1 src= dst= options=[] |<Raw load='368645.212110908' |>>>>
Packet received in 2984200.667 usecs for group after join
Subscriber on port veth6 timed out
Subscriber on port veth8 timed out
Subscriber on port veth10 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 0
Subscriber on port veth0 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 0
Subscriber on port veth4 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 0
Subscriber on port veth6 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 0
Subscriber on port veth8 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 0
Subscriber on port veth0 timed out
Subscriber on port veth0 not received 0 packets
Subscriber on port veth10 timed out
Joining channel 1 for subscriber port veth0
Subscriber on port veth10 not received 0 packets
Joining channel 1 for subscriber port veth10
Subscriber on port veth4 timed out
Subscriber on port veth4 not received 0 packets
Joining channel 1 for subscriber port veth4
All subscribers have joined the channel
All subscribers have joined the channel
All subscribers have joined the channel
Subscriber on port veth10 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 2
Subscriber on port veth6 timed out
Subscriber on port veth0 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 2
Subscriber on port veth6 not received 0 packets
Joining channel 1 for subscriber port veth6
Subscriber on port veth4 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 2
Subscriber on port veth8 timed out
Subscriber on port veth8 not received 0 packets
Joining channel 1 for subscriber port veth8
Packet received for group, subscriber, port veth4 and from source ip showing full packet <bound method of <Ether dst=01:00:5e:00:01:01 src=02:88:b4:e4:90:77 type=0x800 |<IP version=4L ihl=5L tos=0x0 len=36 id=1 flags= frag=0L ttl=64 proto=hopopt chksum=0x95d0 src= dst= options=[] |<Raw load='368660.304092959' |>>>>
Packet received in 2924265.775 usecs for group after join
All subscribers have joined the channel
All subscribers have joined the channel
Subscriber on port veth6 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 2
Subscriber on port veth8 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 2
Subscriber on port veth0 timed out
Subscriber on port veth10 timed out
Subscriber on port veth4 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 1
Packet received for group, subscriber, port veth4 and from source ip showing full packet <bound method of <Ether dst=01:00:5e:00:01:01 src=02:88:b4:e4:90:77 type=0x800 |<IP version=4L ihl=5L tos=0x0 len=36 id=1 flags= frag=0L ttl=64 proto=hopopt chksum=0x95d1 src= dst= options=[] |<Raw load='368664.752097126' |>>>>
Subscriber on port veth4 not received 1 packets
Exception in thread Thread-3:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 810, in __bootstrap_inner
File "/root/test/src/test/voltha/../utils/", line 40, in run
File "/root/test/src/test/voltha/", line 186, in pool_cb
self.test_status = cb(self.subscriber, multiple_sub = True)
File "/root/test/src/test/voltha/", line 1093, in igmp_flow_check
subscriber.channel_receive(chan-1, cb = subscriber.recv_channel_cb, count = 1, src_list = subscriber.src_list)
File "/root/test/src/test/voltha/", line 128, in channel_receive
assert_equal(len(r), 0)
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/unittest/", line 515, in assertEqual
assertion_func(first, second, msg=msg)
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/unittest/", line 508, in _baseAssertEqual
raise self.failureException(msg)
AssertionError: 1 != 0
Subscriber on port veth6 timed out
Subscriber on port veth8 timed out
Subscriber on port veth0 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 1
Subscriber on port veth10 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 1
Packet received for group, subscriber, port veth0 and from source ip showing full packet <bound method of <Ether dst=01:00:5e:00:01:01 src=02:88:b4:e4:90:77 type=0x800 |<IP version=4L ihl=5L tos=0x0 len=36 id=1 flags= frag=0L ttl=64 proto=hopopt chksum=0x95d1 src= dst= options=[] |<Raw load='368669.368119477' |>>>>
Subscriber on port veth0 not received 1 packets
Exception in thread Thread-2:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 810, in __bootstrap_inner
File "/root/test/src/test/voltha/../utils/", line 40, in run
File "/root/test/src/test/voltha/", line 186, in pool_cb
self.test_status = cb(self.subscriber, multiple_sub = True)
File "/root/test/src/test/voltha/", line 1093, in igmp_flow_check
subscriber.channel_receive(chan-1, cb = subscriber.recv_channel_cb, count = 1, src_list = subscriber.src_list)
File "/root/test/src/test/voltha/", line 128, in channel_receive
assert_equal(len(r), 0)
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/unittest/", line 515, in assertEqual
assertion_func(first, second, msg=msg)
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/unittest/", line 508, in _baseAssertEqual
raise self.failureException(msg)
AssertionError: 1 != 0
Subscriber on port veth6 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 1
Subscriber on port veth8 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 1
Subscriber on port veth10 timed out
Subscriber on port veth10 not received 0 packets
Joining channel 2 for subscriber port veth10
All subscribers have joined the channel
Subscriber on port veth6 timed out
Subscriber on port veth6 not received 0 packets
Joining channel 2 for subscriber port veth6
Subscriber on port veth8 timed out
Subscriber on port veth8 not received 0 packets
Joining channel 2 for subscriber port veth8
Subscriber on port veth10 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 3
All subscribers have joined the channel
All subscribers have joined the channel
Subscriber on port veth6 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 3
