blob: c9ee29e3f785c20e903c2443c235f5e099d55b2b [file] [log] [blame]
Kailash Khalasib6e87fc2017-04-18 15:08:19 -07001*** Settings ***
2Documentation Test suite for Utility Synchronizer API
3Suite Setup Suite Setup
4Suite Teardown Suite Teardown
5Variables ../Framework/
6Library Collections
7Library String
8Library OperatingSystem
9Library XML
10Library RequestsLibrary
11Library ../Framework/utils/
12Library ../Framework/
13Variables ../Properties/
14Resource ../Framework/utils/utils.robot
16*** Variables ***
17${VM_USER} admin
18${VM_PASS} admin
20${ONOS_CORDVTN_API} http://onos-cord:8182/onos/cordvtn
22*** Test Cases ***
23Get Compute Node Hostname + IP
24 [Documentation] Logs into ciab server and executes a 'cord prov list' on the headnode to get the compute node
25 [Tags] computenode
26 ${compute_node_hostname}= Execute Command on CIAB Server in Specific VM ${SERVER_IP} prod cord prov list | grep node | awk '{print $2}'
27 ${compute_node_ip}= Execute Command on CIAB Server in Specific VM ${SERVER_IP} prod cord prov list | grep node | awk '{print $4}'
28 Set Suite Variable ${compute_node_hostname}
29 set suite variable ${compute_node_ip}
31Get ONOSCORD Container ID
32 [Documentation] Logs into ciab server and extracts the onoscord container id on the headnode
33 [Tags] onoscord
34 ${onoscord_id}= Get Docker Container ID ${SERVER_IP} onoscord ${VM_USER} ${VM_PASS}
36Validate Default OVS Flow Count
37 [Documentation] Logs into the compute-node where OVS is running and validates the default flow count
38 [Tags] ovsflows
39 ${ovs_flow_count}= Execute Command on Compute Node in CIAB ${SERVER_IP} ${compute_node_hostname} ovs-ofctl dump-flows br-int | wc -l
40 ${ovs_flow_count}= Get Line ${ovs_flow_count} 0
41 Should Be Equal As Integers ${ovs_flow_count} 42
43Validate Default Flow Count in ONOS
44 [Documentation] Validates the number of flows pushed down by onos (should match number flow count in ovs)
45 [Tags] onosflows notready
46 Log Validating ONOS Flow Count
48Validate Current VTN Service Networks and Ports
49 [Documentation] Makes rest calls to both XOS and ONOSCORD to validate the default VTN Service Networks + Ports
50 [Tags] vtnservice
51 Validate Default CIAB Service Networks and Ports via XOS
52 ${serviceNetworks}= Execute Command on CIAB Server in Specific VM ${SERVER_IP} prod curl -X GET -u karaf:karaf -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://onos-cord:8182/onos/cordvtn/serviceNetworks; echo
53 Validate Default CIAB Service Networks via ONOSCORD ${serviceNetworks}
54 ${servicePorts}= Execute Command on CIAB Server in Specific VM ${SERVER_IP} prod curl -X GET -u karaf:karaf -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://onos-cord:8182/onos/cordvtn/servicePorts; echo
55 Validate Default CIAB Service Ports via ONOSCORD ${servicePorts}
57Create New VTN Service Network
58 [Documentation] Makes a POST Request from the head-node to the ONOS Cord-VTN App to create a new service network
59 [Tags] vtnservice
60 ${network_uuid}= Generate UUID
61 Set Suite Variable ${network_uuid}
62 ${networkCreation}= Execute Command on CIAB Server in Specific VM ${SERVER_IP} prod curl -s -o /dev/null -w "\%{http_code}" -X POST -u karaf:karaf -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"ServiceNetwork": {"id": "${network_uuid}", "type": "PRIVATE", "name": "APITEST", "segment_id": 2221, "subnet": "", "service_ip": "", "providers": [{"id": "${public_network_id}", "bidirectional": true}]}}' http://onos-cord:8182/onos/cordvtn/serviceNetworks; echo
