VOL-3448: Introduce returning error for GetHWComponentInfo , GetMetric , GetSoftwareVersion APIs

Change-Id: Ia592bcc642ad5aa3b3891b8bdd1f9cf21bd51da2
diff --git a/protos/dmi/hw_events_mgmt_service.proto b/protos/dmi/hw_events_mgmt_service.proto
index 84defe2..2a53e3e 100644
--- a/protos/dmi/hw_events_mgmt_service.proto
+++ b/protos/dmi/hw_events_mgmt_service.proto
@@ -148,7 +148,7 @@
     rpc ListEvents(HardwareID) returns(ListEventsResponse);


     // Updates the configuration of the list of events in the request

-    // The default behaviour of the device is to report all the supported events

+    // The default behavior of the device is to report all the supported events

     // This configuration is persisted across reboots of the device or the device manager

     rpc UpdateEventsConfiguration(EventsConfigurationRequest) returns(EventsConfigurationResponse);


diff --git a/protos/dmi/hw_management_service.proto b/protos/dmi/hw_management_service.proto
index abdcb4a..511a5d2 100644
--- a/protos/dmi/hw_management_service.proto
+++ b/protos/dmi/hw_management_service.proto
@@ -24,6 +24,12 @@
     string component_name = 3;



+message HWComponentInfoGetResponse {

+    Status status = 1;

+    Reason reason = 2;

+    Component component = 3;



 message HWComponentInfoSetRequest {

     Uuid device_uuid = 1;

     Uuid component_uuid = 2;

@@ -70,7 +76,7 @@
     rpc GetPhysicalInventory(PhysicalInventoryRequest) returns(stream PhysicalInventoryResponse);


     // Get the details of a particular HW component

-    rpc GetHWComponentInfo(HWComponentInfoGetRequest) returns(stream Component);

+    rpc GetHWComponentInfo(HWComponentInfoGetRequest) returns(stream HWComponentInfoGetResponse);


     // Sets the permissible attributes of a HW component

     rpc SetHWComponentInfo(HWComponentInfoSetRequest) returns(HWComponentInfoSetResponse);

diff --git a/protos/dmi/hw_metrics_mgmt_service.proto b/protos/dmi/hw_metrics_mgmt_service.proto
index a30199f..adec0d3 100644
--- a/protos/dmi/hw_metrics_mgmt_service.proto
+++ b/protos/dmi/hw_metrics_mgmt_service.proto
@@ -106,6 +106,12 @@
     MetricNames metric_id = 2;



+message GetMetricResponse {

+    Status status = 1;

+    Reason reason = 2;

+    Metric metric = 3;



 service NativeMetricsManagementService {


     // List the supported metrics for the passed device.

@@ -121,5 +127,5 @@
     rpc UpdateMetricsConfiguration(MetricsConfigurationRequest) returns(MetricsConfigurationResponse);


     // Get the instantenous value of a metric

-    rpc GetMetric(GetMetricRequest) returns(Metric);

+    rpc GetMetric(GetMetricRequest) returns(GetMetricResponse);


diff --git a/protos/dmi/sw_image.proto b/protos/dmi/sw_image.proto
index cb73f32..3bb3b44 100644
--- a/protos/dmi/sw_image.proto
+++ b/protos/dmi/sw_image.proto
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
         UNDEFINED_STATE = 0;

         COPYING_IMAGE = 1;

         INSTALLING_IMAGE = 2;

-        COMMITING_IMAGE = 3;

+        COMMITTING_IMAGE = 3;

         REBOOTING_DEVICE = 4;

         UPGRADE_COMPLETE = 5;

         UPGRADE_FAILED = 6;

diff --git a/protos/dmi/sw_management_service.proto b/protos/dmi/sw_management_service.proto
index 3a935d0..69de70d 100644
--- a/protos/dmi/sw_management_service.proto
+++ b/protos/dmi/sw_management_service.proto
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
 option go_package = "github.com/opencord/device-management-interface/v3/go/dmi";

 package dmi;


+import "dmi/commons.proto";

 import "dmi/hw.proto";

 import "dmi/sw_image.proto";


@@ -17,6 +18,12 @@
     repeated ImageVersion standby_versions = 2;



+message GetSoftwareVersionInformationResponse {

+    Status status = 1;

+    Reason reason = 2;

+    SoftwareVersionInformation info = 3;



 message DownloadImageRequest {

     Uuid device_uuid = 1;

     ImageInformation image_info = 2;

@@ -24,7 +31,7 @@

 service NativeSoftwareManagementService {

     // Get the software version information of the Active and Standby images

-    rpc GetSoftwareVersion(HardwareID) returns(SoftwareVersionInformation);

+    rpc GetSoftwareVersion(HardwareID) returns(GetSoftwareVersionInformationResponse);


     // Downloads and installs the image in the standby partition, returns the status/progress of the Install

     rpc DownloadImage(DownloadImageRequest) returns(stream ImageStatus);

@@ -35,7 +42,7 @@
     rpc ActivateImage(HardwareID) returns(stream ImageStatus);


     // Marks the image in the Standby as Active and reboots the device, so that it boots from that image which was in the standby.

-    // This API is to be used if operator wants to go back to the pervious software

+    // This API is to be used if operator wants to go back to the previous software

     rpc RevertToStandbyImage(HardwareID) returns(stream ImageStatus);


     // If needed we can add this later