Subscriber on port veth8 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 3
Subscriber on port veth10 timed out
Subscriber on port veth6 timed out
Subscriber on port veth8 timed out
Subscriber on port veth10 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 2
Subscriber on port veth6 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 2
Subscriber on port veth8 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 2
Subscriber on port veth10 timed out
Subscriber on port veth10 not received 0 packets
Joining channel 3 for subscriber port veth10
All subscribers have joined the channel
Subscriber on port veth6 timed out
Subscriber on port veth6 not received 0 packets
Joining channel 3 for subscriber port veth6
Subscriber on port veth8 timed out
Subscriber on port veth8 not received 0 packets
Joining channel 3 for subscriber port veth8
Subscriber on port veth10 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 4
All subscribers have joined the channel
All subscribers have joined the channel
Subscriber on port veth6 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 4
Subscriber on port veth8 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 4
Subscriber on port veth10 timed out
Subscriber on port veth6 timed out
Subscriber on port veth8 timed out
Subscriber on port veth10 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 3
Subscriber on port veth6 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 3
Subscriber on port veth8 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 3
Subscriber on port veth10 timed out
Subscriber on port veth10 not received 0 packets
Joining channel 4 for subscriber port veth10
All subscribers have joined the channel
Subscriber on port veth6 timed out
Subscriber on port veth6 not received 0 packets
Joining channel 4 for subscriber port veth6
Subscriber on port veth8 timed out
Subscriber on port veth8 not received 0 packets
Joining channel 4 for subscriber port veth8
Subscriber on port veth10 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 5
All subscribers have joined the channel
All subscribers have joined the channel
Subscriber on port veth6 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 5
Subscriber on port veth8 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 5
Subscriber on port veth10 timed out
Subscriber on port veth6 timed out
Subscriber on port veth8 timed out
Subscriber on port veth10 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 4
Subscriber on port veth6 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 4
Subscriber on port veth8 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 4
Subscriber on port veth10 timed out
Subscriber on port veth10 not received 0 packets
Joining channel 5 for subscriber port veth10
All subscribers have joined the channel
Subscriber on port veth6 timed out
Subscriber on port veth6 not received 0 packets
Joining channel 5 for subscriber port veth6
Subscriber on port veth8 timed out
Subscriber on port veth8 not received 0 packets
Joining channel 5 for subscriber port veth8
Subscriber on port veth10 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 6
All subscribers have joined the channel
All subscribers have joined the channel
Subscriber on port veth6 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 6
Subscriber on port veth8 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 6
Packet received for group, subscriber, port veth8 and from source ip showing full packet <bound method of <Ether dst=01:00:5e:00:01:01 src=02:88:b4:e4:90:77 type=0x800 |<IP version=4L ihl=5L tos=0x0 len=36 id=1 flags= frag=0L ttl=64 proto=hopopt chksum=0x95cc src= dst= options=[] |<Raw load='368740.052085483' |>>>>
Packet received in 2893571.980 usecs for group after join
Subscriber on port veth10 timed out
Subscriber on port veth6 timed out
Subscriber on port veth8 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 5
Subscriber on port veth10 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 5
Subscriber on port veth6 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 5
Subscriber on port veth8 timed out
Subscriber on port veth8 not received 0 packets
Joining channel 6 for subscriber port veth8
Subscriber on port veth10 timed out
Subscriber on port veth10 not received 0 packets
Joining channel 6 for subscriber port veth10
All subscribers have joined the channel
All subscribers have joined the channel
Subscriber on port veth6 timed out
Subscriber on port veth8 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 7
Subscriber on port veth6 not received 0 packets
Joining channel 6 for subscriber port veth6
Subscriber on port veth10 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 7
All subscribers have joined the channel
Subscriber on port veth6 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 7
Subscriber on port veth8 timed out
Subscriber on port veth10 timed out
Subscriber on port veth6 timed out
Subscriber on port veth8 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 6
Packet received for group, subscriber, port veth8 and from source ip showing full packet <bound method of <Ether dst=01:00:5e:00:01:01 src=02:88:b4:e4:90:77 type=0x800 |<IP version=4L ihl=5L tos=0x0 len=36 id=1 flags= frag=0L ttl=64 proto=hopopt chksum=0x95cc src= dst= options=[] |<Raw load='368763.352129464' |>>>>
Subscriber on port veth8 not received 1 packets
Subscriber on port veth10 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 6
Exception in thread Thread-5:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 810, in __bootstrap_inner
File "/root/test/src/test/voltha/../utils/", line 40, in run
File "/root/test/src/test/voltha/", line 186, in pool_cb
self.test_status = cb(self.subscriber, multiple_sub = True)
File "/root/test/src/test/voltha/", line 1093, in igmp_flow_check
