blob: 380f33f015175fcdad521a9e940248470dba74b4 [file] [log] [blame]
def filename = 'manifest-${branch}.xml'
def manifestUrl = ''
def config = null;
node ('master') {
checkout changelog: false, poll: false, scm: [$class: 'RepoScm', currentBranch: true, manifestBranch: params.branch, manifestRepositoryUrl: "${manifestUrl}", quiet: true]
stage ("Generate and Copy Manifest file") {
sh returnStdout: true, script: 'repo manifest -r -o ' + filename
sh returnStdout: true, script: 'cp ' + filename + ' ' + env.JENKINS_HOME + '/tmp'
stage ("Parse deployment configuartion file") {
sh returnStdout: true, script: 'rm -rf ${configRepoBaseDir}'
sh returnStdout: true, script: 'git clone -b ${branch} ${configRepoUrl}'
config = readYaml file: "${configRepoBaseDir}${configRepoFile}"
node ("${}") {
timeout (time: 240) {
stage ('Checkout cord repo') {
checkout changelog: false, poll: false, scm: [$class: 'RepoScm', currentBranch: true, manifestBranch: params.branch, manifestRepositoryUrl: "${manifestUrl}", quiet: true]
dir('build') {
try {
stage ("Re-deploy head node and Build Vagrant box") {
maasOps: {
sh "maas login maas http://${config.maas.ip}/MAAS/api/2.0 ${config.maas.api_key}"
sh "maas maas machine release ${config.maas.head_system_id}"
timeout(time: 15) {
waitUntil {
try {
sh "maas maas machine read ${config.maas.head_system_id} | grep Ready"
return true
} catch (exception) {
return false
sh 'maas maas machines allocate'
sh "maas maas machine deploy ${config.maas.head_system_id}"
timeout(time: 30) {
waitUntil {
try {
sh "maas maas machine read ${config.maas.head_system_id} | grep Deployed"
return true
} catch (exception) {
return false
}, vagrantOps: {
sh 'vagrant up corddev'
}, failFast : true
stage ("Fetch CORD packages") {
sh "vagrant ssh -c \"cd /cord/build; ./gradlew fetch\" corddev"
stage ("Build CORD Images") {
sh "vagrant ssh -c \"cd /cord/build; ./gradlew buildImages\" corddev"
stage ("Downloading CORD POD configuration") {
sh "vagrant ssh -c \"cd /cord/build/config; git clone -b ${branch} ${config.pod_config.repo_url}\" corddev"
stage ("Publish to headnode") {
sh "vagrant ssh -c \"cd /cord/build; ./gradlew -PtargetReg=${config.head.ip}:5000 -PdeployConfig=config/pod-configs/${config.pod_config.file_name} publish\" corddev"
stage ("Deploy") {
sh "vagrant ssh -c \"cd /cord/build; ./gradlew -PtargetReg=${config.head.ip}:5000 -PdeployConfig=config/pod-configs/${config.pod_config.file_name} deploy\" corddev"
stage ("Power cycle compute nodes") {
for(int i=0; i < config.compute_nodes.size(); i++) {
sh "ipmitool -U ${config.compute_nodes[i].ipmi.user} -P ${config.compute_nodes[i].ipmi.pass} -H ${config.compute_nodes[i].ipmi.ip} power cycle"
try {
def provCompleted = 0
for(int i=0; i < config.compute_nodes.size(); i++) {
def count = runCmd("${config.head.ip}",
"cord prov list '|' grep -i ${config.compute_nodes[i].ip} '|' grep -i complete '|' wc -l").trim()
provCompleted = provCompleted + count.toInteger()
return provCompleted == config.compute_nodes.size()
} catch (exception) {
return false
stage ("Wait for compute nodes to get deployed") {
sh "ssh-keygen -f /home/${config.dev_node.user}/.ssh/known_hosts -R ${config.head.ip}"
def cordApiKey = runCmd("${config.head.ip}",
"sudo maas-region-admin apikey --username ${config.head.user}")
"maas login pod-maas http://${config.head.ip}/MAAS/api/1.0 ${cordApiKey}")
timeout(time: 45) {
waitUntil {
try {
num = runCmd("${config.head.ip}",
"maas pod-maas nodes list | grep -i deployed | wc -l").trim()
return num == '2'
} catch (exception) {
return false
stage ("Wait for computes nodes to be provisioned") {
