| # Makefile for building CORD docs site, guide.opencord.org |
| # Building docs requires the following tools: |
| # - Gitbook toolchain: https://toolchain.gitbook.com/setup.html |
| # - NPM (for Gitbook and Swagger) |
| # - Python (for build glossary script) |
| # - linkchecker (for test target) http://wummel.github.io/linkchecker/ |
| |
| default: serve |
| |
| # use bash for pushd/popd, and to fail if commands within a pipe fail |
| SHELL = bash -o pipefail |
| |
| GENERATED_DOCS = build_glossary.md |
| |
| serve: setup |
| gitbook serve |
| |
| build: setup |
| gitbook build |
| |
| setup: clean platform-install cord-tester profiles xos xos-gui xos-tosca swagger $(GENERATED_DOCS) |
| gitbook init |
| gitbook install |
| |
| test: linkcheck |
| |
| linkcheck: build |
| linkchecker -a _book/ |
| |
| platform-install: |
| ln -s ../platform-install/docs platform-install |
| |
| cord-tester: |
| ln -s ../../test/cord-tester/docs cord-tester |
| |
| profiles: |
| mkdir -p profiles/rcord profiles/ecord profiles/mcord profiles/opencloud |
| ln -s ../../../../orchestration/profiles/rcord/docs/README.md profiles/rcord/ |
| ln -s ../../../../orchestration/profiles/ecord/docs/README.md profiles/ecord/ |
| ln -s ../../../../orchestration/profiles/mcord/docs/README.md profiles/mcord/ |
| ln -s ../../../../orchestration/profiles/opencloud/docs/README.md profiles/opencloud/ |
| |
| xos: |
| ln -s ../../orchestration/xos/docs xos |
| |
| xos-gui: |
| ln -s ../../orchestration/xos-gui/docs xos-gui |
| |
| xos-tosca: |
| ln -s ../../orchestration/xos-tosca/docs xos-tosca |
| |
| build_glossary.md: scripts/descriptions.md scripts/defaults.md.j2 scripts/defaultsdoc.py scripts/markedyaml.py |
| python scripts/defaultsdoc.py -o build_glossary.md |
| |
| swagger: xos |
| pushd ../../orchestration/xos/docs/; make swagger_docs; popd; |
| |
| clean: |
| rm -rf $(GENERATED_DOCS) |
| rm -rf _book |
| rm -rf node_modules |
| rm -rf platform-install test profiles xos xos-gui xos-tosca |
| |