subscriber.channel_receive(chan-1, cb = subscriber.recv_channel_cb, count = 1, src_list = subscriber.src_list)
File "/root/test/src/test/voltha/", line 128, in channel_receive
assert_equal(len(r), 0)
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/unittest/", line 515, in assertEqual
assertion_func(first, second, msg=msg)
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/unittest/", line 508, in _baseAssertEqual
raise self.failureException(msg)
AssertionError: 1 != 0
Subscriber on port veth6 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 6
Subscriber on port veth10 timed out
Subscriber on port veth10 not received 0 packets
Joining channel 7 for subscriber port veth10
All subscribers have joined the channel
Subscriber on port veth6 timed out
Subscriber on port veth6 not received 0 packets
Joining channel 7 for subscriber port veth6
Subscriber on port veth10 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 8
All subscribers have joined the channel
Subscriber on port veth6 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 8
Subscriber on port veth10 timed out
Subscriber on port veth6 timed out
Subscriber on port veth10 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 7
Subscriber on port veth6 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 7
Subscriber on port veth10 timed out
Subscriber on port veth10 not received 0 packets
Joining channel 8 for subscriber port veth10
All subscribers have joined the channel
Subscriber on port veth6 timed out
Subscriber on port veth6 not received 0 packets
Joining channel 8 for subscriber port veth6
Subscriber on port veth10 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 9
All subscribers have joined the channel
Subscriber on port veth6 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 9
Subscriber on port veth10 timed out
Subscriber on port veth6 timed out
Subscriber on port veth10 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 8
Subscriber on port veth6 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 8
Subscriber on port veth10 timed out
Subscriber on port veth10 not received 0 packets
Joining channel 9 for subscriber port veth10
All subscribers have joined the channel
Subscriber on port veth6 timed out
Subscriber on port veth6 not received 0 packets
Joining channel 9 for subscriber port veth6
Subscriber on port veth10 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 0
All subscribers have joined the channel
Subscriber on port veth6 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 0
Subscriber on port veth10 timed out
Subscriber on port veth6 timed out
Joining channel 0 for subscriber port veth10
All subscribers have joined the channel
Joining channel 0 for subscriber port veth6
Subscriber on port veth10 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 1
All subscribers have joined the channel
Subscriber on port veth6 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 1
Subscriber on port veth10 timed out
Subscriber on port veth6 timed out
Subscriber on port veth10 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 0
Subscriber on port veth6 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 0
Subscriber on port veth10 timed out
Subscriber on port veth10 not received 0 packets
Joining channel 1 for subscriber port veth10
All subscribers have joined the channel
Subscriber on port veth6 timed out
Subscriber on port veth6 not received 0 packets
Joining channel 1 for subscriber port veth6
Subscriber on port veth10 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 2
All subscribers have joined the channel
Subscriber on port veth6 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 2
Subscriber on port veth10 timed out
Subscriber on port veth6 timed out
Subscriber on port veth10 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 1
Subscriber on port veth6 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 1
Subscriber on port veth10 timed out
Subscriber on port veth10 not received 0 packets
Joining channel 2 for subscriber port veth10
All subscribers have joined the channel
Subscriber on port veth6 timed out
Subscriber on port veth6 not received 0 packets
Joining channel 2 for subscriber port veth6
Subscriber on port veth10 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 3
All subscribers have joined the channel
Subscriber on port veth6 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 3
Subscriber on port veth10 timed out
Subscriber on port veth6 timed out
Subscriber on port veth10 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 2
Subscriber on port veth6 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 2
Subscriber on port veth10 timed out
Subscriber on port veth10 not received 0 packets
Joining channel 3 for subscriber port veth10
All subscribers have joined the channel
Subscriber on port veth6 timed out
Subscriber on port veth6 not received 0 packets
Joining channel 3 for subscriber port veth6
Subscriber on port veth10 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 4
All subscribers have joined the channel
Subscriber on port veth6 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 4
Subscriber on port veth10 timed out
Subscriber on port veth6 timed out
Subscriber on port veth10 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 3
Subscriber on port veth6 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 3
Subscriber on port veth10 timed out
Subscriber on port veth10 not received 0 packets
Joining channel 4 for subscriber port veth10
All subscribers have joined the channel
Subscriber on port veth6 timed out
Subscriber on port veth6 not received 0 packets
Joining channel 4 for subscriber port veth6
Subscriber on port veth10 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 5
All subscribers have joined the channel
Subscriber on port veth6 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 5
Subscriber on port veth10 timed out
Subscriber on port veth6 timed out
Subscriber on port veth10 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 4
Subscriber on port veth6 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 4
Subscriber on port veth10 timed out
Subscriber on port veth10 not received 0 packets
Joining channel 5 for subscriber port veth10
All subscribers have joined the channel
Subscriber on port veth6 timed out
Subscriber on port veth6 not received 0 packets
Joining channel 5 for subscriber port veth6
Subscriber on port veth10 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 6
All subscribers have joined the channel
Subscriber on port veth6 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 6
Subscriber on port veth10 timed out
Subscriber on port veth6 timed out
Subscriber on port veth10 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 5
Subscriber on port veth6 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 5
Subscriber on port veth10 timed out
Subscriber on port veth10 not received 0 packets
Joining channel 6 for subscriber port veth10
All subscribers have joined the channel
Subscriber on port veth10 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 7
Subscriber on port veth6 timed out
Subscriber on port veth6 not received 0 packets
Joining channel 6 for subscriber port veth6
All subscribers have joined the channel
Subscriber on port veth6 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 7
Subscriber on port veth10 timed out
Subscriber on port veth6 timed out
Subscriber on port veth10 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 6
Subscriber on port veth6 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 6
Subscriber on port veth10 timed out
Subscriber on port veth10 not received 0 packets
Joining channel 7 for subscriber port veth10
All subscribers have joined the channel
Subscriber on port veth10 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 8
Subscriber on port veth6 timed out
Subscriber on port veth6 not received 0 packets
Joining channel 7 for subscriber port veth6
All subscribers have joined the channel
Subscriber on port veth6 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 8
Subscriber on port veth10 timed out
Subscriber on port veth6 timed out
Subscriber on port veth10 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 7
Subscriber on port veth6 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 7
Subscriber on port veth10 timed out
Subscriber on port veth10 not received 0 packets
Joining channel 8 for subscriber port veth10
All subscribers have joined the channel
Subscriber on port veth10 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 9
Subscriber on port veth6 timed out
Subscriber on port veth6 not received 0 packets
Joining channel 8 for subscriber port veth6
All subscribers have joined the channel
Subscriber on port veth6 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 9
Subscriber on port veth10 timed out
Subscriber on port veth6 timed out
Subscriber on port veth10 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 8
Subscriber on port veth6 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 8
Subscriber on port veth10 timed out
Subscriber on port veth10 not received 0 packets
Joining channel 9 for subscriber port veth10
This service is failed and other services will not run for this subscriber
This Subscriber is tested for multiple service eligibility
Subscriber on port veth6 timed out
Subscriber on port veth6 not received 0 packets
Joining channel 9 for subscriber port veth6
This service is failed and other services will not run for this subscriber
This Subscriber is tested for multiple service eligibility
Deleted subscriber for device of:0000000000000001 on port 128
Deleted subscriber for device of:0000000000000001 on port 129
Deleted subscriber for device of:0000000000000001 on port 130
Deleted subscriber for device of:0000000000000001 on port 131
Deleted subscriber for device of:0000000000000001 on port 132
Deleted subscriber for device of:0000000000000001 on port 133
Deleted subscriber for device of:0000000000000001 on port 134
Deleted subscriber for device of:0000000000000001 on port 135
Deleted subscriber for device of:0000000000000001 on port 136
Deleted subscriber for device of:0000000000000001 on port 137
Deleted subscriber for device of:0000000000000001 on port 138
Disabling device 250ca5560fe5
Deleting device 250ca5560fe5
Uninstalling OLT app
Installing back the cord igmp app /root/test/src/test/voltha/../apps/ciena-cordigmp-3.0-SNAPSHOT.oar for subscriber test on exit
FAIL: Test Method:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/root/test/src/test/voltha/", line 5332, in test_5_subscriber_with_voltha_for_igmp_with_10_group_joins_verifying_traffic
num_channels = num_channels)
File "/root/test/src/test/voltha/", line 1444, in voltha_subscribers
assert_equal(test_status, True)
AssertionError: False != True
-------------------- >> begin captured stdout << ---------------------
result.ok, result.status_code are True and 200
--------------------- >> end captured stdout << ----------------------
-------------------- >> begin captured logging << --------------------
scapy.runtime: WARNING: No route found for IPv6 destination :: (no default route?)
docker.auth.auth: DEBUG: Trying paths: ['/root/.docker/config.json', '/root/.dockercfg']
docker.auth.auth: DEBUG: No config file found
docker.auth.auth: DEBUG: Trying paths: ['/root/.docker/config.json', '/root/.dockercfg']
docker.auth.auth: DEBUG: No config file found
cordTester: INFO: Connecting to controller at
cordTester: INFO: onoscli: Trying to connect to
onoscli: INFO:
cordTester: INFO: Spawning pexpect for ip
cordTester: INFO: ssh connection asked for password, gave password
cordTester: INFO: Command 'summary -j' sent to onoscli.
