Setup and test spec implementation
Setup now installs code as normal conventions:
cd oftest/src/python
python install
See for recommended import conventions
Command line parsing significantly updated; allow --test-spec
to indicate a module or specific tests to include.
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index 268d313..00b1670 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -15,19 +15,20 @@
-from scapy.all import *
-import unittest
import time
import signal
import sys
-##@todo Use setup to place OFT modules in path
-from message import *
-from dataplane import *
-from controller import *
import logging
+import scapy.all as scapy
+import unittest
+import oftest.controller as controller
+import oftest.cstruct as ofp
+import oftest.message as message
+import oftest.dataplane as dataplane
+import oftest.action as action
basic_port_map = None
basic_logger = None
basic_config = None
@@ -48,9 +49,9 @@"Initializing test set")
basic_port_map = config["port_map"]
basic_config = config
- return suite()
-def suite():
+# No longer used
+def suite(test_spec):
suite = unittest.TestSuite()
@@ -68,14 +69,18 @@
def sig_handler(self):
basic_logger.critical("Received interrupt signal; exiting")
print "Received interrupt signal; exiting"
- self.controller.shutdown()
+ self.clean_shutdown = False
+ self.tearDown()
def setUp(self):
signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, self.sig_handler)"Setup for " + str(self))
- self.controller = Controller(host=basic_config["controller_host"],
- port=basic_config["controller_port"])
+ self.controller = controller.Controller(
+ host=basic_config["controller_host"],
+ port=basic_config["controller_port"])
+ # clean_shutdown is set to False to force quit app
+ self.clean_shutdown = True
self.controller.connect(timeout=20)"Connected " + str(self.controller.switch_addr))
@@ -83,7 +88,9 @@
def tearDown(self):"Teardown for simple proto test")
- # self.controller.join()
+ #@todo Review if join should be done on clean_shutdown
+ # if self.clean_shutdown:
+ # self.controller.join()
def runTest(self):
# Just a simple sanity check as illustration
@@ -97,14 +104,14 @@
def setUp(self):
- self.dataplane = DataPlane()
+ self.dataplane = dataplane.DataPlane()
for of_port, ifname in basic_port_map.items():
self.dataplane.port_add(ifname, of_port)
def tearDown(self):"Teardown for simple dataplane test")
- self.dataplane.kill(join_threads=True)
+ self.dataplane.kill(join_threads=self.clean_shutdown)"Teardown done")
def runTest(self):
@@ -118,9 +125,9 @@
Test echo response with no data
def runTest(self):
- request = echo_request()
+ request = message.echo_request()
response, pkt = self.controller.transact(request)
- self.assertEqual(response.header.type, OFPT_ECHO_REPLY,
+ self.assertEqual(response.header.type, ofp.OFPT_ECHO_REPLY,
'response is not echo_reply')
self.assertEqual(request.header.xid, response.header.xid,
'response xid != request xid')
@@ -131,10 +138,10 @@
Test echo response with short string data
def runTest(self):
- request = echo_request()
+ request = message.echo_request() = 'OpenFlow Will Rule The World'
response, pkt = self.controller.transact(request)
- self.assertEqual(response.header.type, OFPT_ECHO_REPLY,
+ self.assertEqual(response.header.type, ofp.OFPT_ECHO_REPLY,
'response is not echo_reply')
self.assertEqual(request.header.xid, response.header.xid,
'response xid != request xid')
@@ -153,11 +160,11 @@
for of_port in basic_port_map.keys():"PKT IN test, port " + str(of_port))
- pkt=Ether()/IP(dst="")/TCP()/\
+ pkt = scapy.Ether()/scapy.IP(dst="")/scapy.TCP()/\
("GET /index.html HTTP/1.0. port" + str(of_port))
self.dataplane.send(of_port, str(pkt))
#@todo Check for unexpected messages?