ip = runCmd("${config.head.ip}",
"docker inspect --format '{{.NetworkSettings.Networks.maas_default.IPAddress}}' provisioner").trim()
timeout(time:45) {
waitUntil {
try {
out = runCmd("${config.head.ip}",
"curl -sS http://$ip:4243/provision/ | jq -c '.[] | select(.status | contains(2))'").trim()
return out != ""
} catch (exception) {
return false
if (config.fabric_switches != null) {
stage("Reserve IPs for fabric switches and restart maas-dhcp service") {
for(int i=0; i < config.fabric_switches.size(); i++) {
def append = "";
if (i!=0) {
append = "-a";
def str = createMACIPbindingStr(i+1,
"echo -e $str '|' sudo tee $append /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.reservations > /dev/null")
"sudo restart maas-dhcpd")
"cord harvest go")
stage ("Wait for fabric switches to get deployed") {
for(int i=0; i < config.fabric_switches.size(); i++) {
"sudo onl-onie-boot-mode install")
"sudo reboot")
timeout(time: 45) {
waitUntil {
try {
def harvestCompleted = runCmd("${config.head.ip}",
"cord harvest list '|' grep -i fabric '|' wc -l").trim()
return harvestCompleted == config.fabric_switches.size().toString()
} catch (exception) {
return false
stage ("Wait for fabric switches to be provisioned") {
timeout(time:45) {
waitUntil {
try {
def provCompleted = 0
for(int i=0; i < config.fabric_switches.size(); i++) {
def count = runCmd("${config.head.ip}",
"cord prov list '|' grep -i ${config.fabric_switches[i].ip} '|' grep -i complete '|' wc -l").trim()
provCompleted = provCompleted + count.toInteger()
return provCompleted == config.fabric_switches.size()
} catch (exception) {
return false
if (config.make_release == true) {
stage ("Trigger Build") {
url = '' + params.branch + '/build'
httpRequest authentication: 'auto-release', httpMode: 'POST', url: url, validResponseCodes: '201'
currentBuild.result = 'SUCCESS'
} catch (err) {
currentBuild.result = 'FAILURE'
step([$class: 'Mailer', notifyEveryUnstableBuild: true, recipients: "${notificationEmail}", sendToIndividuals: false])
} finally {
sh 'vagrant destroy -f corddev'
sh 'rm -rf config/pod-configs'
echo "RESULT: ${currentBuild.result}"
* Returns a string used to bind IPs and MAC addresses, substituting the values
* given.
* @param counter the counter used to generate the host name
* @param mac the MAC address to substitute
* @param ip the IP address to substitute
def createMACIPbindingStr(counter, mac, ip) {
return """\\'host fabric${counter} {'\n'hardware ethernet ${mac}';''\n'fixed-address ${ip}';''\n'}\\'"""
* Runs a command on a remote host using sshpass.
* @param ip the node IP address
* @param user the node user name
* @param pass the node password
* @param command the command to run
* @return the output of the command
def runCmd(ip, user, pass, command) {
return sh(returnStdout: true, script: "sshpass -p ${pass} ssh -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -l ${user} ${ip} ${command}")
* Runs a command on a fabric switch.
* @param headIp the head node IP address
* @param headUser the head node user name
* @param headPass the head node password
* @param ip the mgmt IP of the fabric switch, reachable from the head node
* @param user the mgmt user name of the fabric switch
* @param pass the mgmt password of the fabric switch
* @param command the command to run on the fabric switch
* @return the output of the command
def runFabricCmd(headIp, headUser, headPass, ip, user, pass, command) {
return runCmd("${haedIp}",
"sshpass -p ${pass} ssh -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -l ${user} ${ip} ${command}")