cordTester: ERROR: onoscli: eof exception found
cordTester: ERROR: onoscli: logout
Connection to closed.
cordTester: INFO: Installing the multi table app /root/test/src/test/voltha/../apps/ciena-cordigmp-multitable-3.0-SNAPSHOT.oar for subscriber test
cordTester: INFO: Enabling ponsim olt
cordTester: INFO: Pre-provisioning ponsim_olt with address
cordTester: INFO: Enabling device 250ca5560fe5
cordTester: INFO: Checking operational status for device 250ca5560fe5
cordTester: INFO: Installing OLT app
cordTester: INFO: Adding subscribers through OLT app
cordTester: DEBUG: Adding group
cordTester: DEBUG: Adding group
cordTester: DEBUG: Adding group
cordTester: DEBUG: Adding group
cordTester: DEBUG: Adding group
cordTester: DEBUG: Adding group
cordTester: DEBUG: Adding group
cordTester: DEBUG: Adding group
cordTester: DEBUG: Adding group
cordTester: DEBUG: Adding group
cordTester: DEBUG: Adding group
cordTester: DEBUG: Adding group
cordTester: DEBUG: Adding group
cordTester: DEBUG: Adding group
cordTester: DEBUG: Adding group
cordTester: DEBUG: Adding group
cordTester: DEBUG: Adding group
cordTester: DEBUG: Adding group
cordTester: DEBUG: Adding group
cordTester: DEBUG: Adding group
cordTester: DEBUG: Adding group
cordTester: DEBUG: Adding group
cordTester: DEBUG: Adding group
cordTester: DEBUG: Adding group
cordTester: DEBUG: Adding group
cordTester: DEBUG: Adding group
cordTester: DEBUG: Adding group
cordTester: DEBUG: Adding group
cordTester: DEBUG: Adding group
cordTester: DEBUG: Adding group
cordTester: DEBUG: Adding group
cordTester: DEBUG: Adding group
cordTester: DEBUG: Adding group
cordTester: DEBUG: Adding group
cordTester: DEBUG: Adding group
cordTester: DEBUG: Adding group
cordTester: DEBUG: Adding group
cordTester: DEBUG: Adding group
cordTester: DEBUG: Adding group
cordTester: DEBUG: Adding group
cordTester: DEBUG: Adding group
cordTester: DEBUG: Adding group
cordTester: DEBUG: Adding group
cordTester: DEBUG: Adding group
cordTester: DEBUG: Adding group
cordTester: DEBUG: Adding group
cordTester: DEBUG: Adding group
cordTester: DEBUG: Adding group
cordTester: DEBUG: Adding group
cordTester: DEBUG: Adding group
cordTester: INFO: All subscribers have joined the channel
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth10 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 0
cordTester: INFO: All subscribers have joined the channel
cordTester: INFO: All subscribers have joined the channel
cordTester: INFO: All subscribers have joined the channel
cordTester: INFO: All subscribers have joined the channel
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth0 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 0
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth4 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 0
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth6 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 0
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth8 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 0
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth10 timed out
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth0 timed out
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth6 timed out
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth4 timed out
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth8 timed out
cordTester: INFO: Joining channel 0 for subscriber port veth10
cordTester: INFO: All subscribers have joined the channel
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth10 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 1
cordTester: INFO: Joining channel 0 for subscriber port veth0
cordTester: INFO: Joining channel 0 for subscriber port veth4
cordTester: INFO: Joining channel 0 for subscriber port veth6
cordTester: INFO: Joining channel 0 for subscriber port veth8
cordTester: INFO: All subscribers have joined the channel
cordTester: INFO: All subscribers have joined the channel
cordTester: INFO: All subscribers have joined the channel
cordTester: INFO: All subscribers have joined the channel
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth0 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 1
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth6 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 1
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth8 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 1
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth4 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 1
cordTester: INFO: Packet received for group, subscriber, port veth0 and from source ip showing full packet <bound method of <Ether dst=01:00:5e:00:01:01 src=02:88:b4:e4:90:77 type=0x800 |<IP version=4L ihl=5L tos=0x0 len=36 id=1 flags= frag=0L ttl=64 proto=hopopt chksum=0x95d1 src= dst= options=[] |<Raw load='368644.708114096' |>>>>
cordTester: DEBUG: Packet received in 2800560.029 usecs for group after join
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth10 timed out
cordTester: INFO: Packet received for group, subscriber, port veth4 and from source ip showing full packet <bound method of <Ether dst=01:00:5e:00:01:01 src=02:88:b4:e4:90:77 type=0x800 |<IP version=4L ihl=5L tos=0x0 len=36 id=1 flags= frag=0L ttl=64 proto=hopopt chksum=0x95d1 src= dst= options=[] |<Raw load='368645.212110908' |>>>>
cordTester: DEBUG: Packet received in 2984200.667 usecs for group after join
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth6 timed out
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth8 timed out
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth10 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 0
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth0 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 0
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth4 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 0
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth6 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 0
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth8 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 0
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth0 timed out
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth0 not received 0 packets
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth10 timed out
cordTester: INFO: Joining channel 1 for subscriber port veth0
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth10 not received 0 packets
cordTester: INFO: Joining channel 1 for subscriber port veth10
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth4 timed out
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth4 not received 0 packets
cordTester: INFO: Joining channel 1 for subscriber port veth4
cordTester: INFO: All subscribers have joined the channel
cordTester: INFO: All subscribers have joined the channel
cordTester: INFO: All subscribers have joined the channel
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth10 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 2
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth6 timed out
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth0 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 2
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth6 not received 0 packets
cordTester: INFO: Joining channel 1 for subscriber port veth6
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth4 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 2
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth8 timed out
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth8 not received 0 packets
cordTester: INFO: Joining channel 1 for subscriber port veth8
cordTester: INFO: Packet received for group, subscriber, port veth4 and from source ip showing full packet <bound method of <Ether dst=01:00:5e:00:01:01 src=02:88:b4:e4:90:77 type=0x800 |<IP version=4L ihl=5L tos=0x0 len=36 id=1 flags= frag=0L ttl=64 proto=hopopt chksum=0x95d0 src= dst= options=[] |<Raw load='368660.304092959' |>>>>
cordTester: DEBUG: Packet received in 2924265.775 usecs for group after join
cordTester: INFO: All subscribers have joined the channel
cordTester: INFO: All subscribers have joined the channel
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth6 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 2
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth8 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 2
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth0 timed out
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth4 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 1