- (response, raw) = self.controller.poll(OFPT_PACKET_IN, 2)
+ (response, raw) = self.controller.poll(ofp.OFPT_PACKET_IN, 2)
self.assertTrue(response is not None,
'Packet in message not received')
@@ -179,14 +186,14 @@
# For now, a random packet from scapy tutorial
# These will get put into function
- outpkt=Ether()/IP(dst="")/TCP()/\
+ outpkt = scapy.Ether()/scapy.IP(dst="")/scapy.TCP()/\
"GET /index.html HTTP/1.0 \n\n"
of_ports = basic_port_map.keys()
for dp_port in of_ports:
- msg = packet_out()
+ msg = message.packet_out() = str(outpkt)
- act = action_output()
+ act = action.action_output()
act.port = dp_port
self.assertTrue(msg.actions.add(act), 'Could not add action to msg')
@@ -203,8 +210,25 @@
self.assertEqual(str(outpkt), str(pkt),
'Response packet does not match send packet')
+#class StatsGetTestCase(SimpleProtocolTestCase):
+# """
+# Get stats
+# """
+# def runTest(self):
+# request = message.flow_stats_request()
+# request.out_port = ofp.OFPP_NONE
+# request.match.wildcards = ofp.OFPFW_ALL
+# response, pkt = self.controller.transact(request)
if __name__ == "__main__":
- unittest.main()
+ print "Please run through oft script: ./oft --test_spec=basic"
+#@todo Set up direct execution as script
+#if __name__ == "__main__":
+# TODO set up some config struct
+# test_set_init(config)
+# unittest.main()
# suite = unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(PacketOutTestCase)
# unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=2).run(suite)
diff --git a/tests/oft b/tests/oft
index b6a3a24..32c1b85 100755
--- a/tests/oft
+++ b/tests/oft
@@ -11,21 +11,46 @@
ygenerally called config. The keys have the following
platform : String identifying the target platform
controller_host : Host on which test controller is running (for sockets)
controller_port : Port on which test controller listens for switch cxn
port_count : (Optional) Number of ports in dataplane
base_of_port : (Optional) Base OpenFlow port number in dataplane
base_if_index : (Optional) Base OS network interface for dataplane
+ test_dir : (TBD) Directory to search for test files (default .)
test_spec : (TBD) Specification of test(s) to run
log_file : Filename for test logging
+ list : Boolean: List all tests and exit
debug : String giving debug level (info, warning, error...)
- dbg_level : logging module value of debug level
- port_map : Map of dataplane OpenFlow port to OS interface names
See config_defaults below for the default values.
-To add configuration to the system, first add an entry to config_default
+The following are stored in the config dictionary, but are not currently
+configurable through the command line.
+ dbg_level : logging module value of debug level
+ port_map : Map of dataplane OpenFlow port to OS interface names
+ test_mod_map : Dictionary indexed by module names and whose value
+ is the module reference
+ all_tests : Dictionary indexed by module reference and whose
+ value is a list of functions in that module
+To add a test to the system, either: edit an existing test case file (like to add a test class which inherits from unittest.TestCase (directly
+or indirectly); or add a new file which includes a function definition
+test_set_init(config). Preferably the file is in the same directory as existing
+tests, though you can specify the directory on the command line. The file
+should not be called "all" as that's reserved for the test-spec.
+If you add a new file, the test_set_init function should record the port
+map object from the configuration along with whatever other configuration
+information it may need.
+TBD: To add configuration to the system, first add an entry to config_default
below. If you want this to be a command line parameter, edit config_setup
to add the option and default value to the parser. Then edit config_get
to make sure the option value gets copied into the configuration
@@ -61,23 +86,37 @@
The default setup runs locally using veth pairs. To exercise this,
checkout and build an openflow userspace datapath. Then start it on
the local host:
sudo ~/openflow/regress/bin/
sudo ofdatapath -i veth0,veth2,veth4,veth6 punix:/tmp/ofd &
sudo ofprotocol unix:/tmp/ofd tcp: --fail=closed --max-backoff=1 &
Next, run oft:
sudo ./oft --debug=info
Examine oft.log if things don't work.
+@todo Generate test catalog; support list, selection and grouping
+Proposed test case setup:
+ Files in this or sub directories (or later, directory specified on
+command line) that contain a function test_set_init are considered test
+ The function test_set_init examines the test_spec config variable
+and generates a suite of tests.
+ Support a command line option --test_mod so that all tests in that
+module will be run.
