blob: e5b7a2ec3b54930ad2b6a4730bf8da5115b26be9 [file] [log] [blame]
*** Settings ***
Documentation Library to check the status in ONU List
Library Collections
Library String
Library OperatingSystem
Library XML
Library RequestsLibrary
Library utils/
*** Keywords ***
ONU Status Check
[Arguments] ${onu_device}
[Documentation] Returns "operational_status" and "admin_status" of a particular ONU device from "onu device list"
${json_result}= restApi.ApiGet ONU_DEVICE
Log ${json_result}
${json_result_list}= Get From dictionary ${json_result} items
${getJsonDict}= utils.getDictFromListOfDict ${json_result_list} serial_number ${onu_device}
${operational_status}= Get From Dictionary ${getJsonDict} oper_status
${admin_status}= Get From Dictionary ${getJsonDict} admin_state
[Return] ${operational_status} ${admin_status}
Create ONU Device
[Arguments] ${device_list} ${list_index}
[Documentation] Sends a POST to create an att whitelist in XOS
${dlist} = Get Variable Value ${device_list}
${onu_dictionary}= utils.listToDict ${dlist} ${list_index}
${api_result}= restApi.ApiPost ONU_DEVICE ${onu_dictionary}
Should Be True ${api_result}
Delete ONU Device
[Arguments] ${id}
[Documentation] Sends a DELETE to delete an onu device in XOS
${api_result}= restApi.ApiChameleonDelete ONU_DEVICE ${id}
Should Be True ${api_result}