Added install to Makefile
Updated README
Updated doc for test_spec
diff --git a/README b/README
index d718f0a..b069afb 100644
--- a/README
+++ b/README
@@ -30,33 +30,23 @@
         This places files in <oftest>/src/python/oftest/src
     3.  Install with setup (currently not required)
-        * TBD
+        * make install
+        This runs setuptools on the generated source.  It requires
+        that setuptools be installed and the user have sudo rights.
     4.  Edit configuration
-        Edit <oftest>/src/python/oftest/ The only 
-        important variables right now are:
-        # The platform targetted; currently ignored outside this file
-        platform = <string>
-        # The association of OF port number to interface name
-        interface_ofport_map = {
-            <of_port_number> : <os_interface_name>,
-            ...
-        }
-        controller_port = <port number on which to listen>
-        controller_host = <ip address on which to listen>
-        debug_level_default = <desired debug level>
+        Starting from as a simple example, you can add your
+        own <platform>.py file and then have it imported with
+        --platform=<platform> on the command line.
     5.  Start the switch to test
         The switch must be running and actively attempting to 
         connect to the controller at the host/port specified above.
-    6.  Run
-        See Warning above
+    6.  Run oft
+        See Warning above; requires sudo to control the dataplane
         * cd <oftest>/tests
-        * sudo python
+        * sudo ./oft --help
diff --git a/tests/oft b/tests/oft
index 32c1b85..a4fb8f7 100755
--- a/tests/oft
+++ b/tests/oft
@@ -187,14 +187,20 @@
     plat_help = """Set the platform type.  Valid values include:
         local:  User space virtual ethernet pair setup
         remote:  Remote embedded Broadcom based switch
+        Create a file and use --platform=new_plat on the command line
     parser.add_option("-P", "--platform", help=plat_help)
     parser.add_option("-H", "--host", dest="controller_host",
                       help="The IP/name of the test controller host")
     parser.add_option("-p", "--port", dest="controller_port",
                       type="int", help="Port number of the test controller")
-    parser.add_option("--test-spec", "--test-list", 
-                      help="Indicate tests to run (TBD)")
+    test_list_help = """Indicate tests to run.  Valid entries are "all" (the
+        default) or a comma separated list of:
+        module            Run all tests in the named module
+        testcase          Run tests in all modules with the name testcase
+        module.testcase   Run the specific test case
+        """
+    parser.add_option("--test-spec", "--test-list", help=test_list_help)
                       help="Name of log file, empty string to log to console")
diff --git a/tools/munger/Makefile b/tools/munger/Makefile
index 491c451..31f3423 100644
--- a/tools/munger/Makefile
+++ b/tools/munger/Makefile
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
 PYLIBOF_DIR = ${TOOLS_DIR}/pylibopenflow
 TARGET_DIR = ${TOP_DIR}/src/python/oftest
+SETUP_DIR = ${TOP_DIR}/src/python/
 # Relative to pyopenflow-pythonize exec location
 OF_HEADER = include/openflow.h
@@ -40,6 +41,9 @@
 all: ${GEN_FILES}
+install: all
+	(cd ${SETUP_DIR} && sudo python install)
 # The core OpenFlow libraries generated from openflow.h
@@ -76,10 +80,11 @@
 	@echo "    make local:  Generate files and put in src/"
 	@echo "Targets:"
-	@echo "   all:    Puts generated .py in ${TARGET_DIR}"
-	@echo "   lint:   Puts error report in lint/*.log"
-	@echo "   doc:    Runs doxygen on generated files in ../../doc"
-	@echo "   clean:  Removes generated files"
+	@echo "   all:     Puts generated .py in ${TARGET_DIR}"
+	@echo "   lint:    Puts error report in lint/*.log"
+	@echo "   doc:     Runs doxygen on generated files in ../../doc"
+	@echo "   install: Run setup tools for generated python	source"
+	@echo "   clean:   Removes generated files"
 	@echo "Debug info:"