blob: 32c1b8566938e050d8ac8eb9b1d237c2f9a16e0f [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python
@package oft
OpenFlow test framework top level script
This script is the entry point for running OpenFlow tests
using the OFT framework.
The global configuration is passed around in a dictionary
ygenerally called config. The keys have the following
platform : String identifying the target platform
controller_host : Host on which test controller is running (for sockets)
controller_port : Port on which test controller listens for switch cxn
port_count : (Optional) Number of ports in dataplane
base_of_port : (Optional) Base OpenFlow port number in dataplane
base_if_index : (Optional) Base OS network interface for dataplane
test_dir : (TBD) Directory to search for test files (default .)
test_spec : (TBD) Specification of test(s) to run
log_file : Filename for test logging
list : Boolean: List all tests and exit
debug : String giving debug level (info, warning, error...)
See config_defaults below for the default values.
The following are stored in the config dictionary, but are not currently
configurable through the command line.
dbg_level : logging module value of debug level
port_map : Map of dataplane OpenFlow port to OS interface names
test_mod_map : Dictionary indexed by module names and whose value
is the module reference
all_tests : Dictionary indexed by module reference and whose
value is a list of functions in that module
To add a test to the system, either: edit an existing test case file (like to add a test class which inherits from unittest.TestCase (directly
or indirectly); or add a new file which includes a function definition
test_set_init(config). Preferably the file is in the same directory as existing
tests, though you can specify the directory on the command line. The file
should not be called "all" as that's reserved for the test-spec.
If you add a new file, the test_set_init function should record the port
map object from the configuration along with whatever other configuration
information it may need.
TBD: To add configuration to the system, first add an entry to config_default
below. If you want this to be a command line parameter, edit config_setup
to add the option and default value to the parser. Then edit config_get
to make sure the option value gets copied into the configuration
structure (which then gets passed to everyone else).
By convention, oft attempts to import the contents of a file by the
name of $ into the local namespace.
IMPORTANT: That file should define a function platform_config_update which
takes a configuration dictionary as an argument and updates it for the
current run. In particular, it should set up config["port_map"] with
the proper map from OF port numbers to OF interface names.
You can add your own platform, say gp104, by adding a file
that defines the function platform_config_update and then use the
parameter --platform=gp104 on the command line.
If platform_config_update does not set config["port_map"], an attempt
is made to generate a default map via the function default_port_map_setup.
This will use "local" and "remote" for platform names if available
and generate a sequential map based on the values of base_of_port and
base_if_index in the configuration structure.
@todo Determine and implement conventions for test_spec.
The current model for test sets is The current convention is
that the test set should implement a function test_set_init which takes
an oft configuration dictionary and returns a unittest.TestSuite object.
Future test sets should do the same thing.
Default setup:
The default setup runs locally using veth pairs. To exercise this,
checkout and build an openflow userspace datapath. Then start it on
the local host:
sudo ~/openflow/regress/bin/
sudo ofdatapath -i veth0,veth2,veth4,veth6 punix:/tmp/ofd &
sudo ofprotocol unix:/tmp/ofd tcp: --fail=closed --max-backoff=1 &
Next, run oft:
sudo ./oft --debug=info
Examine oft.log if things don't work.
@todo Generate test catalog; support list, selection and grouping
Proposed test case setup:
Files in this or sub directories (or later, directory specified on
command line) that contain a function test_set_init are considered test
The function test_set_init examines the test_spec config variable
and generates a suite of tests.
Support a command line option --test_mod so that all tests in that
module will be run.
Support all to specify all tests from the module.
import sys
from optparse import OptionParser
from subprocess import Popen,PIPE
import logging
import unittest
import time
# Map from strings to debugging levels
'debug' : logging.DEBUG,
'verbose' : logging.DEBUG,
'info' : logging.INFO,
'warning' : logging.WARNING,
'warn' : logging.WARNING,
'error' : logging.ERROR,
'critical' : logging.CRITICAL
_debug_default = "warning"
_debug_level_default = DEBUG_LEVELS[_debug_default]
##@var config_default
# The default configuration dictionary for OFT
#@todo Set up a dict of config params so easier to manage
config_default = {
"platform" : "local",
"controller_host" : "",
"controller_port" : 6633,
"port_count" : 4,
"base_of_port" : 1,
"base_if_index" : 1,
"test_spec" : "all",
"test_dir" : ".",
"log_file" : "oft.log",
"list" : False,
"debug" : _debug_default,
"dbg_level" : _debug_level_default,
"port_map" : {}
# Map options to config structure
def config_get(opts):
"Convert options class to OFT configuration dictionary"
cfg = config_default.copy()
for key in cfg.keys():
cfg[key] = eval("opts." + key)
# Special case checks
if opts.debug not in DEBUG_LEVELS.keys():
print "Warning: Bad value specified for debug level; using default"
opts.debug = _debug_default
cfg["dbg_level"] = DEBUG_LEVELS[cfg["debug"]]
return cfg
def config_setup(cfg_dflt):
Set up the configuration including parsing the arguments
@param cfg_dflt The default configuration dictionary
@return A pair (config, args) where config is an config
object and args is any additional arguments from the command line
parser = OptionParser(version="%prog 0.1")
#@todo parse port map as option?