63 Should Be Equal As Integers ${networkCreation} 201
64 ${new_network}= Execute Command on CIAB Server in Specific VM ${SERVER_IP} prod curl -X GET -u karaf:karaf -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://onos-cord:8182/onos/cordvtn/serviceNetworks/${network_uuid}; echo
65 Log ${new_network}
66 ${name}= Get Json Value ${new_network} /ServiceNetwork/name
67 ${type}= Get Json Value ${new_network} /ServiceNetwork/type
68 ${segment_id}= Get Json Value ${new_network} /ServiceNetwork/segment_id
69 ${subnet}= Get Json Value ${new_network} /ServiceNetwork/subnet
70 ${service_ip}= Get Json Value ${new_network} /ServiceNetwork/service_ip
71 Should Be Equal As Strings ${name} "APITEST"
72 Should Be Equal As Strings ${type} "PRIVATE"
73 Should Be Equal As Strings ${segment_id} 2221
74 Should Be Equal As Strings ${subnet} ""
75 Should Be Equal As Strings ${service_ip} ""
77Create New VTN Service Port
78 [Documentation] Makes a POST Request from the head-node to the ONOS Cord-VTN App to create a new service port for the newly created network
79 [Tags] vtnservice
80 ${port_uuid}= Generate UUID
81 Set Suite Variable ${port_uuid}
82 ${networkCreation}= Execute Command on CIAB Server in Specific VM ${SERVER_IP} prod curl -s -o /dev/null -w "\%{http_code}" -X POST -u karaf:karaf -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"ServicePort": {"id": "${port_uuid}", "network_id": "${network_uuid}", "name": "APITESTPORT", "mac_address": "FA:16:3E:A8:A1:AA", "ip_address": "", "floating_address_pairs":[{"ip_address":"","mac_address":"02:42:0A:06:01:11"}]}}' http://onos-cord:8182/onos/cordvtn/servicePorts; echo
83 Should Be Equal As Integers ${networkCreation} 201
84 ${new_port}= Execute Command on CIAB Server in Specific VM ${SERVER_IP} prod curl -X GET -u karaf:karaf -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://onos-cord:8182/onos/cordvtn/servicePorts/${port_uuid}; echo
85 Log ${new_port}
86 ${name}= Get Json Value ${new_port} /ServicePort/name
87 ${netId}= Get Json Value ${new_port} /ServicePort/network_id
88 ${mac_address}= Get Json Value ${new_port} /ServicePort/mac_address
89 ${ip_address}= Get Json Value ${new_port} /ServicePort/ip_address
90 ${floating_pairs}= Get Json Value ${new_port} /ServicePort/floating_address_pairs
91 Should Be Equal As Strings ${name} "APITESTPORT"
92 Should Be Equal As Strings ${netId} "${network_uuid}"
93 Should Be Equal As Strings ${mac_address} "FA:16:3E:A8:A1:AA"
94 Should Be Equal As Strings ${ip_address} ""
96Validate New Flows Pushed to OVS
97 [Documentation] Logs into the compute-node where OVS is running and validates the default flow count
98 [Tags] vtnservice
99 ${ovs_flow_count}= Execute Command on Compute Node in CIAB ${SERVER_IP} ${compute_node_hostname} ovs-ofctl dump-flows br-int | grep | wc -l
100 ${ovs_flow_count}= Get Line ${ovs_flow_count} 0
101 Should Be Equal As Integers ${ovs_flow_count} 3
102 ${flows_added}= Execute Command on Compute Node in CIAB ${SERVER_IP} ${compute_node_hostname} ovs-ofctl dump-flows br-int
103 ${flows_added}= Get Lines Containing String ${flows_added} cookie=
104 Log ${flows_added}
105 ## Match src/dst (bi-directional) rules on new flows added
106 Should Contain ${flows_added} nw_src=,nw_dst=
107 Should Contain ${flows_added} nw_src=,nw_dst=
108 Should Contain ${flows_added} nw_src=,nw_dst=
110Delete VTN Service Port
111 [Documentation] Makes a DELETE Request from the head-node to the ONOS Cord-VTN App to delete the new service port
