blob: 1f9abed5c0712f9824468e5728b79916b56eb135 [file] [log] [blame]
* Portions copyright 2019-present Open Networking Foundation
* Original copyright 2019-present Ciena Corporation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the"" "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package commands
import (
corderrors ""
func TestModelList(t *testing.T) {
// use `python -m json.tool` to pretty-print json
expected := `[
"controller_kind": "",
"controller_replica_count": 0,
"creator_id": 0,
"default_flavor_id": 0,
"default_image_id": 0,
"default_isolation": "",
"default_node_id": 0,
"description": "",
"enabled": false,
"exposed_ports": "",
"id": 1,
"max_instances": 0,
"mount_data_sets": "",
"name": "mockslice1",
"network": "",
"principal_id": 0,
"service_id": 0,
"site_id": 1,
"trust_domain_id": 0
"controller_kind": "",
"controller_replica_count": 0,
"creator_id": 0,
"default_flavor_id": 0,
"default_image_id": 0,
"default_isolation": "",
"default_node_id": 0,
"description": "",
"enabled": false,
"exposed_ports": "",
"id": 2,
"max_instances": 0,
"mount_data_sets": "",
"name": "mockslice2",
"network": "",
"principal_id": 0,
"service_id": 0,
"site_id": 1,
"trust_domain_id": 0
got := new(bytes.Buffer)
OutputStream = got
var options ModelOpts
options.List.Args.ModelName = "Slice"
options.List.OutputAs = "json"
err := options.List.Execute([]string{})
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("%s: Received error %v", t.Name(), err)
testutils.AssertJSONEqual(t, got.String(), expected)
func TestModelListFilterID(t *testing.T) {
// use `python -m json.tool` to pretty-print json
expected := `[
"controller_kind": "",
"controller_replica_count": 0,
"creator_id": 0,
"default_flavor_id": 0,
"default_image_id": 0,
"default_isolation": "",
"default_node_id": 0,
"description": "",
"enabled": false,
"exposed_ports": "",
"id": 1,
"max_instances": 0,
"mount_data_sets": "",
"name": "mockslice1",
"network": "",
"principal_id": 0,
"service_id": 0,
"site_id": 1,
"trust_domain_id": 0
got := new(bytes.Buffer)
OutputStream = got
var options ModelOpts
options.List.Args.ModelName = "Slice"
options.List.OutputAs = "json"
options.List.Filter = "id=1"
err := options.List.Execute([]string{})
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("%s: Received error %v", t.Name(), err)
testutils.AssertJSONEqual(t, got.String(), expected)
func TestModelListFilterName(t *testing.T) {
// use `python -m json.tool` to pretty-print json
expected := `[
"controller_kind": "",
"controller_replica_count": 0,
"creator_id": 0,
"default_flavor_id": 0,
"default_image_id": 0,
"default_isolation": "",
"default_node_id": 0,
"description": "",
"enabled": false,
"exposed_ports": "",
"id": 2,
"max_instances": 0,
"mount_data_sets": "",
"name": "mockslice2",
"network": "",
"principal_id": 0,
"service_id": 0,
"site_id": 1,
"trust_domain_id": 0
got := new(bytes.Buffer)
OutputStream = got
var options ModelOpts
options.List.Args.ModelName = "Slice"
options.List.OutputAs = "json"
options.List.Filter = "name=mockslice2"
err := options.List.Execute([]string{})
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("%s: Received error %v", t.Name(), err)
testutils.AssertJSONEqual(t, got.String(), expected)
func TestModelListDirty(t *testing.T) {
// use `python -m json.tool` to pretty-print json
expected := `[
"controller_kind": "",
"controller_replica_count": 0,
"creator_id": 0,
"default_flavor_id": 0,
"default_image_id": 0,
"default_isolation": "",
"default_node_id": 0,
"description": "",
"enabled": false,
"exposed_ports": "",
"id": 2,
"max_instances": 0,
"mount_data_sets": "",
"name": "mockslice2",
"network": "",
"principal_id": 0,
"service_id": 0,
"site_id": 1,
"trust_domain_id": 0
got := new(bytes.Buffer)
OutputStream = got
var options ModelOpts
options.List.Args.ModelName = "Slice"
options.List.OutputAs = "json"
options.List.State = "dirty"
err := options.List.Execute([]string{})
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("%s: Received error %v", t.Name(), err)
testutils.AssertJSONEqual(t, got.String(), expected)
func TestModelUpdate(t *testing.T) {
expected := `[{"id":1, "message":"Updated"}]`
got := new(bytes.Buffer)
OutputStream = got
var options ModelOpts
options.Update.Args.ModelName = "Slice"
options.Update.OutputAs = "json"
options.Update.IDArgs.ID = []int32{1}
options.Update.SetFields = "name=mockslice1_newname"
err := options.Update.Execute([]string{})
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("%s: Received error %v", t.Name(), err)
testutils.AssertJSONEqual(t, got.String(), expected)
func TestModelUpdateUsingFilter(t *testing.T) {
expected := `[{"id":1, "message":"Updated"}]`
got := new(bytes.Buffer)
OutputStream = got
var options ModelOpts
options.Update.Args.ModelName = "Slice"
