| import os |
| import sys |
| import unittest |
| import time |
| import json |
| import requests |
| import threading |
| from random import randint |
| from threading import Timer |
| from nose.tools import * |
| from nose.twistedtools import reactor, deferred |
| from twisted.internet import defer |
| from CordTestConfig import setup_module |
| from CordTestUtils import log_test |
| from VolthaCtrl import VolthaCtrl |
| from CordTestUtils import log_test, get_controller |
| from portmaps import g_subscriber_port_map |
| from OltConfig import * |
| from EapTLS import TLSAuthTest |
| from OnosCtrl import OnosCtrl |
| from CordLogger import CordLogger |
| from scapy.all import * |
| from scapy_ssl_tls.ssl_tls import * |
| from scapy_ssl_tls.ssl_tls_crypto import * |
| from CordTestServer import cord_test_onos_restart, cord_test_shell, cord_test_radius_restart |
| from CordContainer import Onos |
| |
| class voltha_exchange(unittest.TestCase): |
| |
| OLT_TYPE = 'tibit_olt' |
| OLT_MAC = '00:0c:e2:31:12:00' |
| VOLTHA_HOST = 'localhost' |
| voltha = None |
| success = True |
| apps = ('org.opencord.aaa', 'org.onosproject.dhcp') |
| olt_apps = () #'org.opencord.cordmcast') |
| vtn_app = 'org.opencord.vtn' |
| table_app = 'org.ciena.cordigmp' |
| test_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) |
| table_app_file = os.path.join(test_path, '..', 'apps/ciena-cordigmp-multitable-2.0-SNAPSHOT.oar') |
| app_file = os.path.join(test_path, '..', 'apps/ciena-cordigmp-2.0-SNAPSHOT.oar') |
| olt_app_file = os.path.join(test_path, '..', 'apps/olt-app-1.2-SNAPSHOT.oar') |
| olt_app_name = 'org.onosproject.olt' |
| #onos_config_path = os.path.join(test_path, '..', 'setup/onos-config') |
| olt_conf_file = os.getenv('OLT_CONFIG_FILE', os.path.join(test_path, '..', 'setup/olt_config.json')) |
| onos_restartable = bool(int(os.getenv('ONOS_RESTART', 0))) |
| INTF_TX_DEFAULT = 'veth2' |
| INTF_RX_DEFAULT = 'veth0' |
| INTF_2_RX_DEFAULT = 'veth6' |
| VOLTHA_UPLINK_VLAN_MAP = { 'of:0000000000000001' : '222' } |
| VOLTHA_ONU_UNI_PORT = 'veth0' |
| |
| IEluYy4xHjAcBgkqhkiG9w0BCQEWD2FkbWluQGNpZW5hLmNvbTEmMCQGA1UEAxMd |
| hvcNAQkBFg51c2VyQGNpZW5hLmNvbTCBnzANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOBjQAwgYkC |
| gYEAwvXiSzb9LZ6c7uNziUfKvoHO7wu/uiFC5YUpXbmVGuGZizbVrny0xnR85Dfe |
| +9R4diansfDhIhzOUl1XjN3YDeSS9OeF5YWNNE8XDhlz2d3rVzaN6hIhdotBkUjg |
| rUewjTg5OFR31QEyG3v8xR3CLgiE9xQELjZbSA07pD79zuUCAwEAAaNPME0wEwYD |
| VR0lBAwwCgYIKwYBBQUHAwIwNgYDVR0fBC8wLTAroCmgJ4YlaHR0cDovL3d3dy5l |
| eGFtcGxlLmNvbS9leGFtcGxlX2NhLmNybDANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQUFAAOBgQDAjkrY |
| 6tDChmKbvr8w6Du/t8vHjTCoCIocHTN0qzWOeb1YsAGX89+TrWIuO1dFyYd+Z0KC |
| PDKB5j/ygml9Na+AklSYAVJIjvlzXKZrOaPmhZqDufi+rXWti/utVqY4VMW2+HKC |
| nXp37qWeuFLGyR1519Y1d6F/5XzqmvbwURuEug== |
| -----END CERTIFICATE-----""" |
| |
| IEluYy4xHjAcBgkqhkiG9w0BCQEWD2FkbWluQGNpZW5hLmNvbTEmMCQGA1UEAxMd |
| 5An0zEDMNzi51q7lnrYg1XyiE4S8FzMGAFr94RlGMQJUbRD9V/oqszMX4k++iAOK |
| tIA1gr3x7Zi+0tkjVSVzXTmgNnhChAamdMsjYUG5+CY9WAicXyy+VEV3zTphZZDR |
| OjcjEp4m/TSXVPYPgYDXI40YZKX5BdvqykWtT/tIgZb48RS1NPyN/XkCYzl3bv21 |
| qx7Mc0fcEbsJBIIRYTUkfxnsilcnmLxSYO+p+DZ9uBLBzcQt+4Rd5pLSfi21WM39 |
| 2Z2oOi3vs/OYAPAqgmi2JWOv3mePa/8CAwEAAaNPME0wEwYDVR0lBAwwCgYIKwYB |
| BQUHAwIwNgYDVR0fBC8wLTAroCmgJ4YlaHR0cDovL3d3dy5leGFtcGxlLmNvbS9l |
| MjOkyldAVhXWiQsTjaGQGJUUe1cmUJyZbUZEc13MygXMPOM4x7z6VpXGuq1c/Vxn |
| VzQ2fNnbJcIAHi/7G8W5/SQfPesIVDsHTEc4ZspPi5jlS/MVX3HOC+BDbOjdbwqP |
| RX0JEr+uOyhjO+lRxG8ilMRACoBUbw1eDuVDoEBgErSUC44pq5ioDw2xelc+Y6hQ |
| dmtYwfY0DbvwxHtA495frLyPcastDiT/zre7NL51MyUDPjjYjghNQEwvu66IKbQ3 |
| T1tJBrgI7/WI+dqhKBFolKGKTDWIHsZXQvZ1snGu/FRYzg1l+R/jT8cRB9BDwhUt |
| yg== |
| -----END CERTIFICATE-----''' |
| |
| @classmethod |
| def update_apps_version(cls): |
| version = Onos.getVersion() |
| major = int(version.split('.')[0]) |
| minor = int(version.split('.')[1]) |
| cordigmp_app_version = '2.0-SNAPSHOT' |
| olt_app_version = '1.2-SNAPSHOT' |
| if major > 1: |
| cordigmp_app_version = '3.0-SNAPSHOT' |
| olt_app_version = '2.0-SNAPSHOT' |
| elif major == 1: |
| if minor > 10: |
| cordigmp_app_version = '3.0-SNAPSHOT' |
| olt_app_version = '2.0-SNAPSHOT' |
| elif minor <= 8: |
| olt_app_version = '1.1-SNAPSHOT' |
| cls.app_file = os.path.join(cls.test_path, '..', 'apps/ciena-cordigmp-{}.oar'.format(cordigmp_app_version)) |
| cls.table_app_file = os.path.join(cls.test_path, '..', 'apps/ciena-cordigmp-multitable-{}.oar'.format(cordigmp_app_version)) |
| cls.olt_app_file = os.path.join(cls.test_path, '..', 'apps/olt-app-{}.oar'.format(olt_app_version)) |
| |
| @classmethod |
| def onos_load_config(cls, app, config): |
| status, code = OnosCtrl.config(config) |
| if status is False: |
| log_test.info('JSON config request for app %s returned status %d' %(app, code)) |
| assert_equal(status, True) |
| time.sleep(2) |
| |
| @classmethod |
| def onos_aaa_load(cls): |
| aaa_dict = {'apps' : { 'org.opencord.aaa' : { 'AAA' : { 'radiusSecret': 'radius_password', |
| 'radiusIp': '' } } } } |
| radius_ip = os.getenv('ONOS_AAA_IP') or '' |
| aaa_dict['apps']['org.opencord.aaa']['AAA']['radiusIp'] = radius_ip |
| cls.onos_load_config('org.opencord.aaa', aaa_dict) |
| |
| @classmethod |
| def setUpClass(cls): |
| cls.update_apps_version() |
| cls.voltha = VolthaCtrl(cls.VOLTHA_HOST, rest_port = cls.VOLTHA_REST_PORT) |
| cls.install_app_table() |
| cls.olt = OltConfig(olt_conf_file = cls.olt_conf_file) |
| cls.port_map, cls.port_list = cls.olt.olt_port_map() |
| cls.switches = cls.port_map['switches'] |
| cls.num_ports = cls.port_map['num_ports'] |
| if cls.num_ports > 1: |
| cls.num_ports -= 1 ##account for the tx port |
| cls.activate_apps(cls.apps + cls.olt_apps) |
| cls.onos_aaa_load() |
| |
| @classmethod |
| def tearDownClass(cls): |
| '''Deactivate the olt apps and restart OVS back''' |
| apps = cls.olt_apps + ( cls.table_app,) |
| for app in apps: |
| onos_ctrl = OnosCtrl(app) |
| onos_ctrl.deactivate() |
| cls.install_app_igmp() |
| |
| @classmethod |
| def install_app_igmp(cls): |
| ##Uninstall the table app on class exit |
| OnosCtrl.uninstall_app(cls.table_app) |
| time.sleep(2) |
| log_test.info('Installing back the cord igmp app %s for subscriber test on exit' %(cls.app_file)) |
| OnosCtrl.install_app(cls.app_file) |
| |
| def remove_olt(self, switch_map): |
| controller = get_controller() |
| auth = ('karaf', 'karaf') |
| #remove subscriber for every port on all the voltha devices |
| for device, device_map in switch_map.iteritems(): |
| uni_ports = device_map['ports'] |
| uplink_vlan = device_map['uplink_vlan'] |
| for port in uni_ports: |
| rest_url = 'http://{}:8181/onos/olt/oltapp/{}/{}'.format(controller, |
| device, |
| port) |
| resp = requests.delete(rest_url, auth = auth) |
| if resp.status_code not in [204, 202, 200]: |
| log_test.error('Error deleting subscriber for device %s on port %s' %(device, port)) |
| else: |
| log_test.info('Deleted subscriber for device %s on port %s' %(device, port)) |
| OnosCtrl.uninstall_app(self.olt_app_file) |
| |
| def config_olt(self, switch_map): |
| controller = get_controller() |
| auth = ('karaf', 'karaf') |
| #configure subscriber for every port on all the voltha devices |
| for device, device_map in switch_map.iteritems(): |
| uni_ports = device_map['ports'] |
| uplink_vlan = device_map['uplink_vlan'] |
| for port in uni_ports: |
| vlan = port |
| rest_url = 'http://{}:8181/onos/olt/oltapp/{}/{}/{}'.format(controller, |
| device, |
| port, |
| vlan) |
| resp = requests.post(rest_url, auth = auth) |
| #assert_equal(resp.ok, True) |
| |
| def voltha_uni_port_toggle(self, uni_port = None): |
| ## Admin state of port is down and up |
| if not uni_port: |
| uni_port = self.INTF_RX_DEFAULT |
| cmd = 'ifconfig {} down'.format(uni_port) |
| os.system(cmd) |
| log_test.info('Admin state of uni_port is down') |
| time.sleep(30) |
| cmd = 'ifconfig {} up'.format(uni_port) |
| os.system(cmd) |
| log_test.info('Admin state of uni_port is up now') |
| time.sleep(30) |
| return |
| |
| |
| @classmethod |
| def install_app_table(cls): |
| ##Uninstall the existing app if any |
| OnosCtrl.uninstall_app(cls.table_app) |
| time.sleep(2) |
| log_test.info('Installing the multi table app %s for subscriber test' %(cls.table_app_file)) |
| OnosCtrl.install_app(cls.table_app_file) |
| time.sleep(3) |
| |
| @classmethod |
| def activate_apps(cls, apps): |
| for app in apps: |
| onos_ctrl = OnosCtrl(app) |
| status, _ = onos_ctrl.activate() |
| assert_equal(status, True) |
| time.sleep(2) |
| |
| def tls_flow_check(self, olt_uni_port, cert_info = None): |
| def tls_fail_cb(): |
| log_test.info('TLS verification failed') |
| if cert_info is None: |
| tls = TLSAuthTest(fail_cb = tls_fail_cb, intf = olt_uni_port) |
| log_test.info('Running subscriber %s tls auth test with valid TLS certificate' %olt_uni_port) |
| tls.runTest() |
| if tls.failTest is True: |
| self.success = False |
| assert_equal(tls.failTest, False) |
| if cert_info == "no_cert": |
| tls = TLSAuthTest(fail_cb = tls_fail_cb, intf = olt_uni_port, client_cert = '') |
| log_test.info('Running subscriber %s tls auth test with no TLS certificate' %olt_uni_port) |
| tls.runTest() |
| if tls.failTest is False: |
| self.success = False |
| assert_equal(tls.failTest, True) |
| if cert_info == "invalid_cert": |
| tls = TLSAuthTest(fail_cb = tls_fail_cb, intf = olt_uni_port, client_cert = self.CLIENT_CERT_INVALID) |
| log_test.info('Running subscriber %s tls auth test with invalid TLS certificate' %olt_uni_port) |
| tls.runTest() |
| if tls.failTest is False: |
| self.success = False |
| assert_equal(tls.failTest, True) |
| if cert_info == "same_cert": |
| tls = TLSAuthTest(fail_cb = tls_fail_cb, intf = olt_uni_port) |
| log_test.info('Running subscriber %s tls auth test with invalid TLS certificate' %olt_uni_port) |
| tls.runTest() |
| if tls.failTest is False: |
| self.success = False |
| assert_equal(tls.failTest, True) |
| if cert_info == "app_deactivate" or cert_info == "restart_radius" or cert_info == "disable_olt_device" or \ |
| cert_info == "uni_port_admin_down" or cert_info == "restart_olt_device" or cert_info == "restart_onu_device": |
| tls = TLSAuthTest(fail_cb = tls_fail_cb, intf = olt_uni_port, client_cert = self.CLIENT_CERT_INVALID) |
| log_test.info('Running subscriber %s tls auth test with %s' %(olt_uni_port,cert_info)) |
| tls.runTest() |
| if tls.failTest is False: |
| self.success = False |
| assert_equal(tls.failTest, True) |
| self.test_status = True |
| return self.test_status |
| |
| def test_olt_enable_disable(self): |
| log_test.info('Enabling OLT type %s, MAC %s' %(self.OLT_TYPE, self.OLT_MAC)) |