112 [Tags] vtnservice
113 ${networkDeletion}= Execute Command on CIAB Server in Specific VM ${SERVER_IP} prod curl -s -o /dev/null -w "\%{http_code}" -X DELETE -u karaf:karaf -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://onos-cord:8182/onos/cordvtn/servicePorts/${port_uuid}; echo
114 Should Be Equal As Integers ${networkDeletion} 204
115 ${get_port}= Execute Command on CIAB Server in Specific VM ${SERVER_IP} prod curl -s -o /dev/null -w "\%{http_code}" -X GET -u karaf:karaf -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://onos-cord:8182/onos/cordvtn/servicePorts/${port_uuid}; echo
116 Should Be Equal As Integers ${get_port} 404
118Delete VTN Service Network
119 [Documentation] Makes a DELETE Request from the head-node to the ONOS Cord-VTN App to delete the created service network
120 [Tags] vtnservice
121 ${networkDeletion}= Execute Command on CIAB Server in Specific VM ${SERVER_IP} prod curl -s -o /dev/null -w "\%{http_code}" -X DELETE -u karaf:karaf -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://onos-cord:8182/onos/cordvtn/serviceNetworks/${network_uuid}; echo
122 Should Be Equal As Integers ${networkDeletion} 204
123 ${get_network}= Execute Command on CIAB Server in Specific VM ${SERVER_IP} prod curl -s -o /dev/null -w "\%{http_code}" -X GET -u karaf:karaf -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://onos-cord:8182/onos/cordvtn/serviceNetworks/${network_uuid}; echo
124 Should Be Equal As Integers ${get_network} 404
126Validate New Flows Removed From OVS
127 [Documentation] Validates that the flow rules added by ONOS from the network creation has been removed
128 [Tags] vtnservice
129 ${ovs_flow_count}= Execute Command on Compute Node in CIAB ${SERVER_IP} ${compute_node_hostname} ovs-ofctl dump-flows br-int | grep | wc -l
130 ${ovs_flow_count}= Get Line ${ovs_flow_count} 0
131 Should Be Equal As Integers ${ovs_flow_count} 0
132 ${flows_added}= Execute Command on Compute Node in CIAB ${SERVER_IP} ${compute_node_hostname} ovs-ofctl dump-flows br-int
133 ${flows_added}= Get Lines Containing String ${flows_added} cookie=
134 Log ${flows_added}
135 ## Validate flow rules arent in the flows table
136 Should Not Contain ${flows_added} nw_src=,nw_dst=
137 Should Not Contain ${flows_added} nw_src=,nw_dst=
138 Should Not Contain ${flows_added} nw_src=,nw_dst=
140*** Keywords ***
141Suite Setup
142 ${auth} = Create List ${USER} ${PASSWD}
143 Create Session ${SERVER_IP} http://${SERVER_IP}:${SERVER_PORT} auth=${AUTH}
145Suite Teardown
146 Delete All Sessions
147 Close All Connections
149CORD Get
150 [Documentation] Make a rest call to the CORD controller
151 [Arguments] ${session} ${service}
152 ${resp}= Get Request ${session} ${service}
153 Log ${resp.content}
154 [Return] ${resp}
156Validate Default CIAB Service Networks and Ports via XOS
157 [Documentation] Using XOS API, this validates the default VTN Service Networks + Ports for a CIAB Environment
158 @{expected_types}= Create List PUBLIC PRIVATE MANAGEMENT_LOCAL VSG
159 @{expected_owner_slices}= Create List mysite_public mysite_exampleservice mysite_management mysite_vsg
160 @{expected_network_names}= Create List public management exampleservice_network mysite_vsg-access
161 @{types}= Create List
162 @{ownerSlices}= Create List
163 @{network_names}= Create List
164 ${resp}= CORD GET ${SERVER_IP} /api/service/vtn/serviceNetworks/
165 Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200
