blob: 14fe1badf0c987f2ea53a866cd915f6aae3220dd [file] [log] [blame]
# docker_images.yml
# master list of docker images used by
# tag to set on every container built/downloaded
docker_build_tag: "candidate"
# pull_only_images: images pulled and used directly without changes
# you must include a tag (':1.0') on these images to pull the correct version
# do not include images in this list that are parents of images
# in buildable_images - those are automatically pulled
- "gliderlabs/consul-server:0.6"
- "gliderlabs/registrator:v7"
- "nginx:1.13"
- "onosproject/onos:1.8.9"
- "redis:3.2"
# buildable_images - list of images that we build from Dockerfiles
# required:
# name: Name of docker image
# repo: git repo name (not the path! not what it's renamed to be in the repo manifest!)
# optional:
# dockerfile: Name of Dockerfile. Default: "Dockerfile"
# path: Path to parent directory of containing dockerfile, relative to. Default: "."
# context: Path to docker build context, relative to path item. Default: "."
# component: dict of sub-component paths to copy into build context.
# repo: Name of component repo to copy from (required)
# path: path in to copy from. Relative to component repo. Default "."
# dest: destination path to copy components to, relative to context
- name: xosproject/xos-base
repo: xos
path: "containers/xos"
dockerfile: "Dockerfile.base"
- name: xosproject/xos-postgres
repo: xos
path: "containers/postgresql"
- name: xosproject/xos
repo: xos
path: "containers/xos"
dockerfile: "Dockerfile.xos"
context: "../.."
- name: xosproject/xos-corebuilder
repo: xos
path: "containers/xos"
dockerfile: "Dockerfile.corebuilder"
context: "../.."
- name: xosproject/chameleon
repo: xos
path: "containers/chameleon"
dockerfile: "Dockerfile.chameleon"
- repo: chameleon
dest: tmp.chameleon
- name: xosproject/xos-client
repo: xos
path: "containers/xos"
dockerfile: "Dockerfile.client"
context: "../.."
- repo: chameleon
dest: containers/xos/tmp.chameleon
- name: xosproject/xos-synchronizer-base
repo: xos
path: "containers/xos"
dockerfile: "Dockerfile.synchronizer-base"
context: "../.."
- name: xosproject/xos-ws
repo: xos-rest-gw
- name: xosproject/xos-gui
repo: xos-gui
- name: xosproject/xos-gui-extension-builder
repo: xos-gui
dockerfile: "Dockerfile.xos-gui-extension-builder"
- name: xosproject/gui-extension-rcord
repo: rcord
path: "xos/gui"
- name: xosproject/gui-extension-vtr
repo: vtr
path: "xos/gui"
- name: xosproject/gui-extension-sample
repo: xos-sample-gui-extension
- name: xosproject/openstack-synchronizer
repo: openstack
path: "xos/synchronizer"
dockerfile: "Dockerfile.synchronizer"
- name: xosproject/onos-synchronizer
repo: onos-service
path: "xos/synchronizer"
dockerfile: "Dockerfile.synchronizer"
- name: xosproject/volt-synchronizer
repo: olt
path: "xos/synchronizer"
dockerfile: "Dockerfile.synchronizer"
- name: xosproject/vrouter-synchronizer
repo: vrouter
path: "xos/synchronizer"
dockerfile: "Dockerfile.synchronizer"
- name: xosproject/vtn-synchronizer
repo: vtn
path: "xos/synchronizer"
dockerfile: "Dockerfile.synchronizer"
- name: xosproject/vtr-synchronizer
repo: vtr
path: "xos/synchronizer"
dockerfile: "Dockerfile.synchronizer"
- name: xosproject/vsg-synchronizer
repo: vsg
path: "xos/synchronizer"
dockerfile: "Dockerfile.synchronizer"
- name: xosproject/fabric-synchronizer
repo: fabric
path: "xos/synchronizer"
dockerfile: "Dockerfile.synchronizer"
- name: xosproject/exampleservice-synchronizer
repo: exampleservice
path: "xos/synchronizer"
dockerfile: "Dockerfile.synchronizer"