+ Support all to specify all tests from the module.
import sys
from optparse import OptionParser
+from subprocess import Popen,PIPE
import logging
import unittest
-# Import test files
-import basic
+import time
# Map from strings to debugging levels
@@ -96,6 +135,7 @@
##@var config_default
# The default configuration dictionary for OFT
+#@todo Set up a dict of config params so easier to manage
config_default = {
"platform" : "local",
"controller_host" : "",
@@ -103,8 +143,10 @@
"port_count" : 4,
"base_of_port" : 1,
"base_if_index" : 1,
- "test_spec" : "basic",
+ "test_spec" : "all",
+ "test_dir" : ".",
"log_file" : "oft.log",
+ "list" : False,
"debug" : _debug_default,
"dbg_level" : _debug_level_default,
"port_map" : {}
@@ -114,19 +156,15 @@
def config_get(opts):
"Convert options class to OFT configuration dictionary"
cfg = config_default.copy()
- cfg["platform"] = opts.platform
- cfg["controller_host"] = opts.controller_host
- cfg["controller_port"] = opts.controller_port
- cfg["test_spec"] = opts.test_spec
- cfg["log_file"] = opts.log_file
+ for key in cfg.keys():
+ cfg[key] = eval("opts." + key)
+ # Special case checks
if opts.debug not in DEBUG_LEVELS.keys():
print "Warning: Bad value specified for debug level; using default"
opts.debug = _debug_default
- cfg["debug"] = opts.debug
cfg["dbg_level"] = DEBUG_LEVELS[cfg["debug"]]
- cfg["base_of_port"] = opts.base_of_port
- cfg["base_if_index"] = opts.base_if_index
- cfg["port_count"] = opts.port_count
return cfg
def config_setup(cfg_dflt):
@@ -140,17 +178,12 @@
parser = OptionParser(version="%prog 0.1")
+ #@todo parse port map as option?
# Set up default values
- parser.set_defaults(platform=cfg_dflt["platform"])
- parser.set_defaults(controller_host=cfg_dflt["controller_host"])
- parser.set_defaults(controller_port=cfg_dflt["controller_port"])
- parser.set_defaults(test_spec=cfg_dflt["test_spec"])
- parser.set_defaults(log_file=cfg_dflt["log_file"])
- parser.set_defaults(debug=cfg_dflt["debug"])
- parser.set_defaults(base_of_port=cfg_dflt["base_of_port"])
- parser.set_defaults(base_if_index=cfg_dflt["base_if_index"])
- parser.set_defaults(port_count=cfg_dflt["port_count"])
+ for key in cfg_dflt.keys():
+ eval("parser.set_defaults("+key+"=cfg_dflt['"+key+"'])")
+ #@todo Add options via dictionary
plat_help = """Set the platform type. Valid values include:
local: User space virtual ethernet pair setup
remote: Remote embedded Broadcom based switch
@@ -166,11 +199,13 @@
help="Name of log file, empty string to log to console")
help="Debug lvl: debug, info, warning, error, critical")
- parser.add_option("--port_count",
+ parser.add_option("--port-count",
help="Number of ports to use (optional)")
- parser.add_option("--base_of_port",
+ parser.add_option("--base-of-port",
help="Base OpenFlow port number (optional)")
- parser.add_option("--base_if_index",
+ parser.add_option("--base-if-index",
+ help="Base interface index number (optional)")
+ parser.add_option("--list", action="store_true",
help="Base interface index number (optional)")
# Might need this if other parsers want command line
# parser.allow_interspersed_args = False
@@ -217,19 +252,122 @@"Built default port map")
return port_map
+def test_list_generate(config):
+ """Generate the list of all known tests indexed by module name
+ Conventions: Test files must implement the function test_set_init
+ Test cases are classes that implement testRun
+ @param config The oft configuration dictionary
+ @returns An array of triples (mod-name, module, [tests]) where
+ mod-name is the string (filename) of the module, module is the
+ value returned from __import__'ing the module and [tests] is an
+ array of strings giving the test cases from the module.
