Deploy Logging and Monitoring components

To read more about logging and monitoring in CORD, please refer to the design document.

There are currently two charts that deploy logging and monitoring functionality, nem-monitoring and logging. Both of these charts depend on having kafka instances running in order to pass messages.

Add the cord repository

{% include "../partials/helm/" %}

nem-monitoring charts

helm install -n nem-monitoring cord/nem-monitoring

NOTE: In order to display voltha kpis you need to have voltha and cord-kafka installed.

Monitoring Dashboards

This chart exposes two dashboards:

logging charts

By default, the logging charts rely on the Persistent Storage charts to provide a persistent ElasticSearch database. You must install those first before running the logging chart.

In development scenarios where persistence isn't required, it can be disabled by using the following values file (if developing, this is located in helm-charts/examples/logging-single.yaml):

# For development and testing logging, don't persist data and
# run a minimum number of instances of elasticsearch components



    replicas: 1

    replicas: 2
      enabled: false

    replicas: 1
      enabled: false

Then either install the logging chart with persistent storage:

helm install -n logging cord/logging

Or without:

helm install -f logging-single.yaml -n logging cord/logging

Logging Dashboard

The Kibana dashboard can be found on port 30601

To start using Kibana, you must create an index under Management > Index Patterns. Create one with a name of logstash-*, then you can search for events in the Discover section.