blob: b06996686dbf8809a617c20dc2b2ac2817196386 [file] [log] [blame]
***settings ***
Documentation Run Cord verification test cases
Resource cord_resource.robot
Suite Setup Cord Setup
Suite Teardown Cord Teardown
*** Test Cases ***
Verify ONOS FLOWS Functionality 1
[Documentation] Test ONOS Flows functionality for mac flow
${rc}= Run Cord Tester flows:flows_exchange.test_flow_mac
Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
Verify ONOS FLOWS Functionality 2
[Documentation] Test ONOS Flows functionality for IP flow
${rc}= Run Cord Tester flows:flows_exchange.test_flow_ip
Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
Verify ONOS FLOWS Functionality 3
[Documentation] Test ONOS Flows functionality for tcp port flow
${rc}= Run Cord Tester flows:flows_exchange.test_flow_tcp_port
Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
Verify ONOS FLOWS Functionality 4
[Documentation] Test ONOS Flows functionality for udp port flow
${rc}= Run Cord Tester flows:flows_exchange.test_flow_udp_port
Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
Verify ONOS FLOWS Functionality 5
[Documentation] Test ONOS Flows functionality for vlan flow
${rc}= Run Cord Tester flows:flows_exchange.test_flow_vlan
Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
Verify ONOS FLOWS Functionality 6
[Documentation] Test ONOS Flows functionality for ipv6 flow
${rc}= Run Cord Tester flows:flows_exchange.test_flow_ipv6
Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
Verify ONOS FLOWS Functionality 7
[Documentation] Test ONOS Flows functionality for ipv6 flow lable flow
${rc}= Run Cord Tester flows:flows_exchange.test_flow_ipv6_flow_label
Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
Verify ONOS FLOWS Functionality 8
[Documentation] Test ONOS Flows functionality for ipv6 extension header flow
${rc}= Run Cord Tester flows:flows_exchange.test_flow_ipv6_extension_header
Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
Verify ONOS FLOWS Functionality 9
[Documentation] Test ONOS Flows functionality for ipv6 available extentions headers flow
${rc}= Run Cord Tester flows:flows_exchange.test_flow_ipv6_available_extension_headers
Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
Verify ONOS FLOWS Functionality 10
[Documentation] Test ONOS Flows functionality for ip dscp flow
${rc}= Run Cord Tester flows:flows_exchange.test_flow_dscp
Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
Verify ONOS FLOWS Functionality 11
[Documentation] Test ONOS Flows functionality for available ip dscp flow
${rc}= Run Cord Tester flows:flows_exchange.test_flow_available_dscp
Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
Verify ONOS FLOWS Functionality 12
[Documentation] Test ONOS Flows functionality for ecn flow
${rc}= Run Cord Tester flows:flows_exchange.test_flow_ecn
Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
Verify ONOS FLOWS Functionality 13
[Documentation] Test ONOS Flows functionality for available ecn flow
${rc}= Run Cord Tester flows:flows_exchange.test_flow_available_ecn
Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
Verify ONOS FLOWS Functionality 14
[Documentation] Test ONOS Flows functionality for available ip dscp and ecn flow
${rc}= Run Cord Tester flows:flows_exchange.test_flow_available_dscp_and_ecn
Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
Verify ONOS FLOWS Functionality 15
[Documentation] Test ONOS Flows functionality for icmp flow
${rc}= Run Cord Tester flows:flows_exchange.test_flow_icmp
Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
Verify ONOS FLOWS Functionality 16
[Documentation] Test ONOS Flows functionality for different types of icmp messages flow
${rc}= Run Cord Tester flows:flows_exchange.test_flow_icmp_different_types
Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
Verify ONOS FLOWS Functionality 17
[Documentation] Test ONOS Flows functionality for icmpv6 echo request flow
${rc}= Run Cord Tester flows:flows_exchange.test_flow_icmpv6_EchoRequest
Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
Verify ONOS FLOWS Functionality 18
[Documentation] Test ONOS Flows functionality for icmpv6 echo reply flow
${rc}= Run Cord Tester flows:flows_exchange.test_flow_icmpv6_EchoReply
Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
Verify ONOS FLOWS Functionality 19
[Documentation] Test ONOS Flows functionality for icmpv6 destination unreachable flow
${rc}= Run Cord Tester flows:flows_exchange.test_flow_icmpv6_DestUnreachable
Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
Verify ONOS FLOWS Functionality 20
[Documentation] Test ONOS Flows functionality for icmpv6 too big messages flow
${rc}= Run Cord Tester flows:flows_exchange.test_flow_icmpv6_PacketTooBig
Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
Verify ONOS FLOWS Functionality 21
[Documentation] Test ONOS Flows functionality for icmpv6 time exceeded messages flow
${rc}= Run Cord Tester flows:flows_exchange.test_flow_icmpv6_TimeExceeded
Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
Verify ONOS FLOWS Functionality 22
[Documentation] Test ONOS Flows functionality for icmpv6 parameter problem flow
${rc}= Run Cord Tester flows:flows_exchange.test_flow_icmpv6_ParameterProblem
Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
Verify ONOS FLOWS Functionality 23
[Documentation] Test ONOS Flows functionality for ipv6 neighbor discover flow
${rc}= Run Cord Tester flows:flows_exchange.test_flow_icmpv6_ND_Target_address
Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
Verify ONOS FLOWS Functionality 24
[Documentation] Test ONOS Flows functionality for ipv6 ND SLL flow
${rc}= Run Cord Tester flows:flows_exchange.test_flow_icmpv6_ND_SLL
Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
Verify ONOS FLOWS Functionality 25
[Documentation] Test ONOS Flows functionality for ipv6 NA TLL flow
${rc}= Run Cord Tester flows:flows_exchange.test_flow_icmpv6_NA_TLL
Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
Verify ONOS FLOWS Functionality 26
[Documentation] Test ONOS Flows functionality for ipv6 and icmpv6 flow
${rc}= Run Cord Tester flows:flows_exchange.test_flow_ipv6_and_icmpv6
Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
Verify ONOS FLOWS Functionality 27
[Documentation] Test ONOS Flows functionality for constant dest mac 5 flows
${rc}= Run Cord Tester flows:flows_exchange.test_5_flow_constant_dst_mac
Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
Verify ONOS FLOWS Functionality 28
[Documentation] Test ONOS Flows functionality for constant dest mac 500 flows
${rc}= Run Cord Tester flows:flows_exchange.test_500_flow_constant_dst_mac
Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
Verify ONOS FLOWS Functionality 29
[Documentation] Test ONOS Flows functionality for constant dest mac 1k flows
${rc}= Run Cord Tester flows:flows_exchange.test_1k_flow_constant_dst_mac
Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
Verify ONOS FLOWS Functionality 30
[Documentation] Test ONOS Flows functionality for constant dest mac 10k flows
${rc}= Run Cord Tester flows:flows_exchange.test_10k_flow_constant_dst_mac
Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
Verify ONOS FLOWS Functionality 31
[Documentation] Test ONOS Flows functionality for constant dest mac 100k flows
${rc}= Run Cord Tester flows:flows_exchange.test_100k_flow_constant_dst_mac
Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
Verify ONOS FLOWS Functionality 32
[Documentation] Test ONOS Flows functionality for constant dest mac 1000k flows
${rc}= Run Cord Tester flows:flows_exchange.test_1000k_flow_constant_dst_mac
Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
Verify ONOS FLOWS Functionality 33
[Documentation] Test ONOS Flows functionality for constant source mac 5 flows
${rc}= Run Cord Tester flows:flows_exchange.test_5_flow_constant_src_mac
Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
Verify ONOS FLOWS Functionality 34
[Documentation] Test ONOS Flows functionality for 500 mac flows
${rc}= Run Cord Tester flows:flows_exchange.test_500_flow_mac
Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
Verify ONOS FLOWS Functionality 35
[Documentation] Test ONOS Flows functionality for 1k mac flows
${rc}= Run Cord Tester flows:flows_exchange.test_1k_flow_mac
Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
Verify ONOS FLOWS Functionality 36
[Documentation] Test ONOS Flows functionality for 10k mac flows
${rc}= Run Cord Tester flows:flows_exchange.test_10k_flow_mac
Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
Verify ONOS FLOWS Functionality 37
[Documentation] Test ONOS Flows functionality for 100k mac flows
${rc}= Run Cord Tester flows:flows_exchange.test_100k_flow_mac
Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
Verify ONOS FLOWS Functionality 38
[Documentation] Test ONOS Flows functionality for 1000k mac flows
${rc}= Run Cord Tester flows:flows_exchange.test_1000k_flow_mac
Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
Verify ONOS FLOWS Functionality 39
[Documentation] Test ONOS Flows functionality for 100 mac flows rate
${rc}= Run Cord Tester flows:flows_exchange.test_rate_100_flow_mac
Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
Verify ONOS FLOWS Functionality 40
[Documentation] Test ONOS Flows functionality for 500 mac flows rate
${rc}= Run Cord Tester flows:flows_exchange.test_rate_500_flow_mac
Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
Verify ONOS FLOWS Functionality 41
[Documentation] Test ONOS Flows functionality for 1k mac flows rate
${rc}= Run Cord Tester flows:flows_exchange.test_rate_1k_flow_mac
Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
Verify ONOS FLOWS Functionality 42
[Documentation] Test ONOS Flows functionality for 500 IP flows
${rc}= Run Cord Tester flows:flows_exchange.test_500_flow_ip
Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
Verify ONOS FLOWS Functionality 43
[Documentation] Test ONOS Flows functionality for 1k IP flows
${rc}= Run Cord Tester flows:flows_exchange.test_1k_flow_ip
Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
Verify ONOS FLOWS Functionality 44
[Documentation] Test ONOS Flows functionality for 10k IP flows
${rc}= Run Cord Tester flows:flows_exchange.test_10k_flow_ip
Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
Verify ONOS FLOWS Functionality 45
[Documentation] Test ONOS Flows functionality for 100k IP flows
${rc}= Run Cord Tester flows:flows_exchange.test_100k_flow_ip
Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
Verify ONOS FLOWS Functionality 46
[Documentation] Test ONOS Flows functionality for 1000k IP flows
${rc}= Run Cord Tester flows:flows_exchange.test_1000k_flow_ip
Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
Verify ONOS FLOWS Functionality 47
[Documentation] Test ONOS Flows functionality for 500 tcp flows
${rc}= Run Cord Tester flows:flows_exchange.test_500_flow_tcp_port
Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
Verify ONOS FLOWS Functionality 48
[Documentation] Test ONOS Flows functionality for 1k tcp flows
${rc}= Run Cord Tester flows:flows_exchange.test_1k_flow_tcp_port
Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
Verify ONOS FLOWS Functionality 49
[Documentation] Test ONOS Flows functionality for 10k tcp flows
${rc}= Run Cord Tester flows:flows_exchange.test_10k_flow_tcp_port
Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
Verify ONOS FLOWS Functionality 50
[Documentation] Test ONOS Flows functionality for 500 udp flows
${rc}= Run Cord Tester flows:flows_exchange.test_500_flow_udp_port
Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
Verify ONOS FLOWS Functionality 51
[Documentation] Test ONOS Flows functionality for 1k udp flows
${rc}= Run Cord Tester flows:flows_exchange.test_500_flow_udp_port
Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
Verify ONOS FLOWS Functionality 52
[Documentation] Test ONOS Flows functionality for 10k udp flows
${rc}= Run Cord Tester flows:flows_exchange.test_10k_flow_udp_port
Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0