| device_id, status = self.voltha.enable_device(self.OLT_TYPE, self.OLT_MAC) |
| assert_not_equal(device_id, None) |
| try: |
| assert_equal(status, True) |
| time.sleep(10) |
| finally: |
| self.voltha.disable_device(device_id, delete = True) |
| |
| def test_ponsim_enable_disable(self): |
| log_test.info('Enabling ponsim_olt') |
| ponsim_address = '{}:50060'.format(self.VOLTHA_HOST) |
| device_id, status = self.voltha.enable_device('ponsim_olt', address = ponsim_address) |
| assert_not_equal(device_id, None) |
| try: |
| assert_equal(status, True) |
| time.sleep(10) |
| finally: |
| self.voltha.disable_device(device_id, delete = True) |
| |
| def test_subscriber_with_voltha_for_eap_tls_authentication(self): |
| """ |
| Test Method: |
| 0. Make sure that voltha is up and running on CORD-POD setup. |
| 1. OLT and ONU is detected and validated. |
| 2. Bring up freeradius server container using CORD TESTER and make sure that ONOS have connectivity to freeradius server. |
| 3. Issue auth request packets from CORD TESTER voltha test module acting as a subscriber.. |
| 4. Validate that eap tls valid auth packets are being exchanged between subscriber, onos and freeradius. |
| 5. Verify that subscriber is authenticated successfully. |
| """ |
| log_test.info('Enabling ponsim_olt') |
| ponsim_address = '{}:50060'.format(self.VOLTHA_HOST) |
| device_id, status = self.voltha.enable_device('ponsim_olt', address = ponsim_address) |
| assert_not_equal(device_id, None) |
| if status == False: |
| self.voltha.disable_device(device_id, delete = True) |
| assert_equal(status, True) |
| time.sleep(10) |
| switch_map = None |
| olt_configured = False |
| voltha = VolthaCtrl(self.VOLTHA_HOST, |
| rest_port = self.VOLTHA_REST_PORT, |
| uplink_vlan_map = self.VOLTHA_UPLINK_VLAN_MAP) |
| try: |
| switch_map = voltha.config(fake = self.VOLTHA_CONFIG_FAKE) |
| if not switch_map: |
| log_test.info('No voltha devices found') |
| return |
| log_test.info('Installing OLT app') |
| OnosCtrl.install_app(self.olt_app_file) |
| time.sleep(5) |
| log_test.info('Adding subscribers through OLT app') |
| self.config_olt(switch_map) |
| olt_configured = True |
| time.sleep(5) |
| auth_status = self.tls_flow_check(self.INTF_RX_DEFAULT) |
| assert_equal(auth_status, True) |
| finally: |
| if switch_map is not None: |
| if olt_configured is True: |
| self.remove_olt(switch_map) |
| self.voltha.disable_device(device_id, delete = True) |
| time.sleep(10) |
| OnosCtrl.uninstall_app(self.olt_app_name) |
| |
| @deferred(TESTCASE_TIMEOUT) |
| def test_subscriber_with_voltha_for_eap_tls_authentication_failure(self): |
| """ |
| Test Method: |
| 0. Make sure that voltha is up and running on CORD-POD setup. |
| 1. OLT and ONU is detected and validated. |
| 2. Bring up freeradius server container using CORD TESTER and make sure that ONOS have connectivity to freeradius server. |
| 3. Issue tls auth packets from CORD TESTER voltha test module acting as a subscriber.. |
| 4. Validate that eap tls without cert auth packet is being exchanged between subscriber, onos and freeradius. |
| 5. Verify that subscriber authentication is unsuccessful.. |
| """ |
| df = defer.Deferred() |
| def tls_flow_check_with_no_cert_scenario(df): |
| log_test.info('Enabling ponsim_olt') |
| ponsim_address = '{}:50060'.format(self.VOLTHA_HOST) |
| device_id, status = self.voltha.enable_device('ponsim_olt', address = ponsim_address) |
| assert_not_equal(device_id, None) |
| voltha = VolthaCtrl(self.VOLTHA_HOST, |
| rest_port = self.VOLTHA_REST_PORT, |
| uplink_vlan_map = self.VOLTHA_UPLINK_VLAN_MAP) |
| time.sleep(10) |
| switch_map = None |
| olt_configured = False |
| switch_map = voltha.config(fake = self.VOLTHA_CONFIG_FAKE) |
| log_test.info('Installing OLT app') |
| OnosCtrl.install_app(self.olt_app_file) |
| time.sleep(5) |
| log_test.info('Adding subscribers through OLT app') |
| self.config_olt(switch_map) |
| olt_configured = True |
| time.sleep(5) |
| auth_status = self.tls_flow_check(self.INTF_RX_DEFAULT, cert_info = "no_cert") |
| try: |
| assert_equal(auth_status, True) |
| assert_equal(status, True) |
| time.sleep(10) |
| finally: |
| self.remove_olt(switch_map) |
| self.voltha.disable_device(device_id, delete = True) |
| df.callback(0) |
| |
| reactor.callLater(0, tls_flow_check_with_no_cert_scenario, df) |
| return df |
| |
| @deferred(TESTCASE_TIMEOUT) |
| def test_subscriber_with_voltha_for_eap_tls_authentication_using_invalid_cert(self): |
| """ |
| Test Method: |
| 0. Make sure that voltha is up and running on CORD-POD setup. |
| 1. OLT and ONU is detected and validated. |
| 2. Bring up freeradius server container using CORD TESTER and make sure that ONOS have connectivity to freeradius server. |
| 3. Issue tls auth packets and exchange invalid cert from CORD TESTER voltha test module acting as a subscriber.. |
| 4. Validate that eap tls with invalid cert auth packet is being exchanged between subscriber, onos and freeradius. |
| 5. Verify that subscriber authentication is unsuccessful.. |
| """ |
| df = defer.Deferred() |
| def tls_flow_check_with_invalid_cert_scenario(df): |
| log_test.info('Enabling ponsim_olt') |
| ponsim_address = '{}:50060'.format(self.VOLTHA_HOST) |
| device_id, status = self.voltha.enable_device('ponsim_olt', address = ponsim_address) |
| assert_not_equal(device_id, None) |
| voltha = VolthaCtrl(self.VOLTHA_HOST, |
| rest_port = self.VOLTHA_REST_PORT, |
| uplink_vlan_map = self.VOLTHA_UPLINK_VLAN_MAP) |
| time.sleep(10) |
| switch_map = None |
| olt_configured = False |
| switch_map = voltha.config(fake = self.VOLTHA_CONFIG_FAKE) |
| log_test.info('Installing OLT app') |
| OnosCtrl.install_app(self.olt_app_file) |
| time.sleep(5) |
| log_test.info('Adding subscribers through OLT app') |
| self.config_olt(switch_map) |
| olt_configured = True |
| time.sleep(5) |
| auth_status = self.tls_flow_check(self.INTF_RX_DEFAULT, cert_info = "invalid_cert") |
| try: |
| assert_equal(auth_status, True) |
| assert_equal(status, True) |
| time.sleep(10) |
| finally: |
| self.remove_olt(switch_map) |
| self.voltha.disable_device(device_id, delete = True) |
| df.callback(0) |
| reactor.callLater(0, tls_flow_check_with_invalid_cert_scenario, df) |
| return df |
| |
| @deferred(TESTCASE_TIMEOUT) |
| def test_subscriber_with_voltha_for_multiple_invalid_authentication_attempts(self): |
| """ |
| Test Method: |
| 0. Make sure that voltha is up and running on CORD-POD setup. |
| 1. OLT and ONU is detected and validated. |
| 2. Bring up freeradius server container using CORD TESTER and make sure that ONOS have connectivity to freeradius server. |
| 3. Issue tls auth packets and exchange invalid cert from CORD TESTER voltha test module acting as a subscriber for multiple times. |
| 4. Validate that eap tls with invalid cert auth packet is being exchanged between subscriber, onos and freeradius. |
| 5. Verify that subscriber authentication is unsuccessful.. |
| """ |
| df = defer.Deferred() |
| def tls_flow_check_with_no_cert_scenario(df): |
| log_test.info('Enabling ponsim_olt') |
| ponsim_address = '{}:50060'.format(self.VOLTHA_HOST) |
| device_id, status = self.voltha.enable_device('ponsim_olt', address = ponsim_address) |
| assert_not_equal(device_id, None) |
| voltha = VolthaCtrl(self.VOLTHA_HOST, |
| rest_port = self.VOLTHA_REST_PORT, |
| uplink_vlan_map = self.VOLTHA_UPLINK_VLAN_MAP) |
| time.sleep(10) |
| switch_map = None |
| olt_configured = False |
| switch_map = voltha.config(fake = self.VOLTHA_CONFIG_FAKE) |
| log_test.info('Installing OLT app') |
| OnosCtrl.install_app(self.olt_app_file) |
| time.sleep(5) |
| log_test.info('Adding subscribers through OLT app') |
| self.config_olt(switch_map) |
| olt_configured = True |
| time.sleep(5) |
| auth_status = self.tls_flow_check(self.INTF_RX_DEFAULT, cert_info = "invalid_cert") |
| auth_status = self.tls_flow_check(self.INTF_RX_DEFAULT, cert_info = "invalid_cert") |
| auth_status = self.tls_flow_check(self.INTF_RX_DEFAULT, cert_info = "no_cert") |
| auth_status = self.tls_flow_check(self.INTF_RX_DEFAULT, cert_info = "invalid_cert") |
| try: |
| assert_equal(auth_status, True) |
| assert_equal(status, True) |
| time.sleep(10) |
| finally: |
| self.voltha.disable_device(device_id, delete = True) |
| df.callback(0) |
| reactor.callLater(0, tls_flow_check_with_no_cert_scenario, df) |
| return df |
| |
| @deferred(TESTCASE_TIMEOUT) |
| def test_subscriber_with_voltha_for_eap_tls_authentication_with_aaa_app_deactivation(self): |
| """ |
| Test Method: |
| 0. Make sure that voltha is up and running on CORD-POD setup. |
| 1. OLT and ONU is detected and validated. |
| 2. Bring up freeradius server container using CORD TESTER and make sure that ONOS have connectivity to freeradius server. |
| 3. Issue tls auth packets from CORD TESTER voltha test module acting as a subscriber.. |
| 4. Validate that eap tls without sending client hello, it's not being exchanged between client, onos and freeradius. |
| 5. Verify that subscriber authentication is unsuccessful.. |
| """ |
| df = defer.Deferred() |
| def tls_flow_check_deactivating_app(df): |
| aaa_app = ["org.opencord.aaa"] |
| log_test.info('Enabling ponsim_olt') |
| ponsim_address = '{}:50060'.format(self.VOLTHA_HOST) |
| device_id, status = self.voltha.enable_device('ponsim_olt', address = ponsim_address) |
| assert_not_equal(device_id, None) |
| voltha = VolthaCtrl(self.VOLTHA_HOST, |
| rest_port = self.VOLTHA_REST_PORT, |
| uplink_vlan_map = self.VOLTHA_UPLINK_VLAN_MAP) |
| time.sleep(10) |
| switch_map = None |
| olt_configured = False |
| switch_map = voltha.config(fake = self.VOLTHA_CONFIG_FAKE) |
| log_test.info('Installing OLT app') |
| OnosCtrl.install_app(self.olt_app_file) |
| time.sleep(5) |
| log_test.info('Adding subscribers through OLT app') |
| self.config_olt(switch_map) |
| olt_configured = True |
| time.sleep(5) |
| |
| thread1 = threading.Thread(target = self.tls_flow_check, args = (self.INTF_RX_DEFAULT,"app_deactivate",)) |
| thread2 = threading.Thread(target = self.deactivate_apps, args = (aaa_app,)) |
| thread1.start() |
| time.sleep(randint(1,2)) |
| log_test.info('Restart aaa app in onos during tls auth flow check on voltha') |
| thread2.start() |
| time.sleep(10) |
| thread1.join() |
| thread2.join() |
| try: |
| # assert_equal(status, True) |
| assert_equal(self.success, True) |
| time.sleep(10) |
| finally: |
| self.voltha.disable_device(device_id, delete = True) |
| df.callback(0) |
| reactor.callLater(0, tls_flow_check_deactivating_app, df) |
| return df |
| |
| @deferred(TESTCASE_TIMEOUT) |