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth10 timed out
cordTester: INFO: Packet received for group, subscriber, port veth4 and from source ip showing full packet <bound method of <Ether dst=01:00:5e:00:01:01 src=02:88:b4:e4:90:77 type=0x800 |<IP version=4L ihl=5L tos=0x0 len=36 id=1 flags= frag=0L ttl=64 proto=hopopt chksum=0x95d1 src= dst= options=[] |<Raw load='368664.752097126' |>>>>
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth4 not received 1 packets
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth6 timed out
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth8 timed out
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth0 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 1
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth10 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 1
cordTester: INFO: Packet received for group, subscriber, port veth0 and from source ip showing full packet <bound method of <Ether dst=01:00:5e:00:01:01 src=02:88:b4:e4:90:77 type=0x800 |<IP version=4L ihl=5L tos=0x0 len=36 id=1 flags= frag=0L ttl=64 proto=hopopt chksum=0x95d1 src= dst= options=[] |<Raw load='368669.368119477' |>>>>
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth0 not received 1 packets
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth6 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 1
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth8 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 1
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth10 timed out
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth10 not received 0 packets
cordTester: INFO: Joining channel 2 for subscriber port veth10
cordTester: INFO: All subscribers have joined the channel
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth6 timed out
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth6 not received 0 packets
cordTester: INFO: Joining channel 2 for subscriber port veth6
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth8 timed out
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth8 not received 0 packets
cordTester: INFO: Joining channel 2 for subscriber port veth8
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth10 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 3
cordTester: INFO: All subscribers have joined the channel
cordTester: INFO: All subscribers have joined the channel
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth6 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 3
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth8 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 3
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth10 timed out
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth6 timed out
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth8 timed out
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth10 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 2
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth6 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 2
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth8 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 2
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth10 timed out
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth10 not received 0 packets
cordTester: INFO: Joining channel 3 for subscriber port veth10
cordTester: INFO: All subscribers have joined the channel
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth6 timed out
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth6 not received 0 packets
cordTester: INFO: Joining channel 3 for subscriber port veth6
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth8 timed out
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth8 not received 0 packets
cordTester: INFO: Joining channel 3 for subscriber port veth8
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth10 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 4
cordTester: INFO: All subscribers have joined the channel
cordTester: INFO: All subscribers have joined the channel
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth6 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 4
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth8 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 4
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth10 timed out
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth6 timed out
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth8 timed out
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth10 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 3
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth6 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 3
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth8 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 3
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth10 timed out
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth10 not received 0 packets
cordTester: INFO: Joining channel 4 for subscriber port veth10
cordTester: INFO: All subscribers have joined the channel
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth6 timed out
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth6 not received 0 packets
cordTester: INFO: Joining channel 4 for subscriber port veth6
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth8 timed out
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth8 not received 0 packets
cordTester: INFO: Joining channel 4 for subscriber port veth8
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth10 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 5
cordTester: INFO: All subscribers have joined the channel
cordTester: INFO: All subscribers have joined the channel
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth6 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 5
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth8 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 5
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth10 timed out
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth6 timed out
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth8 timed out
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth10 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 4
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth6 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 4
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth8 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 4
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth10 timed out
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth10 not received 0 packets
cordTester: INFO: Joining channel 5 for subscriber port veth10
cordTester: INFO: All subscribers have joined the channel
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth6 timed out
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth6 not received 0 packets
cordTester: INFO: Joining channel 5 for subscriber port veth6
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth8 timed out
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth8 not received 0 packets
cordTester: INFO: Joining channel 5 for subscriber port veth8
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth10 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 6
cordTester: INFO: All subscribers have joined the channel
cordTester: INFO: All subscribers have joined the channel
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth6 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 6
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth8 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 6
cordTester: INFO: Packet received for group, subscriber, port veth8 and from source ip showing full packet <bound method of <Ether dst=01:00:5e:00:01:01 src=02:88:b4:e4:90:77 type=0x800 |<IP version=4L ihl=5L tos=0x0 len=36 id=1 flags= frag=0L ttl=64 proto=hopopt chksum=0x95cc src= dst= options=[] |<Raw load='368740.052085483' |>>>>
cordTester: DEBUG: Packet received in 2893571.980 usecs for group after join
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth10 timed out
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth6 timed out
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth8 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 5
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth10 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 5
