blob: add88612d90e05a9cdbe589e252325d33fe1fdd0 [file] [log] [blame]
# Deployment configuration for a phyical hardware POD
# IP address of the head node
ip: ''
# If the head node is being accessed via a tunnel or reponds to SSH on a non-
# standard port, the port value should be set.
# port: '2022'
# User name and password used by Ansible to connect to the host for remote
# provisioning
user: 'ubuntu'
password: 'ubuntu'
# Network address information for the head node:
# fabric_ip - the IP address and mask bits to be used to configure the network
# interface connected to the leaf - spine fabric
# management_ip - the IP address and mask bits to be used to configure the network
# interface connecting the head node to the POD internal
# management network. The head node will deliver DHCP addresses to
# the other compute nodes over this interface
# external_ip - the IP address and mask bits to be used to configure the network
# interface connecting the head node (and the POD) to the
# Internet. All traffic in the POD to external hosts will be
# NAT-ed through this interface
# external_iface - the name of the interface that connects the head node to the
# Internet
# management_network - the network and mask bits to used for hosts on the management
# network
# fabric_iface_spec - specifies the NIC types that will be used for the leaf spine
# fabric in the deployment. This defaults to "i40e|mlx4_en". The
# format is values separated by a vertical bar '|' without spaces.
# The value that this is compared against is the value return by
# `ethtool -i <iface>` on the head and compute nodes.
#fabric_iface_spec: one|two|three
fabric_ip: ''
management_ip: ''
external_ip: ''
#external_iface: 'eth2'
# the skipTags options allow various part of the deployment to be skipped
# switch_support - does not deploy switch boot images to the PXE server
# reboot - will not reboot the head node after updating its network configuration
# this may mean the network configuration will not take effect, but will
# also prevent you from being locked out of the server if there is a
# network configuration error.
# interface_config - will not modify the network configuration of the head node,
# including the consistent naming of the network interfaces
# - 'switch_support'
# - 'reboot'
# - 'interface_config'
imageVersion: candidate
# Experimental
# Specifies the subnet and address range that will be used to allocate IP addresses
# to the compute nodes as they are deployed into the POD.