| def test_subscriber_with_voltha_for_eap_tls_authentication_restarting_radius_server(self): |
| """ |
| Test Method: |
| 0. Make sure that voltha is up and running on CORD-POD setup. |
| 1. OLT and ONU is detected and validated. |
| 2. Bring up freeradius server container using CORD TESTER and make sure that ONOS have connectivity to freeradius server. |
| 3. Issue tls auth packets from CORD TESTER voltha test module acting as a subscriber.. |
| 4. Validate that eap tls with restart of radius server and packets are being exchanged between subscriber, onos and freeradius. |
| 5. Verify that subscriber authentication is unsuccessful.. |
| """ |
| df = defer.Deferred() |
| def tls_flow_check_restarting_radius(df): |
| aaa_app = ["org.opencord.aaa"] |
| log_test.info('Enabling ponsim_olt') |
| ponsim_address = '{}:50060'.format(self.VOLTHA_HOST) |
| device_id, status = self.voltha.enable_device('ponsim_olt', address = ponsim_address) |
| assert_not_equal(device_id, None) |
| voltha = VolthaCtrl(self.VOLTHA_HOST, |
| rest_port = self.VOLTHA_REST_PORT, |
| uplink_vlan_map = self.VOLTHA_UPLINK_VLAN_MAP) |
| time.sleep(10) |
| switch_map = None |
| olt_configured = False |
| switch_map = voltha.config(fake = self.VOLTHA_CONFIG_FAKE) |
| log_test.info('Installing OLT app') |
| OnosCtrl.install_app(self.olt_app_file) |
| time.sleep(5) |
| log_test.info('Adding subscribers through OLT app') |
| self.config_olt(switch_map) |
| olt_configured = True |
| time.sleep(5) |
| |
| thread1 = threading.Thread(target = self.tls_flow_check, args = (self.INTF_RX_DEFAULT,"restart_radius")) |
| thread2 = threading.Thread(target = cord_test_radius_restart) |
| thread1.start() |
| time.sleep(randint(1,2)) |
| log_test.info('Restart radius server during tls auth flow check on voltha') |
| thread2.start() |
| time.sleep(10) |
| thread1.join() |
| thread2.join() |
| try: |
| # assert_equal(status, True) |
| assert_equal(self.success, True) |
| time.sleep(10) |
| finally: |
| self.voltha.disable_device(device_id, delete = True) |
| df.callback(0) |
| reactor.callLater(0, tls_flow_check_restarting_radius, df) |
| return df |
| |
| @deferred(TESTCASE_TIMEOUT) |
| def test_subscriber_with_voltha_for_eap_tls_authentication_with_disabled_olt(self): |
| """ |
| Test Method: |
| 0. Make sure that voltha is up and running on CORD-POD setup. |
| 1. OLT and ONU is detected and validated. |
| 2. Bring up freeradius server container using CORD TESTER and make sure that ONOS have connectivity to freeradius server. |
| 3. Issue tls auth packets from CORD TESTER voltha test module acting as a subscriber.. |
| 5. Validate that eap tls packets are being exchanged between subscriber, onos and freeradius. |
| 6. Verify that subscriber authenticated successfully. |
| 7. Disable olt which is seen in voltha and issue tls auth packets from subscriber. |
| 8. Validate that eap tls packets are not being exchanged between subscriber, onos and freeradius. |
| 9. Verify that subscriber authentication is unsuccessful.. |
| """ |
| df = defer.Deferred() |
| def tls_flow_check_operating_olt_state(df): |
| aaa_app = ["org.opencord.aaa"] |
| log_test.info('Enabling ponsim_olt') |
| ponsim_address = '{}:50060'.format(self.VOLTHA_HOST) |
| device_id, status = self.voltha.enable_device('ponsim_olt', address = ponsim_address) |
| assert_not_equal(device_id, None) |
| voltha = VolthaCtrl(self.VOLTHA_HOST, |
| rest_port = self.VOLTHA_REST_PORT, |
| uplink_vlan_map = self.VOLTHA_UPLINK_VLAN_MAP) |
| time.sleep(10) |
| switch_map = None |
| olt_configured = False |
| switch_map = voltha.config(fake = self.VOLTHA_CONFIG_FAKE) |
| log_test.info('Installing OLT app') |
| OnosCtrl.install_app(self.olt_app_file) |
| time.sleep(5) |
| log_test.info('Adding subscribers through OLT app') |
| self.config_olt(switch_map) |
| olt_configured = True |
| time.sleep(5) |
| |
| thread1 = threading.Thread(target = self.tls_flow_check, args = (self.INTF_RX_DEFAULT, "disable_olt_device",)) |
| thread2 = threading.Thread(target = self.voltha.disable_device, args = (device_id,)) |
| thread1.start() |
| time.sleep(randint(1,2)) |
| log_test.info('Disable the ponsim olt device during tls auth flow check on voltha') |
| thread2.start() |
| time.sleep(10) |
| thread1.join() |
| thread2.join() |
| try: |
| # assert_equal(status, True) |
| assert_equal(self.success, True) |
| time.sleep(10) |
| finally: |
| self.voltha.disable_device(device_id, delete = True) |
| df.callback(0) |
| reactor.callLater(0, tls_flow_check_operating_olt_state, df) |
| return df |
| |
| @deferred(TESTCASE_TIMEOUT) |
| def test_subscriber_with_voltha_for_eap_tls_authentication_disabling_uni_port(self): |
| """ |
| Test Method: |
| 0. Make sure that voltha is up and running on CORD-POD setup. |
| 1. OLT and ONU is detected and validated. |
| 2. Bring up freeradius server container using CORD TESTER and make sure that ONOS have connectivity to freeradius server. |
| 3. Issue tls auth packets from CORD TESTER voltha test module acting as a subscriber.. |
| 5. Validate that eap tls packets are being exchanged between subscriber, onos and freeradius. |
| 6. Verify that subscriber authenticated successfully. |
| 7. Disable uni port which is seen in voltha and issue tls auth packets from subscriber. |
| 8. Validate that eap tls packets are not being exchanged between subscriber, onos and freeradius. |
| 9. Verify that subscriber authentication is unsuccessful.. |
| """ |
| df = defer.Deferred() |
| def tls_flow_check_operating_olt_state(df): |
| aaa_app = ["org.opencord.aaa"] |
| log_test.info('Enabling ponsim_olt') |
| ponsim_address = '{}:50060'.format(self.VOLTHA_HOST) |
| device_id, status = self.voltha.enable_device('ponsim_olt', address = ponsim_address) |
| assert_not_equal(device_id, None) |
| voltha = VolthaCtrl(self.VOLTHA_HOST, |
| rest_port = self.VOLTHA_REST_PORT, |
| uplink_vlan_map = self.VOLTHA_UPLINK_VLAN_MAP) |
| time.sleep(10) |
| switch_map = None |
| olt_configured = False |
| switch_map = voltha.config(fake = self.VOLTHA_CONFIG_FAKE) |
| log_test.info('Installing OLT app') |
| OnosCtrl.install_app(self.olt_app_file) |
| time.sleep(5) |
| log_test.info('Adding subscribers through OLT app') |
| self.config_olt(switch_map) |
| olt_configured = True |
| time.sleep(5) |
| |
| thread1 = threading.Thread(target = self.tls_flow_check, args = (self.INTF_RX_DEFAULT, "uni_port_admin_down",)) |
| thread2 = threading.Thread(target = self.voltha_uni_port_toggle) |
| thread1.start() |
| time.sleep(randint(1,2)) |
| log_test.info('Admin state of uni port is down and up after delay of 30 sec during tls auth flow check on voltha') |
| thread2.start() |
| time.sleep(10) |
| thread1.join() |
| thread2.join() |
| try: |
| # assert_equal(status, True) |
| assert_equal(self.success, True) |
| time.sleep(10) |
| finally: |
| self.voltha.disable_device(device_id, delete = True) |
| df.callback(0) |
| reactor.callLater(0, tls_flow_check_operating_olt_state, df) |
| return df |
| |
| @deferred(TESTCASE_TIMEOUT) |
| def test_subscriber_with_voltha_for_eap_tls_authentication_restarting_olt(self): |
| """ |
| Test Method: |
| 0. Make sure that voltha is up and running on CORD-POD setup. |
| 1. OLT and ONU is detected and validated. |
| 2. Bring up freeradius server container using CORD TESTER and make sure that ONOS have connectivity to freeradius server. |
| 3. Issue tls auth packets from CORD TESTER voltha test module acting as a subscriber.. |
| 5. Validate that eap tls packets are being exchanged between subscriber, onos and freeradius. |
| 6. Verify that subscriber authenticated successfully. |
| 7. Restart olt which is seen in voltha and issue tls auth packets from subscriber. |
| 8. Validate that eap tls packets are not being exchanged between subscriber, onos and freeradius. |
| 9. Verify that subscriber authentication is unsuccessful.. |
| """ |
| df = defer.Deferred() |
| def tls_flow_check_operating_olt_state(df): |
| aaa_app = ["org.opencord.aaa"] |
| log_test.info('Enabling ponsim_olt') |
| ponsim_address = '{}:50060'.format(self.VOLTHA_HOST) |
| device_id, status = self.voltha.enable_device('ponsim_olt', address = ponsim_address) |
| assert_not_equal(device_id, None) |
| voltha = VolthaCtrl(self.VOLTHA_HOST, |
| rest_port = self.VOLTHA_REST_PORT, |
| uplink_vlan_map = self.VOLTHA_UPLINK_VLAN_MAP) |
| time.sleep(10) |
| switch_map = None |
| olt_configured = False |
| switch_map = voltha.config(fake = self.VOLTHA_CONFIG_FAKE) |
| log_test.info('Installing OLT app') |
| OnosCtrl.install_app(self.olt_app_file) |
| time.sleep(5) |
| log_test.info('Adding subscribers through OLT app') |
| self.config_olt(switch_map) |
| olt_configured = True |
| time.sleep(5) |
| |
| thread1 = threading.Thread(target = self.tls_flow_check, args = (self.INTF_RX_DEFAULT, "restart_olt_device",)) |
| thread2 = threading.Thread(target = self.voltha.restart_device, args = (device_id,)) |
| thread1.start() |
| time.sleep(randint(1,2)) |
| log_test.info('Restart the ponsim olt device during tls auth flow check on voltha') |
| thread2.start() |
| time.sleep(10) |
| thread1.join() |
| thread2.join() |
| try: |
| # assert_equal(status, True) |
| assert_equal(self.success, True) |
| time.sleep(10) |
| finally: |
| self.voltha.disable_device(device_id, delete = True) |
| df.callback(0) |
| reactor.callLater(0, tls_flow_check_operating_olt_state, df) |
| return df |
| |
| @deferred(TESTCASE_TIMEOUT) |
| def test_subscriber_with_voltha_for_eap_tls_authentication_restarting_onu(self): |
| """ |
| Test Method: |
| 0. Make sure that voltha is up and running on CORD-POD setup. |
| 1. OLT and ONU is detected and validated. |
| 2. Bring up freeradius server container using CORD TESTER and make sure that ONOS have connectivity to freeradius server. |
| 3. Issue tls auth packets from CORD TESTER voltha test module acting as a subscriber.. |
| 5. Validate that eap tls packets are being exchanged between subscriber, onos and freeradius. |
| 6. Verify that subscriber authenticated successfully. |
| 7. Restart onu which is seen in voltha and issue tls auth packets from subscriber. |
| 8. Validate that eap tls packets are not being exchanged between subscriber, onos and freeradius. |
| 9. Verify that subscriber authentication is unsuccessful.. |
| """ |
| df = defer.Deferred() |
| def tls_flow_check_operating_olt_state(df): |
| aaa_app = ["org.opencord.aaa"] |
| log_test.info('Enabling ponsim_olt') |
| ponsim_address = '{}:50060'.format(self.VOLTHA_HOST) |
| device_id, status = self.voltha.enable_device('ponsim_olt', address = ponsim_address) |
| devices_list = self.voltha.get_devices() |
