Make box used by Vagrant VM's a parameter

Change-Id: I19437de9126146a4e102b6db3288e6ae73b1354a
diff --git a/scenarios/preppedpod/config.yml b/scenarios/preppedpod/config.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..14d06ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scenarios/preppedpod/config.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+# Copyright 2017-present Open Networking Foundation
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# preppedpod Scenario - install CORD on prepared systems with OS installed
+# Only used with a virtual install, physical does not use VMs
+# opencloud profile config
+frontend_only: False
+# create a cord_profile dir next to the cord checkout
+config_cord_dir: "{{ ( playbook_dir ~ '/../..' ) | realpath }}"
+config_cord_profile_dir: "{{ ( playbook_dir ~ '/../../../cord_profile' ) | realpath }}"
+build_cord_dir: /opt/cord
+buildnode: head1
+headnode: head1
+# Make build config
+  - onos-debug
+  - onboard-openstack
+  - prereqs-check
+# Copy cord and config to physical/virtual nodes
+  - vagrant-ssh-install
+  - copy-cord
+  - copy-cord
+  - copy-config
+# Run build prep before head prep, when build == head
+  - prep-buildnode
+# Wait until headnode prepped before building containers, for consistent DNS
+  - prep-headnode
+# Start elasticstack before XOS/ONOS, which log to it
+#  - deploy-elasticstack
+#  - deploy-elasticstack
+# node topology, used to bring up management interfaces
+  - name: head1
+    ipv4_last_octet: 1
+    aliases:
+      - head
+  - name: compute1
+    ipv4_last_octet: 250
+  - name: compute2
+    ipv4_last_octet: 251
+# Vagrant VM configuration
+  - head1
+  - compute1
+  - compute2
+# Vagrant VM configuration
+vagrant_box: "ubuntu/trusty64"
+head_vm_mem: 16384
+head_vm_cpu: 8
+compute_vm_mem: 16384
+compute_vm_cpu: 8
+vm_management_network_name: cordmgmt
+vm_public_network_name: cordpub
+vm_public_network_cidr: ""
+# images for imagebuilder to build/pull (tagged elsewhere)
+  - "xosproject/xos-base"
+  - "xosproject/xos"
+  - "xosproject/xos-client"
+  - "xosproject/xos-corebuilder"
+  - "xosproject/xos-gui"
+  - "xosproject/xos-gui-builder"
+  - "xosproject/xos-libraries"
+  - "xosproject/xos-postgres"
+  - "xosproject/xos-tosca"
+  - "xosproject/xos-ws"
+  - "xosproject/chameleon"
+  - "xosproject/xos-synchronizer-base"
+  - "gliderlabs/consul-server"
+  - "gliderlabs/registrator"
+  - "nginx"
+  - "onosproject/onos"
+  - "redis"
+  - "node"
+# Ansible Inventory
+  config:
+    localhost:
+      ansible_connection: local
+  build:
+    head1:
+  head:
+    head1:
+  compute:
+    compute1:
+    compute2: