blob: 69de70d33f2532125b2bf06e570c1c755ec731d8 [file] [log] [blame]
syntax = "proto3";
option go_package = "";
package dmi;
import "dmi/commons.proto";
import "dmi/hw.proto";
import "dmi/sw_image.proto";
// The software management concept described here is aligned with WT-383a3 (Revision: 06 April 2020).
// In particular Section 11 Software management
// TODO check model
// Protos for managing the software on a hardware device
message SoftwareVersionInformation {
repeated ImageVersion active_versions = 1;
repeated ImageVersion standby_versions = 2;
message GetSoftwareVersionInformationResponse {
Status status = 1;
Reason reason = 2;
SoftwareVersionInformation info = 3;
message DownloadImageRequest {
Uuid device_uuid = 1;
ImageInformation image_info = 2;
service NativeSoftwareManagementService {
// Get the software version information of the Active and Standby images
rpc GetSoftwareVersion(HardwareID) returns(GetSoftwareVersionInformationResponse);
// Downloads and installs the image in the standby partition, returns the status/progress of the Install
rpc DownloadImage(DownloadImageRequest) returns(stream ImageStatus);
// Activates and runs the OLT with the image in the standby partition. If things are fine this image will
// henceforth be marked as the Active Partition. The old working image would remain on the Standby partition.
// Any possibly required (sub-)steps like "commit" are left to the "Device Manager"
rpc ActivateImage(HardwareID) returns(stream ImageStatus);
// Marks the image in the Standby as Active and reboots the device, so that it boots from that image which was in the standby.
// This API is to be used if operator wants to go back to the previous software
rpc RevertToStandbyImage(HardwareID) returns(stream ImageStatus);
// If needed we can add this later
//rpc SubscribeToEvents() returns (stream );