| log_test.info('All available devices on voltha = %s'%devices_list['items']) |
| |
| onu_device_id = devices_list['items'][1]['id'] |
| assert_not_equal(device_id, None) |
| voltha = VolthaCtrl(self.VOLTHA_HOST, |
| rest_port = self.VOLTHA_REST_PORT, |
| uplink_vlan_map = self.VOLTHA_UPLINK_VLAN_MAP) |
| time.sleep(10) |
| switch_map = None |
| olt_configured = False |
| switch_map = voltha.config(fake = self.VOLTHA_CONFIG_FAKE) |
| log_test.info('Installing OLT app') |
| OnosCtrl.install_app(self.olt_app_file) |
| time.sleep(5) |
| log_test.info('Adding subscribers through OLT app') |
| self.config_olt(switch_map) |
| olt_configured = True |
| time.sleep(5) |
| devices_list = self.voltha.get_devices() |
| thread1 = threading.Thread(target = self.tls_flow_check, args = (self.INTF_RX_DEFAULT, "restart_onu_device",)) |
| thread2 = threading.Thread(target = self.voltha.restart_device, args = (onu_device_id,)) |
| thread1.start() |
| time.sleep(randint(1,2)) |
| log_test.info('Restart the ponsim oon device during tls auth flow check on voltha') |
| thread2.start() |
| time.sleep(10) |
| thread1.join() |
| thread2.join() |
| try: |
| # assert_equal(status, True) |
| assert_equal(self.success, True) |
| time.sleep(10) |
| finally: |
| self.voltha.disable_device(device_id, delete = True) |
| df.callback(0) |
| reactor.callLater(0, tls_flow_check_operating_olt_state, df) |
| return df |
| |
| @deferred(TESTCASE_TIMEOUT) |
| def test_two_subscribers_with_voltha_for_eap_tls_authentication(self): |
| """ |
| Test Method: |
| 0. Make sure that voltha is up and running on CORD-POD setup. |
| 1. OLT is detected and ONU ports(nni and 2 uni's) are being seen. |
| 2. Bring up freeradius server container using CORD TESTER and make sure that ONOS have connectivity to freeradius server. |
| 3. Bring up two Residential subscribers from cord-tester and issue tls auth packets from CORD TESTER voltha test module acting as a subscriber.. |
| 4. Validate that eap tls valid auth packets are being exchanged between two subscriber, onos and freeradius. |
| 5. Verify that two subscribers are authenticated successfully. |
| """ |
| |
| df = defer.Deferred() |
| def tls_flow_check_on_two_subscriber_same_olt_device(df): |
| aaa_app = ["org.opencord.aaa"] |
| log_test.info('Enabling ponsim_olt') |
| ponsim_address = '{}:50060'.format(self.VOLTHA_HOST) |
| device_id, status = self.voltha.enable_device('ponsim_olt', address = ponsim_address) |
| devices_list = self.voltha.get_devices() |
| log_test.info('All available devices on voltha = %s'%devices_list['items']) |
| |
| onu_device_id = devices_list['items'][1]['id'] |
| assert_not_equal(device_id, None) |
| voltha = VolthaCtrl(self.VOLTHA_HOST, |
| rest_port = self.VOLTHA_REST_PORT, |
| uplink_vlan_map = self.VOLTHA_UPLINK_VLAN_MAP) |
| time.sleep(10) |
| switch_map = None |
| olt_configured = False |
| switch_map = voltha.config(fake = self.VOLTHA_CONFIG_FAKE) |
| log_test.info('Installing OLT app') |
| OnosCtrl.install_app(self.olt_app_file) |
| time.sleep(5) |
| log_test.info('Adding subscribers through OLT app') |
| self.config_olt(switch_map) |
| olt_configured = True |
| time.sleep(5) |
| devices_list = self.voltha.get_devices() |
| thread1 = threading.Thread(target = self.tls_flow_check, args = (self.INTF_RX_DEFAULT,)) |
| thread2 = threading.Thread(target = self.tls_flow_check, args = (self.INTF_2_RX_DEFAULT,)) |
| thread1.start() |
| time.sleep(randint(1,2)) |
| log_test.info('Initiating tls auth packets from one more subscriber on same olt device which is deteced on voltha') |
| thread2.start() |
| time.sleep(10) |
| thread1.join() |
| thread2.join() |
| try: |
| # assert_equal(status, True) |
| assert_equal(self.success, True) |
| time.sleep(10) |
| finally: |
| self.voltha.disable_device(device_id, delete = True) |
| df.callback(0) |
| reactor.callLater(0, tls_flow_check_on_two_subscriber_same_olt_device, df) |
| return df |
| |
| @deferred(TESTCASE_TIMEOUT) |
| def test_two_subscribers_with_voltha_for_eap_tls_authentication_using_same_certificates(self): |
| """ |
| Test Method: |
| 0. Make sure that voltha is up and running on CORD-POD setup. |
| 1. OLT is detected and ONU ports(nni and 2 uni's) are being seen. |
| 2. Bring up freeradius server container using CORD TESTER and make sure that ONOS have connectivity to freeradius server. |
| 3. Bring up two Residential subscribers from cord-tester and issue tls auth packets from CORD TESTER voltha test module acting as a subscriber.. |
| 4. Validate that two valid certificates are being exchanged between two subscriber, onos and freeradius. |
| 5. Verify that two subscribers are not authenticated. |
| """ |
| |
| df = defer.Deferred() |
| def tls_flow_check_on_two_subscriber_same_olt_device(df): |
| aaa_app = ["org.opencord.aaa"] |
| log_test.info('Enabling ponsim_olt') |
| ponsim_address = '{}:50060'.format(self.VOLTHA_HOST) |
| device_id, status = self.voltha.enable_device('ponsim_olt', address = ponsim_address) |
| devices_list = self.voltha.get_devices() |
| log_test.info('All available devices on voltha = %s'%devices_list['items']) |
| |
| onu_device_id = devices_list['items'][1]['id'] |
| assert_not_equal(device_id, None) |
| voltha = VolthaCtrl(self.VOLTHA_HOST, |
| rest_port = self.VOLTHA_REST_PORT, |
| uplink_vlan_map = self.VOLTHA_UPLINK_VLAN_MAP) |
| time.sleep(10) |
| switch_map = None |
| olt_configured = False |
| switch_map = voltha.config(fake = self.VOLTHA_CONFIG_FAKE) |
| log_test.info('Installing OLT app') |
| OnosCtrl.install_app(self.olt_app_file) |
| time.sleep(5) |
| log_test.info('Adding subscribers through OLT app') |
| self.config_olt(switch_map) |
| olt_configured = True |
| time.sleep(5) |
| devices_list = self.voltha.get_devices() |
| thread1 = threading.Thread(target = self.tls_flow_check, args = (self.INTF_RX_DEFAULT,)) |
| thread2 = threading.Thread(target = self.tls_flow_check, args = (self.INTF_2_RX_DEFAULT, "same_cert",)) |
| thread1.start() |
| time.sleep(randint(1,2)) |
| log_test.info('Initiating tls auth packets from one more subscriber on same olt device which is deteced on voltha') |
| thread2.start() |
| time.sleep(10) |
| thread1.join() |
| thread2.join() |
| try: |
| # assert_equal(status, True) |
| assert_equal(self.success, True) |
| time.sleep(10) |
| finally: |
| self.voltha.disable_device(device_id, delete = True) |
| df.callback(0) |
| reactor.callLater(0, tls_flow_check_on_two_subscriber_same_olt_device, df) |
| return df |
| |
| @deferred(TESTCASE_TIMEOUT) |
| def test_two_subscribers_with_voltha_for_eap_tls_authentication_initiating_invalid_tls_packets_for_one_subscriber(self): |
| """ |
| Test Method: |
| 0. Make sure that voltha is up and running on CORD-POD setup. |
| 1. OLT is detected and ONU ports(nni and 2 uni's) are being seen. |
| 2. Bring up freeradius server container using CORD TESTER and make sure that ONOS have connectivity to freeradius server. |
| 3. Bring up two Residential subscribers from cord-tester and issue tls auth packets from CORD TESTER voltha test module acting as a subscriber.. |
| 4. Validate that eap tls valid auth packets are being exchanged between valid subscriber, onos and freeradius. |
| 5. Validate that eap tls valid auth packets are being exchanged between invalid client, onos and freeradius. |
| 6. Verify that valid subscriber authenticated successfully. |
| 7. Verify that invalid subscriber are not authenticated successfully. |
| """ |
| |
| df = defer.Deferred() |
| def tls_flow_check_on_two_subscriber_same_olt_device(df): |
| aaa_app = ["org.opencord.aaa"] |
| log_test.info('Enabling ponsim_olt') |
| ponsim_address = '{}:50060'.format(self.VOLTHA_HOST) |
| device_id, status = self.voltha.enable_device('ponsim_olt', address = ponsim_address) |
| devices_list = self.voltha.get_devices() |
| log_test.info('All available devices on voltha = %s'%devices_list['items']) |
| |
| onu_device_id = devices_list['items'][1]['id'] |
| assert_not_equal(device_id, None) |
| voltha = VolthaCtrl(self.VOLTHA_HOST, |
| rest_port = self.VOLTHA_REST_PORT, |
| uplink_vlan_map = self.VOLTHA_UPLINK_VLAN_MAP) |
| time.sleep(10) |
| switch_map = None |
| olt_configured = False |
| switch_map = voltha.config(fake = self.VOLTHA_CONFIG_FAKE) |
| log_test.info('Installing OLT app') |
| OnosCtrl.install_app(self.olt_app_file) |
| time.sleep(5) |
| log_test.info('Adding subscribers through OLT app') |
| self.config_olt(switch_map) |
| olt_configured = True |
| time.sleep(5) |
| devices_list = self.voltha.get_devices() |
| thread1 = threading.Thread(target = self.tls_flow_check, args = (self.INTF_RX_DEFAULT,)) |
| thread2 = threading.Thread(target = self.tls_flow_check, args = (self.INTF_2_RX_DEFAULT, "no_cert",)) |
| thread1.start() |
| time.sleep(randint(1,2)) |
| log_test.info('Initiating tls auth packets from one more subscriber on same olt device which is deteced on voltha') |
| thread2.start() |
| time.sleep(10) |
| thread1.join() |
| thread2.join() |
| try: |
| # assert_equal(status, True) |
| assert_equal(self.success, True) |
| time.sleep(10) |
| finally: |
| self.voltha.disable_device(device_id, delete = True) |
| df.callback(0) |
| reactor.callLater(0, tls_flow_check_on_two_subscriber_same_olt_device, df) |
| return df |
| |
| @deferred(TESTCASE_TIMEOUT) |
| def test_two_subscribers_with_voltha_for_eap_tls_authentication_initiating_invalid_cert_for_one_subscriber(self): |
| """ |
| Test Method: |
| 0. Make sure that voltha is up and running on CORD-POD setup. |
| 1. OLT is detected and ONU ports(nni and 2 uni's) are being seen. |
| 2. Bring up freeradius server container using CORD TESTER and make sure that ONOS have connectivity to freeradius server. |
| 3. Bring up two Residential subscribers from cord-tester and issue tls auth packets from CORD TESTER voltha test module acting as a subscriber.. |
| 4. Validate that eap tls valid auth packets are being exchanged between valid subscriber, onos and freeradius. |
| 5. Validate that eap tls invalid cert auth packets are being exchanged between invalid subscriber, onos and freeradius. |
| 6. Verify that valid subscriber authenticated successfully. |
| 7. Verify that invalid subscriber are not authenticated successfully. |
| """ |
| |
| df = defer.Deferred() |
| def tls_flow_check_on_two_subscriber_same_olt_device(df): |
| aaa_app = ["org.opencord.aaa"] |
| log_test.info('Enabling ponsim_olt') |
| ponsim_address = '{}:50060'.format(self.VOLTHA_HOST) |
| device_id, status = self.voltha.enable_device('ponsim_olt', address = ponsim_address) |
| devices_list = self.voltha.get_devices() |
