blob: ac4795b55a15fd756209e9bc76937b23d00888e9 [file] [log] [blame]
// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 The Magma Authors.
// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 Open Networking Foundation <>
// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
syntax = "proto3";
package magma.orc8r;
import "google/protobuf/any.proto";
option go_package = "magma/orc8r/lib/go/protos";
// Streamer provides a pipeline for the cloud to push the updates to the
// gateway as and when the update happens.
// The Streamer interface defines the semantics and consistency guarantees
// between the cloud and the gateway while abstracting the details of how
// it's implemented in the cloud and what the gateway does with the updates.
// - The gateways call the GetUpdates() streaming API with a StreamRequest
// indicating the stream name and the offset to continue streaming from.
// - The cloud sends a stream of DataUpdateBatch containing a batch of updates.
// - If resync is true, then the gateway can cleanup all its data and add
// all the keys (the batch is guaranteed to contain only unique keys).
// - If resync is false, then the gateway can update the keys, or add new
// ones if the key is not already present.
// - Key deletions are not yet supported (#15109350)
service Streamer {
// GetUpdates streams config updates from the cloud.
// The RPC call would be kept open to push new updates as they happen.
rpc GetUpdates (StreamRequest) returns (stream DataUpdateBatch) {}
message StreamRequest {
string gatewayId = 1;
// stream_name to attach to.
// E.g., subscriberdb, config, etc.
string stream_name = 2;
// extra_args contain any extra data to send up with the stream request.
// This value will be different per stream provider.
google.protobuf.Any extra_args = 3;
message DataUpdateBatch {
// updates to config values
repeated DataUpdate updates = 1;
// resync is true iff the updates would be a snapshot of all the contents
// in the cloud.
bool resync = 2;
message DataUpdate {
// key is the unique key for each item
string key = 1;
// value can be file contents, protobuf serialized message, etc.
// For key deletions, the value field would be absent.
bytes value = 2;