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth6 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 5
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth8 timed out
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth8 not received 0 packets
cordTester: INFO: Joining channel 6 for subscriber port veth8
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth10 timed out
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth10 not received 0 packets
cordTester: INFO: Joining channel 6 for subscriber port veth10
cordTester: INFO: All subscribers have joined the channel
cordTester: INFO: All subscribers have joined the channel
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth6 timed out
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth8 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 7
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth6 not received 0 packets
cordTester: INFO: Joining channel 6 for subscriber port veth6
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth10 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 7
cordTester: INFO: All subscribers have joined the channel
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth6 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 7
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth8 timed out
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth10 timed out
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth6 timed out
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth8 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 6
cordTester: INFO: Packet received for group, subscriber, port veth8 and from source ip showing full packet <bound method of <Ether dst=01:00:5e:00:01:01 src=02:88:b4:e4:90:77 type=0x800 |<IP version=4L ihl=5L tos=0x0 len=36 id=1 flags= frag=0L ttl=64 proto=hopopt chksum=0x95cc src= dst= options=[] |<Raw load='368763.352129464' |>>>>
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth8 not received 1 packets
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth10 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 6
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth6 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 6
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth10 timed out
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth10 not received 0 packets
cordTester: INFO: Joining channel 7 for subscriber port veth10
cordTester: INFO: All subscribers have joined the channel
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth6 timed out
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth6 not received 0 packets
cordTester: INFO: Joining channel 7 for subscriber port veth6
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth10 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 8
cordTester: INFO: All subscribers have joined the channel
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth6 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 8
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth10 timed out
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth6 timed out
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth10 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 7
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth6 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 7
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth10 timed out
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth10 not received 0 packets
cordTester: INFO: Joining channel 8 for subscriber port veth10
cordTester: INFO: All subscribers have joined the channel
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth6 timed out
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth6 not received 0 packets
cordTester: INFO: Joining channel 8 for subscriber port veth6
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth10 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 9
cordTester: INFO: All subscribers have joined the channel
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth6 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 9
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth10 timed out
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth6 timed out
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth10 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 8
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth6 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 8
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth10 timed out
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth10 not received 0 packets
cordTester: INFO: Joining channel 9 for subscriber port veth10
cordTester: INFO: All subscribers have joined the channel
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth6 timed out
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth6 not received 0 packets
cordTester: INFO: Joining channel 9 for subscriber port veth6
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth10 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 0
cordTester: INFO: All subscribers have joined the channel
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth6 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 0
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth10 timed out
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth6 timed out
cordTester: INFO: Joining channel 0 for subscriber port veth10
cordTester: INFO: All subscribers have joined the channel
cordTester: INFO: Joining channel 0 for subscriber port veth6
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth10 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 1
cordTester: INFO: All subscribers have joined the channel
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth6 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 1
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth10 timed out
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth6 timed out
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth10 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 0
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth6 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 0
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth10 timed out
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth10 not received 0 packets
cordTester: INFO: Joining channel 1 for subscriber port veth10
cordTester: INFO: All subscribers have joined the channel
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth6 timed out
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth6 not received 0 packets
cordTester: INFO: Joining channel 1 for subscriber port veth6
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth10 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 2
cordTester: INFO: All subscribers have joined the channel
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth6 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 2
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth10 timed out
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth6 timed out
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth10 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 1
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth6 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 1
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth10 timed out
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth10 not received 0 packets
cordTester: INFO: Joining channel 2 for subscriber port veth10
cordTester: INFO: All subscribers have joined the channel
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth6 timed out
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth6 not received 0 packets
cordTester: INFO: Joining channel 2 for subscriber port veth6
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth10 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 3
cordTester: INFO: All subscribers have joined the channel
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth6 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 3
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth10 timed out
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth6 timed out
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth10 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 2
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth6 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 2
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth10 timed out
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth10 not received 0 packets