| log_test.info('All available devices on voltha = %s'%devices_list['items']) |
| |
| onu_device_id = devices_list['items'][1]['id'] |
| assert_not_equal(device_id, None) |
| voltha = VolthaCtrl(self.VOLTHA_HOST, |
| rest_port = self.VOLTHA_REST_PORT, |
| uplink_vlan_map = self.VOLTHA_UPLINK_VLAN_MAP) |
| time.sleep(10) |
| switch_map = None |
| olt_configured = False |
| switch_map = voltha.config(fake = self.VOLTHA_CONFIG_FAKE) |
| log_test.info('Installing OLT app') |
| OnosCtrl.install_app(self.olt_app_file) |
| time.sleep(5) |
| log_test.info('Adding subscribers through OLT app') |
| self.config_olt(switch_map) |
| olt_configured = True |
| time.sleep(5) |
| devices_list = self.voltha.get_devices() |
| thread1 = threading.Thread(target = self.tls_flow_check, args = (self.INTF_RX_DEFAULT,)) |
| thread2 = threading.Thread(target = self.tls_flow_check, args = (self.INTF_2_RX_DEFAULT, "invalid_cert",)) |
| thread1.start() |
| time.sleep(randint(1,2)) |
| log_test.info('Initiating tls auth packets from one more subscriber on same olt device which is deteced on voltha') |
| thread2.start() |
| time.sleep(10) |
| thread1.join() |
| thread2.join() |
| try: |
| # assert_equal(status, True) |
| assert_equal(self.success, True) |
| time.sleep(10) |
| finally: |
| self.voltha.disable_device(device_id, delete = True) |
| df.callback(0) |
| reactor.callLater(0, tls_flow_check_on_two_subscriber_same_olt_device, df) |
| return df |
| |
| @deferred(TESTCASE_TIMEOUT) |
| def test_two_subscribers_with_voltha_for_eap_tls_authentication_with_one_uni_port_disabled(self): |
| """ |
| Test Method: |
| 0. Make sure that voltha is up and running on CORD-POD setup. |
| 1. OLT and ONU is detected and validated. |
| 2. Bring up freeradius server container using CORD TESTER and make sure that ONOS have connectivity to freeradius server. |
| 3. Bring up two Residential subscribers from cord-tester and issue tls auth packets from CORD TESTER voltha test module acting as a subscriber.. |
| 5. Validate that eap tls packets are being exchanged between two subscriber, onos and freeradius. |
| 6. Verify that subscriber authenticated successfully. |
| 7. Disable one of the uni port which is seen in voltha and issue tls auth packets from subscriber. |
| 8. Validate that eap tls packets are not being exchanged between one subscriber, onos and freeradius. |
| 9. Verify that subscriber authentication is unsuccessful.. |
| 10. Verify that other subscriber authenticated successfully. |
| """ |
| |
| df = defer.Deferred() |
| def tls_flow_check_on_two_subscriber_same_olt_device(df): |
| aaa_app = ["org.opencord.aaa"] |
| log_test.info('Enabling ponsim_olt') |
| ponsim_address = '{}:50060'.format(self.VOLTHA_HOST) |
| device_id, status = self.voltha.enable_device('ponsim_olt', address = ponsim_address) |
| devices_list = self.voltha.get_devices() |
| log_test.info('All available devices on voltha = %s'%devices_list['items']) |
| |
| onu_device_id = devices_list['items'][1]['id'] |
| assert_not_equal(device_id, None) |
| voltha = VolthaCtrl(self.VOLTHA_HOST, |
| rest_port = self.VOLTHA_REST_PORT, |
| uplink_vlan_map = self.VOLTHA_UPLINK_VLAN_MAP) |
| time.sleep(10) |
| switch_map = None |
| olt_configured = False |
| switch_map = voltha.config(fake = self.VOLTHA_CONFIG_FAKE) |
| log_test.info('Installing OLT app') |
| OnosCtrl.install_app(self.olt_app_file) |
| time.sleep(5) |
| log_test.info('Adding subscribers through OLT app') |
| self.config_olt(switch_map) |
| olt_configured = True |
| time.sleep(5) |
| devices_list = self.voltha.get_devices() |
| thread1 = threading.Thread(target = self.tls_flow_check, args = (self.INTF_RX_DEFAULT,)) |
| thread2 = threading.Thread(target = self.tls_flow_check, args = (self.INTF_2_RX_DEFAULT, "uni_port_admin_down",)) |
| thread1.start() |
| time.sleep(randint(1,2)) |
| log_test.info('Initiating tls auth packets from one more subscriber on same olt device which is deteced on voltha') |
| thread2.start() |
| time.sleep(10) |
| thread1.join() |
| thread2.join() |
| try: |
| # assert_equal(status, True) |
| assert_equal(self.success, True) |
| time.sleep(10) |
| finally: |
| self.voltha.disable_device(device_id, delete = True) |
| df.callback(0) |
| reactor.callLater(0, tls_flow_check_on_two_subscriber_same_olt_device, df) |
| return df |
| |
| @deferred(TESTCASE_TIMEOUT) |
| def test_subscriber_with_voltha_for_dhcp_request(self): |
| """ |
| Test Method: |
| 0. Make sure that voltha is up and running on CORD-POD setup. |
| 1. OLT and ONU is detected and validated. |
| 2. Issue tls auth packets from CORD TESTER voltha test module acting as a subscriber.. |
| 3. Send dhcp request from residential subscrber to dhcp server which is running as onos app. |
| 4. Verify that subscriber get ip from dhcp server successfully. |
| """ |
| |
| def test_subscriber_with_voltha_for_dhcp_request_with_invalid_broadcast_source_mac(self): |
| """ |
| Test Method: |
| 0. Make sure that voltha is up and running on CORD-POD setup. |
| 1. OLT and ONU is detected and validated. |
| 2. Issue tls auth packets from CORD TESTER voltha test module acting as a subscriber.. |
| 3. Send dhcp request with invalid source mac broadcast from residential subscrber to dhcp server which is running as onos app. |
| 4. Verify that subscriber should not get ip from dhcp server. |
| """ |
| |
| def test_subscriber_with_voltha_for_dhcp_request_with_invalid_multicast_source_mac(self): |
| """ |
| Test Method: |
| 0. Make sure that voltha is up and running on CORD-POD setup. |
| 1. OLT and ONU is detected and validated. |
| 2. Issue tls auth packets from CORD TESTER voltha test module acting as a subscriber.. |
| 3. Send dhcp request with invalid source mac multicast from residential subscrber to dhcp server which is running as onos app. |
| 4. Verify that subscriber should not get ip from dhcp server. |
| """ |
| |
| def test_subscriber_with_voltha_for_dhcp_request_with_invalid_source_mac(self): |
| """ |
| Test Method: |
| 0. Make sure that voltha is up and running on CORD-POD setup. |
| 1. OLT and ONU is detected and validated. |
| 2. Issue tls auth packets from CORD TESTER voltha test module acting as a subscriber.. |
| 3. Send dhcp request with invalid source mac zero from residential subscrber to dhcp server which is running as onos app. |
| 4. Verify that subscriber should not get ip from dhcp server. |
| """ |
| |
| def test_subscriber_with_voltha_for_dhcp_request_and_release(self): |
| """ |
| Test Method: |
| 0. Make sure that voltha is up and running on CORD-POD setup. |
| 1. OLT and ONU is detected and validated. |
| 2. Issue tls auth packets from CORD TESTER voltha test module acting as a subscriber.. |
| 3. Send dhcp request from residential subscrber to dhcp server which is running as onos app. |
| 4. Verify that subscriber get ip from dhcp server successfully. |
| 5. Send dhcp release from residential subscrber to dhcp server which is running as onos app. |
| 6 Verify that subscriber should not get ip from dhcp server, ping to gateway. |
| """ |
| |
| def test_subscriber_with_voltha_for_dhcp_starvation_positive_scenario(self): |
| """ |
| Test Method: |
| 0. Make sure that voltha is up and running on CORD-POD setup. |
| 1. OLT and ONU is detected and validated. |
| 2. Issue tls auth packets from CORD TESTER voltha test module acting as a subscriber.. |
| 3. Send dhcp request from residential subscriber to dhcp server which is running as onos app. |
| 4. Verify that subscriber get ip from dhcp server successfully. |
| 5. Repeat step 3 and 4 for 10 times. |
| 6 Verify that subscriber should get ip from dhcp server. |
| """ |
| |
| def test_subscriber_with_voltha_for_dhcp_starvation_negative_scenario(self): |
| """ |
| Test Method: |
| 0. Make sure that voltha is up and running on CORD-POD setup. |
| 1. OLT and ONU is detected and validated. |
| 2. Issue tls auth packets from CORD TESTER voltha test module acting as a subscriber.. |
| 3. Send dhcp request from residential subscriber without of pool ip to dhcp server which is running as onos app. |
| 4. Verify that subscriber should not get ip from dhcp server. |
| 5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 for 10 times. |
| 6 Verify that subscriber should not get ip from dhcp server. |
| """ |
| def test_subscriber_with_voltha_for_dhcp_sending_multiple_discover(self): |
| """ |
| Test Method: |
| 0. Make sure that voltha is up and running on CORD-POD setup. |
| 1. OLT and ONU is detected and validated. |
| 2. Issue tls auth packets from CORD TESTER voltha test module acting as a subscriber.. |
| 3. Send dhcp request from residential subscriber to dhcp server which is running as onos app. |
| 4. Verify that subscriber get ip from dhcp server successfully. |
| 5. Repeat step 3 for 50 times. |
| 6 Verify that subscriber should get same ip which was received from 1st discover from dhcp server. |
| """ |
| def test_subscriber_with_voltha_for_dhcp_sending_multiple_request(self): |
| """ |
| Test Method: |
| 0. Make sure that voltha is up and running on CORD-POD setup. |
| 1. OLT and ONU is detected and validated. |
| 2. Issue tls auth packets from CORD TESTER voltha test module acting as a subscriber.. |
| 3. Send dhcp request from residential subscriber to dhcp server which is running as onos app. |
| 4. Verify that subscriber get ip from dhcp server successfully. |
| 5. Send DHCP request to dhcp server which is running as onos app. |
| 6. Repeat step 5 for 50 times. |
| 7. Verify that subscriber should get same ip which was received from 1st discover from dhcp server. |
| """ |
| |
| def test_subscriber_with_voltha_for_dhcp_requesting_desired_ip_address(self): |
| """ |
| Test Method: |
| 0. Make sure that voltha is up and running on CORD-POD setup. |
| 1. OLT and ONU is detected and validated. |
| 2. Issue tls auth packets from CORD TESTER voltha test module acting as a subscriber.. |
| 3. Send dhcp request with desired ip address from residential subscriber to dhcp server which is running as onos app. |
| 4. Verify that subscriber get ip which was requested in step 3 from dhcp server successfully. |
| """ |
| |
| def test_subscriber_with_voltha_for_dhcp_requesting_desired_out_pool_ip_address(self): |
| """ |
| Test Method: |
| 0. Make sure that voltha is up and running on CORD-POD setup. |
| 1. OLT and ONU is detected and validated. |
| 2. Issue tls auth packets from CORD TESTER voltha test module acting as a subscriber.. |
| 3. Send dhcp request with desired out of pool ip address from residential subscriber to dhcp server which is running as onos app. |