+ """
+ # Find and import test files
+ p1 = Popen(["find", config["test_dir"], "-type","f"], stdout = PIPE)
+ p2 = Popen(["xargs", "grep", "-l", "-e", "^def test_set_init"],
+ stdin=p1.stdout, stdout=PIPE)
+ all_tests = {}
+ mod_name_map = {}
+ # There's an extra empty entry at the end of the list
+ filelist = p2.communicate()[0].split("\n")[:-1]
+ for file in filelist:
+ modfile = file.lstrip('./')[:-3]
+ try:
+ mod = __import__(modfile)
+ except:
+ logging.warning("Could not import file " + file)
+ continue
+ mod_name_map[modfile] = mod
+ added_fn = False
+ for fn in dir(mod):
+ if 'runTest' in dir(eval("mod." + fn)):
+ if not added_fn:
+ mod_name_map[modfile] = mod
+ all_tests[mod] = []
+ added_fn = True
+ all_tests[mod].append(fn)
+ config["all_tests"] = all_tests
+ config["mod_name_map"] = mod_name_map
+def die(msg, exit_val=1):
+ print msg
+ logging.critical(msg)
+ sys.exit(exit_val)
+def add_test(suite, mod, name):
+"Adding test " + mod.__name__ + "." + name)
+ suite.addTest(eval("mod." + name)())
# Main script
# Get configuration, set up logging, import platform from file
(config, args) = config_setup(config_default)
-logging_setup(config)"*** STARTING TEST RUN ***")
-of_os_port_map = None
+# Check if test list is requested; display and exit if so
+if config["list"]:
+ print "\nTest List:"
+ for mod in config["all_tests"].keys():
+ print " Module: " + mod.__name__
+ for test in config["all_tests"][mod]:
+ print " " + test
+ sys.exit(0)
+logging_setup(config)"++++++++ " + time.asctime() + " ++++++++")
+# Generate the test suite
+#@todo Decide if multiple suites are ever needed
+suite = unittest.TestSuite()
+if config["test_spec"] == "all":
+ for mod in config["all_tests"].keys():
+ for test in config["all_tests"][mod]:
+ add_test(suite, mod, test)
+ for ts_entry in config["test_spec"].split(","):
+ parts = ts_entry.split(".")
+ if len(parts) == 1: # Either a module or test name
+ if ts_entry in config["mod_name_map"].keys():
+ mod = config["mod_name_map"][ts_entry]
+ for test in config["all_tests"][mod]:
+ add_test(suite, mod, test)
+ else: # Search for matching tests
+ test_found = False
+ for mod in config["all_tests"].keys():
+ if ts_entry in config["all_tests"][mod]:
+ add_test(suite, mod, ts_entry)
+ test_found = True
+ if not test_found:
+ die("Could not find module or test: " + ts_entry)
+ elif len(parts) == 2: # module.test
+ if parts[0] not in config["mod_name_map"]:
+ die("Unknown module in test spec: " + ts_entry)
+ mod = config["mod_name_map"][parts[0]]
+ if parts[1] in config["all_tests"][mod]:
+ add_test(suite, mod, parts[1])
+ else:
+ die("No known test matches: " + ts_entry)
+ else:
+ die("Bad test spec: " + ts_entry)
+# Check if platform specified
if config["platform"]:
_imp_string = "from " + config["platform"] + " import *"
-"Importing: " + _imp_string)
+"Importing platform: " + _imp_string)
@@ -245,20 +383,26 @@
config["port_map"] = default_port_map_setup(config)
if not config["port_map"]:
- logging.critical("Interface port map is not defined. Exiting")
- print("Interface port map is not defined. Exiting")
- sys.exit(1)
+ die("Interface port map is not defined. Exiting")
logging.debug("Configuration: " + str(config))"OF port map: " + str(config["port_map"]))
# Init the test sets
-#@todo Use test-spec from config to determine which tests to run
-basic_suite = basic.test_set_init(config)
-if config["dbg_level"] >= logging.WARNING: _verb = 1
-else: _verb = 2
+for (modname,mod) in config["mod_name_map"].items():
+ try:
+ mod.test_set_init(config)
+ except:
+ logging.warning("Could not run test_set_init for " + modname)
+if config["dbg_level"] == logging.CRITICAL:
+ _verb = 0
+elif config["dbg_level"] >= logging.WARNING:
+ _verb = 1
+ _verb = 2"*** END OF TESTS ***")"*** TEST RUN START: " + time.asctime())
+unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=_verb).run(suite)"*** TEST RUN END : " + time.asctime())