blob: b699c5e4b090987a217df6ee84fa19bf019211b4 [file] [log] [blame]
"""This module converts C types to Python struct pattern string.
Date June 2009
Created by ykk
import cheader
import struct
class cstruct2py:
"""Class converts C struct to Python struct pattern string
Date October 2009
Created by ykk
def __init__(self):
self.structmap = {}
self.structmap["char"] = "c"
self.structmap["signed char"] = "b"
self.structmap["unsigned char"] = "B"
self.structmap["short"] = "h"
self.structmap["uint16_t"] =\
self.structmap["unsigned short"] = "H"
self.structmap["int"] = "i"
self.structmap["unsigned int"] = "I"
self.structmap["long"] = "l"
self.structmap["uint32_t"] =\
self.structmap["unsigned long"] = "L"
self.structmap["long long"] = "q"
self.structmap["uint64_t"] =\
self.structmap["unsigned long long"] = "Q"
self.structmap["float"] = "f"
self.structmap["double"] = "d"
def get_pattern(self,ctype):
"""Get pattern string for ctype.
Return None if ctype is not expanded.
if (ctype.expanded):
if (isinstance(ctype, cheader.cprimitive)):
return self.structmap[ctype.typename]
elif (isinstance(ctype, cheader.cstruct)):
for member in ctype.members:
string += self.get_pattern(member)
return string
elif (isinstance(ctype, cheader.carray)):
if (ctype.size == 0):
return ""
string = self.get_pattern(ctype.object)
return string * ctype.size
return None
def get_size(self, ctype, prefix="!"):
"""Return size of struct or pattern specified
if (isinstance(ctype, str)):
return struct.calcsize(ctype)
elif (isinstance(ctype, cheader.ctype)):
return struct.calcsize(prefix + self.get_pattern(ctype))
return 0
class structpacker:
"""Pack/unpack packets with ctype.
Date October 2009
Created by ykk
def __init__(self, prefix=""):
"""Initialize with prefix to struct
##Reference to prefix
self.prefix = prefix
def pack(self, ctype, *arg):
"""Pack packet accordingly ctype or pattern provided.
Return struct packed.
if (isinstance(ctype, str)):
return struct.pack(self.prefix+ctype, *arg)
elif (isinstance(ctype, cheader.ctype)):
return struct.pack(self.prefix+cstruct2py.get_pattern(ctype),
return None
def unpack_from_front(self, ctype, binaryString, returnDictionary=True):
"""Unpack packet using front of packet,
accordingly ctype or pattern provided.
Return (dictionary of values indexed by arg name,
remaining binary string) if ctype is cheader.ctype
and returnDictionary is True,
else return (array of data unpacked, remaining binary string).
pattern = ""
if (isinstance(ctype, str)):
pattern = ctype
elif (isinstance(ctype, cheader.ctype)):
pattern = cstruct2py.get_pattern(ctype)
return None
dsize = struct.calcsize(pattern)
if (dsize > len(binaryString)):
return None
return (structpacker.peek_from_front(self, pattern, binaryString, returnDictionary),
def peek_from_front(self, ctype, binaryString, returnDictionary=True):
"""Unpack packet using front of packet,
accordingly ctype or pattern provided.
Return dictionary of values indexed by arg name,
if ctype is cheader.ctype and returnDictionary is True,
else return array of data unpacked.
pattern = self.prefix
if (isinstance(ctype, str)):
pattern += ctype
elif (isinstance(ctype, cheader.ctype)):
pattern += cstruct2py.get_pattern(ctype)
return None
dsize = struct.calcsize(pattern)
if (dsize > len(binaryString)):
return None
data = struct.unpack(pattern, binaryString[0:dsize])
#Return values
if (isinstance(ctype, str) or
(not returnDictionary)):
return data
return self.data2dic(data, ctype)
def data2dic(self,ctype,data):
"""Convert data to dictionary
valDic = {}
names = ctype.get_names()
for name in names:
valDic[name] = []
for d in data:
name = names.pop(0)
return valDic