| 4. Verify that subscriber should not get ip which was requested in step 3 from dhcp server, and its offered only within dhcp pool of ip. |
| """ |
| def test_subscriber_with_voltha_for_dhcp_deactivate_dhcp_app_in_onos(self): |
| """ |
| Test Method: |
| 0. Make sure that voltha is up and running on CORD-POD setup. |
| 1. OLT and ONU is detected and validated. |
| 2. Issue tls auth packets from CORD TESTER voltha test module acting as a subscriber.. |
| 3. Send dhcp request from residential subscriber to dhcp server which is running as onos app. |
| 4. Verify that subscriber get ip from dhcp server successfully. |
| 5. Deactivate dhcp server app in onos. |
| 6. Repeat step 3. |
| 7. Verify that subscriber should not get ip from dhcp server, and ping to gateway. |
| """ |
| def test_subscriber_with_voltha_for_dhcp_renew_time(self): |
| """ |
| Test Method: |
| 0. Make sure that voltha is up and running on CORD-POD setup. |
| 1. OLT and ONU is detected and validated. |
| 2. Issue tls auth packets from CORD TESTER voltha test module acting as a subscriber.. |
| 3. Send dhcp request from residential subscriber to dhcp server which is running as onos app. |
| 4. Verify that subscriber get ip from dhcp server successfully. |
| 5. Send dhcp renew packet to dhcp server which is running as onos app. |
| 6. Repeat step 4. |
| """ |
| def test_subscriber_with_voltha_for_dhcp_rebind_time(self): |
| """ |
| Test Method: |
| 0. Make sure that voltha is up and running on CORD-POD setup. |
| 1. OLT and ONU is detected and validated. |
| 2. Issue tls auth packets from CORD TESTER voltha test module acting as a subscriber.. |
| 3. Send dhcp request from residential subscriber to dhcp server which is running as onos app. |
| 4. Verify that subscriber get ip from dhcp server successfully. |
| 5. Send dhcp rebind packet to dhcp server which is running as onos app. |
| 6. Repeat step 4. |
| """ |
| def test_subscriber_with_voltha_for_dhcp_disable_olt_in_voltha(self): |
| """ |
| Test Method: |
| 0. Make sure that voltha is up and running on CORD-POD setup. |
| 1. OLT and ONU is detected and validated. |
| 2. Issue tls auth packets from CORD TESTER voltha test module acting as a subscriber.. |
| 3. Send dhcp request from residential subscriber to dhcp server which is running as onos app. |
| 4. Verify that subscriber get ip from dhcp server successfully. |
| 5. Disable olt devices which is being detected in voltha CLI. |
| 6. Repeat step 3. |
| 7. Verify that subscriber should not get ip from dhcp server, and ping to gateway. |
| """ |
| def test_subscriber_with_voltha_for_dhcp_disable_enable_olt_in_voltha(self): |
| """ |
| Test Method: |
| 0. Make sure that voltha is up and running on CORD-POD setup. |
| 1. OLT and ONU is detected and validated. |
| 2. Issue tls auth packets from CORD TESTER voltha test module acting as a subscriber.. |
| 3. Send dhcp request from residential subscriber to dhcp server which is running as onos app. |
| 4. Verify that subscriber get ip from dhcp server successfully. |
| 5. Disable olt devices which is being detected in voltha CLI. |
| 6. Repeat step 3. |
| 7. Verify that subscriber should not get ip from dhcp server, and ping to gateway. |
| 8. Enable olt devices which is being detected in voltha CLI. |
| 9. Repeat steps 3 and 4. |
| """ |
| def test_subscriber_with_voltha_for_dhcp_disable_onu_port_in_voltha(self): |
| """ |
| Test Method: |
| 0. Make sure that voltha is up and running on CORD-POD setup. |
| 1. OLT and ONU is detected and validated. |
| 2. Issue tls auth packets from CORD TESTER voltha test module acting as a subscriber.. |
| 3. Send dhcp request from residential subscriber to dhcp server which is running as onos app. |
| 4. Verify that subscriber get ip from dhcp server successfully. |
| 5. Disable onu port which is being detected in voltha CLI. |
| 6. Repeat step 3. |
| 7. Verify that subscriber should not get ip from dhcp server, and ping to gateway. |
| """ |
| def test_subscriber_with_voltha_for_dhcp_disable_enable_onu_port_in_voltha(self): |
| """ |
| Test Method: |
| 0. Make sure that voltha is up and running on CORD-POD setup. |
| 1. OLT and ONU is detected and validated. |
| 2. Issue tls auth packets from CORD TESTER voltha test module acting as a subscriber.. |
| 3. Send dhcp request from residential subscriber to dhcp server which is running as onos app. |
| 4. Verify that subscriber get ip from dhcp server successfully. |
| 5. Disable onu port which is being detected in voltha CLI. |
| 6. Repeat step 3. |
| 7. Verify that subscriber should not get ip from dhcp server, and ping to gateway. |
| 8. Enable onu port which is being detected in voltha CLI. |
| 9. Repeat steps 3 and 4. |
| """ |
| |
| def test_two_subscriber_with_voltha_for_dhcp_discover(self): |
| """ |
| Test Method: |
| 0. Make sure that voltha is up and running on CORD-POD setup. |
| 1. OLT and ONU is detected and validated. |
| 2. Issue tls auth packets from CORD TESTER voltha test module acting as a subscriber.. |
| 3. Send dhcp request from two residential subscribers to dhcp server which is running as onos app. |
| 4. Verify that subscribers had got different ips from dhcp server successfully. |
| """ |
| |
| def test_two_subscriber_with_voltha_for_dhcp_multiple_discover(self): |
| """ |
| Test Method: |
| 0. Make sure that voltha is up and running on CORD-POD setup. |
| 1. OLT and ONU is detected and validated. |
| 2. Issue tls auth packets from CORD TESTER voltha test module acting as a subscriber.. |
| 3. Send dhcp request from two residential subscribers to dhcp server which is running as onos app. |
| 4. Verify that subscribers had got ip from dhcp server successfully. |
| 5. Repeat step 3 and 4 for 10 times for both subscribers. |
| 6 Verify that subscribers should get same ips which are offered the first time from dhcp server. |
| """ |
| def test_two_subscriber_with_voltha_for_dhcp_multiple_discover_for_one_subscriber(self): |
| """ |
| Test Method: |
| 0. Make sure that voltha is up and running on CORD-POD setup. |
| 1. OLT and ONU is detected and validated. |
| 2. Issue tls auth packets from CORD TESTER voltha test module acting as a subscriber.. |
| 3. Send dhcp request from two residential subscribers to dhcp server which is running as onos app. |
| 4. Verify that subscribers had got ip from dhcp server successfully. |
| 5. Repeat step 3 and 4 for 10 times for only one subscriber and ping to gateway from other subscriber. |
| 6 Verify that subscriber should get same ip which is offered the first time from dhcp server and other subscriber ping to gateway should not failed |
| """ |
| def test_two_subscriber_with_voltha_for_dhcp_discover_desired_ip_address_for_one_subscriber(self): |
| """ |
| Test Method: |
| 0. Make sure that voltha is up and running on CORD-POD setup. |
| 1. OLT and ONU is detected and validated. |
| 2. Issue tls auth packets from CORD TESTER voltha test module acting as a subscriber.. |
| 3. Send dhcp request from one residential subscriber to dhcp server which is running as onos app. |
| 3. Send dhcp request with desired ip from other residential subscriber to dhcp server which is running as onos app. |
| 4. Verify that subscribers had got different ips (one subscriber desired ip and other subscriber random ip) from dhcp server successfully. |
| """ |
| def test_two_subscriber_with_voltha_for_dhcp_discover_within_and_wothout_dhcp_pool_ip_addresses(self): |
| """ |
| Test Method: |
| 0. Make sure that voltha is up and running on CORD-POD setup. |
| 1. OLT and ONU is detected and validated. |
| 2. Issue tls auth packets from CORD TESTER voltha test module acting as a subscriber.. |
| 3. Send dhcp request with desired wihtin dhcp pool ip from one residential subscriber to dhcp server which is running as onos app. |
| 3. Send dhcp request with desired without in dhcp pool ip from other residential subscriber to dhcp server which is running as onos app. |
| 4. Verify that subscribers had got different ips (both subscriber got random ips within dhcp pool) from dhcp server successfully. |
| """ |
| def test_two_subscriber_with_voltha_for_dhcp_disable_onu_port_for_one_subscriber(self): |
| """ |
| Test Method: |
| 0. Make sure that voltha is up and running on CORD-POD setup. |
| 1. OLT and ONU is detected and validated. |
| 2. Issue tls auth packets from CORD TESTER voltha test module acting as a subscriber.. |
| 3. Send dhcp request from two residential subscribers to dhcp server which is running as onos app. |
| 4. Verify that subscribers had got ip from dhcp server successfully. |
| 5. Disable onu port on which access one subscriber and ping to gateway from other subscriber. |
| 6. Repeat step 3 and 4 for one subscriber where uni port is down. |
| 7. Verify that subscriber should not get ip from dhcp server and other subscriber ping to gateway should not failed. |
| """ |
| def test_two_subscriber_with_voltha_for_dhcp_disable_enable_onu_port_for_one_subscriber(self): |
| """ |
| Test Method: |
| 0. Make sure that voltha is up and running on CORD-POD setup. |
| 1. OLT and ONU is detected and validated. |
| 2. Issue tls auth packets from CORD TESTER voltha test module acting as a subscriber.. |
| 3. Send dhcp request from two residential subscribers to dhcp server which is running as onos app. |
| 4. Verify that subscribers had got ip from dhcp server successfully. |
| 5. Disable onu port on which access one subscriber and ping to gateway from other subscriber. |
| 6. Repeat step 3 and 4 for one subscriber where uni port is down. |
| 7. Verify that subscriber should not get ip from dhcp server and other subscriber ping to gateway should not failed. |
| 8. Enable onu port on which was disable at step 5 and ping to gateway from other subscriber. |
| 9. Repeat step 3 and 4 for one subscriber where uni port is up now. |
| 10. Verify that subscriber should get ip from dhcp server and other subscriber ping to gateway should not failed. |
| """ |
| def test_two_subscriber_with_voltha_for_dhcp_disable_olt_detected_in_voltha(self): |
| """ |
| Test Method: |
| 0. Make sure that voltha is up and running on CORD-POD setup. |
| 1. OLT and ONU is detected and validated. |
| 2. Issue tls auth packets from CORD TESTER voltha test module acting as a subscriber.. |
| 3. Send dhcp request from two residential subscribers to dhcp server which is running as onos app. |
| 4. Verify that subscribers had got ip from dhcp server successfully. |
| 5. Start pinging continuously from one subscriber and repeat steps 3 and 4 for other subscriber. |
| 6. Disable the olt device which is detected in voltha. |