cordTester: INFO: Joining channel 3 for subscriber port veth10
cordTester: INFO: All subscribers have joined the channel
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth6 timed out
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth6 not received 0 packets
cordTester: INFO: Joining channel 3 for subscriber port veth6
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth10 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 4
cordTester: INFO: All subscribers have joined the channel
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth6 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 4
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth10 timed out
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth6 timed out
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth10 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 3
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth6 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 3
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth10 timed out
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth10 not received 0 packets
cordTester: INFO: Joining channel 4 for subscriber port veth10
cordTester: INFO: All subscribers have joined the channel
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth6 timed out
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth6 not received 0 packets
cordTester: INFO: Joining channel 4 for subscriber port veth6
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth10 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 5
cordTester: INFO: All subscribers have joined the channel
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth6 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 5
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth10 timed out
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth6 timed out
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth10 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 4
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth6 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 4
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth10 timed out
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth10 not received 0 packets
cordTester: INFO: Joining channel 5 for subscriber port veth10
cordTester: INFO: All subscribers have joined the channel
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth6 timed out
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth6 not received 0 packets
cordTester: INFO: Joining channel 5 for subscriber port veth6
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth10 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 6
cordTester: INFO: All subscribers have joined the channel
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth6 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 6
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth10 timed out
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth6 timed out
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth10 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 5
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth6 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 5
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth10 timed out
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth10 not received 0 packets
cordTester: INFO: Joining channel 6 for subscriber port veth10
cordTester: INFO: All subscribers have joined the channel
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth10 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 7
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth6 timed out
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth6 not received 0 packets
cordTester: INFO: Joining channel 6 for subscriber port veth6
cordTester: INFO: All subscribers have joined the channel
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth6 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 7
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth10 timed out
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth6 timed out
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth10 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 6
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth6 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 6
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth10 timed out
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth10 not received 0 packets
cordTester: INFO: Joining channel 7 for subscriber port veth10
cordTester: INFO: All subscribers have joined the channel
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth10 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 8
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth6 timed out
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth6 not received 0 packets
cordTester: INFO: Joining channel 7 for subscriber port veth6
cordTester: INFO: All subscribers have joined the channel
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth6 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 8
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth10 timed out
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth6 timed out
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth10 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 7
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth6 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 7
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth10 timed out
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth10 not received 0 packets
cordTester: INFO: Joining channel 8 for subscriber port veth10
cordTester: INFO: All subscribers have joined the channel
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth10 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 9
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth6 timed out
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth6 not received 0 packets
cordTester: INFO: Joining channel 8 for subscriber port veth6
cordTester: INFO: All subscribers have joined the channel
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth6 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 9
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth10 timed out
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth6 timed out
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth10 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 8
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth6 checking data traffic receiving from group, channel 8
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth10 timed out
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth10 not received 0 packets
cordTester: INFO: Joining channel 9 for subscriber port veth10
cordTester: INFO: This service is failed and other services will not run for this subscriber
cordTester: INFO: This Subscriber is tested for multiple service eligibility
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth6 timed out
cordTester: INFO: Subscriber on port veth6 not received 0 packets
cordTester: INFO: Joining channel 9 for subscriber port veth6
cordTester: INFO: This service is failed and other services will not run for this subscriber
cordTester: INFO: This Subscriber is tested for multiple service eligibility
cordTester: INFO: Deleted subscriber for device of:0000000000000001 on port 128
cordTester: INFO: Deleted subscriber for device of:0000000000000001 on port 129
cordTester: INFO: Deleted subscriber for device of:0000000000000001 on port 130
cordTester: INFO: Deleted subscriber for device of:0000000000000001 on port 131
cordTester: INFO: Deleted subscriber for device of:0000000000000001 on port 132
cordTester: INFO: Deleted subscriber for device of:0000000000000001 on port 133
cordTester: INFO: Deleted subscriber for device of:0000000000000001 on port 134
cordTester: INFO: Deleted subscriber for device of:0000000000000001 on port 135
cordTester: INFO: Deleted subscriber for device of:0000000000000001 on port 136
cordTester: INFO: Deleted subscriber for device of:0000000000000001 on port 137
cordTester: INFO: Deleted subscriber for device of:0000000000000001 on port 138
cordTester: INFO: Disabling device 250ca5560fe5
cordTester: INFO: Deleting device 250ca5560fe5
cordTester: INFO: Uninstalling OLT app
--------------------- >> end captured logging << ---------------------
Ran 1 test in 493.518s
FAILED (failures=1)
Test Failure
Done running tests
Removing test container cord-tester1