# Set up default values
for key in cfg_dflt.keys():
#@todo Add options via dictionary
plat_help = """Set the platform type. Valid values include:
local: User space virtual ethernet pair setup
remote: Remote embedded Broadcom based switch
parser.add_option("-P", "--platform", help=plat_help)
parser.add_option("-H", "--host", dest="controller_host",
help="The IP/name of the test controller host")
parser.add_option("-p", "--port", dest="controller_port",
type="int", help="Port number of the test controller")
parser.add_option("--test-spec", "--test-list",
help="Indicate tests to run (TBD)")
help="Name of log file, empty string to log to console")
help="Debug lvl: debug, info, warning, error, critical")
help="Number of ports to use (optional)")
help="Base OpenFlow port number (optional)")
help="Base interface index number (optional)")
parser.add_option("--list", action="store_true",
help="Base interface index number (optional)")
# Might need this if other parsers want command line
# parser.allow_interspersed_args = False
(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
config = config_get(options)
return (config, args)
def logging_setup(config):
Set up logging based on config
_format = "%(asctime)s %(name)-10s: %(levelname)-8s: %(message)s"
_datefmt = "%H:%M:%S"
if config["log_file"]:
format=_format, datefmt=_datefmt)
#@todo Handle "no log file"
def default_port_map_setup(config):
Setup the OF port mapping based on config
@param config The OFT configuration structure
@return Port map dictionary
if (config["base_of_port"] is None) or not config["port_count"]:
return None
port_map = {}
if config["platform"] == "local":
# For local, use every other veth port
for idx in range(config["port_count"]):
port_map[config["base_of_port"] + idx] = "veth" + \
str(config["base_if_index"] + (2 * idx))
elif config["platform"] == "remote":
# For remote, use eth ports
for idx in range(config["port_count"]):
port_map[config["base_of_port"] + idx] = "eth" + \
str(config["base_if_index"] + idx)
return None"Built default port map")
return port_map
def test_list_generate(config):
"""Generate the list of all known tests indexed by module name
Conventions: Test files must implement the function test_set_init
Test cases are classes that implement testRun
@param config The oft configuration dictionary
@returns An array of triples (mod-name, module, [tests]) where
mod-name is the string (filename) of the module, module is the
value returned from __import__'ing the module and [tests] is an
array of strings giving the test cases from the module.
# Find and import test files
p1 = Popen(["find", config["test_dir"], "-type","f"], stdout = PIPE)
p2 = Popen(["xargs", "grep", "-l", "-e", "^def test_set_init"],
stdin=p1.stdout, stdout=PIPE)
all_tests = {}
mod_name_map = {}
# There's an extra empty entry at the end of the list
filelist = p2.communicate()[0].split("\n")[:-1]
for file in filelist:
modfile = file.lstrip('./')[:-3]
mod = __import__(modfile)
logging.warning("Could not import file " + file)
mod_name_map[modfile] = mod
added_fn = False
for fn in dir(mod):
if 'runTest' in dir(eval("mod." + fn)):
if not added_fn:
mod_name_map[modfile] = mod
all_tests[mod] = []
added_fn = True
config["all_tests"] = all_tests
config["mod_name_map"] = mod_name_map
def die(msg, exit_val=1):
print msg
def add_test(suite, mod, name):"Adding test " + mod.__name__ + "." + name)
suite.addTest(eval("mod." + name)())
# Main script
# Get configuration, set up logging, import platform from file
(config, args) = config_setup(config_default)
# Check if test list is requested; display and exit if so
if config["list"]:
print "\nTest List:"
for mod in config["all_tests"].keys():
print " Module: " + mod.__name__
for test in config["all_tests"][mod]:
print " " + test
logging_setup(config)"++++++++ " + time.asctime() + " ++++++++")
# Generate the test suite
#@todo Decide if multiple suites are ever needed
suite = unittest.TestSuite()
if config["test_spec"] == "all":
for mod in config["all_tests"].keys():
for test in config["all_tests"][mod]:
add_test(suite, mod, test)
for ts_entry in config["test_spec"].split(","):
parts = ts_entry.split(".")
if len(parts) == 1: # Either a module or test name
if ts_entry in config["mod_name_map"].keys():
mod = config["mod_name_map"][ts_entry]
for test in config["all_tests"][mod]:
add_test(suite, mod, test)
else: # Search for matching tests
test_found = False
for mod in config["all_tests"].keys():
if ts_entry in config["all_tests"][mod]:
add_test(suite, mod, ts_entry)
test_found = True
if not test_found:
die("Could not find module or test: " + ts_entry)
elif len(parts) == 2: # module.test
if parts[0] not in config["mod_name_map"]:
die("Unknown module in test spec: " + ts_entry)
mod = config["mod_name_map"][parts[0]]
if parts[1] in config["all_tests"][mod]:
add_test(suite, mod, parts[1])
die("No known test matches: " + ts_entry)
die("Bad test spec: " + ts_entry)
# Check if platform specified
if config["platform"]:
_imp_string = "from " + config["platform"] + " import *""Importing platform: " + _imp_string)
logging.warn("Failed to import " + config["platform"] + " file")
logging.warn("Could not run platform host configuration")
if not config["port_map"]:
# Try to set up default port mapping if not done by platform
config["port_map"] = default_port_map_setup(config)
if not config["port_map"]:
die("Interface port map is not defined. Exiting")
logging.debug("Configuration: " + str(config))"OF port map: " + str(config["port_map"]))
# Init the test sets
for (modname,mod) in config["mod_name_map"].items():
logging.warning("Could not run test_set_init for " + modname)
if config["dbg_level"] == logging.CRITICAL:
_verb = 0
elif config["dbg_level"] >= logging.WARNING:
_verb = 1
_verb = 2"*** TEST RUN START: " + time.asctime())
unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=_verb).run(suite)"*** TEST RUN END : " + time.asctime())