| 7. Verify that subscriber should not get ip from dhcp server and other subscriber ping to gateway should failed. |
| """ |
| def test_two_subscriber_with_voltha_for_dhcp_disable_enable_olt_detected_in_voltha(self): |
| """ |
| Test Method: |
| 0. Make sure that voltha is up and running on CORD-POD setup. |
| 1. OLT and ONU is detected and validated. |
| 2. Issue tls auth packets from CORD TESTER voltha test module acting as a subscriber.. |
| 3. Send dhcp request from two residential subscribers to dhcp server which is running as onos app. |
| 4. Verify that subscribers had got ip from dhcp server successfully. |
| 5. Start pinging continuously from one subscriber and repeat steps 3 and 4 for other subscriber. |
| 6. Disable the olt device which is detected in voltha. |
| 7. Verify that subscriber should not get ip from dhcp server and other subscriber ping to gateway should failed. |
| 8. Enable the olt device which is detected in voltha. |
| 9. Verify that subscriber should get ip from dhcp server and other subscriber ping to gateway should not failed. |
| """ |
| def test_two_subscriber_with_voltha_for_dhcp_pause_olt_detected_in_voltha(self): |
| """ |
| Test Method: |
| 0. Make sure that voltha is up and running on CORD-POD setup. |
| 1. OLT and ONU is detected and validated. |
| 2. Issue tls auth packets from CORD TESTER voltha test module acting as a subscriber.. |
| 3. Send dhcp request from two residential subscribers to dhcp server which is running as onos app. |
| 4. Verify that subscribers had got ip from dhcp server successfully. |
| 5. Start pinging continuously from one subscriber and repeat steps 3 and 4 for other subscriber. |
| 6. Pause the olt device which is detected in voltha. |
| 7. Verify that subscriber should not get ip from dhcp server and other subscriber ping to gateway should failed. |
| """ |
| def test_subscriber_with_voltha_for_dhcpRelay_dhcp_request(self): |
| """ |
| Test Method: |
| 0. Make sure that voltha and external dhcp server are up and running on CORD-POD setup. |
| 1. OLT and ONU is detected and validated. |
| 2. Issue tls auth packets from CORD TESTER voltha test module acting as a subscriber.. |
| 3. Send dhcp request from residential subscrber to external dhcp server. |
| 4. Verify that subscriber get ip from external dhcp server successfully. |
| """ |
| |
| def test_subscriber_with_voltha_for_dhcpRelay_dhcp_request_with_invalid_broadcast_source_mac(self): |
| """ |
| Test Method: |
| 0. Make sure that voltha and external dhcp server are is up and running on CORD-POD setup. |
| 1. OLT and ONU is detected and validated. |
| 2. Issue tls auth packets from CORD TESTER voltha test module acting as a subscriber.. |
| 3. Send dhcp request with invalid source mac broadcast from residential subscrber to external dhcp server. |
| 4. Verify that subscriber should not get ip from external dhcp server. |
| """ |
| |
| def test_subscriber_with_voltha_for_dhcpRelay_dhcp_request_with_invalid_multicast_source_mac(self): |
| """ |
| Test Method: |
| 0. Make sure that voltha and external dhcp server are is up and running on CORD-POD setup. |
| 1. OLT and ONU is detected and validated. |
| 2. Issue tls auth packets from CORD TESTER voltha test module acting as a subscriber.. |
| 3. Send dhcp request with invalid source mac multicast from residential subscrber to external dhcp server. |
| 4. Verify that subscriber should not get ip from external dhcp server. |
| """ |
| |
| def test_subscriber_with_voltha_for_dhcpRelay_dhcp_request_with_invalid_source_mac(self): |
| """ |
| Test Method: |
| 0. Make sure that voltha and external dhcp server are up and running on CORD-POD setup. |
| 1. OLT and ONU is detected and validated. |
| 2. Issue tls auth packets from CORD TESTER voltha test module acting as a subscriber.. |
| 3. Send dhcp request with invalid source mac zero from residential subscrber to external dhcp server. |
| 4. Verify that subscriber should not get ip from external dhcp server. |
| """ |
| |
| def test_subscriber_with_voltha_for_dhcpRelay_dhcp_request_and_release(self): |
| """ |
| Test Method: |
| 0. Make sure that voltha and external dhcp server are up and running on CORD-POD setup. |
| 1. OLT and ONU is detected and validated. |
| 2. Issue tls auth packets from CORD TESTER voltha test module acting as a subscriber.. |
| 3. Send dhcp request from residential subscrber to external dhcp server. |
| 4. Verify that subscriber get ip from external dhcp server successfully. |
| 5. Send dhcp release from residential subscrber to external dhcp server. |
| 6 Verify that subscriber should not get ip from external dhcp server, ping to gateway. |
| """ |
| |
| def test_subscriber_with_voltha_for_dhcpRelay_starvation(self): |
| """ |
| Test Method: |
| 0. Make sure that voltha and external dhcp server are up and running on CORD-POD setup. |
| 1. OLT and ONU is detected and validated. |
| 2. Issue tls auth packets from CORD TESTER voltha test module acting as a subscriber.. |
| 3. Send dhcp request from residential subscriber to external dhcp server. |
| 4. Verify that subscriber get ip from external dhcp server. successfully. |
| 5. Repeat step 3 and 4 for 10 times. |
| 6 Verify that subscriber should get ip from external dhcp server.. |
| """ |
| |
| def test_subscriber_with_voltha_for_dhcpRelay_starvation_negative_scenario(self): |
| """ |
| Test Method: |
| 0. Make sure that voltha and external dhcp server are up and running on CORD-POD setup. |
| 1. OLT and ONU is detected and validated. |
| 2. Issue tls auth packets from CORD TESTER voltha test module acting as a subscriber.. |
| 3. Send dhcp request from residential subscriber without of pool ip to external dhcp server. |
| 4. Verify that subscriber should not get ip from external dhcp server.. |
| 5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 for 10 times. |
| 6 Verify that subscriber should not get ip from external dhcp server.. |
| """ |
| def test_subscriber_with_voltha_for_dhcpRelay_sending_multiple_discover(self): |
| """ |
| Test Method: |
| 0. Make sure that voltha and external dhcp server are up and running on CORD-POD setup. |
| 1. OLT and ONU is detected and validated. |
| 2. Issue tls auth packets from CORD TESTER voltha test module acting as a subscriber.. |
| 3. Send dhcp request from residential subscriber to external dhcp server. |
| 4. Verify that subscriber get ip from external dhcp server. successfully. |
| 5. Repeat step 3 for 50 times. |
| 6 Verify that subscriber should get same ip which was received from 1st discover from external dhcp server.. |
| """ |
| def test_subscriber_with_voltha_for_dhcpRelay_sending_multiple_request(self): |
| """ |
| Test Method: |
| 0. Make sure that voltha and external dhcp server are up and running on CORD-POD setup. |
| 1. OLT and ONU is detected and validated. |
| 2. Issue tls auth packets from CORD TESTER voltha test module acting as a subscriber.. |
| 3. Send dhcp request from residential subscriber to external dhcp server. |
| 4. Verify that subscriber get ip from external dhcp server. successfully. |
| 5. Send DHCP request to external dhcp server. |
| 6. Repeat step 5 for 50 times. |
| 7. Verify that subscriber should get same ip which was received from 1st discover from external dhcp server.. |
| """ |
| |
| def test_subscriber_with_voltha_for_dhcpRelay_requesting_desired_ip_address(self): |
| """ |
| Test Method: |
| 0. Make sure that voltha and external dhcp server are up and running on CORD-POD setup. |
| 1. OLT and ONU is detected and validated. |
| 2. Issue tls auth packets from CORD TESTER voltha test module acting as a subscriber.. |
| 3. Send dhcp request with desired ip address from residential subscriber to external dhcp server. |
| 4. Verify that subscriber get ip which was requested in step 3 from external dhcp server. successfully. |
| """ |
| |
| def test_subscriber_with_voltha_for_dhcpRelay_requesting_desired_out_of_pool_ip_address(self): |
| """ |
| Test Method: |
| 0. Make sure that voltha and external dhcp server are up and running on CORD-POD setup. |
| 1. OLT and ONU is detected and validated. |
| 2. Issue tls auth packets from CORD TESTER voltha test module acting as a subscriber.. |
| 3. Send dhcp request with desired out of pool ip address from residential subscriber to external dhcp server. |
| 4. Verify that subscriber should not get ip which was requested in step 3 from external dhcp server., and its offered only within dhcp pool of ip. |
| """ |
| |
| def test_subscriber_with_voltha_for_dhcpRelay_deactivating_dhcpRelay_app_in_onos(self): |
| """ |
| Test Method: |
| 0. Make sure that voltha and external dhcp server are up and running on CORD-POD setup. |
| 1. OLT and ONU is detected and validated. |
| 2. Issue tls auth packets from CORD TESTER voltha test module acting as a subscriber.. |
| 3. Send dhcp request from residential subscriber to external dhcp server. |
| 4. Verify that subscriber get ip from external dhcp server. successfully. |
| 5. Deactivate dhcp server app in onos. |
| 6. Repeat step 3. |
| 7. Verify that subscriber should not get ip from external dhcp server., and ping to gateway. |
| """ |
| |
| def test_subscriber_with_voltha_for_dhcpRelay_renew_time(self): |
| """ |
| Test Method: |
| 0. Make sure that voltha and external dhcp server are up and running on CORD-POD setup. |
| 1. OLT and ONU is detected and validated. |
| 2. Issue tls auth packets from CORD TESTER voltha test module acting as a subscriber.. |
| 3. Send dhcp request from residential subscriber to external dhcp server. |
| 4. Verify that subscriber get ip from external dhcp server. successfully. |
| 5. Send dhcp renew packet to external dhcp server. |
| 6. Repeat step 4. |
| """ |
| |
| def test_subscriber_with_voltha_for_dhcpRelay_rebind_time(self): |
| """ |
| Test Method: |
| 0. Make sure that voltha and external dhcp server are up and running on CORD-POD setup. |
| 1. OLT and ONU is detected and validated. |
| 2. Issue tls auth packets from CORD TESTER voltha test module acting as a subscriber.. |
| 3. Send dhcp request from residential subscriber to external dhcp server. |
| 4. Verify that subscriber get ip from external dhcp server. successfully. |
| 5. Send dhcp rebind packet to external dhcp server. |
| 6. Repeat step 4. |
| """ |
| |
| def test_subscriber_with_voltha_for_dhcpRelay_disable_olt_in_voltha(self): |
| """ |
| Test Method: |
| 0. Make sure that voltha and external dhcp server are up and running on CORD-POD setup. |
| 1. OLT and ONU is detected and validated. |
| 2. Issue tls auth packets from CORD TESTER voltha test module acting as a subscriber.. |