options.Update.OutputAs = "json"
options.Update.Filter = "id=1"
options.Update.SetFields = "name=mockslice1_newname"
err := options.Update.Execute([]string{})
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("%s: Received error %v", t.Name(), err)
testutils.AssertJSONEqual(t, got.String(), expected)
func TestModelUpdateNoExist(t *testing.T) {
got := new(bytes.Buffer)
OutputStream = got
var options ModelOpts
options.Update.Args.ModelName = "Slice"
options.Update.OutputAs = "json"
options.Update.IDArgs.ID = []int32{77}
options.Update.SetFields = "name=mockslice1_newname"
err := options.Update.Execute([]string{})
_, matched := err.(*corderrors.ModelNotFoundError)
assert.True(t, matched)
func TestModelUpdateUsingFilterNoExist(t *testing.T) {
got := new(bytes.Buffer)
OutputStream = got
var options ModelOpts
options.Update.Args.ModelName = "Slice"
options.Update.OutputAs = "json"
options.Update.Filter = "id=77"
options.Update.SetFields = "name=mockslice1_newname"
err := options.Update.Execute([]string{})
_, matched := err.(*corderrors.NoMatchError)
assert.True(t, matched)
func TestModelCreate(t *testing.T) {
expected := `[{"id":3, "message":"Created"}]`
got := new(bytes.Buffer)
OutputStream = got
var options ModelOpts
options.Create.Args.ModelName = "Slice"
options.Create.OutputAs = "json"
options.Create.SetFields = "name=mockslice3,site_id=1"
err := options.Create.Execute([]string{})
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("%s: Received error %v", t.Name(), err)
testutils.AssertJSONEqual(t, got.String(), expected)
func TestModelDelete(t *testing.T) {
expected := `[{"id":1, "message":"Deleted"}]`
got := new(bytes.Buffer)
OutputStream = got
var options ModelOpts
options.Delete.Args.ModelName = "Slice"
options.Delete.OutputAs = "json"
options.Delete.IDArgs.ID = []int32{1}
err := options.Delete.Execute([]string{})
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("%s: Received error %v", t.Name(), err)
testutils.AssertJSONEqual(t, got.String(), expected)
func TestModelDeleteUsingFilter(t *testing.T) {
expected := `[{"id":1, "message":"Deleted"}]`
got := new(bytes.Buffer)
OutputStream = got
var options ModelOpts
options.Delete.Args.ModelName = "Slice"
options.Delete.OutputAs = "json"
options.Delete.Filter = "id=1"
err := options.Delete.Execute([]string{})
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("%s: Received error %v", t.Name(), err)
testutils.AssertJSONEqual(t, got.String(), expected)
func TestModelDeleteNoExist(t *testing.T) {
expected := `[{"id":77, "message":"Not Found [on model Slice <id=77>]"}]`
got := new(bytes.Buffer)
OutputStream = got
var options ModelOpts
options.Delete.Args.ModelName = "Slice"
options.Delete.OutputAs = "json"
options.Delete.IDArgs.ID = []int32{77}
err := options.Delete.Execute([]string{})
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("%s: Received error %v", t.Name(), err)
testutils.AssertJSONEqual(t, got.String(), expected)
func TestModelDeleteFilterNoExist(t *testing.T) {
got := new(bytes.Buffer)
OutputStream = got
var options ModelOpts
options.Delete.Args.ModelName = "Slice"
options.Delete.OutputAs = "json"
options.Delete.Filter = "id=77"
err := options.Delete.Execute([]string{})
_, matched := err.(*corderrors.NoMatchError)
assert.True(t, matched)
func TestModelSync(t *testing.T) {
expected := `[{"id":1, "message":"Enacted"}]`
got := new(bytes.Buffer)
OutputStream = got
var options ModelOpts
options.Sync.Args.ModelName = "Slice"
options.Sync.OutputAs = "json"
options.Sync.IDArgs.ID = []int32{1}
options.Sync.SyncTimeout = 5 * time.Second
err := options.Sync.Execute([]string{})
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("%s: Received error %v", t.Name(), err)
testutils.AssertJSONEqual(t, got.String(), expected)
func TestModelSyncTimeout(t *testing.T) {
expected := `[{"id":2, "message":"context deadline exceeded"}]`
got := new(bytes.Buffer)
OutputStream = got
var options ModelOpts
options.Sync.Args.ModelName = "Slice"
options.Sync.OutputAs = "json"
options.Sync.IDArgs.ID = []int32{2}
options.Sync.SyncTimeout = 5 * time.Second
err := options.Sync.Execute([]string{})
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("%s: Received error %v", t.Name(), err)
testutils.AssertJSONEqual(t, got.String(), expected)
func TestModelSetDirty(t *testing.T) {
expected := `[{"id":1, "message":"Dirtied"}]`
got := new(bytes.Buffer)
OutputStream = got
var options ModelOpts
options.SetDirty.Args.ModelName = "Slice"
options.SetDirty.OutputAs = "json"
options.SetDirty.IDArgs.ID = []int32{1}
err := options.SetDirty.Execute([]string{})
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("%s: Received error %v", t.Name(), err)
testutils.AssertJSONEqual(t, got.String(), expected)