blob: ba6ae278a1ac641998f052ddadffe316cb675717 [file] [log] [blame]
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 The Magma Authors.
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 Open Networking Foundation <>
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
import time
from typing import Any, List, Optional
from common.service import MagmaService
from device_config.configuration_util import is_enb_registered
from devices.device_map import get_device_handler_from_name
from devices.device_utils import EnodebDeviceName
from exceptions import UnrecognizedEnodebError
from logger import EnodebdLogger as logger
from state_machines.acs_state_utils import (
from state_machines.enb_acs import EnodebAcsStateMachine
from tr069 import models
from spyne import ComplexModelBase
from spyne.server.wsgi import WsgiMethodContext
class StateMachineManager:
Delegates tr069 message handling to a dedicated state machine for the
def __init__(
service: MagmaService,
self._ip_serial_mapping = IpToSerialMapping()
self._service = service
self._state_machine_by_ip = {}
def handle_tr069_message(
ctx: WsgiMethodContext,
tr069_message: ComplexModelBase,
) -> Any:
""" Delegate message handling to the appropriate eNB state machine """
client_ip = self._get_client_ip(ctx)
if isinstance(tr069_message, models.Inform):
self._update_device_mapping(client_ip, tr069_message)
except UnrecognizedEnodebError as err:
'Received TR-069 Inform message from an '
'unrecognized device. '
'Ending TR-069 session with empty HTTP '
'response. Error: (%s)', err,
return models.DummyInput()
handler = self._get_handler(client_ip)
if handler is None:
'Received non-Inform TR-069 message from unknown '
'eNB. Ending session with empty HTTP response.',
return models.DummyInput()
return handler.handle_tr069_message(tr069_message)
def get_handler_by_ip(self, client_ip: str) -> EnodebAcsStateMachine:
return self._state_machine_by_ip[client_ip]
def get_handler_by_serial(self, enb_serial: str) -> EnodebAcsStateMachine:
client_ip = self._ip_serial_mapping.get_ip(enb_serial)
return self._state_machine_by_ip[client_ip]
def get_connected_serial_id_list(self) -> List[str]:
return self._ip_serial_mapping.get_serial_list()
def get_ip_of_serial(self, enb_serial: str) -> str:
return self._ip_serial_mapping.get_ip(enb_serial)
def get_serial_of_ip(self, client_ip: str) -> str:
serial = self._ip_serial_mapping.get_serial(client_ip)
return serial or 'default'
def _get_handler(
client_ip: str,
) -> EnodebAcsStateMachine:
return self._state_machine_by_ip[client_ip]
def _update_device_mapping(
client_ip: str,
inform: models.Inform,
) -> None:
When receiving an Inform message, we can figure out what device we
are talking to. We can also see if the IP has changed, and the
StateMachineManager must track this so that subsequent tr069
messages can be handled correctly.
enb_serial = self._parse_msg_for_serial(inform)
if enb_serial is None:
raise UnrecognizedEnodebError(
'eNB does not have serial number '
'under expected param path',
if not is_enb_registered(self._service.mconfig, enb_serial):
raise UnrecognizedEnodebError(
'eNB not registered to this Access '
'Gateway (serial #%s)' % enb_serial,
self._associate_serial_to_ip(client_ip, enb_serial)
handler = self._get_handler(client_ip)
if handler is None:
device_name = get_device_name_from_inform(inform)
handler = self._build_handler(device_name)
self._state_machine_by_ip[client_ip] = handler
def _associate_serial_to_ip(
client_ip: str,
enb_serial: str,
) -> None:
If a device/IP combination changes, then the StateMachineManager
must detect this, and update its mapping of what serial/IP corresponds
to which handler.