| 3. Send dhcp request from residential subscriber to external dhcp server. |
| 4. Verify that subscriber get ip from external dhcp server. successfully. |
| 5. Disable olt devices which is being detected in voltha CLI. |
| 6. Repeat step 3. |
| 7. Verify that subscriber should not get ip from external dhcp server., and ping to gateway. |
| """ |
| |
| def test_subscriber_with_voltha_for_dhcpRelay_toggling_olt_in_voltha(self): |
| """ |
| Test Method: |
| 0. Make sure that voltha and external dhcp server are up and running on CORD-POD setup. |
| 1. OLT and ONU is detected and validated. |
| 2. Issue tls auth packets from CORD TESTER voltha test module acting as a subscriber.. |
| 3. Send dhcp request from residential subscriber to external dhcp server. |
| 4. Verify that subscriber get ip from external dhcp server. successfully. |
| 5. Disable olt devices which is being detected in voltha CLI. |
| 6. Repeat step 3. |
| 7. Verify that subscriber should not get ip from external dhcp server., and ping to gateway. |
| 8. Enable olt devices which is being detected in voltha CLI. |
| 9. Repeat steps 3 and 4. |
| """ |
| |
| def test_subscriber_with_voltha_for_dhcpRelay_disable_onu_port_in_voltha(self): |
| """ |
| Test Method: |
| 0. Make sure that voltha and external dhcp server are up and running on CORD-POD setup. |
| 1. OLT and ONU is detected and validated. |
| 2. Issue tls auth packets from CORD TESTER voltha test module acting as a subscriber.. |
| 3. Send dhcp request from residential subscriber to external dhcp server. |
| 4. Verify that subscriber get ip from external dhcp server. successfully. |
| 5. Disable onu port which is being detected in voltha CLI. |
| 6. Repeat step 3. |
| 7. Verify that subscriber should not get ip from external dhcp server., and ping to gateway. |
| """ |
| |
| def test_subscriber_with_voltha_for_dhcpRelay_disable_enable_onu_port_in_voltha(self): |
| """ |
| Test Method: |
| 0. Make sure that voltha and external dhcp server are up and running on CORD-POD setup. |
| 1. OLT and ONU is detected and validated. |
| 2. Issue tls auth packets from CORD TESTER voltha test module acting as a subscriber.. |
| 3. Send dhcp request from residential subscriber to external dhcp server. |
| 4. Verify that subscriber get ip from external dhcp server. successfully. |
| 5. Disable onu port which is being detected in voltha CLI. |
| 6. Repeat step 3. |
| 7. Verify that subscriber should not get ip from external dhcp server., and ping to gateway. |
| 8. Enable onu port which is being detected in voltha CLI. |
| 9. Repeat steps 3 and 4. |
| """ |
| |
| def test_two_subscriber_with_voltha_for_dhcpRelay_discover(self): |
| """ |
| Test Method: |
| 0. Make sure that voltha and external dhcp server are up and running on CORD-POD setup. |
| 1. OLT and ONU is detected and validated. |
| 2. Issue tls auth packets from CORD TESTER voltha test module acting as a subscriber.. |
| 3. Send dhcp request from two residential subscribers to external dhcp server. |
| 4. Verify that subscribers had got different ips from external dhcp server. successfully. |
| """ |
| |
| def test_two_subscriber_with_voltha_for_dhcpRelay_multiple_discover(self): |
| """ |
| Test Method: |
| 0. Make sure that voltha and external dhcp server are up and running on CORD-POD setup. |
| 1. OLT and ONU is detected and validated. |
| 2. Issue tls auth packets from CORD TESTER voltha test module acting as a subscriber.. |
| 3. Send dhcp request from two residential subscribers to external dhcp server. |
| 4. Verify that subscribers had got ip from external dhcp server. successfully. |
| 5. Repeat step 3 and 4 for 10 times for both subscribers. |
| 6 Verify that subscribers should get same ips which are offered the first time from external dhcp server.. |
| """ |
| |
| def test_two_subscriber_with_voltha_for_dhcpRelay_multiple_discover_for_one_subscriber(self): |
| """ |
| Test Method: |
| 0. Make sure that voltha and external dhcp server are up and running on CORD-POD setup. |
| 1. OLT and ONU is detected and validated. |
| 2. Issue tls auth packets from CORD TESTER voltha test module acting as a subscriber.. |
| 3. Send dhcp request from two residential subscribers to external dhcp server. |
| 4. Verify that subscribers had got ip from external dhcp server. successfully. |
| 5. Repeat step 3 and 4 for 10 times for only one subscriber and ping to gateway from other subscriber. |
| 6 Verify that subscriber should get same ip which is offered the first time from external dhcp server. and other subscriber ping to gateway should not failed |
| """ |
| |
| def test_two_subscriber_with_voltha_for_dhcpRelay_discover_desired_ip_address_for_one_subscriber(self): |
| """ |
| Test Method: |
| 0. Make sure that voltha and external dhcp server are up and running on CORD-POD setup. |
| 1. OLT and ONU is detected and validated. |
| 2. Issue tls auth packets from CORD TESTER voltha test module acting as a subscriber.. |
| 3. Send dhcp request from one residential subscriber to external dhcp server. |
| 3. Send dhcp request with desired ip from other residential subscriber to external dhcp server. |
| 4. Verify that subscribers had got different ips (one subscriber desired ip and other subscriber random ip) from external dhcp server. successfully. |
| """ |
| |
| def test_two_subscriber_with_voltha_for_dhcpRelay_discover_in_range_and_out_of_range_from_dhcp_pool_ip_addresses(self): |
| """ |
| Test Method: |
| 0. Make sure that voltha and external dhcp server are up and running on CORD-POD setup. |
| 1. OLT and ONU is detected and validated. |
| 2. Issue tls auth packets from CORD TESTER voltha test module acting as a subscriber.. |
| 3. Send dhcp request with desired wihtin dhcp pool ip from one residential subscriber to external dhcp server. |
| 3. Send dhcp request with desired without in dhcp pool ip from other residential subscriber to external dhcp server. |
| 4. Verify that subscribers had got different ips (both subscriber got random ips within dhcp pool) from external dhcp server. successfully. |
| """ |
| |
| def test_two_subscriber_with_voltha_for_dhcpRelay_disable_onu_port_for_one_subscriber(self): |
| """ |
| Test Method: |
| 0. Make sure that voltha and external dhcp server are up and running on CORD-POD setup. |
| 1. OLT and ONU is detected and validated. |
| 2. Issue tls auth packets from CORD TESTER voltha test module acting as a subscriber.. |
| 3. Send dhcp request from two residential subscribers to external dhcp server. |
| 4. Verify that subscribers had got ip from external dhcp server. successfully. |
| 5. Disable onu port on which access one subscriber and ping to gateway from other subscriber. |
| 6. Repeat step 3 and 4 for one subscriber where uni port is down. |
| 7. Verify that subscriber should not get ip from external dhcp server. and other subscriber ping to gateway should not failed. |
| """ |
| |
| def test_two_subscriber_with_voltha_for_dhcpRelay_toggle_onu_port_for_one_subscriber(self): |
| """ |
| Test Method: |
| 0. Make sure that voltha and external dhcp server are up and running on CORD-POD setup. |
| 1. OLT and ONU is detected and validated. |
| 2. Issue tls auth packets from CORD TESTER voltha test module acting as a subscriber.. |
| 3. Send dhcp request from two residential subscribers to external dhcp server. |
| 4. Verify that subscribers had got ip from external dhcp server. successfully. |
| 5. Disable onu port on which access one subscriber and ping to gateway from other subscriber. |
| 6. Repeat step 3 and 4 for one subscriber where uni port is down. |
| 7. Verify that subscriber should not get ip from external dhcp server. and other subscriber ping to gateway should not failed. |
| 8. Enable onu port on which was disable at step 5 and ping to gateway from other subscriber. |
| 9. Repeat step 3 and 4 for one subscriber where uni port is up now. |
| 10. Verify that subscriber should get ip from external dhcp server. and other subscriber ping to gateway should not failed. |
| """ |
| |
| def test_two_subscriber_with_voltha_for_dhcpRelay_disable_olt_detected_in_voltha(self): |
| """ |
| Test Method: |
| 0. Make sure that voltha and external dhcp server are up and running on CORD-POD setup. |
| 1. OLT and ONU is detected and validated. |
| 2. Issue tls auth packets from CORD TESTER voltha test module acting as a subscriber.. |
| 3. Send dhcp request from two residential subscribers to external dhcp server. |
| 4. Verify that subscribers had got ip from external dhcp server. successfully. |
| 5. Start pinging continuously from one subscriber and repeat steps 3 and 4 for other subscriber. |
| 6. Disable the olt device which is detected in voltha. |
| 7. Verify that subscriber should not get ip from external dhcp server. and other subscriber ping to gateway should failed. |
| """ |
| |
| def test_two_subscriber_with_voltha_for_dhcpRelay_toggle_olt_detected_in_voltha(self): |
| """ |
| Test Method: |
| 0. Make sure that voltha and external dhcp server are up and running on CORD-POD setup. |
| 1. OLT and ONU is detected and validated. |
| 2. Issue tls auth packets from CORD TESTER voltha test module acting as a subscriber.. |
| 3. Send dhcp request from two residential subscribers to external dhcp server. |
| 4. Verify that subscribers had got ip from external dhcp server. successfully. |
| 5. Start pinging continuously from one subscriber and repeat steps 3 and 4 for other subscriber. |
| 6. Disable the olt device which is detected in voltha. |
| 7. Verify that subscriber should not get ip from external dhcp server. and other subscriber ping to gateway should failed. |
| 8. Enable the olt device which is detected in voltha. |
| 9. Verify that subscriber should get ip from external dhcp server. and other subscriber ping to gateway should not failed. |
| """ |
| |
| def test_two_subscriber_with_voltha_for_dhcpRelay_pause_olt_detected_in_voltha(self): |
| """ |
| Test Method: |
| 0. Make sure that voltha and external dhcp server are up and running on CORD-POD setup. |
| 1. OLT and ONU is detected and validated. |
| 2. Issue tls auth packets from CORD TESTER voltha test module acting as a subscriber.. |
| 3. Send dhcp request from two residential subscribers to external dhcp server. |
| 4. Verify that subscribers had got ip from external dhcp server. successfully. |
| 5. Start pinging continuously from one subscriber and repeat steps 3 and 4 for other subscriber. |
| 6. Pause the olt device which is detected in voltha. |
| 7. Verify that subscriber should not get ip from external dhcp server. and other subscriber ping to gateway should failed. |
| """ |