blob: f53758430995a65500e80012879a4be260415d53 [file] [log] [blame]
Zack Williams821c5022020-01-15 15:11:46 -07001*** Settings ***
2Documentation Tests for the CORDRobot library
3Library OperatingSystem
4Library CORDRobot
5Library ImportResource resources=CORDRobot
7*** Test Cases ***
8Test list resources
9 [Documentation] Lists all resources loaded
10 ${res}= ImportResource.external_resources
11 Log To Console ${res}
13Test loading of CORDRobot Python Functions
14 [Documentation] Check if function work
15 ${ver}= CR_Version
16 Log To Console ${ver}
18Test loading of testCaseUtils
19 [Documentation] Check if functions work
20 ${fields}= CORDRobot.parse_fields foo,bar ,
21 Log To Console ${fields}
23Test loading of CORDDictUtils
24 [Documentation] Check if CORDDictUtils functions work
25 ${json}= CORDRobot.jsonToList ${CURDIR}/test.json test
26 Log To Console ${json}
28Test loading of restApi
29 [Documentation] Check if restApi functions work
30 ${url1}= CORDRobot.getURL CORE_NODES
31 Log To Console ${url1}
32 Set Environment Variable CORDROBOT_TEST /cord_robot_test/
33 ${url2}= CORDRobot.getURL CORDROBOT_TEST
34 Log To Console ${url2}
36Test Validate Loading of CORDRobot Resources
37 [Documentation] Validates that the .resource files distributed by
38 ... CORDRobot can be invoked
39 Execute Command Locally echo "Able to run Execute Commnd Locally"