if self._ip_serial_mapping.has_ip(client_ip):
# Same IP, different eNB connected
prev_serial = self._ip_serial_mapping.get_serial(client_ip)
if enb_serial != prev_serial:
'eNodeB change on IP <%s>, from %s to %s',
client_ip, prev_serial, enb_serial,
self._ip_serial_mapping.set_ip_and_serial(client_ip, enb_serial)
self._state_machine_by_ip[client_ip] = None
elif self._ip_serial_mapping.has_serial(enb_serial):
# Same eNB, different IP
prev_ip = self._ip_serial_mapping.get_ip(enb_serial)
if client_ip != prev_ip:
'eNodeB <%s> changed IP from %s to %s',
enb_serial, prev_ip, client_ip,
self._ip_serial_mapping.set_ip_and_serial(client_ip, enb_serial)
handler = self._state_machine_by_ip[prev_ip]
self._state_machine_by_ip[client_ip] = handler
del self._state_machine_by_ip[prev_ip]
# TR069 message is coming from a different IP, and a different
# serial ID. No need to change mapping
handler = None
self._ip_serial_mapping.set_ip_and_serial(client_ip, enb_serial)
self._state_machine_by_ip[client_ip] = handler
def _parse_msg_for_serial(tr069_message: models.Inform) -> Optional[str]:
""" Return the eNodeB serial ID if it's found in the message """
if not isinstance(tr069_message, models.Inform):
# Mikrotik Intercell does not return serial in ParameterList
if hasattr(tr069_message, 'DeviceId') and \
hasattr(tr069_message.DeviceId, 'SerialNumber'):
return tr069_message.DeviceId.SerialNumber
if not hasattr(tr069_message, 'ParameterList') or \
not hasattr(tr069_message.ParameterList, 'ParameterValueStruct'):
return None
# Parse the parameters
param_values_by_path = {}
for param_value in tr069_message.ParameterList.ParameterValueStruct:
path = param_value.Name
value = param_value.Value.Data
param_values_by_path[path] = value
possible_sn_paths = [
for path in possible_sn_paths:
if path in param_values_by_path:
return param_values_by_path[path]
return None
def _get_client_ip(ctx: WsgiMethodContext) -> str:
client_ip = ctx.transport.req_env.get("HTTP_X_REAL_IP",
ctx.transport.req_env.get("REMOTE_ADDR", "unknown")
return client_ip
def _build_handler(
device_name: EnodebDeviceName,
) -> EnodebAcsStateMachine:
Create a new state machine based on the device type
device_handler_class = get_device_handler_from_name(device_name)
acs_state_machine = device_handler_class(self._service)
return acs_state_machine
class IpToSerialMapping:
""" Bidirectional map between <eNodeB IP> and <eNodeB serial ID> """
def __init__(self) -> None:
self.ip_by_enb_serial = {}
self.enb_serial_by_ip = {}
def del_ip(self, ip: str) -> None:
if ip not in self.enb_serial_by_ip:
raise KeyError('Cannot delete missing IP')
serial = self.enb_serial_by_ip[ip]
del self.enb_serial_by_ip[ip]
del self.ip_by_enb_serial[serial]
def del_serial(self, serial: str) -> None:
if serial not in self.ip_by_enb_serial:
raise KeyError('Cannot delete missing eNodeB serial ID')
ip = self.ip_by_enb_serial[serial]
del self.ip_by_enb_serial[serial]
del self.enb_serial_by_ip[ip]
def set_ip_and_serial(self, ip: str, serial: str) -> None:
self.ip_by_enb_serial[serial] = ip
self.enb_serial_by_ip[ip] = serial
def get_ip(self, serial: str) -> str:
return self.ip_by_enb_serial[serial]
def get_serial(self, ip: str) -> Optional[str]:
return self.enb_serial_by_ip.get(ip, None)
def has_ip(self, ip: str) -> bool:
return ip in self.enb_serial_by_ip
def has_serial(self, serial: str) -> bool:
return serial in self.ip_by_enb_serial
def get_serial_list(self) -> List[str]:
return list(self.ip_by_enb_serial.keys())
def get_ip_list(self) -> List[str]:
return list(self.enb_serial_by_ip.keys())