blob: b6a3a24478773cf63e97bd240f795766cb8d5715 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python
@package oft
OpenFlow test framework top level script
This script is the entry point for running OpenFlow tests
using the OFT framework.
The global configuration is passed around in a dictionary
ygenerally called config. The keys have the following
platform : String identifying the target platform
controller_host : Host on which test controller is running (for sockets)
controller_port : Port on which test controller listens for switch cxn
port_count : (Optional) Number of ports in dataplane
base_of_port : (Optional) Base OpenFlow port number in dataplane
base_if_index : (Optional) Base OS network interface for dataplane
test_spec : (TBD) Specification of test(s) to run
log_file : Filename for test logging
debug : String giving debug level (info, warning, error...)
dbg_level : logging module value of debug level
port_map : Map of dataplane OpenFlow port to OS interface names
See config_defaults below for the default values.
To add configuration to the system, first add an entry to config_default
below. If you want this to be a command line parameter, edit config_setup
to add the option and default value to the parser. Then edit config_get
to make sure the option value gets copied into the configuration
structure (which then gets passed to everyone else).
By convention, oft attempts to import the contents of a file by the
name of $ into the local namespace.
IMPORTANT: That file should define a function platform_config_update which
takes a configuration dictionary as an argument and updates it for the
current run. In particular, it should set up config["port_map"] with
the proper map from OF port numbers to OF interface names.
You can add your own platform, say gp104, by adding a file
that defines the function platform_config_update and then use the
parameter --platform=gp104 on the command line.
If platform_config_update does not set config["port_map"], an attempt
is made to generate a default map via the function default_port_map_setup.
This will use "local" and "remote" for platform names if available
and generate a sequential map based on the values of base_of_port and
base_if_index in the configuration structure.
@todo Determine and implement conventions for test_spec.
The current model for test sets is The current convention is
that the test set should implement a function test_set_init which takes
an oft configuration dictionary and returns a unittest.TestSuite object.
Future test sets should do the same thing.
Default setup:
The default setup runs locally using veth pairs. To exercise this,
checkout and build an openflow userspace datapath. Then start it on
the local host:
sudo ~/openflow/regress/bin/
sudo ofdatapath -i veth0,veth2,veth4,veth6 punix:/tmp/ofd &
sudo ofprotocol unix:/tmp/ofd tcp: --fail=closed --max-backoff=1 &
Next, run oft:
sudo ./oft --debug=info
Examine oft.log if things don't work.
import sys
from optparse import OptionParser
import logging
import unittest
# Import test files
import basic
# Map from strings to debugging levels
'debug' : logging.DEBUG,
'verbose' : logging.DEBUG,
'info' : logging.INFO,
'warning' : logging.WARNING,
'warn' : logging.WARNING,
'error' : logging.ERROR,
'critical' : logging.CRITICAL
_debug_default = "warning"
_debug_level_default = DEBUG_LEVELS[_debug_default]
##@var config_default
# The default configuration dictionary for OFT
config_default = {
"platform" : "local",
"controller_host" : "",
"controller_port" : 6633,
"port_count" : 4,
"base_of_port" : 1,
"base_if_index" : 1,
"test_spec" : "basic",
"log_file" : "oft.log",
"debug" : _debug_default,
"dbg_level" : _debug_level_default,
"port_map" : {}
# Map options to config structure
def config_get(opts):
"Convert options class to OFT configuration dictionary"
cfg = config_default.copy()
cfg["platform"] = opts.platform
cfg["controller_host"] = opts.controller_host
cfg["controller_port"] = opts.controller_port
cfg["test_spec"] = opts.test_spec
cfg["log_file"] = opts.log_file
if opts.debug not in DEBUG_LEVELS.keys():
print "Warning: Bad value specified for debug level; using default"
opts.debug = _debug_default
cfg["debug"] = opts.debug
cfg["dbg_level"] = DEBUG_LEVELS[cfg["debug"]]
cfg["base_of_port"] = opts.base_of_port
cfg["base_if_index"] = opts.base_if_index
cfg["port_count"] = opts.port_count
return cfg
def config_setup(cfg_dflt):
Set up the configuration including parsing the arguments
@param cfg_dflt The default configuration dictionary
@return A pair (config, args) where config is an config
object and args is any additional arguments from the command line
parser = OptionParser(version="%prog 0.1")
# Set up default values
plat_help = """Set the platform type. Valid values include:
local: User space virtual ethernet pair setup
remote: Remote embedded Broadcom based switch
parser.add_option("-P", "--platform", help=plat_help)
parser.add_option("-H", "--host", dest="controller_host",
help="The IP/name of the test controller host")
parser.add_option("-p", "--port", dest="controller_port",
type="int", help="Port number of the test controller")
parser.add_option("--test-spec", "--test-list",
help="Indicate tests to run (TBD)")
help="Name of log file, empty string to log to console")
help="Debug lvl: debug, info, warning, error, critical")
help="Number of ports to use (optional)")
help="Base OpenFlow port number (optional)")
help="Base interface index number (optional)")
# Might need this if other parsers want command line
# parser.allow_interspersed_args = False
(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
config = config_get(options)
return (config, args)
def logging_setup(config):
Set up logging based on config
_format = "%(asctime)s %(name)-10s: %(levelname)-8s: %(message)s"
_datefmt = "%H:%M:%S"
if config["log_file"]:
format=_format, datefmt=_datefmt)
#@todo Handle "no log file"
def default_port_map_setup(config):
Setup the OF port mapping based on config
@param config The OFT configuration structure
@return Port map dictionary
if (config["base_of_port"] is None) or not config["port_count"]:
return None
port_map = {}
if config["platform"] == "local":
# For local, use every other veth port
for idx in range(config["port_count"]):
port_map[config["base_of_port"] + idx] = "veth" + \
str(config["base_if_index"] + (2 * idx))
elif config["platform"] == "remote":
# For remote, use eth ports
for idx in range(config["port_count"]):
port_map[config["base_of_port"] + idx] = "eth" + \
str(config["base_if_index"] + idx)
return None"Built default port map")
return port_map
# Main script
# Get configuration, set up logging, import platform from file
(config, args) = config_setup(config_default)
logging_setup(config)"*** STARTING TEST RUN ***")
of_os_port_map = None
if config["platform"]:
_imp_string = "from " + config["platform"] + " import *""Importing: " + _imp_string)
logging.warn("Failed to import " + config["platform"] + " file")
logging.warn("Could not run platform host configuration")
if not config["port_map"]:
# Try to set up default port mapping if not done by platform
config["port_map"] = default_port_map_setup(config)
if not config["port_map"]:
logging.critical("Interface port map is not defined. Exiting")
print("Interface port map is not defined. Exiting")
logging.debug("Configuration: " + str(config))"OF port map: " + str(config["port_map"]))
# Init the test sets
#@todo Use test-spec from config to determine which tests to run
basic_suite = basic.test_set_init(config)
if config["dbg_level"] >= logging.WARNING: _verb = 1
else: _verb = 2
unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=_verb).run(basic_suite)"*** END OF TESTS ***")