166 ${jsondata}= To Json ${resp.content}
167 ${length}= Get Length ${jsondata['serviceNetworks']}
168 Should Be Equal As Integers ${length} 4
169 : FOR ${INDEX} IN RANGE 0 ${length}
170 \ ${item}= Get From List ${jsondata['serviceNetworks']} ${INDEX}
171 \ ${type}= Get From Dictionary ${item} type
172 \ ${ownerSliceName}= Get From Dictionary ${item} ownerSliceName
173 \ Append To List ${types} ${type}
174 \ Append To List ${ownerSlices} ${ownerSliceName}
175 : FOR ${value} IN @{expected_types}
176 \ List Should Contain Value ${types} ${value}
177 : FOR ${value} IN @{expected_owner_slices}
178 \ List Should Contain Value ${ownerSlices} ${value}
179 ${resp}= CORD GET ${SERVER_IP} /api/service/vtn/servicePorts/
180 Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200
181 ${jsondata}= To Json ${resp.content}
182 ${length}= Get Length ${jsondata['servicePorts']}
183 Should Be Equal As Integers ${length} 5
184 : FOR ${INDEX} IN RANGE 0 ${length}
185 \ ${item}= Get From List ${jsondata['servicePorts']} ${INDEX}
186 \ ${network_name}= Get From Dictionary ${item} network_name
187 \ Append To List ${network_names} ${network_name}
188 : FOR ${value} IN @{expected_network_names}
189 \ List Should Contain Value ${network_names} ${value}
190 ${management_len}= Count Values in List ${network_names} management
191 Should Be Equal As Integers ${management_len} 2
193Validate Default CIAB Service Networks via ONOSCORD
194 [Documentation] Validates the default VTN Service Network via ONOSCORD for a CIAB Environment
195 [Arguments] ${jsondata}
196 @{network_ids}= Create List
197 @{expected_types}= Create List PUBLIC PRIVATE MANAGEMENT_LOCAL VSG
198 @{expected_names}= Create List public exampleservice_network management mysite_vsg-access
199 @{types}= Create List
200 @{names}= Create List
201 ${jsondata}= To Json ${jsondata}
202 ${length}= Get Length ${jsondata['ServiceNetworks']}
203 Should Be Equal As Integers ${length} 4
204 : FOR ${INDEX} IN RANGE 0 ${length}
205 \ ${item}= Get From List ${jsondata['ServiceNetworks']} ${INDEX}
206 \ ${network_id}= Get From Dictionary ${item} id
207 \ ${type}= Get From Dictionary ${item} type
208 \ ${name}= Get From Dictionary ${item} name
209 \ Append To List ${network_ids} ${network_id}
210 \ Append To List ${types} ${type}
211 \ Append To List ${names} ${name}
212 \ Run Keyword If "${name}" == "management" Set Suite Variable ${management_network_id} ${network_id}
213 \ Run Keyword If "${name}" == "public" Set Suite Variable ${public_network_id} ${network_id}
214 : FOR ${value} IN @{expected_types}
215 \ List Should Contain Value ${types} ${value}
216 : FOR ${value} IN @{expected_names}
217 \ List Should Contain Value ${names} ${value}
218 Set Suite Variable ${network_ids}
220Validate Default CIAB Service Ports via ONOSCORD
221 [Documentation] Validates the default VTN Service Ports via ONOSCORD for a CIAB Environment
222 [Arguments] ${jsondata}
223 ${net_ids}= Create List
224 ${jsondata}= To Json ${jsondata}
225 ${length}= Get Length ${jsondata['ServicePorts']}
226 Should Be Equal As Integers ${length} 5
227 : FOR ${INDEX} IN RANGE 0 ${length}
228 \ ${item}= Get From List ${jsondata['ServicePorts']} ${INDEX}
229 \ ${net_id}= Get From Dictionary ${item} network_id
230 \ Append To List ${net_ids} ${net_id}
231 : FOR ${value} IN @{net_ids}
232 \ List Should Contain Value ${network_ids} ${value}
233 ${management_len}= Count Values in List ${net_ids} ${management_network_id}
234 Should Be Equal As Integers ${management_len} 2